34 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 1, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Kinda actually a really good series!

I truly do not understand all the hate that this series got. The only thing that I saw that was unrealistic in the show was the support that the two ML's got from their friends and family, because that doesn't happen to the extent that was portrayed in the show. Support is often there, but rarely do people go to such lengths for someone else's happiness. At one point, Fah was talking about a side couple and (to paraphrase) he basically said --I know how they feel but it's not my business. They'll figure it out.-- That caught me completely off guard. I mean, it's a drama and you're not going to get involved?? But it worked with the character's personality. (Heh, my example may not sound like support, but in my opinion it was.)

The cast is all new actors, and honestly, they did a great job. The director kept the show moving and the writers didn't let us sit with scenes upon scenes of slow dialogue, as is often the case. Occasionally there were some pauses when the characters were talking, but it was more like natural conversation than a lot of BL's I've seen. The plot included the necessary drama, emotional growth of the characters, varying locations, and several different types of relationships. I've seen comments about the toxicity of the MLs relationship, but it seems to me that the toxicity was more self-induced than anything else.

I think the fact that they had to fight themselves as well as each other in order to find a happy middle ground for a relationship made this so much more realistic. Trust, love, jealousy, lust, passion, hope, disappointment, was all within these 12 episodes. It's nice when people can have a perfect relationship, but often it's a facade, hiding the truths and deceptions of one or more parties within that relationship. Having to work together towards an understanding of each other, through trials and tribulations, makes for a better bond than taking everything at face value. This leads to my favorite line of the whole series: "I'm trying."

I saw some comments about how bad the kissing was, and I can only assume that those people don't realize that not everyone kisses the same, and oftentimes you have to adapt to the kisses and physical touches of your partner. Personally I think it's refreshing to see people portray the intimate actions differently. And different moods call for different actions. For instance, being thrown into a wall and kissed hard can be thrilling and passionate at times. Other times, it can just hurt. LOL. I'm not trying to make excuses for the acting or directing. I actually liked the kisses. They were reactive, and not just dead fish lips.

There are very few dramas that I will rewatch, but I can guarantee that I will be revisiting this one. I let the comments sway me and waited, but I'm glad that I finally watched it. Although it does still have the effeminate 'I'm going to break them up' characters (which is a trope in itself) as well as the oh so recognizable fujoshi-type character, for the most part I enjoyed the side characters as much as the main leads. This show didn't leave me all in my feels and hugging myself in comfort or happiness; rather it left me more contemplative... but satisfied.

I do wish Tar would have had his happy ending though...

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KelaAnnette Flower Award1
62 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 3
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Its a shame most do not understand this series, worth every minute

Believe it or not, this series is the most realistic representation of relationships out there. Relationships are not all cute and cuddly like we see in other bls, some relationships are hella toxic but the partners choose to work on them over and over again because they are committed to each other,

To start with, the beginning of the whole series was not love at first sight kind of a thing, It was horny at first sight. The writers and the directors, and the actors did an amazing job showcasing this. Remember how the sex was so cringe you would just feel like just fast forwarding to after its done? It was precise depiction of, hey I have zero feelings for this dude I just want to bed him.

Second, these are two plyers who have no idea how to cherish a relationship. They know they used to play other people so trust levels are at a negative. How they show love, one is being supper possessive and selfish because they do not know how to deal with the overwhelming feelings they cannot understand. The other thinks just because I stopped sleeping around and am only with him he should automatically understand and trust me even when I have put zero effort to risk it all and share how I feel. Of course the relationship is going to be so toxic, and don't stay in your bubble of perfect meet, fall in love, have emotional sex and think that's how it is.

What I love most about this is how the actors portrayed the growth, from two people who just have no idea what they are doing to making numerous mistakes and having horny sex you do not wanna watch to two people who took time to understand each other, not afraid to show their emotions and have butterflies in the stomach kind of sex scenes. Kudos to the whole team for the ability to show the difference. They were not afraid to take the risk and that's why they have my support a million percent.

Fahlan and Sherbert are my favorite couple because they portrayed the most growth emotionally and their chemistry on screen improved a lot. I love that the other two side couples were there to balance toxicity with cuteness showing different sides of relationships. I think this series does not deserve the hate its is getting out there and I hope the team does not give up. I am definitely looking forward to more projects from them

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Cet avis était-il utile?
99 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 13
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Hands-down the worst-written BL of all time

This might seem like hyperbole. But let me explain. Physical Therapy isn't the worst-written BL of all time because it would have to have been written, and if it was, it was only by accident. Someone wrote Fahlanruk on purpose.

