1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 5, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Unn prince apprend sur le terrain comment vit son peuple...

J’ai beaucoup aimé ce drama, qui pourtant réunit un nombre incroyable de clichés (jusqu’à celui d’un personnage ne pouvant reconnaître les visages ! ) plus de la romance, ce que je fuis en général ! Mais ici, dès le début, grâce justement à l’enchaînement de tous les codes habituels des sageuks (complots, assassinats, ambition, et personnages disparus reparaissant après des années, perte de mémoire et légitimité de la descendance…) on a la sensation d’être dans un environnement confortable dont on connaît les détours. On devrait s’ennuyer, donc ? Eh bien pas du tout !! La réalisation est rapide et précise, les évènement s’enchaînent bien les dialogues bien écrits permettent de bien cerner tous les personnages, leur psychologie et leurs actions.
Ce qui m’a accrochée dès le début, c’est que sous ses airs de sageuks, en fait le drama n’en a que l’apparence : costumes, palais, combats, assassins en noir(tenue incroyablement seyante d’ailleurs ! ), etc. En fait les personnages se comportent beaucoup plus comme des personnes contemporaines, surtout dans leur façon de parler et de se comporter, comme le Roi, qui parle à son fils comme un père d’aujourd’hui, et la façon dont le prince entre et sort du palais « secrètement » mais avec quand même une grande facilité, ainsi que la relation du prince avec le juge Jung Jae Yun, qui parfois se moque ouvertement et amicalement de lui, plutôt genre bromance que relation royale !! D’ailleurs on ne sait rien de l’époque exacte, il n’y a aucune relation à un fait historique réel, l’essentiel étant de créer un environnement propice aux contrastes d’un prince de Joseon se retrouvant chez des paysans.
Le drama passe par des étapes différentes, le début ultra-classique, l’action domine (complots, combats, cérémonies de la pluie…) puis le passage dans le village, plus comédie romantique, même si on retourne de temps en temps voir ce qui se passe à Hanyang, et la troisième partie où tout se mélange, action, romance, avec de belles scènes d’émotion, puis un final carrément écrit en comédie sentimentale où on est plus que jamais éloignés de tout le cérémonial de la vie des palais de Joseon…On nous dit bien qu’ils se marient (ne me dites pas que vous en doutiez ?) mais on se garde bien de nous montrer tout le tralala qui entoure les mariages royaux !!

On sait très bien où on va, mais le chemin pour y aller est très agréable, avec des personnages hauts en couleurs, et très drôles (les paysans, évidemment) de belles amitiés viriles, une ébauche de triangle amoureux. Si l’amnésie fait partie des codes archi utilisés, ici elle l’est avec humour et la façon du retour des souvenirs est très bien faite, en douceur et délicatesse sans coup de théâtre. Le personnage du gouverneur/conférencier/juge est intéressant car essentiel à l’histoire mais légèrement décalé, un peu en retrait, et ça aussi, dans un « vrai »sageuk, il aurait été arrêté vite fait ! D’ailleurs Kim Sun Ho excelle dans ce genre de personnage, à l’ironie légère, plus ami qu’amoureux. En parlant interprétation, j’ai trouvé les deux héros parfaits. Do Kyung Soo est superbe, incarnant avec finesse et intelligence un personnage qui pourrait être monolithique, mais chez qui il sait faire passer l’émotion, la tendresse, la tristesse, la colère froide. La scène dans la forêt, avec le manteau de son garde du corps, j’avoue, j’ai pleuré ! Mais ça ne m’étonne pas il m’avait complètement bluffée dans le superbe film « swing kids » ! J’espère qu’il fera une vraie carrière d’acteur, il en a tout le potentiel ! Nam Ji Hyun lui donne très bien la réplique, avec elle aussi finesse et intelligence. Ils font très bien passer l’inévitable « je t’aime mais je te quitte » qui, ici, était vraiment obligatoire, avec beaucoup de tendresse, et de tristesse sans mélo. L’équipe de paysans est parfaite, et l’autre inévitable, Han Suk Kwan, dans le noble caricatural, parfait personnage odieux dans le comique !

Bon, ce commentaire s’éternise ! Un mot sur une très belle musique, des chansons jolies et qui ne viennent pas gâcher les moments d’émotion, et je conclurai en recommandant chaleureusement ce drama délicieux, chaleureux, qui captive par le clacissisme de son scénario, qui permet aux acteurs de se libérer et d’être excellents !

