2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 19, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

un drama de time travelling plus que décevant

J'adore les histoires de time travelling. Que cela soit type thriller/crime/suspense comme les excellents "Signal" ou "Tunnel", ou une romance comme les émouvants "Go back couple" ou " 18 again". Ici le time travelling couplé à mon chouchou Ji Sung, il ne m'en fallait pas plus pour me lancer à corps perdu devant ce drama.
La douleur et la déception n'en furent que plus grandes. Si j'avais fait mes devoirs plus tôt, j'aurais appris que Yang Hee Seung, scénariste de "Oh My Ghostess " et de " Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo", deux dramas que j'ai vraiment vraiment vraiment détesté (pardon pour les nombreux fans de ces deux dramas), était aussi la plume de ce drama. Si j'avais su. Je n'en serais pas là à écrire.

L'histoire en elle-même n'a rien d'extraordinaire. Un couple malheureux, qui par manque de communication. Qui par épuisement physique et morale. Qui par choix catastrophique. Sont sur le point de non retour. C'est du déjà vu. Qui n'a jamais eu envie de revenir en arrière? D'effacer et de tout recommencer? Moi la première. Rien d'immoral. Rien de nouveau.
A la différence de "Go back couple", ici, seul le point de vue de l'homme est mis en avant. C'est à travers ses yeux que que nous apprenons au fur et à mesure le pourquoi du déclin de couple. Et c'est ce qui est regrettable. Alors oui, ne le cachons pas, Cha Joo Hyuk est détestable. Il prend les mauvaises décisions pour les mauvaises raisons.
La douleur de Seo Woo Jin est ignorée. Les difficultés de sa femme bafouées. Alors, oui, on ne peut que le maudire. Et compatir ( du moins essayons...) aux malheurs de Seo Woo Jin. Malheureusement, il m'a été impossible de ressentir la moindre empathie pour elle. Nous ne voyons ses souffrances qu'à travers Joo Hyuk. Cela a été d'ailleurs pénible de voir Joo Hyuk se flageller durant une bonne partie du drama. Etre un couple, c'est être deux. Et cela fut loin d'être le cas ici.
L'alchimie entre Woo Jin et Joo Huyk n'est pas mauvaise, certains moments étaient vraiment agréables et prêtaient à sourire. Rien d'intense et de fusionnel par contre. Ce fut un autre regret. Pas de battement fous du coeur. Pas de montée d'adrénaline. Ou de sourire niais que l'on se forcerait à contenir. Rien.

Le drama est rempli d'absurdité et d'illogisme...Une mauvaise écriture du scénario.
J'ai vraiment eu du mal à avaler la minute pseudo dramatique" ah mes enfants" de Joo Hyuk! Ses enfants n'existent plus dans cette vie et tout ce qu'il trouve à dire c'est "pardon, papa est désolé"???? What the heck, quoi....Dans "Go back couple", la douleur de Ma Jin Joo lorsqu'elle comprend qu'elle a perdu son enfant m'a brisé le coeur. Mon coeur de maman.
Et puis.
Qui est ce "voyageur du temps" rencontré dans le métro?
Comment la mère de Woo Jin pouvait-elle avoir gardé ses souvenirs dans la deuxième vie? mais pas la troisième vie?
Qu'est ce qui détermine les actions de chacun? les interactions? Pourquoi un personnage "mauvais" dans une vie ne l'est plus dans l'autre vie?
Pourquoi ces sauts dans le temps? comment? Que s'est-il passé entre 2006 et 2018? Pourquoi attendre aussi longtemps?
Autant d'interrogations qui resteront sans réponse. A ce stade ce n'est plus de la frustration, juste un gros soupir de découragement.

Il y a eu de bon moment, des moments drôles comme la scène où Joo Hu-yuk fuit Woo Jin dans leur 3ème vie, des moments émouvants, les scènes entre Woo Jin et sa mère. Les scènes adorables entre Cha Joo Eun et Oh Sang Shik , les meilleurs selon moi. Ce sont ces scènes qui m'ont fait terminer ce drama. Mais pas sans de nombreux bâillements d'ennui. Une fin trop longue et sans intérêt, un scénario bancal, des personnages sans réel profondeur m'obligent tout de même à ne pas donner une bonne note. Je vais me dépêcher de passer à autre chose. D'oublier.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 3, 2019
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Pour une histoire comportant des retours dans le temps, ce n'est pas mauvais. Il était facile de s'attacher aux personnages.

