3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 29, 2022
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Uchronie qui remet un Roi sur le trône de Corée du Sud, avec une femme soldat de Corée du Nord.

J’ai été embarquée dans ce drama comme dans une traversée de tempête, comme quand le navire tangue et roule et menace à tout instant de couler !
Je m’y suis mise dans le cadre de ma nouvelle et violente addiction à Lee Seung Ki(et naturellement il y est génial, mais j’y reviendrai) mais c’est le drama lui-même qui m’a emballée au sens propre du terme.
D’abord l’idée excellente de ce royaume constitutionnel de Corée du Sud. Ce n’était pas inédit, mais justement le souvenir d’ennui profond et de larmoiements de « Goong » m’en avait tenue éloignée malgré de nombreux avis positifs croisés ça et là. Mais pas d’ennui ici ! Le reconstitution de ce royaume fictif est excellente, on s’y croit vraiment. De rebondissements en complots, de déclaration de guerre imminente en enlèvements et assassinats divers, on n’arrête jamais !
La relation amoureuse entre le Prince et l’Officier des forces spéciales (dit comme ça, ça fait bizarre ! ) est très bien menée, pas du tout évidente au début, puis de plus en plus profonde et forte. Le Roi donne parfaitement l’image de l’homme de bonne volonté qui se heurte aux obstacles politiques et économiques d’une dure réalité.
Tous les personnages sont passionnants, le Capitaine d’une fidélité à toute épreuve, le Secrétaire général au cœur partagé, la Princesse frivole et en même temps durement touchée, sans oublier l’horrible Homme de l’ombre, vrai machiavel démoniaque, qu’on a envie de tuer tout de suite… mais alors plus de drama, car il est quand même l’élément moteur essentiel de l’histoire.
Je rajoute une bande son magnifique, des musiques variées, parfaitement adaptées aux scènes, et même les chansons sont belles et parfaitement discrètes !
Donc ce drama est parfait ! Parfait ? Non, la perfection n’est pas de ce monde !
Les défauts : Le Méchant frôle parfois la caricature et la vraisemblance de son pouvoir est parfois limite.
Les Nord-coréens sont d’une grande bonne volonté (on aimerait voir Kim Jong Eun comme ça ! ) frisant parfois le bisounours, Une certaine tragédie aurait pu être évitée, elle n’ajoute rien, sauf une obligation de pleurer (et j’ai pleuré ! )
La façon de parler bizarrement « gamine » de l’Officier !
Mais j’ai réfléchi à ces défauts minimes parce que j’ai essayé d’être objective, après avoir fini, parce que pendant, on n’y pense pas ! On fonce !
Un mot quand même sur Lee Seung Ki : encore une fois son talent dans l’émotion éclate dans les scènes émouvantes, l’expressivité de son regard est incroyable ! Frappé d’un chagrin immense, les larmes lui jaillissent positivement des yeux ! Son investissement est total, sa sincérité et sa justesse aussi !! Bref, je l’adore ! Mais maintenant j’attends de lui un rôle où il ne serait pas odieux au début pour finir dans la perfection totale !!
En conclusion, ce drama est très très recommandable !

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 31, 2022
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Un seul cœur mais très partagé...

Comme le titre l'indique, je suis très partagé.e concernant ce drama et j'ai également beaucoup de choses à en dire, donc, je m'excuse par avance si cette critique vous parait longue mais cela me semble nécessaire.

L'Histoire :

le drama nous plonge dans une uchronie où la Corée du Sud est une monarchie constitutionnelle qui tente de renouer le dialogue et les liens avec la Corée du Nord qui apparait ici, comme dans la réalité, mais avec un commandant suprême qui ne sera que cité et qui n'interviendra pas dans l'histoire.
C'est dans ce contexte que le jeune prince Lee Jae Ha, qu'on a obligé à accomplir son service militaire, se voit inscrit au "World Officer Championship" et où il rencontre l'officier Kim Hang Ah qui, elle, forme les soldats de Corée du Nord à l'assassinat.

de plus, dans l'ombre, on découvre l'existence d'un chef de multiples entreprises aux connexions internationales, féru de magie et aussi mystérieux qu'inquiétant : John Mayer.

Les personnages :

Concernant le couple principal, on retrouve Lee Seung Gi dans le rôle du jeune prince Lee Jae Ha que je connais depuis un moment mais qui, à ce moment n'en étais qu'à quelques rôles qui l'ont fait connaitre comme My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox. Il est vrai qu'au début, il m'avait paru bien jeune car il n'avait que 25 ans à l'époque pour occuper le rôle d'un homme de 30 ans mais je dois avouer qu'il s'en est admirablement sorti, il a su s'emparer de son personnage de la meilleure façon en lui injectant de la profondeur mais également de la douceur. Il sait aussi bien gérer les moments de frustration que d'action ou de romance. Et, pour finir, il porte à merveilles les costumes préparés par la production.