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Cet avis était-il utile?
87 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 30, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Here we have it folks - Shopping King Louie Joseon Edition!

It pretty much was, you can't deny it. However, all jokes aside, I cannot deny that I immensely enjoyed watching this drama. Without a shadow of a doubt I looked forward to each episode which brightened my Monday and Tuesday evenings (which are pretty grim), as the whole drama was just sweet and oh so refreshing. I absolutely loved it. If you are wavering about this drama, please give it a go, it was amazing.

I'll actually begin my review with the acting and cast. It was lovely to see Kyungsoo as a main male lead, he pulled off the role incredibly well and proved his acting ability. I loved whenever he would get triggered by things and go "Oh hO!!" lmao. D.O. is clearly an amazing actor and that goes without saying. Nam Ji Hyun was also good, but I have to say that it felt like Kyungsoo was the one who shone between the two of them and pretty much made the drama - but I suppose it was inevitable by the way in which the show had been written. Nam Ji Hyun has proven before that she can play some stronger women roles, like in Suspicious Partner, so I thought it was alright. Jo Sung Ha was brilliant as expected but what I really enjoyed were the characters in the village! God it was so sweet that I felt like I wanted to live there at times lmao. The second lead syndrome was there for me in this one - it wasn't too much because the guy pretty much knew he had no chance from the start and didn't really make a move (unless it was to tease the crown prince) but I actually enjoyed his character and thought he was an amazing friend to the main leads. Lastly, I want to address the I know the King was annoying to some but I actually greatly enjoyed him as a character. Yes, we are seeing weak kings crop up quite often when the drama circles around a Crown Prince main lead but I felt his character was a bit more lovable. There wasn't too much fault with any of the acting.

Okay, so, the story. We can all agree, as I said earlier, it was pretty much a Joseon version of Shopping King Louie, with the rich guy with amnesia, Nam Ji Hyun (lol bless her, always having to play these roles) finding her brother- I mean it is quite coincidental but hey I still love both. I actually enjoyed the story, I didn't really skip much and I am glad that they didn't add too much seriousness and conflict as it would take away how sweet this drama actually was, but not so little that we were sitting here thinking "ugh when is something actually going to happen". The only disappointment with the story, in my opinion, was towards the end. I definitely felt that the last episode was rushed and there was too much to do - start/end a war and also get the main leads together. Moreover, I was getting a little annoyed that Hong Shim was telling the Crown Prince that she didn't want to be with him! I think that they had been through enough shit together that they really deserved each other. I genuinely have no idea why the writers decided to make us go through that bs at the end when instead we could have got some more heartwarming scenes between the main leads to finish it all off.

Moo Young's death was expected on my part. The man literally had been shot by so many arrows through the series as well as so much pain that I was surprised they didn't kill him off sooner. I definitely did not want him to die in the slightest, I liked him a lot, but I think the fact he went through so much pain and then DIED - ugh it's so upsetting. This fact was so important to me I put it in its own paragraph lmao.

The music was lovely, it fitted the series well and familiar faces, or voices I should say, popped up on some of the tracks which was a treat. It was memorable at the time in which I watched the series and perhaps if I heard them again, but nothing really stuck in my mind. It was wonderful though. What was nice was that there wasn't music in many scenes which meant that the music never felt 'overplayed'.

I probably wouldn't rewatch this drama unless I was with one of my friends and trying to get them to watch it. That being said, I've only rewatched half of one series lol.

