One of the reasons why I didn’t immediately watch Love Rain is because of its 1970’s era. The first few episodes are really slow and dragging. Moreover, it’s hard to make viewers appreciate it because the target audiences of K-dramas today are mostly teens and young adult. I even had difficulty connecting with the characters in the 1970’s because I’m not familiar with Korea’s culture during that period. What I appreciate in this era was its cinematography. A lot of the beautiful shots of this drama came from the first 4 episodes. The 2012 plot has the typical formula in K-drama now a days. It was only different because of the family issue they incorporated in the story
I was impressed with how well JGK and YoonA played their two roles. They were able to show the difference in the characters and set it apart. You can easily pin point who’s from who without tracing any similarities in their attitudes or mannerisms in their acting.
I was surprised to know that Im YoonA is a member of Girl’s Generation. It’s no wonder I didn’t know because I’m not a fan of K-Pop groups. I listen to Korean songs and I like several singers and power vocal groups but I’m more into ballad than mainstream pop music. I honestly never thought of her as a singer first before an actress because she acts well. Yes, it was a little cutesy here and there but if the scene requires her to act mature, hurt or whatever serious emotion she has to portray, she delivers it—without frills. Just the right emotion needed in the scene. As I’ve said before, not all singers transitioning to acting ends up good. There are few artists who perform well in both worlds. YoonA is lucky to be one of them.
Love Rain is not for everyone. I understand that many viewers think that the plot didn’t work. I’m giving it 8 as overall score for the reason that I simply enjoyed watching it. I admit that there are parts I didn’t like and some are dragging, but then if I go beyond that and see what it really has to offer, it boils down to one thing—it’s a love story. I’m a simple-minded person but with all the dramas I watched and all the contemporary novels I read, I don’t get touched easily—I had that in Love Rain. I felt the pain, the loss, the love. It touched my heart—and that’s what I watch Korean dramas for.
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The director of this drama really knows his stuff. The cinematography, set design and costumes were stellar. I wish MDL had a ratings section for the technical aspects of dramas because I would have given that a 10 plus. This drama was nothing if not beautiful to look at, both technically and aesthetically.
I really enjoyed Jang Geun Suk in this role. He has improved as an actor and really seemed mature. His acting wasn't as stiff or forced as I have felt from him in other dramas/movies I have watched. I adored Joon during so many moments of this drama. I enjoyed Yoona too. Their characters and their love story was in many ways adorable!
But somehow the writing of this drama fell flat for me...grew redundant and boring. It was likable but I am still confused as to where it went wrong for me. I think somewhere around episode 16 I began to struggle to keep my interest unless the main pairing was on screen together. The plot just didn't grab me and follow through in an exciting way. The final episode was cute but also at the same time, a bit choppy and didn't flow smoothly.
The Older Couple just made me kind of sad and I wish I could have felt the passion carry over in the adult version of the pair that I felt from them during the scenes from the past. It seemed that in every conversation they said the same thing over and over.
I liked the music but nothing really grabbed me, made me groove or move me emotionally.
Ultimately I would have to say that if I could condense this drama down to 16 episodes and keep the main (modern day) pairing on screen I could have given this a higher score. Gah! I wanted to LOVE Love Rain!
And because I was fond of this drama and because of the main leads...I am bumping this up to an 8 when realistically in my head, I think it probably deserves lower.
My re-watch value is set at 5...middle of the scale. I know I probably won't watch again.
But I say this...I have much more respect for Jang Geun Suk as an actor. He was also extremely adorable... And the director really did a great job. If only I could say the same about the writing and plot.
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What I love about this drama is the music that it has. The songs were really great and it suited the scenarios in the drama. The actors and actresses also did great but for me I won't try to watch it again.
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The drama revolves around relationships; there is not much that happens in this drama other than the interrelations between the various characters, especially between the parents and children amongst themselves, and with each other. There is no crime to solve or mission to accomplish, nor is there a lot of comedy. There are two parallel and similar stories: the early and lasting love of the two parents who met in their youth, separated, married different people but meet again 30 years after; and then there is the strong budding love between their children.
In my opinion the major issue was the writing and editing. The two central story lines competed with each other, and the writing was lazy, when it needed to be creative and interesting given the task of the central plot. This was evident when the story started to really drag out and then seemed to stall, and you got bored because of repetition of theme, ideas and frustration that the story wasn't going anywhere.
The pace was too slow, and even the dialogue seemed to be delivered with deliberate pauses and almost monotone. By the end I felt 20 episodes of what? Far too long it could have been completed in 12- 15 episodes; this probably owing to those 4 to 5 episodes where it felt like the drama had stalled.
