LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... mais pas que !
Vous vouliez une histoire d'amour? Vous serez amplement servis avec Fight for my Way!L'histoire :
Ce drama nous plonge dans l'intimité d'une bande de quatre copains depuis l'enfance, on les voit grandir, s'épanouir, se tromper, trouver leur voie... tout est là!
Deux belle histoires d'amour sont développées, chacune différente a sa manière et autour de celles-ci, on partage la vie de nos héros ce qui permet de voir de quelles façons les jeunes trentenaires appréhendent et affrontent la vie, pas seulement professionnelle (même s'ils celle-ci apparaît comme plus centrale dans l'histoire) mais également amoureuse bien sûr et la façon dont il vont essayer de trouver mais aussi de vivre leurs rêves.
Les personnages :
Notre couple lead est juste génial, le beau Park Seo Jun (Go Dong Man) nous révèle ici un personnage attachant et drôle qui n'est pas sans annoncer les prémices de son personnage dans le non moins fabuleux Itaewon Class. Quant à Kim Ji Won (Choi Ae Ra), elle plante une figure féminine forte et débrouillarde qui nous apporte une note de fraîcheur dans ce monde parfois bien trop masculin où les femmes sont dépeintes comme des « fifilles » type demoiselle en détresse H-24, ça fait plaisir de voir un personnage féminin comme elle.
Il ne faut pas non plus oublier le couple second lead qui est très différent de nos héros mais n'en sont pas moins très bien développés également. Tout d'abord, Ahn Jae Hong (Kim Ju Man) qui incarne le « bon gars » typique mais il va constater qu'à force d'être en mode trop bon, trop c*n, on se fait rapidement avoir et on doit payer les pots cassés (et la note peut parfois être salée!), enfin un personnage féminin des plus intéressants et qui, d'après moi, à une ascension des plus formidable : Song Ha Yun dans le rôle de Baek Seol Hee. Ici, on a l'impression d'avoir affaire justement à l'archétype de la miss couette-couette qui ne rêve que de finir derrière les fourneaux à attendre que le mâle rentre à la maison pour lui mettre ses chaussons aux pieds. Mais on voit à travers les épisodes cette jeune fille se démarquer de plus en plus, pas par des coups d'éclats, mais lentement et sûrement elle claque la porte aux clichés pour s'imposer comme une vraie femme qui malgré ses airs de midinette montre à tous qu'elle peut vivre sans un superman à ses côtés.
Enfin mention spéciale pour l'actrice Jin Hee Gyeong (Hwang Bok Hee) qui apparaît un peu comme une marraine la bonne fée mais avec un sacré caractère, son personnage m'a également bien fait rigoler.
La réalisation :
Si vous voulez des scènes de bisous, vous serez servis! Moi j'adore et, bien souvent je reste sur ma faim dans les dramas coréens qui on l'art de faire monter la sauce et puis... non rien, en mode « tiens, qu'est-ce qui passe à la télé? », la crise quoi... Ici, nos deux héros se tournent autour tout en étant déjà très proches car ils se connaissent depuis 20 ans et on est toujours sur le fil du rasoir pour savoir quand ça va arriver, le suspens monte sans cesse c'est stressant mais on sait que l'attente rendra la situation d'autant plus croustillante et ça donne l'occasion à des scènes vraiment très drôles.
Le deuxième couple nous montre une relation qui dure depuis déjà plusieurs années et c'est également un point de vue intéressant car peu souvent traité dans les dramas.
On a aucun mal ici à se mettre à la place de chaque personnage et à subir les épreuves en même temps que lui ou elle, j'avoue avoir moi-même réagi comme le personnage face à certaines situations comme quelqu'un qui crie ou donne des conseils à l'arbitre ou aux joueurs devant un match de foot.
Mention spéciale d'ailleurs pour les petites scènettes en fin d'épisodes qui nous dévoilent à chaque fois le pourquoi un personnage réagit de cette façon ou juste pour nous montrer des moments d'enfance qui ont façonnés nos héros, j'ai trouvé ça trop adorable et je me suis sentie plus proche des personnages grâce à celles-ci.