Overall, this drama was an absolute treat, I really enjoyed it and I do hope that you did too. Thank you for reading my review and I hope I didn't bore you too much.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
172 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 31, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 6
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
I know most people will call me crazy for not raving about this drama. I will not take away anything from the cast especially our dashing male lead D.O a.k.a Won Deuk/crown prince Yul. It is the cast that made me want to come back (specifically Won Deuk) and watch this drama with their epic one liners.
The acting was superb. From the small characters in Songjoo village to v.p Kim to the King himself. They made this drama what it is.
The plot itself for me it was an okayish story. Not that captivating. The story did not stimulate me or make me want or eager to find out more and neither did it trigger my curiosity. I was like okay okay okay the entire drama. There was never a cliff hanger that would get me to the edge of my seat or make me smile in the midst of my tears. There were no tears to begin with and no huge grin plastered on my face.
I tried reading the comments on discus to find out what the hype was all about.
In my opinion it was just fangirls fangirling on D.O that's all. His acting was superb so yeah it did deserve the fangirling.
In my opinion if you are considering watching this for the story then you will be disappointed. If you are considering watching this because you are a fan of EXO and D.O to be specific then yes you will be blown off your feet....that boy can act.
If you are looking to watch this because you are bored and you have nothing else to watch advice look elesewhere.
These are my opinions you are free to agree or to disagree with me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
20 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 10, 2019
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 4.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
It was overall a cute drama, but I can't say neither I loved it or I hated it, and I think this is worse, because it's ought to be forgotten (by me at least). I'm not an exo fan (please don't kill me xD) so it was a little more difficult to watch, because I didn't have the fangirl motivation here xD
Someone said is a shopping king Louis in joseon and...well that's where the problem lies. Everything, like every trope of this drama it's already seen and already done. The similarities with skl are many, but also with like every period drama I have seen. (Speaking of which: there is a saeguk not focused on the royal family? Or at least not only, like there's nothing else to write about that period??) There's no suspance, no really twists in the story or mysteries - we all knew that the assassin brother was the father of the queen's baby. Even the death of the evil vice minister was unsatisfying...well the whole plotting against the crown was too bland and boring.
Also! There was the "solution agency" which was an interesting thing, but they drop it pretty soon only to bring it back at the end just to feign ignorance about the fact they forgot about it lol

Ps. My extremely unpopular opinion: I had the second lead syndrome... I felt much more chemistry between Hong Shim and the magistrate...maybe because I liked more his characterization or to me he has better acting skills (not saying the ml sucked...I just preferred the sm) when he almost proposed at the end I hoped they would've take the "realism" route and have the prince marry a noblewoman (ugh bitter isn't it?) and let them become a couple.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 10, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
I didn't expect to like this drama as much as I did, but I think it did a great job of combining a cute love story with a pretty intriguing Sageuk. In a lot of ways "100 Days My Prince" is a lighthearted romcom, but it is mixed in with an ill-fated love story, and classic political scheming without becoming too heavy handed, too silly, or overly complicated. It had many of the elements that are overdone in KDrama... amnesia, forced marriage, hidden identity, betrayal in a royal setting... but I found all of it to be entertaining and wasn't bored once. I'm sure the great cast had a lot to do with that.

I am the farthest thing from a Do Kyung Soo fangirl, but I was extremely impressed with him as the young fish out of water Prince. He is matched with Nam Ji Hyun, who I liked in a few dramas already (Suspicious Partner & Shopping King Louie), but these two specifically had really great chemistry together. I loved their banter from the start, and I loved how strong willed and equally frustrating they both were at times. Every scene they had together was entertaining, and I often felt like I was watching a real couple not matter how unbelievable their circumstances. They also both handled comedic and tragic scenes extremely well. And I think that period dress suits them both quite well.

Actually, I pretty much loved the entire cast, even the ones who didn't have the strongest storylines. The town members were all great, and more than just comic relief. I was genuinely interested in their side stories as well. I love a great villain, and Jo Sung Ha was so good that I almost found myself rooting for him at times. Another thing I loved about the characters is that they weren't all good or bad. Moo Yeon is the perfect example of that, and it helps that Kim Jae Young is easy on the eyes (all black definitely suits him). The storyline is pretty simple but the characters were often complicated which kept me interested from beginning to end. I really can't think of any character that I thought was weak. Maybe a few were less memorable than others, but most were well played, and played well off of each other.

As for the story, I appreciated that it didn't become overly complicated, and that the political parts didn't drag or take away from the lighter feel of this drama. There were some sad moments, and some tragic parts of the story, but the majority of the story is a romcom with the kind of comedy that made me giggle more than lol. I also liked the way the story ended, which I obviosuly won't give away, but it made me feel like the story came full cirlce in a way that made sense. I could see myself watching the whole thing again and still enjoying it. It may not be on the top of my rewatch list, but it has more than enough charm to make me consider watching it all again.