Ensuite, le lead féminin, Kim Hang Ah est incarné par Ha Ji Won que javais rencontré dans son rôle précédent : Secret Garden où elle m'avait ébloui, comme la plupart des téléspectateurs d'ailleurs. Ici je dois admettre que j'ai eu du mal, car, bien que le personnage qu'elle joue est un officier nord-coréen fort et qu'effectivement elle est toujours représentée ainsi à la fin du drama, j'ai perçu comme un "passage à vide" durant presque un quart de l'histoire (épisodes 5 à 12 environ)et bien que le personnage n'en soit pas la seule cause (mais j'y reviendrai)ça m'a vraiment gêné.e. En effet, dès que Kim Hang Ah se retrouve au sud, elle perd toute sa combativité, s'exprime comme une gamine qui a fait une bêtise en balançant la tête à chaque mot comme un chien en plastique sur la plage arrière d'une voiture. non seulement ça, mais en plus, elle porte des vêtements qui la rendent particulièrement tarte mais, fort heureusement, cela s'arrange par le suite. Il faut tout de même relever le sursaut qu'elle a durant l'épisode 8 où enfin j'ai retrouvé, pendant un moment, la femme que le début du drama m'avait dépeinte.

Parlons à présent du second couple lead avec Lee Yoon Ji dans le rôle de la sœur de Lee Seung Gi qui est pour moi une fantastique découverte. c'est, à mon sens, le personnage qui a eu l'évolution la plus fulgurante de l'histoire. Elle nous apparait tout d'abord comme une jeune femme un peu délurée et insouciante pour, par la suite, réussir à garder sa lumière en dépit des épreuves horribles qu'elle traversera.

En face de cette dernière, nous avons Cho Jung Seok qui incarne Eun Si Gyeong, chef de la garde personnelle de la famille royale et meilleur ami de Lee Seung Gi avec qui il va développer une bromance qui m'a beaucoup touché.e. Le personnage d'Eun Si Gyeong est quelqu'un de droit, de (trop) sérieux mais également de très touchant dans chacune de ses apparitions et il va, lui aussi, avoir son lot d'obstacles à surmonter. Je connais très bien Cho Jung Seok l'ayant vu dans plusieurs productions comme les plus récents Oh My Ghost et Jealousy Incarnate. Il joue toujours très bien comme à son habitude, je ne regrette qu'une chose mais je la mets en partie SPOIL, mais ne regardez que si vous avez vu le drama.

Je trouve extrêmement dommage qu'après toutes les épreuves qu'ils ont traversées, ils n'aient pas la chance de vivre leur amour.

Mais ça ne concerne que moi et la fin ne serait pas la même sans ce genre d'événement, mais j'y reviendrai aussi plus tard.

Enfin, je veux passer au dernier personnage considéré comme principal : John Mayer / Kim Bong Gu joué ici par Yoon Je Moon qui est un grand acteur au vu de sa longue filmographie et des commentaires que j'ai pu lire le concernant. Ici, j'ai un avis très partagé car je l'ai pris en grippe dès son apparition dans le drama. En effet, j'ai eu l'impression de me retrouver devant un mélange entre le personnage de Lex Luthor dans le premier film Superman de 1978 et un méchant du film Batman et Robin de 1997. Il arrive comme un cheveu sur la soupe avec toute sa loufoquerie, il n'a aucun charisme ni aucune présence et quand il se fâche, il ressemble plus à un gros bébé râleur qu'a un véritable méchant dérangeant et inquiétant.
Heureusement, à nouveau, après la moitié (!) du drama, il change, s'assagit et devient vraiment le méchant psychotique qui peut faire peur à l'auditoire comme aux personnages principaux de l'histoire.

enfin je décerne une mention spéciale à l'actrice Samantha Daniel qui incarne Bon Bon, la tueuse complétement tarée qui suit John Mayer / Kim Bong Gu comme son ombre. Elle, elle fait peur! et dès le début! Ici on à de l'acting, du vrai!
et j'envoie aussi un petit clin d'œil aux acteurs qui jouent les soldats coréens (nord et sud) et américains du "World Officer Championship", j'ai adoré cette partie qui n'a duré que trop peu longtemps pour moi.

