
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 6 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Lost in Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 1 LV1
  • Rôles: VIP
  • Date d'inscription: juillet 11, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award7 Flower Award62 Coin Gift Award3


Lost in Dramaland


Lost in Dramaland
Falling Into You taiwanese drama review
Falling Into You
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by virgievirgie
nov. 15, 2022
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Good pacing and enjoyable, but with Unrealistic ending.

Subjective Rating - 8.5 (exceeds my very low expectations and enjoyable)
Objective Rating - 7.5-8.0

Taiwanese romantic comedies are usually a hit-or-miss to me because I am not quite used to the humor yet. And maybe because of that, I have low expectations for “Falling into You” and am pleasantly surprised that I had a very enjoyable time watching it. “Falling into You” follows the journey of injured and retired Taekwondo champion, Chen Zi Tong (FL).

What I Like:

1. Fang Zhi Sheng (ML) - FZS reminded me of a milder version of the male lead in the K-drama “What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim”. He’s a little over-the-top, narcissistic, petty and childish, but actually very sweet and caring. I was worried that I might not like his character but luckily, I find the humor to be tolerable. I enjoy seeing his character development and how he has become a caring, supportive and understanding boyfriend, yet doesn’t change his personality to always think about money and business (according to him, always a win-win situation for him).

2. Chen Zi Tong (FL) - Independent, competent, hardworking, self-sufficient, and not a damsel in distress. She never gives up on her dream despite life’s tough challenges. She’s not perfect and can be very stubborn. She has changed a lot from when we first met her in the first episode, to the woman she’s become in the last episode. I would have liked to see her cheerful self a little bit more when she’s with ML, but also appreciate the fact that she doesn’t lose herself once she’s in a relationship.

3. Chen Tian Lin/FL’s brother - A tough, dedicated and no nonsense journalist/reporter, who is always trying to find out the truth. Yet when he is with the one he likes, you see the tenderness in his eyes as he gazes lovingly at Yang Qing. I also like the interesting bromance he has with Fang Zhi Sheng.

4. Taekwondo - I think Puff Kuo and Xi Wei Lun did a pretty admirable job in all their taekwondo moves. Of course they are not as good as professionals, but I can see the effort they put in to make sure each punch and kick look as realistic as possible.

What I have Mixed Feelings About:

1. Fang Qing (2FL) - She does not sound or act like a 40 year old woman. She seems like a pretty good teacher and doesn’t teach her children good lessons. But her behavior doesn’t always seem mature, e.g. slapping Chen Tian Lin on the face at the hospital when she doesn’t know anything about him and his family. That was uncalled for and definitely not what a teacher should be doing in front of her student. She also acts like a teenage girl in love most of the time, when she’s already had experience in the romance department. There are times she could have an honest conversation about her feelings, yet she chooses to avoid and lie. I think her high-pitched voice also makes her sound really whiny and young.

2. Romance - Both the primary or secondary romances are enjoyable enough but not great. The chemistry is decent. I wish Chen Zi Tong (FL) can show more emotions and there are more cute and fluffy scenes between the main leads. I think after they get together, they dive right into a mature relationship (which I like as well) but somewhat skip the sweet and fluffy honeymoon phase. That’s partly because the drama needs to focus on the FL’s comeback. I am also a little disappointed in the kisses between the main leads. Luckily, we get a couple steamy kisses from the secondary leads. The male characters are so smitten by the ladies. I always love the loving and secret looks but also would like some more from the female leads.

3. Editing/Storytelling - In the second half of the drama, the editing got weird. Instead of straight storytelling, there are many flashbacks and scenes that are cut short or stopped. The scenes are cut back and forth, and only show enough information to keep it ‘suspenseful’.

**** Spoilers****

4. Unrealistic Ending - For an athlete who is injured and stops training for over 2 years, there’s no way FL can compete at a high level without enough training/prep time. The Olympic qualifying tournament is laughable with a cheap venue and is sparsely attended. In the last match, there’s no way Wu Qian Ni would just stand there and not attack to try to win. But of course, this is Chen Zi Tong’s comeback story and we know she is going to win eventually. Now that she wins and is injured again (possibly unable to compete ever again), what is going to happen to the investment Fang Zhi Sheng has made in her and her mother’s dojang? He spent so much money on them and probably is not going to get his money back.

Other Random Observations:
1. Both male leads have nice six packs. I wish to see them more. LOL
2. The characters in this drama like to secretly record a conversation on their cell phones.
3. We never met Chen Tian Lin’s ex-wife or Gao Yu Qian’s girlfriend.
4. The child actress is cute and does a good job, but her voice is too high-pitched.
5. Love FL’s dad - sweet and caring and reminds me of his role in “A Thousand Goodnights”.

Completed: 11/14/2022

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