
  • Dernière connexion: janv. 3, 2025
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: United Kingdom
  • Contribution Points: 514 LV4
  • Anniversaire: October 06
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  • Date d'inscription: novembre 30, 2014
Age of Youth
183 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 27, 2016
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Age of Youth is one of the most precious dramas I have ever watched and I doubt I will ever find another drama like this that has evoked so much emotion out of me. It deserves every single bit of praise, and will remain in my heart as something beautiful and sensational. This drama is pure gold. I know I’m one of many opinions, but to fully understand what I’m talking about, Age of Youth is one of those dramas that everyone should at least watch once.

The plot was something that originally drew me in. It sounded very original and worthy enough to watch at least the first two episodes. While watching Age of Youth, there were so many moments that either relatable, touching or just plain hilarious. The writer did a fantastic job of the script. With the characters, it took me a few episodes to love all five of them (especially Jung Ye Eun) but each and every one of them, they had a story to tell and all made massive development with their lives. Yoo Eun Jae I grew attached to straight away because I felt a small connection with her and wanted her to grow stronger. Jung Ye Eun was annoying at first (and still can be), but her passionate personality made her admirable. Song Ji Won is the weirdest but most wonderful housemate, and always made a lot of scenes better. Kang Yi Na seemed to have an easy life, but had problems that she kept to herself and solved herself - her pride is something we should all aim to have. And finally, Yoon Ji Myung. I think everyone who has watched Age of Youth can agree that we all wanted to her to be happy as she deserved it the most. Her issues at work, with her brother and mother always caused her to be unhappy and we viewers did not want to see her suffering. All five of them were perfect, unique and lovable. Also, the boys - thank you for all being beside the girls and supporting them (except Ko Doo Young of course). My only issue with the story was the small ‘supernatural’ element that introduced some of the characters’ problems - I wish that was done in a different way.

The acting was on point and this drama was a huge stepping stone in the actors careers. I know I should talk about each actress individually, but I feel like I expressed my feelings a lot in the previous paragraph as their acting was what helped to make each of the characters the best they could have been. The five actresses were amazing, stunning and won my hearts over. None of them wavered in their acting styles, they consistently stuck with their character and continued till the end. I will most definitely be keeping an eye out for their next dramas because I want to see how they all grow.

Music worked extremely well with each scene and every single track was gorgeous to listen to. If you ever have spare time, just stick on the Age of Youth soundtrack and fully appreciate the audio because it will be worth it. My favourite track is definitely the main one, Butterfly by Sogyumo Acacia Band - it has that perfect, young vibe to it.

There is no doubt about it, I would rewatch this right now if I didn’t have so many dramas to catch up on - but I most definitely will be watching this again before the end of the year.

Age of Youth is worth everyone’s time and for me, is the drama of the year - maybe of the decade/century as well haha. If you love a simplistic and cute story with well developed characters and immersive backstories, this is the drama for you.

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Sassy Go Go
83 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 11, 2015
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 4
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
As soon as I heard that Cheer Up! was going to be a drama based around cheerleading in a school that solely focuses on their students getting good grades, my excitement levels dropped. I would rather have school dramas not have any sport related themes and not use the excellent grades cliche. However, I was so very wrong. This drama went to so many deep levels that not many writers can do, and it became extremely influential and inspiring. This is was one of the best dramas this year to date (this is my opinion, so don't judge me) and I felt extremely attached to watching Cheer Up!.

The story was the only thing lacking in this drama, but not even by much. The only problem that occurred was that there was barely any cheerleading whatsoever. They used the sport as a background setting, and only ever included two performances in total (excluding the practice trials). But besides that, I want to thank the writers for so many things. For saving a perfectly salvageable villain who didn't understand any other way of dealing with her problems, for making the love triangle all so lovable and making me ship all three of them together with each other (yes, I shipped not only the end couple and the second-lead couple, but also the bromance), and for making all the characters so cherishable. And also, thank you for showing great character development with every single character, especially Seo Ha Joon and Kwon Soo Ah. I thought there couldn't be a single school drama that would beat Who Are You: School 2015, but here we are, half a year later, with an ever better school drama.