La réalisation :

Outre le fait que, comme je l'ai dit dans de précédentes critiques, je n'aime pas trop la façon de filmer (style soap) des années 2009 à 2012, il y a, comme je l'ai énoncé, un passage à vide dans le deuxième quart du drama qui, heureusement, est rattrapé par des scènes intéressantes ce qui permet de ne pas créer de longueurs mais j'avoue m'être posé plusieurs fois la question (une première pour moi!) : est-ce que j'arrête de regarder?
Fort heureusement, je me suis accroché.e car, à partir du milieu du drama environ, on est rapidement pris dans la tourmente de l'action et des complots politiques et là on ne veut plus décrocher.

Le drama nous montre ici un monde alternatif que l'on aimerait voir devenir réel avec les deux Corées essayant de se réunifier. Les thèmes de réunion/séparation sont directement incarnés par les acteurs lead et transcendent par là-même le désir poignant de deux pays. On y découvre une Corée du Nord plus cosmopolite que dans Crash Landing on You mais très réaliste qui met en évidence les différences culturelles des habitants nord-coréens mais sans se moquer (ou à peine) et sans tomber dans les clichés.

Plusieurs clins d'œil à des films ou personnalités connus sont à noter et tout ceci nous renvoie justement à notre monde réel.

La romance de notre couple lead est magnifique, poignante et adorable bien que je doive nuancer mon propos concernant Ha Ji Won que je trouve assez rigide dans les scènes de baisers, là où Lee Seung Gi, lui, excelle.

Un bilan très partagé car de nombreuses choses m'ont déplues ou gênées mais qui s'arrangent par la suite et je dois admettre que la note remonte en flèche pour la dernière partie du drama que j'aurai voulu aussi palpitante que le début.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
171 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 25, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I apologize in advance for the length of what follows.
This drama hit me like a tsunami of emotions and has left me bruised in so many places I'm in dire need of a strong tonic
I had promised myself to never say this, but rules are made to be broken: King 2 Hearts is the best drama I have ever watched. It is so because it fully responds to what I ask a work of fiction: not just to entertain me, but to make me feel. Deeply.

I suppose it's not for everyone though. It raises issues which require a level of maturity, as well as a huge dose of emotional strength. It plays on prejudices and the rotten nature of politics, sparing no one: the arrogance of the western world, the obtuseness of military regimes, the cowardice of politicians, the corruptive power of money no matter where. But it highlights the best virtues too: loyalty, friendship, courage, honesty, responsibility towards the people we love. This story is the growth of a group of people, from biased to understanding, and most of all is the birth of a king worth of this name.
It's obviously a love story too, but I'm glad this is only partly the focus of the drama. Don't expect a rom-com, or you'll be disappointed. The comedy is there, mainly in the beginning, and it is a clever sort of fun, but it's devoid of the usual comedic tropes, and it always has a black undertone - which I personally adore.
So to me this is a truly romantic drama, in the classical sense of the word, full of awe, suspense and heartbreak. There isn't even an ounce of fluff: if this is what you're looking for, King 2 Hearts is not for you.

Two words about script and direction: the first is one of the most consistent I've come across, never deviating from reality even when the setting is fictional. I am aware some of the scenarios are controversial to say the least, but if you give a look at the way international politics works, you'll see that - alas - it's a lot more plausible than we would like to admit. This said, the writers managed to create an ensemble of wonderful characters who touch the heart, and always thought-provoking dialogues. Direction is splendid, very film-like, playing on grand-angle and close-up shots, on colours, light and dark. The action scenes are believable and thrilling.

Standing ovation for the performance of the entire cast. Everyone has done such a brilliant job, I'm in awe.
Ha Ji Won is wonderful, to say the least. I've read some arguing that a north Korean soldier can't be so girly and trusting in the matters of the heart, but her multiple layers are what make Hang A the incredibly believable character I fell in love with, and Ha Ji Won the awesome actress she is. Besides her doing most of her stunts, she studied the North dialect, voice intonation and poses. The result is a charming mixture of vulnerability and strength which is profoundly feminine.
I'm glad I've really got to know Lee Seung Gi with this drama, because this young man has done an amazing step forward in terms of acting. His performance as the shallow, prejudiced playboy he's in the beginning slowly growing to be a king to be proud of, is mind-blowing. I truly felt all his suffering, doubts, uncertainties, fear… stress. He has gained a loyal fan for his professionalism and for the courage to accept a controversial part which more mature actors had refused before him.
Jo Jung Suk and Lee Yoon Ji have been an incredible revelation for me, both acted so naturally it's almost unbelievable.
Hat off to all the other actors. I was just as involved in their fates as I was in that of the main couple. They all made me laugh, weep (buckets, really), be proud or exhilarated.
Yes, even the villain. It won't be easy for the actor to shrug off the image. He embodies evil in its most horrific, unadulterated form: gratuitous cruelty, the pleasure to see others suffer, vanity and megalomania, all highlighted by a child-like behaviour which is as disquieting as it reduces him to the sub-human this character actually is.

