I'd have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by how good this ended up being! You honestly feel like you just finished a 16 episode drama in only 4 hours. It was fast paced, yet everything unravelled perfectly. There's romance, action, friendship, and family wrapped in a short 4 hours.
The acting was definitely on par--the main actors along with the supporting ones. I really liked the chemistry between Chul Soo and Jin Ah; one of the main reasons why I like this drama so much! Plus, Chul Soo is so yummy, why wouldn't you want to see him nude? ;)
The OST was okay, but the drama being only 4 hours, there isn't much time to really appreciate the music.
I finished this wishing it was longer. :(
I definitely recommend this to you if you are a rom-com and a crime drama person. I will miss Naked Fireman and will definitely rewatch in the future!
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I wouldnt ask for a longer drama because the major plus of this special drama was its snappy pace and the plot rolling along very well from start to end. The plot itself was very engaging, with mystery and thriller nicely packaged and i read everyone enjoyed guessing who the culprit/killer/arsonist is. Made my day when i found out i guessed correctly.
Lee Joon Hyuk is so fitting for the role. He brought this macho and yet boyish vibe to the role. He made Chul Soo a hero but still a human and average guy. Jung In Sung as Jin Ah was good too. They made a striking duo on screen. I wish i can see both of them in a full length drama and if possible paired up again.
Fantastic supporting roles from veteran Lee Won Jong and also Jo Hee Bong and Park Hoon.
Minor qualms that there was some inserted melo drama bits within an action scene that isnt quite believable ina real life and death situation. But overall thoroughly entertained.
PS: is this the first firefighter korean drama? I didnt watch any feat firefighters (korean ones), none came to mind to be a recommendation. I wish we will have a full length drama of one soon. The action and bromance of firefighters (and their hotness lol) would make an awesome watch
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I always think that I don't have enough time to warm up to the characters in movies because they are so short, so I prefer dramas where you spend time learning more about the characters. But this is different it gives you enough pull to make you more invested, I suggest just sitting down with a bowl of popcorn and binge-watch it till the end!
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Flawed but beautiful.
What a sublime drama, short and sweet but flawed.The screenplay could've been much better, this is the type of drama which leaves you wanting for more.
The chemistry is the real deal.
Jung In Sun is the cutest actress I've ever seen, her acting is quite stable and she generates the sweetness of a character by alleviating it to another level.
I wish she did some serious selection of scripts !!
She needs much more exposure .
As for Lee Joon Hyuk, it was a different script, generally, he does more serious roles.
Overall it was vibrant, different, dark at times, cliched and flawed but enjoyable.
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Cet avis était-il utile?
Anyways, the pacing of the 4 episodes was great with nothing moving too slowly or too quickly. I was TOTALLY surprised with who the bad guy was (but it doesn't take much to surprise me LMAO).
I also think that the writers did a good job with their selection of actors and how they portrayed the characters because many of the characters were left pretty mysterious until close to the end when their true intentions/tendencies were finally unmasked.
Overall, this drama wasn't perfect (for example, there were some character relationships that just seemed to fix themselves by the end of the drama that weren't really explained), but those imperfections didn't bring down the overall plot so they were easy to overlook for me.
I would recommend to anyone looking for a quick mystery-action drama!
****Also, please do NOT be scared of the ending. There is NO tag on this drama stating "tragedy" so do NOT fall for anything too quickly. XD I warned you! ;P
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This show has got mystery, romance, action, humor... it's got a little bit of everything honestly. It is just so darn good. I truly love this so much!! It was honestly perfect. It flowed well and it gave an entire drama in 4 eps! It has no filler, just everything with meaning and working with the story being told. I will definitely rewatch this in the future sometime!!
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Não vale a pena...
Poderia ser a história sobre um carpinteiro ou trolha, mas é sobre um bombeiro...STORY - um ex delinquente juvenil é um bombeiro destemido e inconsequente. Para ajudar o Comandante, a pessoa que o "salvou" de uma vida de ilegalidade, aceita pousar nu. Na verdade, pousará apenas sem camisola, e por isso ganhará uma pipa de massa. A muler que deseja ter um modelo procura incessantemente por alguém com uma queimadura no dorso, devido ao seu passado e de acreditar que o homicida dos seus pais será essa personagem. e pronto, Alea Jacta Est...
Entre maus entendidos, memórias mal interpretadas, etc., o drama vai-se desenrolando até terminar com um vilão imbecil e um relacionamento desprovido de qualquer elemento da tabela periódica.
ACTING - não é mau, mas também não é muito relevante, quiçá pela superficialidade dos personagens.
MUSIC - nenhuma melodia me ficou no ouvido, a esquecer...
REWATCH - nunca, só se ,e pagarem 10.000 $ para posar de tronco nu a assistir a esta série.
OVERALL - Nem sei bem o que dizer. A história é fraca, mas fiquei à espera para ver como terminaria. Contudo, o final é, a meu ver, mau.
Melhor ir beber um sumo de uva para esquecer este drama que é como aquele restaurante de marisco ou peixe que estava sempre encerrado, mas que tinha as portas abertas...
O bom deste drama é ser curto, mas com tão pouca matéria pelo menos não andaram a inventar assuntos como em algumas séries coreanas e especialmente chinesas.
Dizem existir romance. E realmente há, mas entre a tia e o criminoso amado.
Entre o Bombeiro e a Pintora poderá haver uma fagulha, que o Bombeiro zeloso apagará imediatamente...
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An underrated gem on MDL!
WOW! I really have to start watching dramas with low ratings on MDL.com. This drama, and another drama that I am currently watching by the name of Weaving a Tale of Love were both rated a 7.5, but are both equally fantastic and are worthy of a rating of a 9.0. The male lead actor is so handsome! WOW! The storyline is really good and suspenseful. This drama is only 4 episodes but everything from the storyline, production, and acting is well done. I don't want to reveal any spoilers but if you watch this drama, you will not be disappointed.Cet avis était-il utile?
Must watch underrated drama!
Okay but why is this mini kdrama so underrated? The cast does a superb job and the plot is interesting. The only not-so-good thing was that it just a bit too coincidental (then again, that's kdramas for you). I mean, chul-soo just happened to be a friend of that man (jin-ah's aunt's lover). And of course, it was him who had the scar and it was him who saved her life as kids.Also, is no one going to talk about how Jin-ah knew the scar shape since she was 11 years old?! I mean, I know it was important to her, but still.
At the age of 11, I couldn't even remember what I had for lunch 2 days ago!
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Eu confundi o protagonista Lee Joon-hyuk com o ator Jo Jung Suk (no qual sou apaixonada) não que eles se pareçam, pensando melhor, eu realmente não entendo como pude fazer essa confusão.
Enfim, Naked Fireman é um dorama que você começa imaginando que é uma história bem "..." pela tradução do nome, mas infelizmente, esse 'nu' não é levado ao pé da letra. Brincadeiras a parte, a história já começa bem impactante e deixa o telespectador bem curioso e criando teorias sobre quem é o criminoso, entretanto o mais legal desse roteiro são as reviravoltas que acontece e você fica cada vez mais confusa tentando encaixar as coisas.
Não vou falar dos personagens porque é um drama com apenas quatro episódios e eu posso acabar, sem querer, passando alguma informação. A única coisa que posso escrever é que Joon-hyuk ganhou uma fã, o cara é carismático demais, esse é meu primeiro dorama com ele mas estarei procurando por outros. Em relação ao final, não darei spoilers, mas foi desnecessário, porém muito bem feito. O roteiro não deixou nenhuma ponta solta, o que é bem surpreendente para uma história com tão poucos capítulos.
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