En cours 14/16
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 12, 2024
14 épisodes vus sur 16
En cours 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

"die hard" korean version

No way - just NO WAY - imagine this is a realistic story. This drama is packed with heroes and tremendous fights for justice, to the point i couldnt care less. Even the President is portrayed as being corrupt and spineless, which is a daring shot!
If you wanna see a civilian fighting against all government and presidency and succeeding in it, while having time for romance too, this is the one for you. Totally crazy, right? Still there are a lot of good-looking actors, so bear with it... Lets just pretend we believe it! (wink wink*)
Nice watch, despite dragging a lot with all the political plots.

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Miss Romcom
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 27, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 2.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Likes: Lee Seung gi. Seung gi as an action hero. Seung gi’s flashback mullet hair. Production Value. Fast paced editing.

Dislikes: There is not one instance where I believed Suzy was a NIS agent. Sorry, but no.

You can tell that they shelled out the big bucks on this kdrama because the production value was high. With lots of fast paced action scenes, this kdrama reminded me of a cross between Jason Bourne and Homeland.

There were some definite glaring flaws (secret government missions…pffffft…yeah, not so secret. Apparently you can reveal classified info to regular citizens as long as you are on the “good side”). And some of the acting (ahem, Suzy) will require some overlooking, but overall the suspense and action made this an enjoyable watch. Seung gi really gave his all to the action scenes and to the emotional scenes as well. I can’t remember any other kdrama that has done action scenes to this degree so it was a nice change.

There wasn’t too much romance in this drama and the chemistry wasn’t the sizzling kind, but Suzy and Seung gi worked well together so it wasn’t too much of a bummer. The ending will make you wonder if there will be a season 2?

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Moon Lia
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 7, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Started strong but ended on a cliffhanger.

Vegabond started so strong with the action and emotion, but the ending left me furcated. I loved the series because just when I thought I knew who the bad guy behind everything, it would turn out to be someone else. You really had to pay attention and think about each character and what they would gain from the plane crash.

One of the first things I loved was that for once an action KDrama had female characters that were not completely useless. Go Hae Ri was not always loveable and had moments where she was annoying but she able to take care of herself. Jessica Lee was amazing I loved/hated her from start to finish. Then there was Lily an assassin who I loved even though I maybe should not. I could go into each character and how I enjoyed them but watch for yourself to see.

The only thing that made me upset about this show was the ending. The last episode was rushed only to end with a cliffhanger. One of the things I love about KDrama is everything gets wrapped up in the last episode and there is a happy ending. But not with this one and there is not much of a chance of this getting a 2nd season after 3 years. I still enjoyed watching the show up to the last second when it just cut off with no real ending.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 16, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I hate cliffhangers. I usually wait until entire stories are finished before I start to watch. What a surpirse it was for me that this ended the way it did. If I would have known there was a cliffhanger I would not have wasted my time watching this. Now I am annoyed. The way they ended this story was not only confusing, but really unsatisfying. How did the main characters lives change so much? I felt like a big chunk was missing in the end. Is has been over a year and no mention of a second season.
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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 12, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 1
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Vagabond has something missing

I preface, I first watched this drama years ago and recently rewatched it as before I loved it but found it aged terribly.

I'll start with the pros, it's visually well done and the shots are some of the best seen in an action drama. It starts with a very promising premise and the first set of episodes, and for a while the acting is great.

The cons are that it goes downhill and lacks something that makes it unique and a good watch. I find the story quite erratic and hard to follow at times, and I feel like there are too many plot holes for me. I also wish the dynamics of the main leads were better because they do improve and it's frustrating. Also, the ending is well, not the best in my opinion and a season 2 is definitely needed for it to work,

Overall, I think it is an entertaining drama though and is showing promising talent within the film but not enough for it to be well, considered good, so I would simply consider it average.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 21, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

I enjoyed it a lot... until the last episode

I don't think it's a spoiler to warn that this show doesn't end. Maybe they'll make a second season to end the story and it will but, so far, the story is unfinished.

I have to say I enjoyed a lot the action scenes, the plot, the villains, the good guys... even the hints of romance. It is a very fun series to watch and I would've probably rated it with a 9 or more if they had finished the story. They set up the plot and left it unfinished, I wouldn't even say it's a cliffhanger where many storylines are resolved but something happens to move the story in a different direction, no, it's just that as they couldn't wrap up everything in the last episode, they left the story there.

I have to say I like the actors and the casting in general was charismatic and good for their roles.

