Une romance feel good comme on les aime
J'ai commencé mon visionnage en me disant que j'allais sûrement voir un ersatz de l'excellent et indétrônable Wat's Wrong With Secretary Kim? mais bien mal m'en a pris car je suis ravi.e de reconnaître que ce drama possède sa véritable identité.L'histoire :
Avec le pitch de départ, mon impression du début s'était déjà émoussée car ici, la romance va apparaître très différente du drama Wat's Wrong With Secretary Kim?, surtout avec l'histoire de la maladie du héros en plus.
L'histoire est racontée simplement avec des enchaînements qui viennent d'eux-mêmes, c'est rythmé juste ce qu'il faut et avec les acteurs ont a souvent droit à des moments très cartoonesques, comme la scène de la buée sur les lunettes de l'héroïne dans le premier épisode par exemple.
Les personnages :
Notre héroïne, Jeong Gal Hee est jouée par Jin Gi Ju que j'ai découverte grâce à ce drama et que je trouve très rafraîchissante, elle ne paraît pas du tout niaise ni naïve, comme on pourrait s'y attendre de prime abord, mais nous plante un personnage de femme qui a énormément de difficultés à surmonter dans sa vie et elle y fait face, elle ne déroge jamais de son opinion ou de ses principes, même par amour et elle est attentive au bien être, non seulement de son patron, mais aussi de toutes les personnes qui comptent pour elle, ce qui nous montre qu'elle ne fait pas ça par obligation mais parce que c'est quelque chose de naturel chez elle.
Kim Young Kwang, que j'avais croisé dans le drama Pinocchio où il jouait un jeune chaebol voulant tracer son propre chemin, prend ici le rôle du lead masculin, le directeur Do Min Ik (ce qui en français donne « Dominique », ça m'a fait crever de rire je l'avoue). Nous avons ici affaire à un personnage qui paraît sortir de l'usine à chaebol, beau gosse et arrogant et en fait... ben pas du tout! Il nous montre qu'il sait être drôle et charmant, il ne se pose pas du tout en supérieur par rapport aux autres. On peut le voir à plusieurs moment dans le drama, il a même des réactions de « bébé pas content » a taper du pied en faisant la grimace quand quelque chose ne lui convient pas ou quand il est frustré. Et quand il est perdu ou désolé, il a un air de chien battu avec ses grands yeux larmoyants Aaaaaw je craque!
Concernant les second leads, il ne sont absolument pas en reste! On a tout d'abord Gu Ja Seong ( que j'ai rapidement croisé dans le drama Was It Love qui lui aussi cache bien son jeu, car, sous ses dehors de directeur qui s'habille en mode Chill par rapport aux autres toujours en costard et ses airs toujours trop sérieux se cache un sacré fripon! Je ne vous en dis pas plus, je vous laisse découvrir.
Et pour finir, l'inénarrable Veronica Park incarnée par l'actrice (inconnue pour moi) Kim Jae Kyung. Alors là une fabuleuse découverte! Un jeu totalement décomplexé et très extravagant qui sait aussi montrer qu'elle défendra ses principes ou les personnes qu'elle aime quoiqu'il lui en coûte. On croit avoir affaire à la traditionnelle peste de service en plus énervante mais en fait, elle se révélera bien différente au côté de notre lead féminine, et je n'en dirai pas plus pour ne pas vous spoiler.
Pour finir, une mention spéciale pour Riri, Fifi et Loulou (désolé les filles, ma mémoire des noms est nulle ! ), je parle ici du trio d'amies secrétaires de notre lead féminine qui m'ont bien fait rigoler et qui sont toujours là pour aider ou secouer notre héroïne quand elle en a besoin.
La réalisation :
Je l'ai déjà évoqué, il y a beaucoup de situations comiques dans le drama, même un clin d'œil à une scène d'Orange Mécanique bien rigolote avec le gang des secrétaires bourrées dans l'épisode un. Tout cela donne un côté rafraîchissant à l'histoire car même les situations les plus lourdes ou stressantes sont souvent désamorcées par ces moments humoristiques qui arrivent à point nommé.
La romance a parfois du mal à démarrer ou piétine un peu concernant le couple lead, mais la seconde romance avec nos second leads, je l'ai trouvée excellente même si elle n'est pas un point central de l'histoire.
Les effets spéciaux sont bien réalisés et relèvent des scènes qui étaient peut être juste banales a défaut d'être mignonne comme l'effet spécial de la pluie (plutôt du temps qui s'arrête ) quand nos héros sont sous la pelle d'un tractopelle.