En résumé, ce drama nous montre une belle tranche de vie et nous dit également qu'il faut non seulement trouver sa voie mais aussi ne pas avoir peur de se battre pour vivre ses rêves. J'ai adoré ce drama, il rentre immédiatement dans mon top 10 comme plusieurs séries avec Park Seo Jun (quel acteur! .... Et qu'il est beau!!!!)
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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Relatively normal people learning and stumbling, winning and losing, understanding their own value and especially dreaming a lot, is the best experience this show leaves us.
It's unusual but energizing to find a drama that focuses on characters struggling for a dream ... or struggling to find it. The only possible result of such a plot is that the characters grow throughout the story. And this is what happens with our precious Fantastic 4. Although they don't advance in a straight line, but with stumbles, as in life itself.
It's incredible how much you identify with the daily adventures of the characters. Some will reach their goals, others will change course.
Acting / Cast:
Both couples had excellent chemistry. Perhaps in the case of Ae Ra and Dong Man the friendship relationship developed better than romance, but I couldn't say that they didn't work well as a duo, in fact it's the first drama where Park Seo Joon has captured my full attention. That aside, frankly the jewel of this drama is Song Ha Yoon as Sul Hee, did anyone else want to hug her with all their strength? Such an excellent performance!
Wow, how addicting was the OST, especially the songs for comedy moments. They reminded me and my siblings fighting like The three stooges XD
Characters that don't give up, strong but not perfect women, burning dreams, genuine friendship. Do I have to say more? On top of all the flaws you think this story may have, it's a valuable drama to watch. Just give it a chance.
Un drama más al año no hace daño!!
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Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won make such adorable leads. Both of them do a very good job playing out their roles where love lies right below the surface.
I feel that this drama focused way too much on the secondary leads story. I really felt little love for both Ahn Jae Hong and Song Ha Yoon's characters. I found their story detracting time from the lead couple.
This drama has such a fresh start when it focuses on the leads and their struggles in finding their way in the world. As the show continues, it starts to settle into a more traditional love story. As well toward the end of the drama, it throws in a lot more angst. While I found the disagreement about Seo Joon's character's career path, the birth mystery was really evocative and touching ...
Fight My Way was a good watch. The fresh start is a must watch. I did notice that as the drama started to settle into the typical tropes, I found that it got a little bogged down.
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another user stated that don't base your interest to view a drama solely on good/bad reviews. Guess what there will always be ppl who like and dislike a drama. I have tried plenty of drama that had great review and can't get into it and vice versa. Sure this can be a base but take it all with a grain of salt and don't have high expectations on any drama...try go into a drama w/a blank slate... you'll always be disappointed no matter what. I like to mostly read the summary of the storyline.
I had no interested in this. I didn't find SJ good looking...whaat... can you believe that? Lol..i saw soo many preview of their head lock/charm scenes and finally tried it...I fell in love w/the characters. I fell in love w/DM when he shield her from ppl view of her crying. He had my heart. Heck they were all vulnerable and was comfortable crying in front of each other.
The chemistry of the fab 4 is awesome! Friendship Goal. They all love and care for each other. The silly antic of the 2 falling in love was hilarious. I appreciate no crazy villains or parental involvement. The M.C. was soo adorkable (I know not a real word). Once they realize they liked each other...there was no pretense. I know ppl might get annoyed with the F.L but I understand her. She may be selfish in that thoughts but I get it. Her heart breaks everything she sees him hurt and she loves him soo much. They are all flawed real characters. The bromance, sister hood....there was no crazy skinship but they make my heart go kong kong kong...and laughing like an idiot and I cried with them. It was more realistic. Him pulling her hair tie off was NOT smooth at all like a typical drama that make it look pretty. It was awkward and comical. They were awkward in their process of realizing they like each other. I like how honest he was w/his feeling. *blush*blush*
There is a freedom of adlib and you can see they are having fun enjoying each others company.
"Do what make your heart beats faster."
"When did you get such a good back up."
-they always had each other backs-
The OST is really good!
Love it's all heart and it makes me feel good watching it and that is all that matters to me.