Mais malgré ça et au fait que je me sois prise aux jeux des sentiments de chacuns.

Ça manquait sur certains points: le personnage principal même s'il est attachant et très bien interprété, il lui manquait de la profondeur.
On se retrouve encore avec le problème de destinée de chacun des couples du drama. Ce qui fait que les fins possibles sont prévisibles.
Et le plus gros point noir pour moi c'est la fin. Où on n'essaye de nous résoudre tous les problèmes moraux. Mais dans le fond on se retrouve avec 2 protagonistes avec 2 mémoires différentes. Et comme on est dans un monde où tout est beau, ils refont les "mêmes enfants" comme par miracle...

Mon esprit trop cartésien n'a pas supporté.

Question bande son, je n'ai pas détesté mais aucun ost m'a transporté.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
65 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 21, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 4
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

It wasn't perfect, it wasn't without it's faults, but it was a drama that I really enjoyed watching!

-The story centers around Cha Joo Hyuk, who is miserable with his married life. The drama focuses on how his one choice changes the world that he has always known. Not just for him. But for everyone he has known and loved.

- Frankly, I'll agree with everyone who says that Joo Hyuk was an immature selfish jerk. I'll say the same thing. He was everything that people described him as. But REALISTICALLY so.
We, as viewers, are used to seeing a male lead who is righteous and is ready to sacrifice himself, for the female lead, at the very least. But Cha Joo Huk wasn't like that. Not at the start anyway. The choice he made was solely for his own happiness. But dare I say I understood Joo Hyuk? Don't get me wrong, I didn't like him either (not for a long time anyway), but I get his character. If faced with a similar situation in similar circumstances, maybe not everyone but still more than a few people would make the same choice.

- Again, this will probably go against general opinion (from those I read on different places), but I liked the character development of Joo Hyuk. And yes, I do think he had one. He started out a completely self centered jerk, who only wanted his own happiness. He blamed his wife for his unhappiness. But slowly, as he got to know his own faults, as he realized his own mistakes, we started seeing his character grow. He wanted to make her happy. Even if it wasn't with him.

- Enough about the male lead, let's move on to the female lead. Woo Jin... At first she is portrayed like a "monster" who has a really short temper and is extremely violent. But later on we get to see what made her that way.

- One thing I really liked about this drama was the fact that how BOTH the leads were far from perfect. Although Joo Hyuk might be more so. Nevertheless we get to see them try and become better person. Both individually, and together.

- I really enjoyed the chemistry between Han Ji Min and Ji Sung. As a married couple, and as a non-couple too, they were believable.

- The second female lead- Hye Won. She is portrayed as a materialistic and vain person. I actually think she wasn't as bad as they were trying to show her. She behaved like she was entitled to everything, but she wasn't evil or villainous like a lot other SFL.

- The second male lead Jong Hoo, was a really good character. He was charming, but he never overshadowed the male lead enough to give you SLS. I really liked the bond between him and Joo Hyuk. It wasn't exactly bromance but they had a really nice friendship.

- All the other secondary characters were fun to watch. The mysterious ahjussi, Joo Eun, Woo Jin's mom... Everyone. My favorite was Sang Shik. His emotional scenes always got me smiling.

- Also Jo Jung Suk's cameo! Loved it! The whole thing was so cute! Joo Hyuk 's reactions XD

- As for the one thing that bothered me was about the children. How could they give us one, just one scene. I think everyone is aware of the fact that a parent child bond is truly a special one! So how could you not, writer-nim? This is just one thing I cannot get over.

- Overall, I really, really enjoyed this drama! It has everything, a spectacular cast, and intriguing storyline, a good OST. So please give this drama a chance.

Happy Watching!!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 21, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This drama truly made me mature.... it showed me how to look upon life and how to value my own and the life of other people. To put it simply, the difficulties the protagonists ran into really helped me to overcome these difficulties on my own. This drama is a necessity for the general public since it educates you on your view of life and Love..... Please give it a try and please please learn from it... it can only result in good outcomes.