I think all of us can agree that the cast did a superb job, and all agree that when Ji Soo gets a role in another romance drama, he needs to win over the heart of his crush so all of his fangirls don't internally die. Anyway, Ji Soo did an amazing job and I felt so emotionally attached to his character. Angry Mom is a definite watch for me now. Moving on, Lee Won Gun. My new-found bias. I had previously watched his supporting role in Hyde, Jekyll, Me, but I never took much notice of his character as I always had my eyes on Hyun Bin. I never realized how well done his acting is. He is awesome, and my god, that smile of his! I found myself squealing every time he even so much as smirked. Anyway, Jung Eun Ji and N have definitely broken the idols-can't-act stereotype, and I am looking forward to watching more of their works. Finally, Chae Soo Bin. Her character was extremely irritable, but she was the first ever antagonist that I could never fully hate. Deep down, she was just a down-to-earth character who was trying to learn from her mistakes in the wrong way. And with that, Soo Bin had better rise to stardom very soon because she is a spectacular actress.

All of these soundtracks are just too lovable and I can't pick a favourite. There is Fly Like An Eagle, Rely, Shooting Star and Flower. They are all so amazing, I could listen to them all day long. Seriously, look up the playlist online and you can just sit there and listen to them.

Yes, oh god yes. I would do anything to have this series on disc so that I could carry it anywhere with me and just rewatch over and over again. Everyone has that one show that they could always watch, and Cheer Up! is one of them for me.

Overall, this drama was almost perfect, with only the flaw of not having enough cheerleading featured. Every single acting choice was amazing, the script and writing was brilliant, and the music is flawless. Please make more good quality school dramas like Cheer Up!.

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Yong Pal
61 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 3, 2015
18 épisodes vus sur 18
Complété 3
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
So many people were excited about Yong Pal. I mean Joo Won was in a new drama! The amazing Joo Won! And even Kim Tae Hee was making a comeback, the most beautiful actress claimed by netizens. But even those two couldn't save the drama in the end. I'm quite disappointed about how the quality of Yong Pal just suddenly dropped after the second episode. This drama would have been most definitely been a 10/10 drama if that quality remained the same. Also, when I watch a medical drama, I want it to remain a medical drama throughout. And I gave up all hope of that happening even before the half way point was reached.

The story was all over the place. It started off exciting and I loved the thrill, but as soon as Han Yeo Jin became a part of Kim Tae Hyun's life, it started to drop from there onward. I watch medical dramas for the medical stuff (e.g. surgeries, transplants, medical dilemmas, etc.), but we only ever got the occasional one after the fourth episode. I hated how this become a soppy love story between the money-loving surgeon and the suicidal, rich chaebol's daughter. Not only was it really cringy to watch, I felt like that Tae Hyun was the only one who cared for their relationship. Yeo Jin only saw it as something to rely on when her plans failed, and she even put her revenge over Tae Hyun himself. That's not how a love story should be portrayed and I never want to see something like that done again. Also, too many political scenes.

A lot of people I know exclaim how much they love Joo Won and Kim Tae Hee as actors, and I can certainly understand for Joo Won, but not Kim Tae Hee. Her acting wasn't all that well done in my opinion, and I believe she made no more than three facial expressions. Although she did fit well with her character, her acting still can't be accepted for the way it was done. Anyway, Joo Won was so lovely to watch and I am most definitely watching some of his older dramas now.

Hmm, I can't say I enjoyed many of the quiet, relaxed soundtracks that Yong Pal gave to us, but I most certainly loved listening to Come To Me by K. Will. His voice is so beautiful to listen to, and he definitely makes up for the rest of the album. Oh, but I did also really like the action soundtracks. They were so exhilarating to listen to, even if the scene that accompanied it was boring as could be.

Would I want to re-watch Yong Pal again if I was given some free time? No.

Overall, the writers of Yong Pal should be glad that I even gave it a 7 out of 10. If it wasn't for Joo Won and most of the other actors, and the soundtracks, this drama would have definitely been a lower rating.