It's perfectly OK to have a character start out as "bad" and then go through a redemption arc. It's also OK for a character to be victimized in a bad relationship with a psychopath, in which case his character arc is developing the strength and confidence to recognize his worth to free himself and find love and healing.

But here we have a psychopath who's character arc is to ensnare a man through repeated histrionics and abuse until they live happily ever after. The End. Either this was written by someone without enough life experience to have a clue what adulthood and love are, or they are an adult who is an alcoholic abuse-victim with PTSD who is trying to self-medicate by writing the same scene over and over and over again until the audience shares their PTSD.

Everyone in this story is an alcoholic binge-drinker. Every motivation is jealousy. EVERY motivation. Sher and Fahlan are not boyfriends, they are friends with benefits. While it's clear they have deeper feelings for each other, they aren't committed, but still, whenever the other so much as talks to another human (probaby a pet or inanimate object too, but it never came up) a histrionic public explosion involving physical and emotional violence results, with vow to never speak again, followed by another round of binge-drinking, drunken sex, jealousy, explosion, ad inifinitum.

I'm not exaggerating - sometimes two cycles could occur in a single episode. It gets to the point that you don't care and stop paying attention to the main couple when they're onscreen until Fahlan has his shirt off, because he looks really good with his shirt off. Their endless jealousy fight is so dull and repetitIve that it would have been more entertaining to watch them argue over whether the toilet paper should hang over or under the roll (over the roll unless you're a bad person). I can't believe the author actually thought she was writing a protagonist with Sher - he's a pissy, horrible narcissistic villain. Really, if someone had run up to him in the finale and bludgeoned him to death with a bat, you would have gasped with the realization that there really is a God and that he loves us.

There are two side couples, who talk about absolutely nothing other than Fah and Sher's relationship, except for their own detours into pointless jealousy, public histrionics, and binge-drunkenness, but at least none of the minor characters punch each other in the face all the time.

A lot of people stuck with it for Ping & Tap, who were initially cute and had potential, but they too went around in circles forever until it was hard to care and then their relationship was so anticlimactically resolved that the reaction is, "hunh?" Ping has been pining for Tap for years, and then once they're together Ping behaves like Tap is a poisonous reptile instead of a loving boyfriend, because I presume the writer saw other ukes behave that way and thinks that's how gay couples work. One of them DESPISES SEX WITH A BURNING PASSION but, and only under the greatest duress, gives into the UNNATURAL MONSTROUS LUSTS of another man in order to have someone to protect and take care of him. Yup, that's how real life works.

That leaves us with Gear & Prince, who manage to get through this with merely one histrionic jealousy scene, and when they finally hook up, they're robbed by horrendous cinematography which almost totally obscures what's happening with lens flaring that would make JJ Abrams jealous. They're still better than anything else in this travesty, however.

There's also Pink, the fujoshi, who is eventually exhausted as a cause for jealousy, then spends the rest of the series obsessing over Sher & Fahlan's relationship, dragging around poor Tar and behaving as if he's ugly even if he's the hottest guy on the show (I realize that's debatable, but catch him onstage in the finale).

Sher is a horrible human being who deserves to die alone, not be redeemed through true love. Does anyone really think anyone this awful is going to change overnight? How long to you give him and Fahlan? Two weeks at best.

This show isn't just bad, it's infuriating. It's a complete waste of time with no countervailing redeeming qualities to balance the endlessly repetetive plot. There are attractive guys, but it would be much more economical to cruise the side-characters' social media, and in the case of the main couple, if you're interested in Sher, SEEK COUNSELLING. IMMEDIATELY. If Fah, well, I have to admit you get a lot of shirtless Fah, but I'm sure you can find that somewhere where you don't have to endure this type of torture.

I don't normally say something like this, but please don't watch this. It's because I care about you and your well-being.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 18, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Bumped Into This Series By Chance -

A flame ignites as two FLAWED men cross paths, leaving chaos behind them and many RED FLAGS.

Story >> 7.0 >> 5.0
Plotwise, it´s not that convincing for me yet but I think that there was a lot of potential to make their story more interesting and captivating, and by that I mean not with the number of sensual scenes but a deeper dive-in into the morals and flaws of each character. In the end, I hope that "Fahlanruk" will spread an example / be a lesson for the viewers.

Acting/ Cast >> 7.5 >> 6.5
I´m aware that most of the actors have little experience in acting and I am, personally, fine with watching it nonetheless. I also think that there were some admirable shots that took me by surprise. However, it was not totally convincing.