What i personally really like was how the protagonists resolved their quarrels through communication. Something that should be practiced way more in today's society but because of the participants not listening, the communication can not result in making up. I luckily learned not to make mistakes through this drama... it will help you too..even subconsciously

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Cet avis était-il utile?
31 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 20, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
I’m going to start this off with the fact that right from the beginning, I wasn’t a huge fan of the story of this drama. All throughout the drama, I’ve been convincing myself that I should keep giving it chances to redeem itself and here we are now, after the very last episode. This drama could have been shortened to at most 10 or 12 episodes, but the writer decided that it was a good idea to extend this up until 16 episodes. There were plenty of scenes that this drama could have had without. Yes, I’m talking about the drama between Joo Hyuk’s bank colleagues. I think that it would have been alright to include those scenes if they would have some sort of impact to the main characters’ story, but there really wasn’t. I suppose that the stories about the other bank workers are a “break” from the main characters’ story or perhaps “comic relief," but there were just too much of it and it did very very little or nothing to progress the plot.

As for the main characters themselves, right off the bat, we are shown that both our male and female leads are flawed. Now that is fine, because we all love to see how their characters would develop and how they could possibly fix their past mistakes. But the writer was so good into turning the viewers’ feelings of “neutral” to “dislike” up until you’re seething with anger and hatred towards the characters that you’re supposed to sympathise with and like. Our precious main characters are quite the selfish people and their fated love prevails everything else to the point that they were cheating on their respective partners. I’ve never quite watched a drama where the writer romanticises cheating to follow one’s heart and not feeling guilt whatsoever for one’s wrongs. Anyway, since the point of the story seemed to be a better relationship between the main characters, the last few episodes would not disappoint you.

But despite such a mess of a drama, the actors did very well to portray the sort of characters that the writer had given them. I especially appreciate the acting from Park Hee Bon (Cha Joo Eun) and Oh Eui Sik (Oh Sang Sik) as I enjoyed their characters’ addition to the drama. Their portrayal of a married couple, I found, was more enjoyable than our main characters’ love story. If you are a fan of Han Jimin or Jisung, I’d say, you’ll appreciate their acting as always, but I hope that their characters here would not make you like them any less.

If there is anything that I loved from this drama, it’s the OST. The songs fit so well with the overall vibe and every time I hear the songs playing, it would sometimes make me forget that the drama has such a messy story. Even if you, who might be reading this now, was planning to watch this drama and decided that maybe you’re not going to watch it after all, at least give the OST a listen. I recommend Roy Kim’s “No Longer Mine.” Likewise, N.Flying’s “Let Me Show You” and SF9’s “Love Me Again” were good songs. Both groups did so well with the OST.

In the end, I wouldn’t recommend this drama and I would not watch it again. The drama has redeeming qualities here and there, but despite that, this story hasn’t completely won me over. I know that there are others who enjoyed this drama so don’t let all the negative things that I’ve mentioned here stop you if you really were keen to watch it. At the end of the day, this is just my opinion amongst many others and perhaps I’ve just failed to see all the positive things about the drama that could possibly outweigh the negatives.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 20, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Familiar Wife deserves a solid 8, because it was just beautiful. I enjoyed every episode more or less.

I was really hyped about this drama since the plot reminded me of Go Back Couple which I loved, plus Ji Sung was the main lead. And, of course, the writer of Weightlifting Fairy KBJ. I couldn't ask for more.

However, the beginning disappointed a lot of people, because the plot seemed to be too similar to Go Back Couple and the characters were... not really likeable. But trust me, it gets better as the story progresses.

It's true that the plot is pretty similar to Go Back Couple, but there are a lot of differences. I still feel like the point of the two dramas is completely the same, but it is showed in a different way. Familiar Wife is more dark-themed, it felt too realistic although it's a time-travel fantasy.
I can say that the story developed well - the relationship between the main leads and the other characters was progressing with every episode. Ji Sung and Han Ji Min had good chemistry, I truly believed that they loved each other.
I didn't like the last episodes though (except for the ending). The plot felt too dragged, as if the writer was asking herself''So... what now?'' There was toooo much time-travel that it became confusing and sometimes boring. But the ending was beautiful and touching, I loved it. It was written well.
Yang Hee Sung is really good at writing characters, I admit. Maybe the thing I loved the most in this drama is how realistic all the characters looked. I mean, none of them was perfect. They all had their own negative sides, they all made mistakes and they regretted them. Especially Joo Hyuk, I've seen a lot of negative comments about his character, but the truth is that he was just a human being.