Overall I would definitely recommend this to those who avoid sageuks because they are too serious, or those looking for a cute couple to root for against all odds. It may not have made it's way to my list of favorites, but now that it's over I feel very... uncomfortable. Am I the only one feeling uncomfortable? :)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 30, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I had high exceptions for this drama, the plot seemed really interesting and the cast was great, but sadly they were not met. First, the plot had a lot of potential and I really enjoyed the first six episodes but then I started to get frustrated because it felt like the plot was stacked and the few next episodes were just fillers. They couldn't have gone so many routes with the story but they choose I really average one so I was very disappointed with that. Also, the fact that the first out got introduced so late into the story and they were barely used really bothered me. Music can really make scenes and a drama overall very memorable. However, I have to say that I really enjoyed the cast and their acting. Everyone did very well on their parts. Honestly, I wouldn't rewatch this since the story is not very memorable or interesting.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 31, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
As a valid fan of the actor Kyungsoo, I had to watch his first period drama. And, even though he didn't disappoint neither in his romantic scenes, nor in the action scenes, the story had some major plot holes that were never properly explained. The story, as it is, was interesting, as the main idea behind it was kind of original and well executed. However, the drama was kind of boring at some points. The performances, moreover, were really good from all the actors and actresses and the soundtrack was phenomenal. So, 7 out of 10.
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11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 30, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Starts out Strong, Ends with a Whimper

The strength of "100 Days My Prince" lies in how its story was set up (basically its first episode, which was very "War of the Arrows"). The child actors, Jung Ji-Hoon and Heo Jung-Eun really sell blooming friendship between Lee Yool and I-Seo to such a degree, I would've been content just watching an entire show about these kids. The dynamic between the usurped Princess and the unwilling Crown Prince makes for a fantastic foundation for a friends-to-lovers story. Or would've if the writers had chosen to go in any other direction besides the one they chose.

The idea behind a boy being foisted into a position of royalty because of his opportunist father and a greedy Lord is, at first, interesting. The idea of an amnesic Prince learning to become a better person is also a great idea. But, the two ideas are at odds with each other. One lends itself to the story the writers were telling, the other is more befitting a "riches-to-rags-to-riches" kind've story like "Anastasia (1999)". Ultimately, it seemed to me that writers were torn on who Lee Yool was supposed to be.

Instead of playing the Crown Prince up as stone-faced, passive-aggressive non-actor who gets pushed out of the political intrigue plot for a romantic side-quest, we could've had a proactive Prince who sought to undermine his father's rule. The show doesn't do enough to explore or develop Lee Yool as an adult, wholly against his father's actions and suffering the consequences of them. His relationship with his father is just never explored beyond his resentment.

The show plays up the nastiness of Lee Yool as set up for a romance that's meant to realign him morally (the amnesia being his punishment, of sorts). The amnesia plot is wholly unnecessary when there's enough conflict between King and Prince, and Prince and Lord, that he needn't be removed from the royal palace setting at all.

The thing that kept me glued to this series from beginning to end was the relationship between the brother and sister, Yoon I-Seo (Hong Shim) and Yoon Seok-Ha (Mu-Yeon). That, and the barely explored relationship between the Kim So-Hye (the Crown Princess) and Mu-Yeon (the brother-turned-assassin). Basically, the hope that the show would delve more into their relationship instead of keeping their dynamics obscured in the margins.

I-Seo and Seok-Ha's promise to each other, the hope to be reunited, and the obstacles that kept them apart was a sixteen episode series unto itself. The Princess, unsatisfied and disinterested in her suffocating life as royalty, falling in love with Mu-Yeon, cliched as it is, at least had some spark to it when one considers her fraught relationship with her father (who threatens her life constantly). I can imagine if this series was just about the three of them, my opinion of "100 Days My Prince" might be much higher.

"100 Days My Prince" feels unfocused. There are so many characters (like the Queen, the second Prince, the Eunuch guy) that fall to the wayside, almost forgotten. Things that characters did at the beginning of the show (full on regicide!) are glossed over and dismissed like no biggie.

So much of it leans on the fish-out-of-water antics of the amnesiac Lee Yool, and placating Hong Shim, and the political intrigue" subplot that goes nowhere. The first only works if you like BOTH characters, and the second doesn't because the show barely develops the conflict between King and Lord.

By the time we reach the last six episodes, like most K-dramas, it's hard to even tell what the story's intentions are anymore (beyond the romantic plot) it becomes so aimless (the war subplot feels like it comes out of left-field). The Yoon sibling relationship, and forbidden love between the Crown Princess and Mu-Yeon gets lost in the dishwater of a muddled story.

Lee Yool is not an interesting character post-childhood. He's bland, and the mostly one-note performance of Do Kyung-Soo (rooted in machismo) makes the show a bore to watch toward the midpoint. The story's attempt to rehabilitate of his character just doesn't work for me overall.