Oh, the music!
A good soundtrack explains the scenes with the notes. When he wrote the score for the 1993 film "The Piano", Michael Nyman said he needed some piano pieces which could speak for Ada, who is mute, and work as a substitute to her voice.
That's what the music in King 2 Hearts does: if you close your eyes and listen to it (I have it all on my i-pod) the music will speak for the scene, and will keep on speaking to you when the show is over. The instrumental pieces are simply perfect and aching. "Two Hearts" begins with the pound of two hearts, hence explaining in a second a title whose meaning I had been pining over for weeks.
Simply beautiful.

I have already re-watched half of the drama and am going through a second (third?) complete marathon. If I gave this a lower re-watch value I'd be a hypocrite. And, believe it or not, it improves on second watching.
There's so much more I'd like to say about it, but I fear I've been wordy enough. I feel a last word of… warning is needed though: be prepared to feel strongly. If what you ask a drama is to entertain you or divert you, don't watch King 2 Hearts; only approach it if you're ready to grow so much attached to these characters, seeing them go will give you an almost physical pain.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
85 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Originally, I expected this Drama to turn out like all the others; just a love story that hits all the major cliches and ends when the two main characters finally get together. After the first episode, I became OBSESSED with this show. It was amazing.
The cinematography was perfect, the story was well written, and the actors fit their roles well. The best part about its drama was definitely the characters and their relationships.
I love how the writers developed each of the main characters, but not so much that they were predictable. They grew along with the story, changing for the best, but also remaining true to their original selves. Character relationships grew in complexity and each one of them served a different purpose throughout.
There are very few dramas or TV shows that add so many sub-plots within the story. Normally, there's just one main plot line and two or three smaller sub-plots that rarely appear in all the episodes. However, this drama had quite a few and managed to show the watcher how it was progressing in every episode. I think that's what really made this show shine.
Lastly, I really loved the emotional value of this drama. It made me laugh, cry, scream at the screen and tear my hair out in frustration- all at once. Kudos to the writers for managing that.
There were a few parts I thought could have been done better; for example, a few character motives didn't quite make sense- but overall the King 2 hearts is really a masterpiece. There is no doubt that I am going to rewatch it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
25 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 6, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
1) The reason I watched this:

I was mainly attracted by the cast then the story seemed intriguing enough I just went for it without high expectations or anything.

2) Storyline/Plot:

Generally speaking the story was about royalty nowadays and north-south Korean peace process through love, pain and many other mixed feelings. The Korean nation, the king, the love realtionships, loyalty, friendship and action therefore you can say that the story got it all!

Positive points:

*The different theme: When you watch too many dramas of the same genre you would get tired of all the Korean romantic stories that share the same plot but this was unusual; script writers gave a unique story: I haven't seen anything like it before.
*The South and North Koreans never ending troubles; this existed before in some dramas like "Muyang the spy", it's not a new theme but it was greatly expressed here. Well, a non-Korean person may find himself not interested in this sort of theme but everyone ould like to watch the peace process and the two nations reunion.
*Royalty nowadays was a great background. It's true that "My princess" shared the same background but "King2Hearts" was way too interesting.
*The romance was cute but not shallow. The romantic development was always captivating especially that there's two different love stories to follow.
*The action was set up in a good way; those scenes were exciting to watch. Writers were brilliant for inserting action in this story because that genre is able to eliminate any sort of balnk moments.
*Involving other countries like China, the U.S and even Japan in the drama made the events complicated in a good way.
*Politics: it wasn't heavily present but when it existed it was well doe especially the diplomatic talks.

Negative points:

*I wouldn't say it's a negative point but I wanted the main couple's love story to go deeper since there was lack of drama in that aspect.
It's true that there were many obstacles but I felt like they got together so soon. Anyway, it wasn't bad but I wanted everything to go deeper in this drama.
*Beside that, everything was cool except something that happened near the end but it would be a spoiler if I mention it.

Story: 9.5/10

3) Acting/Cast:

*Lee Seung Ki : I've seen him in two dramas before but here he was amazingly different. At the beginning, he may sound childish but in some point he felt like a total grown up plus his character development was greatly done. I fell for his role and even his speeches were nicely spoken plus he delievered great emotions.

*Ha Ji Won: I like this actress because she have a great way in portraying her roles. Here, she was different from what I saw before. Being a couple with Lee Seung Ki may seem like a huge age gap but events didn't allow to think much about that side. Then there's her North Korean accent: that was really annoying to hear at the beginning but I got used to it as the drama went on. I specially liked her actions scenes and her convincing acting.

*Jo Jung Suk: i haven't seen him in anything before before but I fell for the character ever since his first meeting with Lee Jae Ha and everything that happened later on, he was so cool.

