
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 9 jours
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 203 LV3
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  • Date d'inscription: octobre 11, 2019
  • Awards Received: Flower Award1
Player 7 korean drama review
Player 7
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by SieL68
juin 10, 2020
21 épisodes vus sur 21
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Full of fun and surprises every episode

Player 7 is really one of the few variety shows that made me laugh until my stomach is aching. The jokes are just simply funny and the casts were also great. I love the concept that they are recreating the legendary Korean variety shows because they were like a living museums of this shows and they are adding fun and laughs on those. Although, I admit that some of the episodes I am really unfamiliar with and there were episodes that weren't as funny as the others.

When I first watch this, the only person I am familiar with is SooGeun and YiKyung which I saw in few dramas and the rest were new to me but then after watching more, I saw their individual charms from the cutest to their gross charms. The guests are no joke as well. They were all star-studded. Every episode is just full of surprises.

Overall, I really love this variety show and is looking forward on the Season 2. It's such a shame that the ratings on this is not too good as it's competitors already established a name on the variety industry for years. And to be bluntly honest, their concept is hella good short term but for long term concept it won't really stand a chance to RM and TROS.
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