
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 3 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Terrsies (Commonwealth of the Entitled dynasties)
  • Contribution Points: 1,602 LV8
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: mai 1, 2024
  • Awards Received: Flower Award3


Terrsies (Commonwealth of the Entitled dynasties)


Terrsies (Commonwealth of the Entitled dynasties)
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Ultimate 2m/10m/20m/30m/45mn short dramas list + link

My favourite short dramas  and the type of romance <3Ending : Happy Ending =>(*_*); Open Ending =(^_^); Sad Ending => (-_-) ; Bitterweet…

252 titles 19 loves
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Highly rewatchable dramas that I rewatched can several times.

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Ultimate Drama Juke-Box All time Favourites +Link

Growing list of OST + what the drama it is about+ my impressions...<3

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A list of the worsts villians and antagonists. The most difficult to get rid of or subdue. You are welcome to add your chosen ones.

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Taboo Love
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Top underrated spy dramas

Only Underrated please. The list is ongoing...  

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Doppelganger - Impersonation + Ending.

Ending : Happy Ending =>(*_*); Open Ending =(^_^); Sad Ending => (-_-) ; Bitterweet Ending =>(^_<)

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Sign Language

Feauring mute of deaf characters using sign language.

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Push and Pull - Intense Romance k-drama

With type of romance.

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When the two leads are equally strong and witty. It makes great interactions between them and a great plot. They might : 1 - Complete each…

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Jromance <3
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Ever growing comedy list that I loved.When it is time to laugh, I go to those dramas and I am sure I will almost cry having fun.

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Future Hits
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Escort - Gigolo - Courtesan - Gisaeng + Ending.

Ending : Happy Ending =>(*_*); Open Ending =(^_^); Sad Ending => (-_-) ; Bitterweet Ending =>(^_<)

30 titles 1 love
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Satisfying Ending
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Evergreen Badass Female Lead [never dumbed down by writer]

Female Lead never gets dumb when she is in love. <3

19 titles 3 loves