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  • Date d'inscription: février 23, 2022


The Land of Smiles


The Land of Smiles
The Giver thai drama review
The Giver
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by yannie_alienates
nov. 22, 2022
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.5
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

“It’s a good thing to give someone a chance. It gives people something to hope for.”

I really did enjoy this drama. Lah was a great protagonist I truly rooted for.

The first scene in the first episode is great! You don’t know what’s going on but you want to find out. And his character introduction was awesome. He’s a real no-nonsense fighter. But he’s a dreamer too.

Akat was a nice female lead. She really complemented Lah. I enjoyed how their relationship was built on trust. They believed in each other wholeheartedly. And they shared more than one kiss (I was happy about that). Their little love motifs were so adorable. White sneakers and Chinese. I like how Akat was so steadfast in her love for Lah. She never looked at him as a criminal. And I loved the way Akat just adored her. No questions about it. Lah and Akat were both smart when hiding their relationship. They didn’t slip up. The actor and actress did have chemistry. I genuinely think so. The way Tor looked at Plengkwan…and the way Plengkwan smiled and laughed when with Tor. It was definitely convincing.

Fah, Lah’s sister, was irritating at first. I didn’t understand her ways. I even thought she was a little selfish. But I didn’t understand her. Fah was just built different. Even though her brother was right, I do understand why she still did what she did. And you see her kind nature as the story goes on. She’s really cool and I like how she considered Akat a friend. I liked Fah’s fashion. Especially in the last two episodes. Jumpsuits and feminine pantsuits fit Ben’s figure nicely. I liked her with straighter hair too. And I like how Fah didn’t let anyone talk down to her without saying a few words back with the same energy.

Hirun was ugh. I don’t know. I was so divided throughout the drama. But I must admit…I kinda had a soft spot for him because he reminded me of Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars. Their characters were so alike. Self destructive rich boys with abusive fathers. So, I understood his actions even though they were stupid. But I do think we could’ve gotten an episode centered on his redemption alone. But I was satisfied with what I got in the end. It was so funny seeing him talk about prison with the other guys. I feel as though he can really get into the friend group/bromance. Maybe he’d start calling Yang “Dad”. And I believe Hirun was right when he told his father that Yang seemed to like him. I think so too. Maybe he could see the good in Hirun. Hirun just needed to own up to his sins and crimes first. When Hirun finally gets that redemption arc you can see how his whole aura and demeanor changes. When he admitted to his wrong doings he looked at Lah, Fah, and Akat as though he were saying he was sorry. Bright portrays it all well. Bright and Ben’s chemistry was lovely too.

I loved Yang and the comedian friend. They were great friends to Lah. I liked the store workers too. That scene at the funeral was well choreographed and executed. I think Thai dramas are great at their action/fight scenes.

Special mention, Santi was so timid at the beginning. But he started to really win me over. After Lah and Hirun, he was the third character to show a lot of character growth. He was so cool in the last episode. No more feeble Santi. He actually became a favorite character.

So, please give this drama a try! It’s unique and a lot more positive than most Lakorns. It has enough darkness and light.

The drama’s themes is all about poetic justice, redemption, and owning your faults. It makes me think of two quotes:

“Own your truth and no one can use it against you.”


“We’re not punished for our sins. We’re punished by them.”

10/10. Might rewatch it one day. It gives me hope that no matter how bad it seems at one point if your life, it gets better.
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