The four lead actors did a very good job in portraying their roles, to be expected from veteran actors Jeong Jin Yeong and Lee Mi Sook, and the wonderful Jang Geun Suk. JGS and YA played role of the parents when they were young in the 70s and the role of their off springs 30 years later, and were very believable and strong performances. I was impressed watching Im Yoon Ah, and the supporting actors did well and delivered decent performances.
The music was an interesting mix of indie, cool jazz and some quirky music which seemed to fit the movie, in most parts; nothing stood out for me.
What was good? The concept was interesting, the recreation of 70's look and feel was well done and effective in distinguishing the two time periods; the acting was good, and the portrayal of the two relationships was also very good. Jang Geun Suk and Yoon Ah had good chemistry, looked great individually and as a couple so the eye candy helped.
I watched this on Viki.com, where you have viewers post their comments during he drama. This was one of the most packed commentary from start to finish, and it was interesting to see that there was a general sense that it was good and interesting to begin with then got stale and boring as it progressed. Many viewers were torn between their loyalties to the young couple and the parents, as main protagonists and this lead to frustration with the drama. There should have been one central story which is supported by the sub plots, characters etc.
What saved this drama for me, was the Jang Geong Suk and Im Yoon Ah! I loved their characters and story, that's why I was generous with my rating. If you don't like 'relationship' dramas then this drama is not for you. If you like fast paced dramas or action avoid this.
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Story: I expected the first few episodes set in the 70's to be boring but they are what set the stage for the rest of the drama and it was nice to see how everything started between In Ha and Yoon Hee and their friends. Fast forward 30 years and you see the effects of what happened so long ago being passed onto their children bc of what they saw or experienced growing up. The children's personalities couldn't be more different than their parents. Especially Jun and Ha Na. This story likes to go from funny, to cute, to heart wrenching then funny, cute and heart wrenching again. It's kind of a vicious cycle but that's just how it works in dramas. There's a lot of laughs, sweet moments and lots and lots of tears between the characters. The story flowed nicely but as always, there are a lot of things not said between the characters that could get really frustrating for the viewer. Parts of it were kind of boring and once I got to the last few episodes I did fast forward or not really pay attention to some parts. I wasn't really interested in In Ha & Yoon Hee's relationship either. It got old pretty fast but the story wouldn't have worked without it either. This drama did have a lot of episodes so it got a little slow at times but still great for the most part.
Cast: Of course, JGS delivered. Just when I think he couldn't do any better, he proves me wrong. He was really good playing both In Ha and Jun and both characters were so different. Yoona also did really well. I haven't seen her in anything before but I thought her acting was really great and natural. The parents were o.k. A little boring. Hye Jung definitely had a case of the crazies though! It wasn't that she was evil, just had to be in control and would make super rash and irrational decisions out of anger and panic. That character was a mess.
Music: The music fit this drama really well. It's the first that I've heard a variety of different genre's and it wasn't all Korean. There were a lot of American songs being played as well.
Rewatch Value: I only scored this so low bc like I said, there are a lot of episodes and some of it could be boring. Plus, this wasn't a rom com. It was a pretty serious heart wrenching story so after some time and maybe fast forwarding some parts it could be rewatched.
Overall: I thought this drama was really great and it exceeded all my expectations (which wasn't much honestly). If you want to watch a true love story and the heart break that can come with it bc of unfortunate circumstances, this is your drama.
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Yes it has the love triangles and first love cliches, but I loved the main couple so much I overlooked all that. Jun is the typical playboy with an attitude and ego, he knows it and I love it. HaNa is the typical innocent trusting naive sweetheart who gets a first in everthing with Jun (so cute but thank god not clumsy and stupid, like some heroines)
There is the most adorable romance, then the painful seperation and resolving of the conflicts, and a well done ending. All done in a beautiful mannar, the scenery is lovely, the music is catchy and the side charactors all cute.
It is one of the few dramas, apart from coffec Prince, Goong, Shining Inheritance I have rewatched and enjoyed all over again.
The actors did a wonderful job, I hope to see more from this team!!!
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..If you want to watch a drama, I really recommend this. I really like this because the story is good and Yoona is the main cast which is my bias..by the way..back to the story..
. At 1st to 4th episode, you might find it boring because their theme their was 1970's, but if you continue watching it..you're going to find it really good..
In 1970's Seo In Ha(jang geun suk)and Kim Yoon Hee fell in love with each other when they were still in college but they didn't have the chance to be a lover because Lee Dong Wook(kim shii hoo), Seo In Ha's best friend also like Kim Yoon Hee.