The acting was brilliant. Ji Sung never disappoints and Han Ji Min pulled off her role as well. Kang Han Na is really good at portaying this kind of characters, she deserves more.

Familiar Wife teaches you how important is to talk and listen. It proves that we should speak out our thoughts and problems. Because communication is important not just in marriage, but also in any kind of relationships. So if you are looking for something light and romantic that will make you think about a lot of things, then watch this. You won't waste you time, trust me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
30 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 20, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Time travelling misogynist comes to term with his mistakes and is given a second chance.

"Familiar Wife" is yet another excellent drama from our friends at tvN that gives a new spin to that old trope of travelling back in time to change the future for better -- who wouldn't want that? But no change comes without its consequence as Cha Joo Hyuk (played by Ji Sung) learns that his inability to communicate with his wife Seo Woo Jin (played by Han Ji Min) and the contemporary reality that women have to bear the brunt of housework, family, and their own jobs forms the perfect storm for a spineless male lead character to become desperate in his own misogyny and breadwinner mentality that he seeks a way out of it.


- As most dramas produced by tvN you can expect a decent quality story that resolves around Ji Sung and Han Ji Min's characters, their relationship, the effects and consequences of time travel, and somewhat of a social commentary (as far as any k-drama go) on marriage and couples. Cha Joo Hyuk (Ji Sung) quickly realises that despite his escapist yearning and selfish decision to alter the present his new life becomes a ceaseless battle as he embraces that he still loves Seo Woo Jin (Han Ji Min) but also has to content with the new reality he lives in. Meanwhile Seo Woo Jin (Han Ji Min) has her own life and agency, but also experiences side effects from time travel and a curious familiarity towards Cha Joo Hyuk (Ji Sung). Details about their past are featured prominently through flashbacks that blend seamlessly with the main plot and explain why things are the way they are.

With many heavy hearted moments between romance and melodrama, there is also time for some comic relief and humour between the cast which offers some relief from the overall seriousness of "Familiar Wife" -- for its less 'realistic' aspects, this is a mature story that covers the ups and downs of being married and how uneven relationships do not work and are toxic to the point they slowly transform people from their best into their worst, whether they can recognise it or not.

"Familiar Wife" concludes in a very heart warming way, delivering a satisfying positive ending after such a long journey even though [in my humble opinion] Cha Joo Hyuk (Ji Sung) didn't deserve it.


- After two years absent from drama series, Han Ji Min makes a triumphant return and is arguably the acting powerhouse of "Familiar Wife." Seo Woo Jin stands out like a bright sun and Han Ji Min displays her skill and versatility as an actress, making her character feel true with all its quirk.

Ji Sung and Kang Han Na are also prominent actors in this story but I would say that despite all his experience and screen time Ji Sung fails to deliver most of the times except in the more emotional, heart catching moments of the story while Kang Han Na fits the shoes of Lee Hee Won perfectly both in attitude and aesthetics, though some people may have some criticisms over her actions and embodiment of certain stereotypes/tropes.

"Familiar Wife" has a pleasant cast of friendly characters and actors that fit well into the story and play the role well when the time demands so, some even having their own side stories with pinches of romance and family drama that involve the leading characters as well.


- "Familiar Wife" has a fine soundtrack with a few notable songs that play during crucial points of the story as well as at the beginning of each episode. The music itself matches the tone of the story and never feels repetitive.

Rewatch Value:

- With 16 episodes of (more or less) 60 minutes each the re-watch value is high as there are many scenes, especially the flashbacks ones, which are worth revisiting for their good nature and simple joy, not to mention the more romantic, comical moments that happen in particular episodes. Overall pacing of the story is good with the exception of episode 13-14 where the plot seems to slow down to stalling point but it quickly picks up back again episode 15.