Actress Nam Ji-Hyun does most of the heavy lifting that makes the relationship between Hong Shim and Lee Yool work even a little. She's got a great sense of comedic timing, and her more energetic performances with the supporting cast of villagers is fantastic.

Kyung-Soo's lack of presence just exposes how one-sided their on-screen dynamic often is. Their chemistry is weak, especially when compared to the dynamic Ji-Hyun has with Kim Seon-Ho (Jung Jae-Yoon, the face-blind governor) who plays her supporting love interest.

"100 Days My Prince" isn't without merit or its moments, but the execution of the story was lacking in lot of areas.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 27, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 7
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Talk about chemistry!

D.O. and Nam Ji Hyun both did a wonderful job. Their parts were written so well. D.O., as the crown prince, had the hauteur that you'd expect from royalty. Even when his memories were gone, it was ingrained in him. Yet, there was a loneliness and vulnerability and you could feel his want of family. His facial expression was pretty flat through most of the show, but he has such expressive eyes. Nam Ji Huyn - how can a woman be so beautiful with no visible means of mascara on her eyelashes? Normally, makeup is used to enhance looks, but she doesn't need it. Her character was spunky, industrious and extremely likeable. To be honest, I've loved her in everything I've seen her in. Their chemistry together? Off the charts! I loved the scenes when they shared the screen. Everyone in the show did a good job, but I had to deduct points for two reasons. First, there were just too many evil guys in this drama and they all looked alike (that's my problem with period costumes). Evil men, evil women, evil groups, evil sub-groups. It left a sour taste in my mouth on the heels of the lovely romantic scenes. I had to deduct another point for the last episode and the tie-up of the relationship between the leads. She was strong throughout this show, and she always seemed to have a good sense of self. However, she suddenly did a 180 turn and pulled out the "I'm not worthy of your love" card. It didn't ring true, especially after the heart-wrenching scenes of each of them living separately. And her saying she'd marry that other man? Um, no. It felt to me like they pulled in a separate writer for the last episode and the flow was lost. There was a happy ending, but they waited until about the last five minutes to tie everything up. I was so disappointed after all the time I had invested in watching their relationship develop and unfold.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 31, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Yet another Joseon drama, that adds nothing. .

The plot is ridiculously standard and the court intrigues half baked. There are no interesting themes or unexpected twists in characterization. I did enjoy the 'fish out of water' first half. It was a great illustration of how unattractive your standard cold arrogant lead is when he has no money or power. If you like 'rescuing' romantic scenes, and protectiveness/jealousy there are tons of them.

I found the secondary romance much more intriguing and the brother's storyline much more compelling than the other plot points.

The acting is mediocre, the music is fine, the action scenes are fairly thrilling so maybe there is a vague rewatch potential.

I grade on other criteria as well:

Complex Themes: 7
I enjoyed the point made over and over that wealthy and powerful people without their wealth and power are fairly useless. I did NOT enjoy the theme of the second half of 'heavy is the head that wears the crown.' The villagers are bumbling up until the end, and the female lead is in constant need of rescuing all the way through. There is no subversion of power.

Character Growth: 3
Despite losses of memory, and drastic changes of scene. The characters remain basically exactly the same.

Complex Women/Relationships Between Women: 3
There is a female friendship, but it's almost fully about discussing men or the lack thereof. The female lead is 'plucky' in the way they usually are.

Production Values: 8
Costumes, sets, are all above average, and the action scenes are excellent for a K drama.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 31, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
OMG what an excellent drama, watched it in day and half. Great from 1st Episode to the end. Many laughing parts, some were so funny , I couldn’t stop laughing. Crown prince did an excellent job, his acting was over the top. This drama did a remake of the crown prince love ?? towards his love just like the drama , The Moon Embracing The Sun, at least that is what I was reminded of. The story was great , every episode was good and fun. Love how the love between the lead couple grew and the wonderful flash back added to each episode. Love the ending. Plus, plus drama

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 31, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
The first episode was very interesting. It gets you hooked from the get-go. I love the OST, It really goes well with the the drama. The cast did a really good job in portraying their characters. I loved the comedy. I would have loved it if the ending was a little different. There were some boring parts but somebow I didn't seem to mind it. The cinematography was really beautiful too. Other than that, I loved the drama overall.

Can I just say this is the first drama of Kyungsoo that I watched and I can say that he's a really really good actor. He nailed it.
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100 Days My Prince (2018) poster



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