D'ailleurs, les effets de morphing pour montrer l'état de prosopagnosie du héros sont vraiment très bien faits. À ce propos, j'ai beaucoup aimé le fait que le héros « attrape » cette maladie, plutôt qu'il l'ai depuis longtemps, comme dans le drama The Beauty Inside, car grâce à cela, on peut voir tout le cheminement qu'il doit accomplir afin de se faire à ce nouvel état, toutes les adaptations et tous les « trucs » qu'il doit inventer sur le tas pour s'en sortir, pour vivre sa vie tout simplement.
Le héros a d'ailleurs une discussion là-dessus avec le grand frère aveugle de l'héroïne qui m'a beaucoup touchée et c'est grâce à ces petites touches que le drama n'en est que meilleur à mon sens.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
Cet avis était-il utile?
What got me looking forward to watching every episode was not the story but rather the two main characters. The best way to describe their chemistry is extremely cute, like giggling while watching cute. I think that is mainly because of Kim Young Kwang as Director Do Min Ik. Even at his worst behavior, there was just always something super charming, sympathetic, and cute about him, and it really is an interesting role. He is matched by Jin Ki Joo as his personal secretary Jung Gal Hee, who despite being the kind of doormat that usually annoys me, she was also very cute in a way that made me want to root for her. Together, their super cute chemistry kept me involved from the very beginning, and I couldn't help but get hooked just from wanting to see them together, which never got old for me. At times the romance is super cheesy, but it's delicious cheese in my opinion, which made me overlook a lot of the show's other flaws.
The rest of the cast is pretty entertaining too (especially Gal Hee's blind brother and the campy Veronica Park), with one major exception... Koo Ja Sung as Ki Dae Joo. I don't know if it's due to inexperience or not but I found Koo Ja Sung to be extremely boring to have such a major role. Many of the actors knew how to play up the comedy and the drama but he seemed one note throughout. It was extra noticeable whenever he was in scenes with Veronica Park, who was such an over the top character, and in comparison, his character fell completely flat. There was an ambiguous nature to his character which did work for the story but he still never had much of a personality or depth in a show full of so many broad characters.
As for the story, it's mostly everything you've already seen in this type of drama with a random twist that at first seemed silly but it definitely made things more interesting. I also loved the way that part of the story unfolded visually. There is also a mystery element to this drama that was intriguing enough to make me want to know what was really going on, but it was the cheesy romance that really kept me watching. This is also a generally lighthearted story. Even though there are serious elements nothing is ever taken too seriously, even when characters are in tears or in danger. That definitely made it hard to take this drama too seriously or expect too much from the plot. There is also dual identity part of the story that is very far-fetched but was still fun to watch. I honestly had no real complaints while watching, but the ending did feel rushed. Still, I appreciated that they didn't add unnecessary new conflicts and rivalries to try to fill in the time, and stuck to telling one storyline without a lot of distracting sideline stories.
Would I watch this again? If I'm in the mood for a cute romcom, then yes. The cute parts are definitely rewatchable, and the short episodes are constructed well enough to not get too boring. However, I'd much rather see Kim Young Kwang cast as another male lead in a new romcom soon!
Overall I recommend this drama even though it's not joining my official list of favorites. It's more like a guilty pleasure drama. I think the key to enjoying it is to not expect too much or overanalyze the plot. There is also a reoccurring theme about what's really important in life and relationships that I liked. This drama may not have been what I expected at first sight, but I'm definitely glad I kept watching.
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Don’t read the synopsis. Don't watch the trailer !!! I am so glad I didn’t. I was sold within the 1st few minutes of the 1st episode. And although in many ways this show is predictable, many effective romcom formulas being used (let’s be real, they’re still used because they work), in many ways you will be taken aback. You will be shocked by who is trustworthy and who is not, who is strong and who is weak. And you will also wonder if everything in life is or can actually be black and white. I don’t think anyone can guess what leads the lead roles to get closer and closer, unless they stumble across the “former titles” or read the synopsis before watching the show, which I suggest you AVOID doing at all costs. It will spoil it, and kill what could be an interesting twist in your eyes as a viewer. The fact that the official title doesn’t give a single hint about what is going on is perfect. It made me appreciate the show even more. Be ready to discover tons of secrets - some being legit and harmless, most having pretty devastating consequences due to lies to cover up others, or lies to truly hurt others. KYK was the only reason I gave the show a try, and I really really didn’t expect much, but this romcom is fun and fresh, with doses of thrill and drama added to it. The strong points of this show? Its consistency in terms of suspense, and the leads’ ability to emote. I can’t think of one boring episode. I found myself cracking up one minute and tearing up the next. It is surprisingly one of the best romcoms I have seen to date, I truly recommend it.Cet avis était-il utile?