*Lee Yoon Ji: Special likes for the princess; I liked her character and her relationships with everyone.

*I didn't hate Jhon Mayer like I hated his stupid psycho artist Tara or whatever, I still want to kill her!! But I have to admit that they were great actors and performed their parts greatly.
*The remaining cast were awesome; thumb up to the WOC team and the queen.

*The chemistry and relationships between the cast members was cool uncluding other countries cast; it was cool to hear English, Chinese, Japanese and even French here.
* I rarely give 10's to any drama's cast or acting department but here I was deeply impressed.

Cast: 10/10
Acting: 9.5/10

4) The ending:

I really hated one event near the ending that I even considered it a negative point earlier but that doesn't deny that we had the ending that we wanted.
The ending a nice closure to a great drama.

The ending: 8.5/10

5) My impression (How did it affect me):

*I really enjoyed this drama, so much that I feel some sort of emptiness when it ended.
*I always love the unique different stories and I found that in this drama's storyline. Special likes to politics since I love it.
*The cast was amazing one of the fewest drama's cast that I genuinely loved.
*I had all sort of feelings while watching this: great impression.

My impression: 9/10

6) Overall:

*If you like watching royalty stories then you would like this.
*If you're looking for an interesting story the this is for you.
*If you like romance combined with action and politics then you would like this.
*If you like Lee Seung Ki/Ha Ji Won then you need to watch this.

Overall: 9.5/10.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
26 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 27, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
King2Hearts is not your typical K-Drama, and succeeds in going places where most of the drama's I've seen wouldn't dare. It's hard to pin this down as one specific genre. It goes from political action-thriller, to intense revenge thriller, to star-crossed romance, to opposites attract rom-com... Each episode left me curious, excited, and completely clueless about what to expect next. There are very few moments that could be considered typical, and whenever I was able to successfully predict what would happen next, something else would come along and leave me in complete shock. This is drama done right!

I decided to watch King2Hearts because of the 2 leads. Both Ha Ji Won, and Lee Seung Ki, have starred in dramas that are among my all time favorites. I just knew that they would be impressive together, and I was absolutely right. They both do what they are known to do well in this, without creating characters that seem recycled. Lee Seung Ki is used to playing obnoxious/spoiled characters that learn to change their ways/grow up. Jae Ha is no different, but the range, and maturity, of the role really shows what an impressive actor Lee Seung Ki has become. Ha Ji Won knows how to balance sweet with tough, which I loved about her character in Secret Garden. As North Korean Kim Hang Ah, she goes from cartoonishly girly and naive, to fearless and intimidating. I preferred when she was kicking butt, but also loved her vulnerability, and was amused that her biggest challenge was being feminine. Together, they had amazing chemistry from the start. They basically become a living metaphor of the North-South Korean conflict, and their romance is exciting, frustrating, sad, and inspiring to watch. In spite of the grand scale of their relationship, it's still portrayed realistically. During the first episodes, when I wasn't sure If I would like this drama, I already knew I'd at least love watching their love story.

Big fans of romance should know that even the supporting characters have a beautiful love story. Jo Jung Suk and Lee Yoon Ji were so great together, that I cared about them as much as I cared about the main couple. Their characters, their romance, and their specific story arcs, were strong enough to justify their own separate drama. That's the beauty of King2Hearts. There are absolutely no weak storylines, or weaklinks in the cast (except for some questionable english speaking roles, but that's easily overlooked, and normal for K-Drama).

The villains in this drama are the stuff nightmares are made of. In the beginning, I didn't know what to make of Club M's crazy John Mayer, and I was more confused, and amused, than scared. Now I realize that Yoon Je Moon was just slowly laying the foundation for a truly memorable psychopath. It was thrilling watching him go head to head with Jae Ha, and wondering what crazy thing he'd do next. He's certainly one of the best Drama villains I have ever seen. Creepy BonBon also deserves a mention as being the first non-Korean I've seen in a K-Drama who not only didn't suck, but was actually really good. Samanda Daniel plays the perfect twisted side kick, and definitely more than held her own.

The writers, and director, really did an amazing job of creating a realistic modern Korean monarchy, and making an accessible North Korea believable. The overall plot focusses on telling a great story more than doing what fans would want, or expect. I appreciated that, though some viewers may be more upset by certain choices by the writers. The direction is top notch. Not only is it beautifully shot, but the director's choices really added to the emotional impact of many scenes. There's one scene in particular, between Jo Jung Suk and Lee Yoon Ji, that was especially touching because of the direction. The pacing is also just right, knowing when to keep you on the edge of your seat, and when to slow down and take in a moment. The music greatly supports each episode as well.