Few days later, Kim Yoon Hee went to America where born her daughter, Jung Ha Na(yoona)and in 20 years later, Jung Ha Na went to korea where she met Seo Jun, Seo In Ha's son and they also fell in love with each other...at first it was hate but then it change to LOVE.....
..you should watch this people....AGAIN..i hope this is helpful to you guys!!!
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It takes a few episodes for you to start finding the plot but once it kicks off it's a great drama.
I've gone from fangirling and going "awww" to wanting to stab the characters with a fork to a facepalm to laughter and then to anticipation in the course of one episode.
I've caught up on all the episodes that are currently available and I am always in anticipation for the next one.
This is definitely a drama I have and will continue to recommend.
You just have to get past the first few episodes.
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The first 4 episodes might be too slow-paced but I guess, it was done to show how love in the '70s was! As it proceed to the modern day love story of Joon and Ha Na, the story became more fun and exciting as the love between the two blossom. Another thing I like about it was that the guy gets to like the girl first before she did :> Though the drama became draggy at some times, it will generally touch your heart as it depicts a real LOVE STORY. It would be one of the shows that I would keep loving for a long time.
If you're looking for a drama that will show pure and heartfelt romance, this drama is a must-watch ;)
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Uhm.. Anyway, I'll divide this review into 2 parts. Things I loved, & things I hated. So here goes..
Things I loved: I loved loved LOVED the scenery! It's one of the things I loved the most about this drama. The scenery were so pretty!
Another thing I loved was the 1970s story. I loved the cast and the fashion and the scenes and the story! I like the past story better than the 2012 one. The love was cute and innocent. The acting was really good. I liked seeing JGS play a different role. Yoona was almost unrecognizable and she did a pretty good job. The side characters were fun to watch too.
All the actors that were both in 1970s and in 2012 (Yoona, JGS, Kim Si Hoo etc) did a really good job in playing the different roles. The looked and acted really different in 2012 than from their 1970s self so it was really good to see that.
I loved how the 2012 cast looked like their 1970s self. It was like it was an older version of them, though they were played by different actors; especially Hye Jung, Yoon Hee and Chang Mo.
Things I hated: I hated the fact that the 2012 JGS was exactly like all the other roles he has played (for example You're Beautiful & Mary stayed out all night), and why does he love to look so... gay?
I hated the love triangle. It was sweet in the 1970s story but there was no point in adding it to the 2012 story. It annoyed me a lot! And why does every guy in the show love Ha Na so much? It was a bit (a lot!) over done. I mean, 4 guys were in love with her... Seriously?
The 2012 Ha Na-Joon love story was bleck.. I just couldn't believe that they were actually in love. It was like they were forced to be together and they had to pretend that they were in love but in reality they didn't feel anything for each other. Yes, the kissing scenes were better than some other dramas but other than that I didn't see any chemistry. Plus, sometimes it got too cheesy to bear.
The story was good at first, but after half of the episodes it got stupid. First of all, I felt that it dragged a lot. Secondly, everyone was making such a big fuss about little things. I really didn't get why Ha Na and Joon couldn't be together. What was the big deal about Yoon Hee, it wasn't like she was dying (though everyone was acting like she was). And almost all the problems were caused because the characters didn't talk to each other and assumed everything. It was all just stupid and frustrating and during the last few episodes I couldn't wait for the drama to end. I even found myself wandering off in thoughts while watching it.
Honestly, this drama had potential. But the story got so.. stupid and weird by the end that it fell flat. I would not recommend watching this drama if you're looking for something entertaining. It just gets boring by the end. Or maybe you could only watch the 1970s episodes. :P
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There were parts that dragged .. but I didn't mind. I don't think I would ever not finish a drama. Maybe for the sake of finishing the story or in hopes it'd get better (or for the eye candy alone .. ahem JGS). I would rather a drama be 20 episodes and drag then a drama be 15 episodes and not be enough. Although I enjoyed the interactions between In Ha and Yoon Hee (as adults), I wish they would have cut it down a bit and explored the friendship between Sun Ho and Ha Na or Sun Ho and Jun.
I really liked seeing the actors play their roles in the 70's and then play completely different roles in the present day. You can really see the difference in their performances and I appreciated that.
The cinematography and music were on point when it came to creating the mood (I bought the OST on iTunes midway through the drama and I love it).
As far as rewatching .. I've already watched this drama twice. I will probably watch it again, but only my favorite episodes.
Aside from being a total JGS fangirl, I really enjoyed this drama!
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