My "10" is solely based on the fact that I loved the lead romance, I loved the music, and overall was just
genuinely happy while watching it.
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Well, this is a good comedy drama to pass the time, but I won't say it was impressive, and I probably forget it soon.If you're in for the "summer readings" then give it a try.
I liked that they tried to put more depth to the prosopagnosia trope (now, this desease is a trend in dramaland and it seem to affect a lot of young ceos LOL can you please not be so obvious when you take inspiration?) by comparing Min Ik to her blind brother (even tho it was a very weak and short moment) and describing it as something scary and anxious. I mean you can't recognize people around you, that could be a setback, especially for someone who needs to recognize friends from foes.
I also liked the fact they talked about how some workplaces are a real hell (this thing was also treated in "Jugglers") for employees as maids, secretaries, drivers and so on, and they have a sort of will of change it.
But they kinda didn't handle it very well, the whole plot about the "robin hood secretary fight club" who sell the bribes their boss get from other people and use that money to cover employees issues is a bit boring, moreover because it doesn't concern the two leads or second leads, at least not entirely.
I liked a lot Veronica Park. I was scared when she was introduced because I thought she would be THAT annoying second female lead character, but her being too extra is, in fact, refreshing and amusing. I liked how she was somehow "naive" (not with love relationships LOL) but supporting towards the female protagonist AND her sister.
Well, what I didn't really liked was how much episodes and focus was spent for the whole "I pretend to be someone else" thing, it's something we saw a lot of time, also in western shows and movies, so I don't think it was needed...the show could've take another road without it and it would have been fine.
I find it hard to cheer for the protagonist if she pretend to be someone else, taking advantage of his illness, in order to obtain his love. It's lame and honestly if you think about it, it never ends well. I especially despise her sharade because she knew he had issues with his family and trust issues...she was too greedy, Our fictional characters are lucky their partner are sooo in love and understanding they come to forgive them, but in real life...well suing is the very least imo.
And the plot was pretty much stark...there are some evident plot holes, especially about the disguise and the assault thing that made me wonder if they thought I was too stupid to realize it.
I mean why in the world the driver would change a lightbulb in his boss office at night and why, when Min Ik finds out, he attacks him instead of saying "I'm your driver" . This doesn't make sense at all.
Also I wont' even try to analyse the medical aspect of it: his illness can be "cured" if he has high pressure or if he sees the one he loves....even sticking to it, there were moments were he was supposed to be excited or nervous (like when he confessed to Gal Hee, when they almost made sex and so on) but nothing happened. Conveniently at the end he has a scare in the elevator and his illness just goes away. I'd rather use the fantasy elements than this.
The last thing got me a bit annoyed it's an aspect of their romance. They were cute yes, but a bit too teenage-style to be 30 something. Min Ik hinted he had other relationships in that "stocking moment" (LOL) but they were awkward just by holding their hands or hugging (while in the first episode, when she was just the secretary I thought they were more chill about touching). I'm not saying I wanted hot stuff or whatever, it's just a bit surreal to see them being too much naive for their actual age.
I would rewatch this? I don't know, honestly. I was annoyed at her lies and I don't know if I want to face that again...but overall was cute and not to dramatic, LOL in the first episode Gal Hee's mother death was comic instead of sad.
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I loved all of the characters and their relationships!
Do Min Ik is the sweetest most adorable playful male lead, Jung Gal Hee is the ONLY acceptable cute female lead, Veronica Park is legendary, Ki Dae Joo had the cutest smiles, Gal Hee's mom and brother were great support and comedic relief, doctor Goo Seok Chan and the 3 secretaries..
to give a critical non biased opinion other than "fluff"... this had a weak plot that was carried solely by the actors, and yet it was able to pull itself together and wrap things up perfectly?
I don't want this to end! I demand a 2nd season! the adventures of my secretary's married life? I want more....
my rewatch values are either a 1 or a 10, and I'll love to watch this again~
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Here are the issues I have with this drama. The relationship between Min Ik and his adoptive mom seem fake towards the end. All of the sudden this 180 degree change? Never throughout this drama do you see a character progression in his adoptive mom so this wasn't believable. It was monkey wrench threw in by the writers to not make her look like an evil witch. As much as I like the main leads when they're together, they're pretty stupid. I don't usually mind when either the male or female lead is a bit dumb but when you have both at the same time, it can get pretty annoying and frustrating. So many hints and clues reveal in this drama to the main lead characters but yet the writer makes the leads brush over it like it was nothing or being not smart about it. The acting is just okay overall. There are some scenes where the characters shine but a lot of times, it's just cringy to watch and hear that "awesome" word. A lot of filler episodes that dragged the progression of the plot. The ending did felt rushed but at the same time, the last 2 weeks of episodes were a bit boring to me.
