Story: Although the story is a cliche for Uee, (her specialty poor and miserable then a happy ending) she always keep improving every time. The plot is well executed and well written.
Characters: All have developed, all characters had closures. except for two characters stood the same.
Plot twist: There are few plot twists along the way. it made the series freshen up when it dragged a bit.
Re-watch value: it is totally re-watchable, its one of the series that you will not bored of.
The team work of the cast is super effective for the near perfection of the series.
The music though, i thought it would be more remarkable OST, i only had one OST by heart, not all of them.
All in All, this is a very likable experience and i definitely recommended
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Grandma makes it worth it
Is this drama cliche you bet. Do Ran gets a lot of shit from stepmom, mil, and sil but don't fret when grandma loses her sense of reasoning them wenches be losing some hair. I just loved it when grandma put them in their place every girl should have grandma like her. The love between ML and FL was also great too. I was some what disappointed that bil an d sil stayed together she was just such a bit ch though by the end she did show some of her good side. Hearing the one lady say Oh My God is just to funny pretty much anything she said in english was just great. I don't usually like voices that sound to perky but with her it was just great her cheerful voice just made you feel happy.Cet avis était-il utile?

I started watching this series after many episodes had aired because I noticed there was a total of 100 episodes in the series. I believe that the plot is good and the casting is great however the level of drama in this series is so extreme that it is annoying and frustrating. At first I was really liking it and could really get into it. There was the typical drama and crazy people but I was hopeful that eventually they’ll get better but after 75 episodes of the 100 my hope is now gone. The evil characters are not only evil, they’re ridiculous, inhumane and without common sense. It could have been great but for me the drama overload killed it. I am aware that the series is about one man’s past and his daughters future and how they are connected but How they chose to script that plot is so sour it hard to bare.
imagine someone having a hard life their entire life. That is bad enough. Now let’s imagine we add drama to someone’s already miserable life. Watching several episodes is like watching the downfall of somebody that’s already on the ground.
Imagine that person being run over by a car then someone helping them up. After the person is on their feet they walk 4 feet and get robbed of all their valuables. This same person will walk five more feet and falls into a well. The misery never ends. Now let’s say that person is a humble mouse without a backbone who is verbally and emotionally abused. Dear goodness. I liked the main couple however I really wish that the writers would’ve did a better job with this. The plot is good but there is absolutely no balance to this series. It is 100% drama, no romance, and no family bonding, no Mystery. Just pure unadulterated mess. Its like jerry springer meets Maury.
We’ve all seen the kdrama with the crazy in-laws, add that in too and they are extremely annoying. It’s as if their characters are psychotic teens. Yes, that level.
Please save yourself. Don’t watch it unless you are a lover of drama overload. I’m trapped now. It’s like a train wreck and I can’t look away. I’ve invested in it and and still hope for damage control.
There is zero happy moments, hundreds of grief moments and a few warm moments after 75 episodes.
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In spite of everything I enjoyed this show more than other famous one. For once in a while we got a family drama that actually focus on the "family" dyinamic and not on the romance. In other drama we got the romance and the family story are tons of sub-plot, in this case the romance is the subplot that helps the development of the main topic, a really good story about a father/daughter relationship. Beside the main protagonist, even most of the characters were involve in a parent-child situation, and every actions, even the bad ones, were made to protect their respective family relationship.
There are of course more than one love-story, some better than other, but every couples face family problems where the relationship between parent and child is the main problematic. The cast did a wonderful job, the bond between characters was strong and you can feel the pain they are sharing. Choi Soo Jong is a really good actor and even Uee did a good job in portraying a role not so well written, her character switch too much between cinderella and strong woman making her inconsistent. The overall tone is a bit too much melodramatic but considering the topic it would be strange to have too much comedy, but don't be scared there are tons of hair grabbing that will makes you laugh.
The plot is not draggy, beside the last part which was extended (unnecessary imho) by 6 episodes.
Each secret is reveald and resolved within 2-3 episodes, this allow you to be always suprise without getting annoyed.
The soundtrack is totally forgottable, honestly I don't remember even one song. I give 6 to rewatch value cause I usually don't rewatch drama but I had to vote.
Overall I suggest this to any family drama fans who is used to makjang and is not bother by the fact that the romance is not the main topic.