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The Con Artists
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 17, 2015
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
As I do with a lot of dramas and movies, I generally only start watching something if they either have a good story line or have actors I'm familiar with in them. The Con Artists had both. I'm familiar with Go Chang Seok as he played a role in Kill Me, Heal Me, and Kim Woo Bin is very popular so I thought this would be a good way to start watching his works. And of course, the summary of the movie is also excellent.

Although the story of the movie is exciting and a good watch, it's nothing new. I've seen movies previously with similar story lines, and have all been a good watch. However, what made The Con Artists so good was that it didn't have a single boring moment. Every scene had a reason behind it, and if any of it was cut out, some parts of the story would have been left unexplained. If you need a good action movie to watch, this movie is just perfect for you!

When it comes to actors, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Kim Woo Bin isn't just popular for his good looks and stunning personality, he is, of course, a brilliant actor as well. His perception of Ji Hyuk was awesome, and his scenes in particular were my favourite. As for every other actor (Go Chang Seok, Lee Hyun Woo, Jo Yoon Hee, etc), their scenes were greatly acted out and I couldn't find a single flaw.

As I am writing this review, it's only been about an hour since I watched the movie. I know that in the movie, the soundtrack was superb, however, I don't really remember any of the tracks. The music is great, but none of the tracks are particularly memorable.

There is no way I would pass up a chance to watch this again. It's been a great film to watch, and I would so gladly go watch it again right now.

Overall, besides the soundtrack not being all that memorable and the story line not being very original, it's a splendid movie to watch, and I can guarantee that any fangirls who love heartthrob actors will enjoy this very much as Kim Woo Bin takes your heart away in a mere few seconds.

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She Was Pretty
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 25, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
It's been about 10 days since I've finished She Was Pretty and I still remember how the lackluster of this drama ended. The anticipation was high due to Hwang Jung Eum and Park Seo Joon coming together again from their huge success with Kill Me, Heal Me. However, in my opinion, it didn't live up to the expectations. I enjoyed the story, the acting and the music, but there was no spark to bring She Was Pretty to life.

Okay, so for the story, we have a love square with the majority working together at the same company and/or having a lot of money. Cliche much? Extremely so. The character that picked this drama up was Kim Shin Hyeok. He was one of the best second-lead characters I have ever seen, he just knew how to entertain his peers and become loved by all. And yet again, we have the best character overlooked by our main heroine. I'm sorry, but Shin Hyeok has pretty much everything (personality, looks, charisma, etc.), and yet, he doesn't win. Anyway, besides the fangirl-breaking-of-hearts, the plot could have been better, but despite everything negative about the story, it could be quite enjoyable.

Now, this is what I'm talking about. Hwang Jung Eum. Park Seo Joon. Go Joon Hee. Siwon of SUPERJUNIOR. What a line up. Everyone thought they couldn't get past the idea of Jung Eum and Seo Joon going from siblings to lovers, but that was forgotten about completely as soon as the fourth episode ended. That is just how well done these actors are, and the directors and writers should be proud of their acting choices. I don't want to babble on so much about how amazing these actors are, but there are a few things I want to say about Siwon. Firstly, thank you for making me laugh so much. He pulled off Shin Hyeok's character amazingly and I'm so glad to see him diverge from his normal, chaebol-like characters (although Shin Hyeok is still a rich character). After She Was Pretty ended, you have no idea how much pain I felt knowing Siwon was going to leave about a week later for his military service and I couldn't see him again for two years. Good luck Siwon in the army!

I don't think I've found a drama where I have disliked the music. The soundtrack for this drama was superb, and I especially loved the track of Only You by Siwon himself. It has such a lovely tone and I could not help falling in love with it (along with Siwon again). Not much else to say, just listen to the soundtrack if you haven't.

I doubt I will watch She Was Pretty again. As much as I loved the amusement that this drama brought me, I can't going through Shin Hyeok-Hye Jin scenes again without mentally crying.

Overall, acting and music for She Was Pretty was absolutely brilliant and I could not complain, however, the story was a bit of mess and over-the-top cliche. Writers, you need to step up your game with drama stories and make more unusual ideas.