The action sequences were good, though I think they could've been improved if they had cut them less often: it looks like they have good stuntpeople to make them work without so many cuts and that, in my opinion, allows the viewer to enjoy them more.

I loved the OST, it's full of great songs.

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En cours 6/16
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 15, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 16
En cours 0
Globalement 2.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Can’t say yet

I tried watching this show few months back and dropped it, I picked it up again to watch after watching The Devil Judge (special shout out to the one and only YoHan aka Ji Sung, you were perfection).
I am yet to make my judgement on the rave reviews about this being the best action series, the reviewers here claim to have seen because I haven’t gotten that far yet.
As much as I want to drop this again, I will give it 2 more eps to see, because this 1st ep is blowing my mind and not in a good way.
Michael called the airport control line and an agent picked up, after the phone call we suddenly have fire and the fire alarm baring at the control center and said agent was murdered. How did the assassin know he was going to call and call at that very moment and who the agent that was going to pick the call in order to set the fire and murder the agent in a very “flawless” manner, I shook my head so bad @ the ridiculousness of it.. The scene was beyond unbelievable and almost too much for me to tolerate but tolerate for 2 more eps I will in hopes that that illogical mess can be somehow redeemed. Fingers crossed

Update @ ep4: Ofcourse they had to make the female lead dumb. She is an NIS agent, a trained paid one at that, as she has stated several times but she has zero spacial awareness, they have tried to kill them several times but girl, go ahead and co-join hands with your friend/colleague in the airport and chat about food and why don’t you ladies skip also while you are at it. While the ML is scanning for any hidden threats. Typical KDrama where the ML is better at everything and smarter also than the FL. Smh
They just arrived in the country and the journalist already knew that. How the hell did the journalist know that they were arriving on that particular day and also knew the restaurant they were going to. They are hiding from the people that are trying to kill them and these people can supposedly scrub crime scenes, tamper with evidence faster than you can say Jack Robinson but yeah stay in a building where all the blinds are wide open that anyone can see them. Damn. So many head scratching plot holes and illogical decisions by supposed intelligence agents.
It’s gotten a lot more interesting I must admit but the plot holes and dumbs decisions are so glaring, it’s wild.

Why does Cha Dal Geon have to scream and shout every time he’s talking. That only makes him sound crazy and silly. Whether he shouts or not is not going to make people believe him or not (it actually does make it less likely people will believe him because they will think he’s coming from a place of grief), they ended up just giving the viewers unnecessary migraine from all those screaming.

Update @ ep6: my patience is seriously wearing thin at this point. She is a trained agent and can’t keep her composure because she shot someone and almost gave the gig up with her hiccuping, really. Smh. I am going to drop this for now because if I don’t and continue, I might just drop it completely with how so over it I feel right now.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 8, 2024
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Nonstop Action

This was one of the most creative and exciting action/suspense dramas I’ve ever seen. Every episode had me on the edge of my seat. Time and time again the leads found themselves in situations with seemingly no way out. The bad guys kept piling up and you never knew what side anyone was on. The action starts in the very first episode and didn’t sop. Has to be one of my favorites.

I had only seen Lee Seung Gi in a couple of reality shows where he was funny and friendly, but after watching Vagabond, this man has earned my respect as one of the best actors out there.

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Sharon Fiona
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 24, 2024
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The ending pissed me off TT

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm............excuseeee meee what the actuall f....likeeee jeezzzzz i wassss soooooooo intoo thisss seriesss thattt i skipped all the work i had to do...andddd the endingggg?????!??!!! ummmmmmmm...shlddd thatt haveeee madeee senseeee...likeeee i wassss expectingg it to be smthingg muchh moreee...whennn it endedd ..i thoughhttt theree was probably a season 2 ...buttt NOPE..... welll other than the so called endingg..the series was great ...it definetly hadd a great action thrill to it ..and i lovedd it EXCEPT the ending of course...
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En cours 3/16
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 27, 2021
3 épisodes vus sur 16
En cours 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0


Can't believe I started reviewing just after watching 3 ep. Stroy's gripping from the very beginning and its progress is simply phenomenal.
Though I knew it's a pack of suspense and investigation didn't expect it to have me on the edge of my seat. Stunts are well performed and co-ordinated,
I'm falling In love with the character. having a gut feeling is right but how many of us get to reap the benefits of it? this character clearly reaps them unknowingly(which is evidently necessary for the given circumstances).
laksdnlkas nslnasldasidjlsmc.xmn vioawhdfskjlzssifalsdnalsk cmlhsca
sakjhdfnajsldnsldkjsafds sldhs alsdh;asc owyaedhas wiouesjasp iwopeuaijhdf foisdhjsl aoihdal;d
don't mind the above text. it's just for word count.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 9, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

What a ride.

