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This drama has a bit too much cheating for me. But the friendship between G and T had me staying. It remained constant throughout all the other men. In the end loyalty and honesty brought the two best friends together. If you can make it past episode 16 it’s worth it. It ended up being a sweet story! The acting so-so, but the men were hot and nice eye candy, so that made up for it. Plus G’s idealistic but hopeful view of finding love inspired me in this jaded world. You never know where you’re going to find it! Cet avis était-il utile?

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I'm a big fan of this type of silly everyday comedic story involving BL. IT isn't the greatest dramedy (Drama+Comedy) out there, but it's something that helps entertain you when you have nothing to do or watch. Cast: For the most part, everyone was attractive, funny and actually looked their age. Often, I watch BLs where the actors are extremely young playing older characters or the other way around. Though it is clear these boys are new to the acting world, they weren't too bad. Like someone else mentioned, lots of awkward acting/pauses.
one thing for sure, they were not shy at all to do play or pretend for the sex rated parts.
I liked that they touched on various subject matters such as; cheating, jealousy, trust and loyalty. I liked that there was something for everyone, from switching roles in the bedroom, to crushes and naive clueless characters. I was one of those people who was rooting so much to T and G from the start and was quite surprised when he ended up with B-whom was the least mature of the three amigos. It was also refreshing to see a Top (T) who could put aside his ego to please his love B though B was an A*hole for pulling the tricks he pulled.
Overall, it's an okay silly drama. Lots of eye candy for sure and lots of moments when you have to cackle out loud with how ridiculous the situations these boys find themselves in. Some of it is outrageous but totally believable. It reminds me a lot of Diary of a Toosie with how silly they are, but they also can handle serious subjects well. I also love the friendship between the boys and how they look out for each other.
I say watch it if you want a good laugh and want to look at hot men.
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Although the story isn't anything unique or special in the slightest, it's very entertaining to watch. I found myself laughing a lot at every episode, the story is good for a laugh or two! I also enjoyed the development of the characters and plot. At first, it might seem bland to some, but as you watch more, I find you can't seem to wait for the next episode and you become very invested in the characters lives. The story can be unrealistic at some points, but at others, it takes a very realistic view, I find there's a good balance.
The acting was kind of awkward at some points, they definitely didn't seem to be very experienced. I did like the cast though, you grow to like them as the story progresses.
Not memorable in the slightest.
I would definitely rewatch this. As I previously said, I really enjoyed the content for its humour.
Although the production quality and acting aren't the greatest, it's a good watch with lots of comedic relief. The episodes aren't that long, so it's not a very long watch either. I would recommend people watch this, you won't regret it!
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This is a hell of a ride, ridiculous and erotic at the same time! I have a lot of laughs here and there especially that one scene where they accidentally used glue as a lubricant only realizing it when they become locked together hahahahahah!!!! I don't really mind how silly the cast are but this is the series that you would love if you're looking for such kind. The cast are decent enough but the way they act is subpar. For that this series became some sort of documentary type. It is like yes more comic relief and sexual scenes, nevermind the acting skills of the cast.As I said this is an enjoyable series you can only watch alone with your headphones plugged in. The plot is just all over the place because basically it's storyline revolves around the main leads encountering sexual encounters in Bangkok which can be improved like "exhausted of sexual encounters from different men, they run into the one that they find true love" like the plotline I guess. The production is also subpar. Almost all in this series (cast, production, cinematography, music, etc.) are below average. Over all it's a "guilt-trip" series you might binge to watch to pass the time and to satisfy your sex hormones.
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A série conta com uma história um tanto interessante, tendo como base, um assunto pouco debatido em séries BLs, nesse caso: a vida sexual. Entretanto, essa série é simplesmente decepcionante, com um roteiro vago, uma atuação horrível e com diálogos ambíguos. Não cobrarei o fato das cenas sexuais não serem emocionantes, pois o BL não foca em questões sentimentais como amor, e sim a vida sexual, sendo que nem isso, conseguiram fazer bem.No geral, o BL contém uma boa história, com um assunto que merece ser alavancado, mas que foi desperdiçado com esse roteiro e atuação medíocre!
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STORY & PLOT: Not incredibly profound, but each episode was accompanied with a plot twist and made me laugh. I became invested in these characters and eager to know who would end up with whom. The story line is rather simple, with obstacles being resolved rather quickly and easily. Thus, the pacing can be a bit fast in some areas without much plot development. Still, I never lost interest and I looked forward to clicking on the next episode.
ACTING: Not the best I've ever seen (an abundance of awkward pauses comes and transitions come to mind), but certainly watchable. To be fair, I don't think any of the men who played the main characters are actors in real life; from their IGs, they look more like models or go go boys who (maybe?) cater to the gay community. But what they lack in acting skills they make up for in the smut department. The kissing and non-comedic sex scenes were hot and definitely satisfying. No fake kissing here. Plus, the guys are charming and likable (and very pleasing to look at). You root for them in each episode and hope that each gets his own happy ending.
Overall, I enjoyed this series and definitely recommend it if you're looking for something light and funny, with very steamy bed scenes to boot.
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Sexy, silly romp.
I watched the first few episodes, then the service I was watching it on went down, so I went and watched the movie. It was hot, funny, cringe at times, but a fun, sexy set of stories of how a group of friends get into all kinds of ridiculous situations on their quest for sex, and ultimately love. The end was a bit rushed, but I loved the way it turned out! It’s definitely a “love is staring you in the face, but you don’t see it” storyline. It’s a refreshing break from the angsty, dramatic, drawn out storylines we’re so saturated with normal BL’s. Definitely worth watching!Cet avis était-il utile?
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A série é divertida. Os atores são excelentes e a história tem um bom roteiro, além de uma fotografia excelente. Fugindo dos ambientes universitários, a série mostra um mundo mais real. A vida dos rapazes, em meio aos encontros, amizades e trabalho é bem representada pelos atores e através deles fazemos um tuor turístico pela linda cidade de Bangkok.
Uma coisa interessante que a série traz, é que os personagens não tem nomes, são todos chamados apenas por uma letra, T, G, M... e apesar de 20 episódios serem muitos, não é uma série chata.
Vi várias críticas ao casal principal, mas achei legal eles depois de ficarem com vários outros perceberem que o que queriam mesmo estava ali tão perto que eles não enxergavam e fiquei feliz com o final feliz deles.
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