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Mrs. Cop
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 10, 2015
18 épisodes vus sur 18
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I feel like Mrs. Cop is too underrated for how well done it was. This is definitely, by far, one of the best police dramas I've seen. It never drifted off into a soppy love story or a drama solely focused on one case. They gave us a great case, they showed us the amount of effort and hard work needed to solve it, and they wrapped it up within four episodes. That's what I want to see in detective dramas, but even with all of that, I couldn't get into it as much as I would have wanted to.

Like I mentioned before, Mrs. Cop was written properly. We got the most out of it being a detective and action drama, every scene in the drama felt necessary for it to continue. And we got a couple of small love stories out of it that didn't change how the drama ran. This is a perfect example of how all police dramas and series should be like. However, because of how the story is set out, it took me this long after it aired for me to finish it. One part that I didn't really like was the amount of mother-daughter scenes in it. I'm glad we have a cop that cares for their family a lot, but Choi Young Jin put her job before it all, and I wish it wasn't like that. Also, I still don't like the male to female ratio in all police dramas. In every single one, there will always be more male cops than females, and it was like this in Mrs. Cop too. I want to find a good detective drama that has more females than males for once.

I can definitely compliment Mrs. Cop on the acting. It was exquisite, and each and every actor played their role extremely well. I'll mention my favourites of the series first. Set in supporting role, Lee Ki Kwang as Lee Se Won. I'm a huge fan of BEAST, so that was one of the main reasons I decided to watch this drama, but I also knew how good of an actor he was in Twenty Years Old. I loved this character and his acting was so well done, I honestly wish he had more lines throughout the drama. Next favourite was Kim Min Jong as Park Jong Ho. His character was superb, he was hilarious, charismatic, and a bit of a perv. And that just made me love him from start to finish. My last favourite was Lee Da Hee as Min Do Young. Although she fell into the rookie-of-the-team cliche, she pulled of her character amazingly, and I'm so glad to see her in another drama after I Hear Your Voice. Lastly, Kim Hee Ae as Choi Young Jin and Son Ho Jun as Han Jin Woo. Although they weren't in my top three favourite characters, I still loved them extremely so. A+ acting choices.

Because of the drama being an action and detective drama, not many people take notice of the soundtrack. The music producers have to put in a lot of effort for the music to be noticed, but that pretty much failed to happen. As I go through the actual soundtracks, they are very beautiful to listen to. But the only soundtrack that I actually took notice of was the foreboding one. The one that came on during intense and cynical scenes.

To be honest, I probably wouldn't be able to watch Mrs. Cop again. As much as I am glad that they didn't just do murder cases (because that's the main case for all detective dramas), it doesn't tickle my fancy to watch it again.

Overall, the drama had a well-done story besides the sexism ratio and overdone family scenes, a perfect cast and some beautiful listens, but it still could do with a few improvements. However, at least I don't regret the amount of time I put into watching Mrs. Cop.

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Dr. Ian
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 8, 2016
9 épisodes vus sur 9
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Okay, so I watched this short drama purely because I was bored and wanted something that could be completed in one day (without completely ruining my sleep schedule). And I came across this: Dr. Ian. It seemed pretty interesting just from the plot line itself, and I have seen Kim Young Kwang before in Pinocchio and White Christmas, and his acting was more than decent. And I had heard about Sandara Park a few times, so I wanted to check this out.

The story had a good concept, it wasn't cliche and it seemed watchable. However, the first couple episodes were very boring and I couldn't get into it, but out of pure boredom, I continued with it. It did get better, by quite a bit actually. Although there isn't much to talk about since this drama only has 9 episodes, with 10 minutes a piece, for those who are thinking to watch this, don't judge it by its first few episodes. Its potential comes later.

The acting was very good. Kim Young Kwang and Sandara Park did a very good job with each other their respective roles. I also enjoyed their chemistry on-screen. However, all of the other actors that were featured didn't make much of an impression and their acting was average. Nothing impressive.

The soundtrack of this drama only consists of one song: Tear Rain by JL. I absolutely love this song, it's so great to listen to. However, the problem with the music is that it's only one song. There's no album, just the single. I would have loved to hear more tracks in the drama, but never mind.

I would like to see Dr. Ian again, but given how short it is and how there's all that much to it, it's unlikely that I'll ever get round to seeing it again.