Music >> 6.5 >> 5.5 >> 4.5
I was not okay with the choice of background music because I didn´t find it catchy or captivating. Especially in more sensual scenes was the choice of music rather anti-climatic, felt more like a hassle. Like, who was in charge of the audio?! lmao

Rewatch Value >> 3.0 >> 2,0
Nothing intrigued me as much as I´d like it to for me to rewatch it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
27 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 14, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 3
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 1.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Don't waste your time

This series . It is the fireball worst. I only continue because of tap and ping, and Prince. I am so over Sher and Fah. I don't even care how this ends to say the truth. First to begin Fah needs to grow some ball tell Sher hhmc and hit him to back f*** you have a guy abusing you and you just keep running in. After all this are they going to live happily ever after fohwtbs. Fah needs to realize Sher ain't shit and go find someone who will treat him good. I goes on YouTube and watch Shaqii reaction with his mom and that's only how I stomach this series. I got nothing with that ending.NOOOTHING

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Z Clemons
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

So bad that you end up enjoying it somewhat???

-Writers should never write a show BL again
-Actors need a little more lessons/practice (some scenes need a lot of help)
-Annoying characters
-Why does every characters life revolves around Fahlan?
-Almost no chemistry between partners
- There was no episode where no one drank alcohol (Like, I fully believe Sherbet is an alcoholic)
-Sherbet needs a punch to the face

-Gear was the best character in the whole show

Would not recommend this show. It definitely ended up on my least favorite list.
Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Worth to give a try

This series is totally different than others. Most of the series only shows us 1 bad boy and other one good , they fall in love and live happily, their only villain is there family or any female character . But in this series the plot is different two same characters fall in love and they both have so many insecurities and its not easy to overcome. In real life also this happens. Happiness never come easily if you hold your ego and take someone as granted for a long time. I love this series because of it shows us the reality. Thank you so much safe studio for making this amazing series .

This series gives us real life experience. In our life we have so many sherbets and Fah . We should learn from this series. Fighting, jealousy, holding your ego won't help you maintain a good relationship. You have to communicate with your partner if you want to have a perfect relationship.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Meet. Sleep with each other. Argue. 'Break Up '. Apologise. Repeat

Augh! I was just hoping for something totally different and entertaining. But this was what I was left with. A repetitive annoying cycle that just goes on and on...and on. I honestly don't know what to say. I'm just loss for words.

Story- 1/10
Now, here's the thing- this series starts off interesting to me. Two guys met. F#$k. And move on- or at least that's what Sher wanted. However they met a second time. And sleep with each other again, eventhough in Sher's book he only does one- night stands. They then become friends with benefits.

And it's here where the repetitive storyline starts and goes on for the remainig ten episodes. It gets annoying and tiring. Also, Sher is lucky that Fah is putting up with so much of his crap. Because, let's be real- he does not deserve him.

Also, why is everybody so invested in the relationship of Fah and Sher? Don't they have thier own lives to focus on?! Thier own boyfriends to love?!! And is sleeping with Fah so good? I count three guys besides Sher who wanted to be with him, ALTHOUGH they knew he was pursuing Sher or with him.

And the secondary couples left me sooo dissapointed. It took so long for Ping and Tap to get together and Prince and Gear's was not focused on at all. This series really had no positive aspects for me whatsoever and that's why I am giving the storyline a 1.

I know that I should go easy on them, because this was basically thier first roles. But, I can't. No one impressed me nor wowed me. I'm still impressed that I stayed with this series for three months.

The music was not that impressive to keep my attention. I am here drawing a blank, because I really do not know the OST.

Rewatch Valu-1/10
No. I put myself through this torture, thinking that it was going to be an interesting series and was just left dissapointed. And the first episode, while not that good, actually was interesting and I wanted to see what happened in the next episode. But after that...just dissapointment upon dissapointment.

Overall, I give this series a 1. It just was not worth it. They tried something different but totally failed.

P.S- Sher's this big singer and throughout the whole series, the viewing audience had not heard him sing a note. Not one peep.

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Abandonné 10/12
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 18, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 12
Abandonné 3
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 1.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Sherbet Needs His @ss Whooped

I can't take this anymore. I think Sherbert has punched Fahlan in the face at least once every episode. What kind of toxic abusive garbage is this? Like why would Fahlan even like someone like Sherbert. Every character needs therapy but won't get it lol. THIS SHOW IS TERRIBLE.

Tap and Ping storyline is a bit more wholesome. But it's just a classic miscommunication trope. Prince and Gear are probably the cutest, but Sherbert and Prince with their misleading and inappropriate pda is a strange storyline. They both get so upset when someone else expresses their dislike about it that they either put a wall up or get violent. ANNOYING

The actors are all cute though and doing a not bad job acting. Tap and Ping also. Prince and Gear, adorable. But I can't with this...