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WOW.First off, the plot is good. To me, it is a similar story line like "All About My Mom" (Korean Drama). Throughout the storyline, you'll experience feelings of betrayal, annoyance, love, forgiveness, anger, and many more.
The actors and actresses did an amazing job with how they show their emotions, such as anger, fear, annoyance, sadness, compassion, and many more. One feeling that stuck out to me the most was forgiveness. Throughout the storyline, Kim Do Ran and Kang Soo Il always forgive people no matter how badly people treated them.
The reason why I rated the music a 7/10 was because I only liked one song, "No One Else", that the drama plays to be honest; if you watch the 2018 KBS Drama Awards, one of the songs from this drama is used in the Drama Awards. The song is filled with sadness, in a way.
You will fall in love with one of the couples in this drama. Even though they played a major part in the drama, I wished the drama showed a little bit more. I was more interested in this couple than the main couple to be honest.
There's so many life lessons in this drama that you can learn. Highly recommend watching it!
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This drama gave me life. I don’t know why it is unpopular..
Words won’t come out and there is so much to say... Starting from the first episode it is easy to see where things are going to end, but it is not easy to see how.
And it is a very interesting part.
The show has many tones, and they were all well done. The funny, the frustrating, the sad, the happy, the heart fluttering…
Sometimes it felt like things were going very quickly and sometimes very slowly. But then I wasn’t sure because I just kept watching the amusing ways the stories unfold.
There are many secrets and they reveal themselves in strange ways.
About some of the characters, I keep hating them then liking them, hating them then feeling sorry for them, hating them then understanding them, hating them then…, the vicious cycle keeps going on.
But for the most part I keep growing fond.
Relationships are so beautiful. Family, friendship, and love relationships. But with all this love comes sacrifice, pain, and suffering.
Every couple is my favorite couple in this show. Every time a new pairing appears they look good right away.
The acting was convincing. Every time I watched Uee in a drama, her acting didn’t appeal to me at all. But I would say that she did really really well here. I discourage anyone from avoiding the show because of such reason.
Choi Soo Jung is amaaaazing. All the elder actors were impressive.
The characters were great. Their voices and their words, I keep hearing them in my head when I am not watching. I smile like them, cry like them, and feel like them. As if they infiltrated my head and my heart, both.
There are some good OSTs but they don’t play often. But good BGM plays the whole time.
Usually, I rarely consider the possibility of rewatching a normal length drama. And almost never think about rewatching one this long. But I think I would love to rewatch this one. I want to relive it all, once again. It is one of my favourite family dramas.
I understand why it had high ratings when it aired.
The show is as beautiful as the poster. Go watch it!
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Watch Something Else
Warning that this does contain spoilers because I just have no way of being nice to this story.Honestly, it has lots of potentials to be a great story but it became a mess as they tried to stretch it out. There’s these scenes of grandma in and out of dementia which was fine at beginning but it became regular, that it wasn’t cute anymore. It didn’t give any effective results of it so yeah, it became a drag. The main issue of female leads father as a murderer was a good plot until it was dragged out towards the end and it was like, so all that just for everyone to be one big family. Trust me, you’ll know what I mean when you watch. Female leads character was just terrible. She bowed, she got slapped, food thrown at, forced to divorce, openly dislike by mother in law and sister in law, that at end, they thought her the greatest thing they bout fell over to get her back in family. There was so much disdain and abuse of the poor and unfortunate from rich a***oles it’s disgusting that a society lives like that. Yes, we’ve seen it a lot in these chaebol dramas but I found this so intolerable.
The acting especially of Choi Soo Jong as father of main lead was really good, I could feel his every emotion in his complicated character. Sorry, I don’t mean to talk bad but female lead, Uee was just not up to par. I could see how her character is supposed to be meek because she’s poor but her facial withdrawn face throughout pretty much never changed throughout entire drama it was so boring. My gosh, it was so frustrating watching her. The actress Jung Jae Soon, adorable as she was could not save this mess. Props though to the snobbish evil ones because as always, their characters shine as bright neon on the hill as to how not to behave in any decent society, even if they’re filthy rich.
Writing was terrible. I think there was so much better plots to get out of situations here without giving bad people excuses to act awful towards others. I mean, we watch and want to come a2ay with something that is lasting and impactful to grow as a society. This show in the most, maybe ninety five percent of it made poor people so pathetic they don’t deserve to live in society and the empowerment to the rich continued until very end when had a light bulb moment of change.