Overall, the story was quite good and the acting was lovely, but there was only one track to the drama (which was superb). Dr. Ian is, though, a great watch for all you romance lovers out there.

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The Producers
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 22, 2015
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
I mainly only started watching Producer because of all the hype that was going in to it because of the very amazing cast that was IU, Kim Soo Hyun, Cha Tae Hyun and Gong Hyo Jin. I'd only watched Soo Hyun's previous work of My Love From The Stars, but he was amazing in that so I knew he would be able to pull off an entirely new sort of character. Besides a few low points, I really enjoyed this drama, and I'm one of those people that were glad it changed from a mockumentary to a romcom.

The story of Producer was something very new and original, and it showed a lot of potential. However, it did start off very slow. And to be honest, I don't know why they even used to story of Seung Chan's one-sided love for Ji Yeon. It wasn't even necessary to the plot of the drama. But once the latter half of the drama started, it got really good. I enjoyed Seung Chan's developing love for Ye Jin (although, I'm glad the Umbrella couple seemed like the winning couple near the end), and all the elements of producing. I really liked when we saw scenes focusing on Music Bank, like when Seung Chan and Cindy were going up in the lift together. It was so cute. I also loved the small love story between Hong Sun and Yang Mi, it was so funny to watch. Anyway, despite the slowness at the beginning, it was a really great story.

There was nothing to complain in the acting department. They were all great. To start off with, I'll talk about the main cast. Cha Tae Hyun was absolutely hilarious with his character of PD Ra Joon Mo, and he showed a very realistic side of a producer. Focusing a lot of his time of 2D1N, mouthing off at the rookie and showing genuine concern for those he cares about, like Ye Jin, Yuna and Cindy. Next off, Gong Hyo Jin was a lovely actress and she perceived her character of PD Tak Ye Jin very well. Although, the density of her character did annoy me, it was because of how the writers made Ye Jin, not how Hyo Jin acted her out. She did a lovely performance. Now, Kim Soo Hyun. His character of PD Baek Seung Chan was something completely different to his previous work of Do Min Joon, and yet, he was great at it. I also loved how he immersed himself in the character, as shown in interviews in Entertainment Weekly. Lastly, IU. I absolutely loved her character of Cindy, and she was so enjoyable to watch. I loved her slow but sure love development for PD Umbrella (aka Seung Chan). I just wish she got more screen time as I believe she got the least amount out the whole main cast. All of the supporting cast were brilliant as well, and Na Young Hee did another excellent job of making me annoyed at her character. My only problem was the girl who played Ji Ni (aka the next Cindy; Cindy No.2). Her acting wasn't the greatest, and was slightly stiff.

The music for this drama was also lovely, and I loved IU's single of 'Heart'. Although I'm not 100% sure that song was for the Producer drama (as I know it was also featured in We Got Married), it was released at the same time as the drama was still airing, so I'm just going to count it. However, besides IU's track, none of the other tracks were very memorable and didn't stand out well.

As much as I have enjoyed this drama massively, the only time I would re-watch this again is when I'm really bored. I have many other dramas I wish to focus on, and I also have to get through my last few weeks of school before I start thinking of re-watching another drama.

Overall, despite one acting choice, a slow start at the beginning of the drama and not very memorable tracks, this drama is very much worth watching and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in a good romantic comedy.

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Nightmare Teacher
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 11, 2016
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
After having to wait two weeks to watch the final four episodes of the drama, I can say that it wasn't worth it. I dove into Nightmare Teacher with not very high expectations since the description wasn't very interesting or original at all. I was only watching this because of Kim So Hyun and slightly Lee Minhyuk (I have a massive love for all BTOB members). But they only just managed to keep Nightmare Teacher at a watchable level. Small disclaimer before you read the rest, I will have a lot of criticism for this series, but this is all my own personal opinion and I apologize if I offend anyone who enjoyed Nightmare Teacher.

The story had a good concept to it, but all the themes and events were poorly executed. Each of the students problems were boring, extremely cliche and it was nothing original. I realize that, in total, the drama had 3 hours of content (12 episodes x 15 minutes) to get through 5 students and Ye Rim's difficulties. But the director should have noticed that more time was needed to be put into each character, so either there should have been more episodes or they could have cut down on the amount of students (e.g. 3 students including Ye Rim, each giving them an hour of character development). I hope that the director learns on this and improves for his next project.