Overall, you will get a good share of comedy and romance since the chemistry with the main & secondary leads are on point. It's just that the plot & the progression of the plot wasn't handle well in my opinion.
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I did not like this drama in the end. To be honest, I liked the first few episodes where the ML was being so bossy and selfish, and the FL was fighting so hard to work with him, just to secure a job. But when he started to waver and became indecisive and while the FL continued to lie to him being Veronica Park, my interest in the drama just went down the drain. In the end, I actually watched the drama for the real Veronica Park parts only. She is hilarious and over the top. The FL and ML are OK but their story-line got quite muddled in the end. The actors worked their best but the writing could have been better. I cannot understand why this drama got high rating when there are much better Rom-Com dramas out there.
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This review contains spoilers.I think the two romantic relationships had great chemestry, but the main couple had some things that made me less excited to root for them. I hated that she took advantadge of his illness, it was a really shitty move that a good person would never do, specially a person who has a blind brother and knows how difficult life is for him. And specially a person who knows he has trust issues because somebody betrayed him and he can't even trust his family. I also didn't like the whole in love with fake Veronica and in love with the secretary, beause the way he came to the conclusion he was in love with the secretary felt forced. And I also think the forgiveness after he finds out about what she did was very rushed. I think the main couple had good chemestry, and their kisses weren't awkward, but that I wish their storyline would've been different.
Regarding the other pairing, I really loved them. Veronica Park easily stole the show, I loved how she was hurt by others but that didn't make her mean even if she pretended she was. She always tried to help and was honest and vulnerable.
I don't think I'll rewatch this drama, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't original or very special. I think the only scene it burned on my brain was how the male main character reacted to knowing his secretary lied to him, about how his illness affects him on is daily life. And how our facial expressions are part of human interactions and you can feel isolated when you can't see them anymore.
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A sweet, lovely, funny, cute office romance !
I loved this drama ! I had a wonderful time watching it !I loved every character. The relationship between Min Ik and Dae Ju is really beautiful (calling each other "wifey" is so damn cute), Gal Hee is a lovely and lively woman, and Veronica Park is undeniably one of the most memorables K-drama characters.
I will certainly miss this drama a lot.
The story in itself is very simple. It's a typical office romance but... I like that haha
There is no love triangle (thank God, I think it feels nice not to have anyone disturb the romance of the main leads).
The side characters are interesting. And there is also a part of mystery.
Well, to sum up, it is an interesting drama for people who want to enjoy a sweet romantic storyline with beautiful leads and side characters. Aaaannnnnnddd a very very very cute Do Min Ik !
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Impossível não se apaixonar!
Como eu amei assistir esse drama !!!!Foi mega fofo do começo ao fim!A história não é uma coisa super única,mas tem seu charme.Mas o destaque pra mim fica com os personagens,principalmente os principais e o casal secundário!(o que foi a maravilhosa Verônica Park haha),juro q quando surgiu a Veronica achei q o drama ia ficar chato e achei q ela ia ser uma SFL muito chata,mas na real ela foi a melhor personagem hahaha
Pra mim o único defeito dessa obra é a mentira,pois sempre que um drama usa isso da mentira me sinto muito ansiosa hahaha Pois sei q os personagens vão ficar mega chateados quando descobrirem a verdade,mas aqui era fundamental para a história do drama.
Se vc está em dúvida,se assiste ou não,nem pense duas vezes,vc com certeza vai se apaixonar por tudo!!
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The acting was surprisingly good, the characters felt really close and the support roles were also charming and well played.
The plot was my favourite part, because in this kind of dramas is very difficult to please everybody, many people love the classic style and many others expect more a creative development, but this one has both, a classic structure with many original scenes.
The music was ok, not very repetitive but helped the emotions to flow all allong the story.
I watched this one like 6 months ago, and I'm still looking for a drama that has this kind of chemistry between the couple and the balance this one has with comedy/romance/working issues/melodrama. I feel like the scriptwriters wanted to reinvent the classical office romance, and they really did it.
If you are looking for a light hearted romantic comedy, just give it a try!
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