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 30, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

finally my suffering has an end

why do I keep doing this to myself.. big sigh. anyways, here's a rundown:

the premise isn't bad. it's a modern love story. people have casual sex and they eventually catch feelings. I think a lot of people dating nowadays have experienced something similar to this. so I am wondering how they managed to make the messiest plotline ever.
it started off alright. not good, but alright. it got better actually and I found myself relating to Sher and his worries a lot. after episode 5 or 6 (?) they really ran out of ideas though. they said "screw character development, were just gonna repeat the same conflict over and over until they both suddenly change into a better person. but we're not gonna let the audience see them actively trying to change or work through their problems". It was exhausting to watch let me tell you.

the acting wasn't that bad actually. when they weren't trying to be sexy, they delivered their lines decently. but oh my god the "sex" scenes. I've never felt less chemistry between two actors. the kissing scenes looked like two nutcrackers smashing against each other. lips curled inwards, one arm length between them. it was visible how uncomfortable they were together. most of the time it looked like they were fighting but couldn't use their arms so they have to headbut each other to death.
the side couples had such cute scenes together though. i stuck to the end for them, honestly.

I would say: don't waste your time. you can't watch it for the storyline, you can't watch it for the romance and the side couples don't have enough screen time to justify watching 12 episodes. it's not worth it, really.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 21, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Brat vs Pleasure Dom Brat tamer MLs

This is my first review and I'm doing it because I don't think the reviews given for this series are fair. Please note headline as most persons will get a better understanding of the show.
The story is essentially of two player type male leads, that for some reason or another have experienced traumas in life that made commitment a challenge and spawned us a pair with attachment issues. The uke/bottom ML, may not be everyone's cup of tea admittedly because he is very much a brat. For those unfamiliar with the term its a kink personality type, go look it up. But in short, they tend to be very rebellious by nature and take a very deep pleasure in breaking rules and testing limits. The pair match well as they both like the verbal sparring and non traditional seduction game.
I personally love the characters development that takes place and can relate with its unique development. There is spice and steamy moments, but also the presence of other characters which give you vanilla style romance development that helps mellow out the story. Friends to lovers and pure first love arks are what you will find amongst the secondary main lead stories. The story is realistic and humorous without being overly done. There are some scenes, that I will probably rewatch even when I get to my rocking chair days. But, for those who are not understanding or knowledgeable of the charm of kinkster brats, you might find the main lead bottom as problematic and unsavory. I,however, enjoyed seeing a character that I can relate too (yes, I am a brat) portrayed so expressively in this drama. I do recommend this as a good watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 30, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 2.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

A Big Fat Nothing!

I couldn't be more angry about myself right now.I just finished this...whatever was it.A total waste of my time.Time i cannot take back.
I didn't know i have the "Never Drop Syndrome" otherwise i should have dropped this after the first episode.

I deserve a reward for making it through the last episode.And all 12 eps really tested my patience.

Iam trying hard to find one positive thing to mention.Iam so sorry i can't, Just can't.
Always i want to check and decide myself about any Drama,despite the bad reviews.All the bad ones here,trust me are 100% true.

Awful Script,Story,Plot and Characters.
Terrible Acting.
Bad sex scenes and probably the worse kiss scenes ever!You will not find not even one decent kiss here.
BL Industry is not for everyone....

The main concept, having 2 players who are sleeping around,enjoy one nights stands and are allergic to any commitment or relationship,was interesting and kinda hot,in theory.

So after their first one night stand they decided to be F*** Buddies.
Rule No1:
There is NO room for jealousy when you agree to casual sex.
Rule No2:
When you start having feelings for your F*** Buddy,not only you walk away,but you literally RUN.
And clear things as soon as possible.
Otherwise you suck it,hide all your feelings and just stick to sex.

The idea of those 2 guys falling in love with each other wasn't new or original but it was exciting and i was waiting for their development.Yes i was too naive to expect any kind of development.

I really can't figure what kind of therapist Fahlan needed.A Sex therapist to tame his inner beast(LMAO),or a Psychologist
to control his Inflated EGO.

As for the Sherbet guy,one thing is for sure.He definitely MUST attend every AA's meeting in the whole country.
We all been at our 20's loving parties and drinking but oh boy!Here he was too much!liver failure will knock his door too soon!

As for the rest characters...A bunch of cry babies.Thats all.And the setup wasn't in high school.So if you have decided your characters are all adults,let them behave like real adults!
The only exception,reasonable and down -to- earth character was Pink.Except the crazy fan girl part of course.

I have never rated any Drama that low and i trully hope i will not in the future,because that was a traumatic experience and i definitely don't want to relive!

2022 gave us some amazing Bls we will remember for a long time.Today i just need a magical button to erase everything about Fahlanruk in my memory.
Cheers to all the heroes who completed this Series!

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Fhalanrak (2022) poster



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