The acting in Nightmare Teacher was more tolerable than anything else in the drama. Kim So Hyun was, again, really good like usual, but because of the story's execution, some of her acting choices weren't the best. But I still love her. Lee Minhyuk has the potential to go far in acting, but he still has a long way to go. I hope that as him and fellow BTOB member Yook Sungjae continue in more dramas, he will become a superb actor. Everyone else did decent jobs in acting. Uhm Ki Joon's acting was pretty boring in my opinion, but I guess his role was a teacher, so not disappointed by that. Some of the other students could do with a lot of work, but they definitely contributed to the drama.

Music was good, but not at the same time. When the scenes were really tense or filled with suspense, the soundtrack did a good job of creating a better atmosphere. But during any other scene, the soundtrack failed to deliver. But listening back, some of the tracks are noteworthy.

I probably wouldn't watch Nightmare Teacher again, it would depend on how bored I would get to want to rewatch this.

Overall, Nightmare Teacher has a lot of flaws, but could have done a worse job. The acting definitely saved this series, because if it was based on plot alone, it would fail miserably. But if you're a good fan of Kim So Hyun or Lee Minhyuk, you can give this drama a shot.

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8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 1, 2015
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Although the drama was very confusing at first, Mask turned out to be one of the best dramas I have watched throughout my whole k-drama experience. Not only did it meet my expectations, it exceeded them. I was really hoping that once I watched the last two episodes, it wouldn't do a Who Are You: School 2015 and completely mess up the ending, but it didn't. Everyone ended up how I wanted and expected them to (I didn't predict Mi Yeon's incident though) and to top it all off, it actually made me cry during Mi Yeon's funeral, and Ji Sook and Min Woo's adorable family time with their daughter. It was just perfect.

The synopsis isn't the most original, someone has seen something similar to Mask before, but it absolutely blew my mind away. I love how as the series progressed. Byun Ji Sook's character got smarter and more brilliant, she was able to stand up against Min Seok Hoon and fight against him. And it was the same with Seok Hoon. He was an amazing villain. He truly believed what he was doing was what was best for everyone, and as Ji Sook, Choi Min Woo and eventually Choi Mi Yeon started to retaliate, his plans fell apart and he became more desperate, and would go to more extremes to push forward his plan. It was simply amazing to watch and I would watch it all again right now if I could.

As much as I enjoyed the acting in this drama, Mi Yeon's actress - Yoo In Young - was the only one who felt lacking while I watched this. I've watched her acting before as she played a guest role in My Love From the Stars, but she didn't impress me in that either. Her acting felt very repetitive, especially when she was investigating Ji Sook and trying to get Seok Hoon to stay by her side. It was annoying, but as her character was meant to be like that, I can understand it. Despite her, everyone else was amazing. I've heard complaints about Soo Ae's acting, but she was brilliant in playing both Seo Eun Ha and Byun Ji Sook. I could definitely tell the difference between the two and that takes some skill to do. Joo Ji Hoon perceived his character of Min Woo very well. He showed a great example of a psychiatric patient and a business man. I can understand why Ji Sook fell for him, he's delightful. And lastly, Yeon Jung Hoon was fantastic. With help from the writing, he made the best villain I have ever seen and I'm not very easy to impress.

I absolutely loved the soundtrack to Mask. Each track was beautiful and so great to listen to. I especially liked Just One Day by LYn. I absolutely love this artist's songs, she has such a lovely voice. She also voiced my favourite song in the My Love From the Stars OST. I am looking forward to watching another drama that has LYn in. I'm sure it won't be too long into the future because I'm pretty sure every director wants her voice for their soundtrack. I'm positive.

If I could, I would rewatch Mask right here, right now. But I have a busy life and I don't have enough free time to nonchalantly watch through 20 hours of pure epicness. But I'm sure that when my schedule frees up some more, I'll get round to watching through Mask again.