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The drama centers around a group of friends, struggling with the pressures of adulthood, but not quite ready to give up on the dreams of their youth. The four leads have great chemistry from the start, and I really felt like I was watching real friendships. I think that's this dramas appeal. Of course, it's also a romantic comedy. The rom com elements center mostly around close friends who begin to realize/admit they have feelings for each other, but there is also a complimenting storyline of a longtime couple who's relationship gets tested. Both couples are really realistic, even dealing with some super corny and cliché moments.
I've seen Park Seo Joon in quite a few dramas now, where he definitely knows how to turn on the charm, and this role is no different. He plays fighter Dong Man, who leaves the sport behind after a fight leads to controversy, and is just making ends meet with an annoying job and without any passion. Kim Ji Won plays Choi Ae Ra, his girl bff, who has a natural talent for public speaking, but can't seem to find a way to make her announcer dream come true. Before watching I heard a lot about their chemistry, so I was excited to watch, but in the beginning I wasn't impressed. I thought she was annoyingly bossy, and he was so dopey, that their moments together seemed more childish than romantic in any way. Eventually, as their silliness grew on me, so did their romantic chemistry, and I was suddenly completely invested in their relationship. I also loved that they were so comfortable with each other. As their passion for each other develops, so does their passion for following their dreams, and both were inspiring to watch.
Song Ha Yoon and Ahn Jae Hong were endearing, and sometimes heartbreaking, as Seol Hee and Joo Man. There were times when I cared more about their storyline than the main couple, and they definitely made me much more emotional. I laughed, cried, and yelled at the screen over their relationship. I will say that I think Jae Hong is the MVP of this whole cast. She has a seemingly simple, and passive role, but she brought so much depth to the character that she brought me to tears.
The supporting cast was great. I adored the kid versions of the main characters, and thought the supporting cast had some pretty memorable characters (I loved the coach). Even when the writing was lacking, the characters pulled it off and made me keep caring. I do wish that Kim Sung Oh and Jin Hee Kyung had stronger storylines, and think that some talents were wasted by bad writing.
The writing is my biggest problem with this drama, especially towards the end. The most frustrating for me was that Jin Hee Kyung's Landlady character deserved a much better storyline, and they took too long to get into it, so the ending felt way too rushed. The land lady's son also wasn't given enough time to develop into someone I cared about at all. The Fight story was completely predictable, even if the fight scenes were entertaining, and hearing Ae Ra complain, and Tak Soo scheme started to get way too repetitive for me. The ex girlfriend seemed almost forgotten about completely at one point. The sister looked like she had the potential to be interesting, but was more like a glorified extra. I do have to give the writer some credit, because with each episode I was still entertained, and couldn't wait to watch the next episode... for the most part. The last two episodes, however, were pretty disappointing, and although it was a satisfying ending from the character's standpoint, I was more aware of how many loose ends or weak stories there were. The last scene was cute, but ridiculous, and felt like they just didn't know how to end it and gave up. I almost think that the drama could have used an extra 2 or 4 episodes to tell all the stories well, or cut the extra stories out completely and maybe make the whole thing shorter.
Overall, this is a fun drama, with a good soundtrack, and likable characters, so it's hard to complain too much. Also, I wish I had that secret rooftop bar in my life. That may be my favorite thing about the whole drama! I could watch "Fight for my Way" again, just for the interactions alone, but it's not high on my rewatch list. I think it's easy to relate to, so I understand why it has such high ratings from viewers, and I definitely recommend watching it if your expectations aren't too high. This is definitely the kind of cast you will want to cheer for as they fight through quarter-life-crisis feels, and support each other along the way.
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The only ordinary portion of this whole drama is the second lead couple. Both their relationship with each other to their struggles in work is something many people can relate to. It helps that both Ahn Jae-hong and Song Ha-yoon are very good at their jobs, enriching their performances with groundedness and understanding. I wished, episode after episode, that this drama was more about these two. They made this drama satisfying to me.