Well, a journey this series.
As the synopsis suggests, the starting story is basic to dozens of action movies and series, a loved one of the main protagonist - the nephew - dies at the hands of an organization that wields powers over several institutions in the country.
The main character, here Cha Dal Gun, is obviously a capable character, he's a stunman who knows how to fight and isn't afraid to run into a wall - literally.
After his nephew's death appears to be an accident, he quickly discovers that it is not what it seems. He meets Go Hae Ri, a young woman who works for the Korean secret services and who will help him in his investigation.

I must say that my opinion is divided on the series.
I'm not going to lie, the series is very addictive, we quickly want to know the adventures of our characters, and the plot is well done.
The action scenes are to my surprise very well done although there is a bit of fiction when the character heals quickly, but that's the problem with action series and movies. I can't say that we are bored and the rhythm is very fast until the end, no break and therefore the audience is captivated.

The plot as a whole, although very fictional and basic, where corruption reigns and our characters cannot trust anyone because everyone is lying, remains in a fairly realistic and mature tone. Sometimes, we can also see the criticism of this series towards politicians, the media, and we say to ourselves at the same time as our characters "You are destroying the country you claim to want to save".
So overall, a good story that goes from twists to twists.

What bothers me are the characters.
I must say that Lee Seung Gi who plays Cha Dal Gun did a very good job, although we don't explore so many layers to his character who remains stubborn and sometimes impulsive until the end, he shows the desperate side correctly, a side that is often missing in the characters of the series who interpret the same kind of roles.
But it's still mainly an action series, so I didn't expect a lot of character development. However, I would have liked him to be less hot-headed and to be a more strategic and thoughtful character.
But I liked discovering him in this role.

However, this is where the problem arises, the bad LF syndrome. That's what I'm going to call this habit that actresses have of being FL and annoying.
Here, we supposedly have a young spy and secret service agent, okay it's quite realistic that she can't fight because in reality, all over the world, secret agents are sent for their intellectual abilities and not physical.
But her character remains annoying, when in the middle of a shooting, every time she finds that it's time to discuss and impose her opinion, namely - to stay still until she dies - and to prevent the main character to change the situation, it's annoying. Also her insane craving for recognition, looks like a kid who needs to be complimented all the time, while most of the time she makes the problem worse, she is naive and trusting, which is ridiculous for a supposed spy.
I know it's hard to find the middle ground between the clichés of the badass and the cute, weak FL one, but her performance just makes her annoying.
She's more the type to be the cause of someone's death than the one who saves the day.

The secondary characters are passable, no characters that shine in particular, the cast gives a performance that is believable but not breathtaking.

So, to sum it up, it's a series where you shouldn't expect incredible acting from the cast - except the action scenes and Lee Seung Gi. It's a series in realistic tones and is primarily made to make you feel the action, I mean, the action scenes are not overplayed but on the contrary well done.
The ML so, Lee Seung Gi is perfect in this role, the little romance with the FL is really realistic on this point, they take their time even if the acting of the FL overall is not the best.
It is therefore a series that I would say to see absolutely for entertainment, the comic moments are rather rare because the series has a serious tone but the action remains the center focus.

I hope a season 2 will see the light of day, I know that the two years that we had of Covid-19 did not help the projects in the industry and a lot of them were canceled, but knowing that the main actor said he himself wants a second season because season 1 ended on a cliffanger. And also that since the series is available on Netflix it has gained a fair amount of popularity, I hope they give us a thrilling sequel.

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En cours 16/16
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 25, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
En cours 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5

I usually don't comment while watching a series...

...but this time I am, because I'm hoping that my MDL peers who have seen Vagabond will weigh in on my assessment.
Of course, Lee Sungi is amazing (his patented yelling at someone is in full effect...for reference, see the Gu Family Book), and all the actors are excellent. Except Suzi Bae. I don't know whether it is the script writing, her portrayal of the character, or both. The character seems really out of place for what should be a high-intensity drama. The story is excellent, but the execution of it sometimes seems to vacillate between seriousness, and foolishness. But that's only my view. Maybe something at the end of the series will help me understand why the character and / or her performance is so weak? I hope so.

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Vagabond (2019) poster



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