Overall, besides In Young's slightly disappointing performance, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama a lot and I would recommend it to anyone. I came into Mask with open eyes and when I finished it, I'm glad that I decided to watch it. Mask was one of the most amazing experiences that I have ever seen and you will not be disappointed.

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Hello Monster
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 12, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
I Remember You, or Hello Monster, has pretty much been the blockbuster drama of the year for a lot of people who have watched it - some even have it in their top five dramas. However, it was just an average drama for me. I was expecting so much because this drama sounded so interesting, and has a lot of my favourite genres, but it failed to impress me as much as everyone else. It had quite a few loose ends, and it didn't have enough of what it should have. I'm honestly quite disappointed.

Firstly. the story was the main thing wrong with this drama. We were given exactly what the synopsis told us, which is great, but I feel like the series focused too much on Cha Ji An and Lee Hyun's relationship. There were quite a few unnecessary scenes between the two, and if they were taken out, I'm pretty sure the ending would have still been the same. A lot of people may disagree with me on this, but I just think that the writer should have given more scenes with Hyun and Min (Jung Seon Ho). They felt like the more important relationship to focus on, but those scenes were only given from the thirteenth episode onward. It was too lacking. Going back to Ji An and Hyun's relationship, I couldn't actually see the two as a couple. When they got together in the last episode, I didn't fangirl or squeal, or jump up and down in my room. I just sat there, unfazed. I never saw any spark in their connection. It simply looked like a normal friendship. Last thing, the writer didn't explain the ending with Min that well. I know a lot of people were confused as to what his decision was, whether he chose to continue being Hyun's brother and hand himself to the police, or live as someone else with a new identity. That should have been explained a little better.

Despite some of my complaints about I Remember You, the acting and cast in this were absolutely perfect. I cannot express how much I was amazed by the acting in this. I'm going to start with Park Bo Gum (played Jung Seon Ho). I had never really heard of him until I watched this, but I absolutely love him now. His acting was brilliant, and his character was definitely my favourite, especially after the thirteenth episode. And he was so cute when he was smiling because of Hyun, or when he had this fringe down. Next is Seo In Guk as Lee Hyun. He has definitely grabbed my attention with his acting. It was flawless, and I actually fangirlled when he did a cameo in Oh My Ghost. I just love him even more when he is suited up, so hot. Third, Jang Na Ra as Cha Ji An. Although her character was quite annoying, she has been a great influence on this drama - in a good way. She did an amazing job and can't wait to see her again in the future. Lastly, is Choi Won Young as Lee Joon Ho. I have previously noticed him in Kill Me, Heal Me and he did have some hilarious moments in that, but now I have also seen a serious side to him. Won Young can do anything, he's a brilliant actor.

I can definitely remember watching through I Remember You, and paying attention to the music more than the actual story. But now that I have also gone through the soundtrack, I can't pick out a noticeable one that I can recall massively. It seems a little vague, and the only song that I properly like is Remember by Dear Cloud.

To be honest, I can't see myself watching this again. I would watch this again if the time came round, but I didn't enjoy it enough to actually want to rewatch it. The story is the main thing I pay attention to if I want to rewatch it again, and out of everything, that failed the most. So, I will not be watching I Remember You again.

Having the story become pretty much a disappointment and the soundtrack not being all that interesting or noticeable, that brought this drama down. But I know it could have been so much better.

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Oh My Venus
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 8, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
So Ji Sub had finally returned to our screens after his extremely popular drama, The Master's Sun, from 2013 (and his 2014 drama of One Sunny Day). We were anticipating a lot from the actor that just screams sexiness, and that's exactly what we got. Oh My Venus even went to great lengths to show us how sexy this man can be. A lot of people were excited for Shin Min Ah as well since she hasn't done a drama since 2012, and the only recent news we heard from her was her relationship status update with Kim Woo Bin. So let's say that this drama was very hyped and it came out quite well to how people wanted it to be.