The main leading couple, on the other hand, is where many of this drama's weaknesses lie. Acting wise they weren't on their A game, Park Seo-joon especially. I'm just bored of him playing the same brash, shouty character over and over again. Their journey also don't feel genuine. Note that I said the journey, not the emotions, which I think the actors tried very hard at. There were too many external conflicts that became more and more ridiculous by the episode, further distancing these two characters from seemingly extras to actually secretly very much leads. In many ways, it felt like the drama was lying to me. Even their budding romantic relationship was off for me, as I found it to be childish with a big dose of unhealthy possessiveness.
This drama is weird to me because it showed one of the best examples of realistic dialogue and acting in the form of Seol-hee and Joo-man, but also made me aware what undeserved happy endings look like in the form of, well, the last two episodes. It wasn't a truly waste of my time but I wish it would've been better.
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This drama makes me willing to stay up very late every Mon-Tue just to see the new episode... in raw! I saved many of cute sweet scenes in my instagram and almost everyday I google keyword "Fight For My Way" to find out if there's any new news/BTS/anything related to this drama. Even I make a twitter only to see the #FightForMyWay and repost many of it. Thanks FFMW to make me now become a crazy fan :D
Actually, at first when I saw the "ddamdajo" teaser, I was thinking that it will be just another usual RomCom. But then when I watched the first episode, it was a mind blowing. It was so hilarious yet so adorable. The chemistry between Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won is incredibly outstanding since very beginning! Previously I'm not a fan of Park Seo Joon even I didn't care about his instagram whatsoever while I'm already a fan of Kim Ji Won after watching her bold acting in DOTS, but now I'm fangirling Park Seo Joon after seeing his acting in FFMW.
The story itself is very refreshing. It is very light. It is very... real. It is about dream, friendship, family, and love. It is about how you live your life. How you seize your day. DongMan and AeRa teach you how to stay strong and be brave in overcoming your problem. The dialogue are smart and punch my heart.
The plot is roller coaster, the writer is really smart to play with your emotion. You can find anything in this drama. You can find the funny scene which can make you laugh out loud, the sweet scene which can make you grin from ear to ear, the mystery scene which can make you hard to sleep thinking about it, the heartbreaking scene which can make you want to shoot and burn the writer (especially in the last two episodes, it was such a cliffhanger and i think something is missing here, you know what i mean writer-nim!). All in here, it's a complete package.
The music... oh how can I say... I played Kassy-Good Morning almost 100 times a day. I have playlist in my phone which only have list of 3 songs of FFMW and I played it a whole day in repeat. It includes the happy song from BtoB-Ambiguos and Ryu Ji Hyun-Night is Gone Again. And I also love the comedy back sound in every funny scenes. Especially when they did the agyeo scene!
It is very worth to rewatch this drama. I found myself rewatching more than 3 times for every episode because every scene still can make my heart beat faster.
this drama is very recommended for you who really want to enjoy warmhearted Kdrama with realistic plot. No fantasy with over hallucination, no politic with over scary thriller.
Now the drama is ending. Nooo... I'm in withdrawal stage :(
I feel like something gone from my heart. I'm gonna miss the Fantastic Four for sure :')
I hope KBS wants to spoil us with special episodes and more BTS/NG cut *fingercrossed*. And I hope Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won have a photo shoot, get a Couple Award and get married in the real! :D
Once again, thank you FFMW for enlighten my days, appreciate all of actor & crew's hardwork, such a masterpiece... Saranghae~ Kamsahamnida~
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Acting: It was great acting through and through. Enough said!
Music: Not annoying, suitable and there when needed.
Rewatch Value: I will definitely rewatch this at some point in time!
I really had to make myself watch the first 4 or 5 episodes as I didn't get hooked to it immediately. But once I got addicted I couldn't wait for the next episode to come. But, although of this "slow" start and the logical gap regarding Dong Man's ex (at least for me) this drama deserves a full 10 because it is quite realistic and therefore so different from a lot of other dramas!
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Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won play average late-20s friends who have given up on pursuing their dreams because of the cost of living and the need for money. After a number of false starts and embarrassing failure, they finally find the strength to choose passion and happiness over drudgery. These two are fun and loveable leads whose strong friendship and love helps support each other through life. They're a delight to watch.
