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Yes, it's kind of flawed and has its plot holes, but considering the original writer dropped out and another writer had to come in and pick up the pieces, it's pretty darn good. At times it did feel like different writers were writing different parts. It would go from Comedy to Horror to Action, for example. However, in the end, I think the last scene represented the drama real well as a whole. Basically, bright and colorful, but one hot mess. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
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Cet avis était-il utile?

Bad Romance: The Series
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The Lighter and the Princess' Gown
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The way the writers set up the story in the second half makes it seem like it's going to be a revenge story after the male lead returns. They also set it up to be a business drama about a start up company. The start up related stuff is fun to watch. The revenge story fell flat for me. There was all this buildup making it seem like they were going to get the perfect revenge. What actually happened to the bad guys was not worthy of all that buildup. I really wanted to see one of the antagonists go down in flames. Yet all I got was 5 seconds of him going down for his own unrelated wrongdoing.
Now for the romance, this couple was cute at times (there were a lot of tickle attacks). However, someone mentioned their relationship was toxic and I have to say I kind of agree. In the beginning, a lot of it involved ML leaning in, invading her personal space, trying to make her blush, and ordering her to do things. He would get away with being bossy and rude because of his pretty face and the fact that he is a "genius" programmer. FL's obsession with ML was a bit alarming. They manage to slip in a shirtless scene toward the end for the thirsty folks...so I guess that's a plus. Like I said, they were cute together, but there were a lot of red flags that should not be ignored either.
One thing I liked was FL's growth story. She becomes a better programmer and gains more confidence in herself. I wish she gained the ability to stand up to her parents. I think she actually did toward the end, but I don't think it actually resolved anything.
Overall, I think it's a decent watch. It's not amazing or mind-blowing as some people are making it out to be. The romance is okay (though it has some red flags). The songs are pretty awesome. I think if you lower your expectations, there's a good chance you will enjoy it.
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Stairway to Stardom
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That being said, this drama does a pretty good job of representing the entertainment industry including the good and the bad. You have the female lead who just happens to get lucky over and over again making her way to the top while her friend has to claw her way up to the top doing a lot of shady things. Some actresses have to fight their way through and continue to fight to maintain their position, while others just genuinely get lucky and their talent is recognized. I also loved how they depicted the complicated relationship of frenemies and business rivals. Another cool thing is that it has some pretty epic celebrity cameos of actors appearing as themselves, including Orlando Bloom. At times, especially in the beginning, it felt like this drama was being used as an outlet for Tencent to advertise/promote its other projects / movies...especially with its star studded celebrity cameos. However, it was still fun to watch because you never knew who would show up.
Another thing I liked is that the male lead is "allergic" to females due to some traumatic past. While I have seen this plot multiple times in other dramas, I liked how the female lead is no exception to the rule. He is allergic to her as well and that is one of the complications of their romance that he has to overcome. The chemistry between the two leads is pretty good and it's fun seeing them go from enemies to lovers. Scenes between these two characters are more romantic comedy, whereas the rest of the drama is more of a melodrama with the female lead pursuing her dreams of becoming a recognized actress.
One of things that hurt the drama is that it is pretty lengthy and the last 10 episodes or so dragged. At the end of the day, I did enjoy this drama and felt like it was worth watching once (especially for Push). I don't plan to rewatch it though.
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The second half becomes more thrilling as the plan to assassinate General Ito comes into fruition. It is packed with more action and suspense. There's a race against time to reach the general, while Japanese soldiers are riding on their coattails. One thing I loved is how they depicted the inner conflict of one of the characters. The film takes a nuanced approach to representing certain historical figures. General Itō Hirobumi is depicted as a complex individual rather than a one-dimensional villain. The movie even managed to mention some of his accomplishments. In contrast, the Japanese Army is depicted as cruel, inhumane, and barbaric.
The climax was intense. There was great use of sound editing and mixing to capture the thrill and suspense of the moment. Overall, this patriotic film is a great one time watch. I don't think I'll be watching again unless I'm a huge fan of war or historical films.