Rarely do I give dramas a 10, but I couldn't justify anything lower. I look forward to rewatching it now that I know what to expect, and to revisit some of my favorite scenes (I've already rewatched some scenes several times). I think it would still be exciting the 2nd time around, even though I know what's going to happen, because it's all executed so well. I would highly recommend King2Hearts, unless you're specifically looking for something lighthearted, or simple. I'd also recommend being open to an ending that falls a little outside of the traditional 'happily ever after' mold. Even if you're not convinced in the first few episodes, I'd give it a chance, and keep watching. That's exactly what I did, and now I'm adding this drama to my top 5!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 2, 2014
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
I was actually having second thoughts whether to spend my precious time watching this action-rom-drama flick or see a super cheesy rom-com drama. But gave in anyway to my first choice because I decided to witness the lead actress' acting (I really adored her in Secret Garden).

I would say that this K-drama is way beyond my expectation. From acting, to cinematography, music scoring and drama plot, it's like I'm watching a well-made (super) long movie. The lead actor was able to play his role well- he could smoothly shift from being cocky to I-mean-business acting. This, combined with the sweet-bad-ass acting of the lead actress, makes the drama more interesting. Even their lines/dialogue (translated in English sub of course) have depths and will surely capture a viewer's emotion.

Two thumbs up for this k-drama-- for bringing out message of courage and love.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Jane Rosales
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 18, 2018
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 2
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
This is an honest, spoiler-free review.

Looking for the next drama to spend my time on is no easy feat when there are so many to choose from. However, this one caught my eye because of all the positive reviews. Let me tell you, anyone who says this is their favorite drama must be a masochist at heart because no one said it would be so PAINFUL. That is the best word I can use to describe it. Things keep going so horribly wrong in every consecutive episode that it feels more like an unfolding nightmare descending into ever-increasing fractal chaos than a drama. This show is INTERESTING, I’ll give it that-- like watching a high speed car collision in slow motion, or maybe like seeing the Hindenburg burn to the ground and crash in a blaze of glorious horror. Somehow I couldn’t turn my eyes away from the disaster I was witnessing. From episode 1 to 20 I was hooked and unable to tear myself away from this source of my frustrations and insomnia for the past two weeks.

---Story: 9/10

The writers did an incredible job. The pacing and cinematography were excellent and everything was awfully believable. I use the word “awfully” because these writers do not paint the world with an idealistic or rosy hue. Even the people we are supposed to root for are flawed and foolish and sometimes corrupted. The world is a harsh setting of hostility and suspicions and misunderstandings, all of which are far too believable. One of the characters even states outright that justice does not exist, only power and money. So as far as realism goes, they certainly appeal to my inner cynic and go straight to the worst possible outcomes and intentions. This is actually what I consider to be one of the greatest strengths of the show.

The plot is engaging and well-structured and it felt like they knew where they were going with it from the beginning. My criticisms of this show are not related to all that, as much as it is about the HEART and the feeling that I’m left with at the end of each episode. It’s a feeling of surprise and frustration mixed up with corrosive curiosity to know what happens next because HOW can they possibly save the situation NOW? (I had a hard time going to sleep these last two weeks because my brain kept running around in circles… sigh.) It’s a sign of good storytelling I think, but also a bad sign because there was really too much frustration going on.

Personally, there was one critical area where I feel they let the ball drop. One thing that kept this show from being stellar in my eyes. I just can’t get over the fact that from the first episode they consistently pit the main characters against each other rather than letting them get along. There’s a psychological fact that for every bad/hurtful thing a person does/says to someone, it takes around 5 good/positive things to make up for it in people’s minds. The truth is, our brains are hardwired to remember the bad things and it takes a LOT to outweigh those so you remember mostly the good. But this show did NOT do that. I kept feeling like there were too many nasty things the characters were saying/doing to each other and not enough good things to keep any positive sentiment afloat. The moments where it seems they have forgiven each other come after too few reassurances, after too many insults and slights. And not just for the main leads, though they were the top offenders—most of the side characters had these moments as well and not enough attention was given to the actions they did that put them in people’s good graces again. It left a bad taste in my mouth and that is why I docked a point.

From the very beginning they are shown to be basically incompatible, completely different in every way from their background to their personality and values. From the first few interactions they have in the first and second episodes I could tell that this relationship was doomed from the start and my intuition was proved right OVER and OVER again with each insult and deception. They had maybe 6 positive interactions in the entire training period and now I'm supposed to believe that… they’re suddenly in love? Ahahaha NO. Let’s just say that these two are NOT my OTP. There’s way too much bickering, arguing, and crying about what they’ve said to each other and not enough fluff and good feelings to hold it together convincingly.