"Familiar Wife" is far from being a "perfect drama" (I don't believe those necessarily exist) but it's a very compelling story in the world of the time travelling trope, and if anything it's worth watching for Han Ji Min.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 21, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I almost never write reviews, so the fact that this is my FIRST review on this site should account for how much I loved this drama. It's inspired so much emotion and self-reflection in me that I think I've begun to view life differently as a result. This drama is probably going down as my top drama for 2018. I shouldn't have expected anything less from the writer of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, but the fact that she can do just as well, if not better, with a more mature and melancholic topic (whereas WFKBJ was a lighter campus drama) just speaks to how good of a writer she really is.

I think Familiar Wife hits that sweet spot between fantastical romance and relatable reality. Despite the large role played by elements like 'destiny', Familiar Wife never fails to feel like an everyman's story, one that everyone can see themselves be a part of.  Familiar Wife tackles two seemingly conflicting notions about love, showing that they, in fact, go hand-in-hand and complement each other. Should a couple belong together because they are fated? Or because they understand each other, communicate well together? Is compatibility predestined, or nurtured over time after knowing each other? Although Woo Jin and Joo Hyuk are clearly destined together, they still had to put in work to reach a happy place in their relationship. When they didn't, their relationship began to fall apart.

This drama had so many applicable life lessons and such larger than life characters, it was a complete joy to watch them. Characters that started off as unlikeable had such amazing growth trajectories and the situations mirrored real life to such a surprising extent, you could literally see yourself in them. The friendships and familial relationships were so sweet, and every emotion experienced by our characters was so palpable (all credit due to the amazing cast)

I know this drama draws a lot of comparisons to Go Back Couple, but they really are very different when it comes to what they are at their core. Yes, they're both about rediscovering your love for your spouse, but I think Familiar Wife tackles the subject of marriage breakdown more comprehensively and better. It focuses more on the husband and the wife and their relationship dynamics, which I found lacking in GBC, but that makes sense because GBC was more about reliving one's youth and getting closure for things in the past.

Familiar Wife requires a slightly mature and forgiving audience, because these characters are flawed, not unlike real humans. They make mistakes, learn, and make more mistakes - and that's how life works.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 22, 2019
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Most people who see this drama's synopsis will just assume it's another version of "Go Back Couple", and there are definitely major similarities, but I would still treat this as a completely different drama. I admit that this is what made me reluctant to watch myself until a friend recommended it. Without giving away too much, the premise is basically the same: A man who feels trapped in a miserable marriage gets the chance to go back in time and possible change his future for the better. It's a pretty common trope, but the cast really made this one not only entertaining to watch, but a story I really became invested in, in spite of it's pretty unbelievable premise.

One of the best things about this drama is the cast. Every lead and supporting character is exceptional, and makes this a great ensemble. Ji Sung plays the sensistive and passive male lead Cha Joo Hyuk and is matched with Han Ji Min as the extremely aggressive and tempermental Seo Woo Jin. They actually have amazing chemistry, but what they also do well is portray one of the most frustrating to watch couples in all of dramaland. You can probably find reasons to hate both of them, and definitely hate them together, but that's what makes this drama work so well. It really makes you think about what it can take to make a relationship work, and what makes it worth it... or not.

This drama doesn't just focus on the main couple's drama but there is also the entertaining characters working at the bank (I loved all of them), as well as Joo Hyuk's bffs and sister, Woo Jin's mom, and Joo Hyuk's crush. Part of the fun of this drama is how they all interact with each other even when things change. There's also a lot of comedy to keep the story from feeling too depressing, or heavy handed with nostalgia and regret. The whole cast really worked well together. There are also some pretty awesome cameos and references to other dramas that were maybe unecessary, but a nice touch.

I gave the story a slightly lower score, even though I was very entertained from beginning to end, because a lot of it is pretty implausible. It's best if you turn off your logical brain and enjoy the ride. I also had an issue with the mysterious homeless man character, who I really liked as well, but I wish his backstory was a bigger part of the story. However, the writer did do a good job of giving every character some time by the end so there didn't feel like there were any loose ends or unresolved stories.

Would I watch this again. Definitely. I admit that I was so annoyed by the main couple in the first episodes that I would love to rewatch it all with a different perspective. The cast alone is entertaining enough to make me enjoy watching it all again, plus I'm a sucker for stories about learning to appreciate your life even if it's imperfect. I also love "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", and the mood of this drama reminds me of that movie.