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Now for the elephant in the room...the lead actor changed after 6 episodes. Some people were upset about it and could not adjust to the change. For this reason, I highly suggest taking a break after episode 6 instead of watching episodes 6 and 7 back to back. The editing gets a bit sloppy around this point because they had to go back and refilm scenes with the new actor. The story's focus moves away from the male lead and onto the princess. Just think of it as the drama's slump period. So now the audience is forced to experience two different actors with two different character interpretations. It's very hard not to compare the two. I personally liked Na In Woo's interpretation better as the character is supposed to be a country bumpkin and soft. The princess's nickname for On Dal is "deer" and it seemed to me like Na In Woo had more doe like eyes. This innocence is of key importance in later episodes. Anyways, I have to give Na In Woo props cuz he came in and took on a role he had very little time to prepare for and got so much hate for it because he replaced the predecessor.
As for the story, there was a lot going on and maybe the drama tried to tackle too much at once? Not only do you have the internal palace drama and corruption, you have neighboring country threats, as well a bunch of people with their own side stories trying to get revenge. I wouldn't say the story dragged since there was a lot going on, but 20 episodes felt like a lot and it could've been shortened down to 16. At times the script felt a bit weak when it came to dialogue and flat supporting characters. Overall, not an absolute mess like I thought it would be. If you give the drama a chance, it does get better in the second half. It's a decent drama. I can't say for sure it was worth my time though.
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What I could not relate to and found absolutely ridiculous was some of the workplace drama and how messed up the school administration was. Our female lead finds herself thrown into the job on her first day and is forced to adapt into what seems like a very fast paced/chaotic environment. There is absolutely no way that a school would take a new hire and throw them into a job and expect them to figure things out without proper orientation and shadowing. I have taught abroad in an entirely foreign country and the process of adapting to the school system there was a lot more smoother than this ridiculous school. There is no way they throw you in deep waters like that, contract employee or not.
I'm not sure what the message of this drama was. There seemed to be vague touch and go commentary on a lot of things, but they would not follow through with the message. I'm not sure what point they were trying to hit home. There were three main things that they seemed to touch upon: difference between contract employee vs. non contract employee, nepotism, and how the South Korean education system is more geared toward college entrance exams than it is on educating students about other life values/subjects (i.e. it's not useful unless it's on the exam). The third one sort of popped up toward the end and was somewhat addressed, but the other commentary sort of faded away. Overall, solid good drama, but the lack of professionalism can be off-putting.
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The drama is only 12 episodes long, so the show didn't drag on more than it should have. It was short, sweet, and simple. The ending, while it wasn't bad, it wasn't all that great either. It just felt a bit unfinished. However, I think it's the writers' way of saying that life goes on.
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Propaganda gone wrong
This drama was awful and I really had to torture myself to finish. It was drowning in propaganda. The irony of it is that the messages they tried to send across did the exact opposite for me. It tried to promote Chinese scientific research as becoming more advanced and reputable. It tried to encourage people to join the field. However, there was so much unprofessionalism, it actually disgusted me. It failed to persuade me why working in this field in China would be better than in any other country (that they were trying to discredit for being racist/plagiarizing). Furthermore, while the world is currently trying to convince people to get the covid vaccine, it made me really reluctant to try out any new drug or vaccine entering into the market because of all the crap that went down.It tried to make women seem very badass and capable (girl power), but at the end of the day it made women look bad for being irrationally emotional. I'm a woman myself and I started disliking women because majority of the female characters just gossip, spread misinformation and chaos for no reason other than petty jealousy or boredom.
It was incredibly draggy, though the last few episodes had a bit more drama and some unexpected twists, so things got a bit more interesting. Majority of people were disappointed in the ending. I think I was just relieved that it was finally over. Overall, I would not recommend to anybody unless you work in this field. You will either enjoy it cuz you might find the office politics relatable OR you might hate it because of the inaccuracy (ex. wearing uncovered heels in lab *eyeroll*).
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Interesting concept, but gets draggy and cliche.
It has my girl Eleanor in it playing a badass master thief. I liked how the FL solved various gadgets and contraptions using her background as a thief. I needed more of it to be honest. This couple was pretty cute together. The theme song was also cute and the music in general was good.However, I found myself "forcing" my way through it and having to watch it at 2x playback speed. It got super political and draggy toward the middle. It wasn't even interesting politics. It was the typical cliche stuff and it brought this drama really down. They waited until the last 2 episodes to clear things up. There were many missed opportunities on pacing through spaced out revelations. Also, I'm kind of petty about the ending of some of the characters, but since this is adapted from a novel, it's understandable.
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