The main leads are ridiculously foolish and terrible at communicating (in spite of being generally smart and competent adults) and I can't tell you how many times I was yelling at them in the first 6 episodes like "NO YOU FOOL, HE'S A LYING JERK" or "NO YOU FOOL, SHE'S TELLING THE TRUTH!" I really just wanted them to sit down with a marriage counselor and learn how to discuss their feelings and differences without shooting themselves in the metaphorical foot every single time.

Speaking of which, I lost track of how many horrible things they said to each other. From episode 2 and onward I kept yelling at the screen, “Oh no! Tell you me you didn’t just SAY that. Tell me this is all just a nightmare and you’ll wake up soon. OH MY GOD IT WAS REAL! HOW DO YOU RECOVER FROM THAT?!” I can't see how you can repair a relationship that has gone through SO MANY deceptions and heartbreaks in only the course of less than two months. Maybe my heart is softer than theirs and cannot withstand that level of purposeful jabbing and backstabbing. I know if I was in Hang Ah’s shoes I would have cut off all thoughts of EVER being in a relationship with Jae Ha after the very first time he insulted her (in episode 2 or 3, if my memory can be trusted). That was already too far, at least in my opinion. But then there wouldn’t be a show, would there?

In spite of all that Hang Ah goes through (and boy does she go through a lot), I think it's Jae Ha who gets the short end of the stick in this story. Yes, he starts off as a manipulative, lying, selfish, arrogant jerk who likes to laugh at other's expense, but the writers really put him through the wringer and kept turning his world upside down in literally every other episode. I can't quite bring myself to feel TOO sorry for him though because at least half of those things are what he brings on himself through his own foolishness and arrogance. Yet somehow I've become attached to all these conflicted, petty, contradictory, REAL characters and I wanted to see how it would end. There is certainly plenty of room for them to grow and change.

---Cast and Acting: 10/10

Amazing performances from everyone! They all got their characters spot-on, especially the main protagonists and the villain. Perfect performances all around, no complaints here. They did amazing with what they were supposed to do. Even that creepy gothic assassin lady. :P
Just one tiny nitpick that I’m not even going to take half a point off for… the “Westerners” or foreigners in the show had a few lines that sometimes made me question the choice of wording (perhaps those parts of the script weren’t written by a native English speaker?) but for most part they did a convincing enough job. Those are probably what I would consider the only weak links of the casting department, and I’m not sure if it was entirely their fault, so like I said before: nitpick.

---Music: 7/10

Nothing really stuck out to me here, which is a good thing. Normally I notice the music only when it is really inappropriate to the mood or just strange. So the music was fine to me! It fits with the tone of the show.

---Rewatch Value: 6/10

As I’ve mentioned in a previous review, I don’t rewatch because I have too many new shows to watch and not enough time to spend looking back on what I’ve already seen. Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat. However, I recognize that there is a lot of rewatch value with this drama because you will notice little details and see the foreshadowing for later events that were set up in the first few episodes. The pacing is good enough that rewatching won’t feel boring, I think. I do think there are better things to do with your time than rewatch this, though. If you want to relive the pain, go for it.

---Overall: 7/10

Even though there are so many other reviews, I felt like adding my own two cents because I don’t feel very positive about this drama. What can I say? I didn’t like this show and I can’t add it to my list of favorites. It wasn’t really to my taste—which, admittedly, is more toward cute/happy/fluffy romcoms and King2Hearts was NONE of those things. However, I am glad I went outside my comfort zone for once and I highly appreciate the work and craftsmanship and depth that went into its creation. It’s not the perfect show but it exceeded my expectations in most areas and was certainly entertaining. In spite of all I have said here, the story truly did keep me riveted from start to finish. If not for the things I mentioned previously, this would have been a 9/10 for me.

If you are looking for a VERY dramatic and emotional show that will make you chuckle and weep and regularly grind your teeth in helpless frustration, this is the drama for you. I got something out of this and I think you will too if you give it a chance.

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18 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 24, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
This drama has hands down one of my favorite Kdramas. I haven't seen all that many, but this one is really up there.

The story is very unique, and has twists that keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire 20 episodes. It also has a political aspect to the drama that I haven't seen in any other Kdrama. The political angle is also something that I hadn't seen before, but thoroughly enjoyed. The only part of this drama that I did not like what the actual military strategies used in one episode (just because I felt like they weren't as effective as they could have been.)

The Cast was perfect. 10/10 no questions asked.

The music was also top notch, but not something I will probably listen to in the future. For that reason I gave it an 8/10.

I'm not much of a rewatcher, but this drama is good enough to rewatch it in a year or two.

