Many many similar tropes; the family, the work, the coincidences, the rich man/poor woman, ...
Same writer, even similar characters names, common actors
The same cliches. You’re going to like the other if you like one
Same writer, even similar characters names, common actors
The same cliches. You’re going to like the other if you like one

The main character: a poor girl who was kicked out by a mean mother. She welcomes a grandmother with dementia, she meets her "arrogant" grandson (not so arrogant in MOO) and you know what follows.
In my opinion, the acting is better in Shining Inheritance but being a family drama gives My Only One a good point. Each character has its own plotline (though everything intertwines somehow) instead of one couple solving everything (SI).
Careful, My Only One is pure makjang while SI emphasizes more on business.
In my opinion, the acting is better in Shining Inheritance but being a family drama gives My Only One a good point. Each character has its own plotline (though everything intertwines somehow) instead of one couple solving everything (SI).
Careful, My Only One is pure makjang while SI emphasizes more on business.