Overall this drama may not have made me cry like other turn back time dramas, but it's not exactly lighthearted either, and I loved how it presented a more realistic relationship with imperfect characters that I wasn't even sure I would want to see end up together in the end. I think thats what makes this familiar scenario stand out from the rest. Instead of the expected grass is not always greener storyline I felt like this was more about actively working to create the life you want while embracing the fact that it won't ever be perfect. I highly recommend this TwilightZoney drama. If I could go back in time I'd assure myself that this one is definitely worth watching. Also, it's a good reminder that happily ever after is in the eye of the beholder.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 18, 2023
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 10
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Everything you need to swoon, cry, laugh, and appreciate a story

Cha Joo Hyuk (Ji Sung) was unhappy with how his wife, Woo Jin (Han Ji Min), has become after years of marriage. One day he gets a chance to go back in time to redefine his whole life, which affects everyone he has known and loved. How is he now with this new life?

Familiar Wife isn't a show with a complicated plot or high stakes — it’s character-driven, and the characters were the best part of this drama. At first, Joo Hyuk might not appear as an appealing person because the choice he made was solely for his own happiness. But watching him navigating this new life, his character grew so much. He made selfless decisions, which was heartbreaking and heartwarming altogether. Woo Jin, too, wasn't perfect, but both of them for learned that it’s choice, and not fate, that makes a marriage work.

There was so much comedy here, like Woo Jin spunky, love to crack dad jokes with the guys. Everyone has a fresh fun chemistry, the quirky gang of misfits, the bank team. I like the ups and downs of Joo Hyuk & Jong Hoo's friendship. A nod to Ji Sung's acting, he always got me with his genuine emotional scenes. Overall, I enjoyed Familiar Wife. It has everything to make you swoon, cry, laugh, and appreciate a good storyline.

Find me on Instagram: @kdramajudge

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 21, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
If you watched Go Back Couple and you think that this drama will be like it, you would be far off. Although the concept is the similar, the execution is different. Cha Joo Hyuk and Seo Woo Jin have become miserable in their marriage. Most of it is because Joo Hyuk is immature, selfish, and passive. He thinks his wife has become a shrew and he begins to think of divorce. By chance, he gets the opportunity to go back and change his life. What will he do? This grass isn't always greener on the other side....It's greener on the side where you water it.

Ji Sung and Han Ji Min put forth exceptional acting, as always. I was charmed by the entire cast, and enjoyed seeing the different scenarios play out. I was happy and thankful that some things stayed the same no matter which time we were in, even while other things changed. I feel like Joo Hyuk's character went through the growth that he needed to in order for everyone in his life to be happier. He found out what the true source of his wife's unhappiness and anger was, and was smacked in the face with the truth. What will he do about it though? And when Woo Jin discovers the truth....will she take matters into her own hands?

I always love a good epilogue, and this show was not the exception. I feel like the writers wrapped this show up VERY soundly, even if they took the entire last episode to do it. The ending felt a little meandering, even though it was nice to see the continuation of progress for our characters.
I liked that even though I thought I knew where the show would go, the writers surprised me a couple of times. And although they didn't go where I had hoped with the script, we got something possibly better for all of the characters and not just the leads. The travel in time affected the side characters as well - at least in some ways.

The music was nice, and fit well with the scenes. I enjoyed the song No Longer Mine by Roy Kim the most.

I doubt I'll re-watch this one anytime soon, but it is definitely worth a one time watch!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 27, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
#FamiliarWife is a romance-fantasy drama. If you have already watched the drama #GoBackCouple they have the same concept wherein they travel back in the past, but this drama has a different twist because here he manage to change and choose the different path but later on he realized that he wanted to go back to his present life but he can't find a way HOW. That's were the story runs.
This drama has a happy ending for those who love happy endings. I watched this because of Ji Sung coz I admired his acting skills. I also love Han Ji Min coz she has one of the pretty face in korean showbiz for me. If you love heart wrenching but really romantic dramas, this is for you. Trust me, you will not regret watching this. Many lessons about married life here.

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  • Score: 8.1 (marqué par 13,397 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1973
  • Popularité: #522
  • Téléspectateurs: 31,136

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