
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 17 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Philippines
  • Contribution Points: 128 LV2
  • Anniversaire: August 01
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: décembre 12, 2016
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Both are melodramas with slow pacing, beautiful scenery, and cinematography. They commonly have this dreamy spring-like theme that is mixed with a simple yet heart warming and healing story line. Similarly, the leads for the two dramas have perfect chemistry. The two dramas talk about an established man who lost his first love, then meets a woman whom is somehow connected to his first love, and eventually he develops romantic feelings towards her.
Recommandé par ivy - août 12, 2020
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Both are fluffy high school web dramas that allow you to choose the guy you want for the ending. Triple Fling has three handsome guys to choose from while Click Your Heart has four.
Recommandé par ivy - déc. 19, 2019
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Both are short dramas about a love applications that allows people to identify one another within a distance from each other.
Recommandé par ivy - sept. 13, 2019
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Both are office Romance-Comedy dramas that involve a cold-hearted boss and a passionate worker secretary.
Recommandé par ivy - avril 4, 2019
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both stories contain long time friends almost lovers kind of plot. The leads know each other more than anyone, and treat themselves as even more than family, however there are several reasons as to why they still hesitate on being together. both also tackle adult life and personal career issues.
Recommandé par ivy - juin 8, 2017
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both stories are about meeting their unexpected partner at another place, from strangers to being acquaintances, they eventually realize their feelings for one another.
Recommandé par ivy - janv. 28, 2017