Overall, I give this a 10.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 1, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
This drama is amazing. It starts out like your regular kdrama. The difference is that this is about a prince and about the north/south relationship. Anyways though the acting is amazing from everyone right from the start. The thing that I love so much about this drama is the relationships between the characters. Even though they are the royal family I liked how the family members act just like a regular family that loves and supports one another no matter what. Also the way the story developed between the two leads was great. It didn't follow the clichés that many kdramas tend to follow. There isn't much I can say that hasn't been said by other reviewers without giving out spoilers but their relationship was just so amazing. If you want to watch a poor defeated woman who will let the man or anyone else step all over her then this is not for you. But if you want to see a woman who is strong and doesn't allow anyone to disrespect her then you have to watch this. I don't want to make it sound like this show is just about her because it isn't at all but this is one of the few kdramas where I have seen such a strong female character. At the same time the character development for the male lead is AMAZING. He starts out as your regular kdrama male but the writers developed this character into everything a viewer could have wanted and more. The communication between these 2 characters is something I have never seen in any other kdrama. They rely on each other without any of them being weak. And I won't even get started on the side characters because if I don't I will never stop. But it was the best kdrama out there. Please watch it everyone if you haven't already.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 1, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
King2Hearts is an amazing drama for people who want some kind of action put into a great twisted and turned story and awesome soundtrack to actually make you feel the tension. The cast is mind blowing, especially the villain doing the best acting. The plot is quite amazing, the way its directed for us is beautiful. Whoever wrote the story for this series, is a genius. The action and romance filled with complications of being from rival country. They portrayed a great underlying scene of the marriage of The South Korean prince to A North Korean Military Officer.
Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won have always been strong at acting. Seung Gi's ''My Girlfriend is A Gumiho'' was okay, but in this he definitely proves himself as an actor. Music's completely hooking with the "political" background plot. Re watch Value for me is quite high as I would love to watch it over again, when no interesting dramas premiere.
Overall, its good if you want to sit on your chair and flow with the story as it unfolds, translation : It keeps you hooked to your place! ;)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 20, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Action packed mixed with romance, drama and politics. Then let's put some cherry on top - the theatrics from the bad guys.

This drama had so many interesting elements which made me wish it could actually happen in real life, but then again, this is dramaland and there are so many loopholes in dramaland which you would rather not have in real life.

First off the action:
I love watching Ha Ji Won kicking ass on screen. Whether it is in a movie or a drama I love seeing her as a strong woman who can make men drop on her their knees with their balls shrinking from their behind. There's no difference here, as Kim Hang Ah, a general's daughter she is - strong willed, stubborn, military trained sniper/assassin and yet still smoking with femininity. She is a woman with a high caliber. Literally and figuratively speaking. Then there's our male counter part Lee Seung Ki. This guy is awesome on screen. He's not really good looking but man... he is oozing with charm and sex appeal, I don't know where he gets it. I loved his character as Lee Jae Ha for several reasons - he is a dork, irresponsible and has an easy go lucky personality - which would make you think (what makes that likable?) but then these characteristics makes him normal and realistic in terms of being a rebellious prince - second in the throne. He had so much issues on hand but it gave his character so much room for improvement. If you end up watching this, you'll know what I mean. Setting these two main characters aside, let's not forget the supporting actors and the bad guys.

Another character favorite of mine is Jo Jung Suk as Eun Shi Kyung. He suits the role as a national guard who protects the royalties. He was great in his portrayal and how he stands up to Lee Jae Ha's being a pain in the ass to everyone. But what I liked most was his chemistry with the princess. The spoiled sister Lee Jae Shin acted by Lee Yoon Ji. She was awesome here, although initially her character is the happy spoiled princess she's supposed to be, she actually becomes more than that and becomes a vital character in the drama.

Finally we have Yoon Je Moon as Kim Bong Goo aka John Mayer. (Gaaaad... can't they think of a better name than that? Why name a bad guy after a singer?) Aside from the cheesy namesake, this character was crazy as a bastard. He has a deep grudge against the royalties and has planned out everything up to the very last detail. I like the way he has portrayed his sick character, it was so believable and his being an antagonist works like magic.

Now let's go with the Romance, Drama and Politics:
In every drama there is always the conflict of romance, but in every politics we seldom see romance as a highlight. Here these three elements are mixed together perfectly. Nothing is over shadowed. I wish I could talk more about that without spoiling the drama, but unfortunately it will be a spoiler, so I would rather not dwell in that. Check it out yourself to see how they blended so well.

This drama is re-watchable if you like ass kicking and bickering from our main characters. The sound track was alright, it did match up with the scenes and was appropriate in every episode but it just did not stick into my head. Over all I highly recommend this drama for those who likes the genre I have mentioned on top.

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King2Hearts (2012) poster



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