Go ahead if you want to try. These after all are just personal reviews. I scoff that I hear this drama got lots of awards. I wish I never gave it any time of my day. Waste.
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KBS and the team have outdone themselves
Excellent. Uee and Jang Woo are really excellent actors and a great match up. All actors in this series were believable and truly good. The grandma was dignified and such an amazing actress. All characters are good looking. The antogonistic characters such as Daya, the mother in law, and step mom can even be reasoned with to some extent. All characters including Daya the antagonist are really good looking. The story writing also comes together intelligently and in a believable way. KBS and the team have really outdone themselves in this one. As long as the show is, it manages to be engaging and well-paced. ep 81 acting and many others were amazing. Father is also oddly good looking and his mannerisms are memorable. Great stuff! Worth many award.Cet avis était-il utile?

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Horribly written Characters.
I'll start with the positives.Directing & Pacing: 7/10
This drama has a 7/10 speed rating when it comes to the pacing. The story is constantly moving with only a few draggy scenes.
Original Soundtracks: 6/10
The OSTs though not the most catchiest, includes melodies which are towards the cute and charming side.
Acting: 6.5/10
The acting is passable though the male lead doesn't seem to be able to express sadness adequately. The female lead UEE does a better job.
The villains like the lead's stepmother and sister-in-law also manages to act like selfish brainless despicable brats, hence the actresses behind those characters did a great job.
The actor of Doran's Father also shows a skillful level of emotions.
Now for the negatives:
Story & Script: 0/10
The step-mother's hatred for Doran (UEE) was at least logical. The Sister-in-Law's (Daya) hatred for Doran (UEE) was illogical.
Daya marries into the family in the first few episodes, instead of wishing to live alone with her husband, she chooses to live with her in-laws. (Unusual)
Throughout the series, her main goal is to be the "Woman of the House" and to be the successor to her "Mother-in-Law". (Illogical)
Daya is hellbent at giving Doran a bad time, constantly stomping over her because of the above illogical reason. It is as if her character was written for the sole purpose of being a hate machine. The reason for that hatred is poorly planned and written.
Doran also gets stomped by her step mother and step sister throughout the series, and repeatedly forgives them? Spineless, brainless. (Illogical)
Overall Summary:
After 37 episodes, we'll start to wonder what exactly is the writer trying to convey? At this point the message is that it is "Okay to be a Door Mat and get taken advantage off". The series attempts to fuel the viewer's addiction and attention by drawing out sympathy towards Doran. This only achieves annoyance and frustration as we see Doran constantly forgiving those who constantly hurts her. There is no karma towards the villains. All it takes for the villains to be forgiven of their wrongdoings are further scheming and/or apologies at the end.
If you choose to experience this series, be warned of the above. This series is not a short one, hence it will be time-consuming to complete.
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grandma was the only good character
first, watching episode one I was completely hooked. I loved the start of the story about the dad going to jail and losing his daughter and all, and I was curious to find out more. however the more episodes I watched the more downhill the drama went.do-ran's mother is unforgivable by the way she treats her "daughter". not only that the way she cheats do-ran and takes money off her in-laws but does nothing to her biological daughter makes me feel so frustrated to the point I want to stop watching the show. I understand that the writer wanted us to feel every single emotion out there (which I felt) but these emotions became too extreme and if you want to watch this drama be prepared to have high blood pressure!
do-rans mother-in-law is so annoying BUT THE SISTER IN LAW GOSH SHE IS SOMETHING ELSE!!!! SHE IS THE WORST OF THEM ALL. I tried to understand what the writer was trying to impose and it's obvious that most kdrams have annoying inlaws and all but this was too much. SHE JUST WOULD NOT GIVE UP TO DESTROY DO-RANS LIFE!!
but the grandma saved it all. she was by far the most understanding person out there as well as do-rans husband. my point is that this drama has potential and I do enjoy it because I love family dramas but in my opinion, the drama level is way too high and so unnecessary to the point it makes you want to quit or take a break. my overall rating is 7 even if I'm so annoyed because I have to be honest with myself, this drama was still good and I still want to keep watching more episodes. I love watching family dramas but after watching 'what happens to my family and my father is strange' this drama is nowhere near as good as those.
in conclusion, if you EXTREMELY LOVE DRAMA, can control your anger, and love family dramas then this drama is for you !!
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