Both dramas chronicle--in a very humorous, often silly manner--the lives of gay young adults. In both dramas, the story lines are fairly simple, though each do touch on more serious topics, albeit not with a tone of angst or heavy drama. The episodes are very slice of life, largely independent of one another, but still connected under an overarching theme of finding love and enjoying life with friends. Diary of Tootsies ranks higher in terms of acting and production, but those who enjoyed the lighthearted fun of this series will likely enjoy Bangkok G Story as well.
Recommandé par Jessica
Both are set in Bangkok, so the setting has a very similar vibe. Although Bangkok G Story is more comedic than Gay OK Bangkok, they both still take realistic views on what it's like to be a sexually active gay man in Thailand, Bangkok where many people are still not accepting of same-sex relationships.
Recommandé par Hyuun
(Same recommendation as Gay OK Bangkok) Both are set in Bangkok, so the setting has a very similar vibe. Although Bangkok G Story is more comedic than Gay OK Bangkok 2, they both still take realistic views on what it's like to be a sexually active gay man in Thailand, Bangkok where many people are still not accepting of same-sex relationships.
Recommandé par Hyuun



  • Score: 6.7 (marqué par 1,029 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #10604
  • Popularité: #4801
  • Téléspectateurs: 2,881

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