Kim Ji Won, in particular, gives Ae Ra a perfect mix of vulnerability and badass; combining hilarious aegyo and no-nonsense protectiveness to create one of the most compelling kdrama leads to date. Park Seo Joon is always a nuanced actor to watch and his brainless, hot-tempered but warm-hearted Dong Man will make you fall in love with him.
The second couple in this story are less interesting and, while their plotlines are no-less thematically important, I often lost interest when the attention switched to them. The plotting isn't perfect: there are number of disappearing characters, dropped plot lines and narrative digressions. And the show briefly falls flat when the couple first get together because of the dictates of the kdrama OTP tropes.
But none of this detracts from the enjoyment of the show. More importantly, this show ends well and doesn't suffer from the episode 14 kdrama slump. It maintains its pace to the end.
I could give this a lower rating for a number of reasons but it's such a satisfying watch that it deserves the 9/10.
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the problem starts when they introduced new characters that you haven't been introduced yet and and left you confused on whether or not you've known that character during the short brief intro in their highschool lives.
But it was still fine when they decided to sprinkle the backstory of some of the new characters as the episodes progress...the only issue with this sort of approach is to have us the audience to keep up with the story with no connection to start with so either you get confused and disinterested on these characters or you decide to filter them out because they aren't relevant..
Some of these characters were used once and never again and for me, it's kinda a waste of time to introduce them as a prominent character (old friends/long lost mother/etc) but having no impact on the story whatsoever...If you change these said characters having no correlations with the main couples, you wouldn't even notice the difference. .
Honestly, the side couples had better story to tell than the main couple...their conflict could've stupidly be avoided if they told the truth from the start instead of hiding it for no reasons, but at least their objectives in their love life is relatable (one wants small happiness, the other aim for bigger long term happiness)
Regarding the main couple, I thought their confession to like each other could've done better than how it ended up...for me, there's quite a few times before that they could've confessed to each other which could've been better and more appropriate in terms of emotional impact but it didn't, so kinda rather disappointing
The villain here is a bit petty and kinda thuggish and not worth mentioning..they could've make him a bit better but they decided to make him weak and simple it doesn't make me wanna root for the main guy, but it made me wanna things to get done as soon as possible so i don't need to see how it ended up because it's already been decided by how weak the villain is
OST isn't anything unique, it was something you heard hundredth of times already
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The storyline was average but quite realistic and relatable. My main focus became the character of this series. They're all so unique and I really enjoyed the strong female lead in this one. Kim Ji Won is definitely a talented actress and made this drama very spunky and full of life. Furthermore, the soundtrack was very fitting with the overall vibe of this drama. Would re-watch it for the comedy aspect.
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7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
The real MVPs of this drama however the side couple of Ahn Jae Hong and Song Ha Yoon. You really have to look out for their relationship. For me, they have achieved a new level of portrayal that i did not foresee. The sports section of the story could have been written a little more but then the other side stories would have to be compromised with. the reason this drama would be a must watch is partly because they show how following your passion is more important than anything else and ofcourse the side couple.
Genre : Rom-com, sports, motivational
Story line : Story of 4 friends, former taekwondo genius, a spunky yet crazy anchor wannabe, an average guy with a lot of big dreams and a sweet and homey girl who will happily sacrifice everything, trying to achieve their dreams and ambitions in order to make their lives better. The ups and down they go through before realising how they need to be happy first to succeed in their lives is what makes this drama much more than what it is. I would have specially mention the side couple because not only they give you serious couple goals but they show you how beautiful yet easy relationships can be. Five stars to them.
Acting : Park Seo Joon plays this country bumpkin/ naive/ assertive guy who has more brawns than brains. Kim Ji Won gave the character her own twist by being a crazy and head strong girl who decides to stand for herself and i think it could have been better but it serves its purpose anyway. But i was really impressed by the characters played by Ahn Jae Hong and Song Ha Yoon. They portrayed their characters so well, i don't think i would ever be impressed by anyone being more realistic than them. They took their characters and the story-line to a whole new level.
p.s. after you watch, I have really no idea why they added the twist in the end, it was completely unnecessary and useless. They should have continued with the main story and given us a complete closure.
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