The story itself wasn't that interesting when you read the synopsis, it could even be seen as boring. I don't think anybody started watching Oh My Venus for the plot, it was only for the actors. But I can say that the writers made this drama so much better from how it sounded. The amount of cute and sexy scenes between Kang Joo Eun and Kim Young Ho just made it so delightful to watch and it genuinely felt like a real love story. However, there were a few flaws to this series. Firstly, the relationship between Oh Soo Jin and Im Woo Shik felt absolutely pointless. I did not see a reason why that couple was necessary. They served no purpose. Secondly, rich guy-poorer girl cliche. Lastly, scenes with Choi Hye Ran and Choi Nam Chul were kind of idiotic.

Ah, the acting in this was brilliant. So Ji Sub knows how to impress and he's definitely got my attention for his future dramas. Also, his body. Oh. My. God. I had to give myself a moment when I saw him like that. Anyway, Shin Min Ah isn't the most perfect actress I've seen but she does her job extremely well, this drama gave her a boost in her career. Lau Henry and Sung Hoon are now on my to-look-out-for list because they are such great actors, especially Hoon. I want to see him in a leading role in the near future. The only acting choice I had a problem with was Yoo In Young. I don't know if I'm the only one who doesn't like her acting, but I never feel like she does her job to her best potential. I felt the same way when I watched Mask. Unfortunately, she's on my blacklist of actors and I just hope that her acting improves for Moon Lovers (if she does accept the offer).

I loved the music, especially the soundtracks of Beautiful Lady and Darling U. I had them on my tumblr dashboard for several weeks. The other tracks I didn't quite love as much as these two, but they are worth a listen for anyone interested.

I would rewatch Oh My Venus if I needed some sexy body and cute/erotic scenes to watch.

Oh My Venus, I would say, was a success and I look forward to seeing more from the writer and most of the actors. The only things that ruined it slightly was Yoo In Young (again, my opinion) and the writing errors. But I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting an adorable romcom.

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Page Turner
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 11, 2016
3 épisodes vus sur 3
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This drama made me feel so much within a short space of only three episodes. My eyes were extremely sore and red from crying so much. This drama is perfect, and although I wished romance happened between Yoon Yoo Seul and Jung Cha Sik, everything about this series (including the ending) was amazingly well done.

The story was one of the two things that brought Page Turner to my attention because not only did it sound original, but I knew that classical music would be involved as it's part of the music genre. I'm a huge fan of classic music (e.g. Chopin, Bach, Stravinsky, etc.) so this was an immediate watch for me. But not only was that a wonderful addition to the series, they dropped a huge plot twist that nobody could have imagined. It was so out of the blue, but it worked perfectly with the atmosphere of the drama. I would love to go on about more, but I would spoil things if I did.

Kim So Hyun was the other reason why I picked up this drama. She's not only my most favourite teenage actress, but my favourite female actor of all time (second favourite overall after Yook Sungjae). And this drama just adds to how much I love her and her acting. She is superb, I can not imagine somebody not liking her as an actress - her acting is on point and makes any drama much better. I can imagine most other people watched this for Ji Soo, and I can see why. I had only previously seen his acting in Sassy Go Go (plan to watch Angry Mom soon too), and he was great in that. But even though it has only been a few months since that drama, I feel like his acting has improved massively, and I love him to bits. And finally, our most underrated but still awesome main actor - Shin Jae Ha. This man made Page Turner complete. I cannot have imagined another actor playing the role of Seo Jin Mok, he did a fantastic job and I hope he receives more recognition after this.

The music was mainly just classical because, obviously, one of the main genres of this series is music and involved a lot of piano recitals, rehearsals and concours. Some are not a fan, but I love listening to classic. It's so elegant and beautiful for the ears. I'm so glad the drama brought out quite a few pieces but played them with beauty and to their full length.

I've already decided to rewatch Page Turner as soon as my exams are over in 11 weeks.

Overall, there is not a single flaw in Page Turner. The story is interesting, deep and intriguing. The acting is amazing, well done and on point. The music is just lovely and wraps the drama up nicely. If you are reading this and have not watched Page Turner, please do so soon.

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My Love from the Star
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 27, 2015
21 épisodes vus sur 21
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
I honestly only started watching My Love From the Stars because Ahn Jae Hyun was in it, and all of my friends that watch Korean dramas kept persisting for me to watch it. And I am honestly glad that I did watch it. I don't usually like Sci-Fi related movies, dramas, etc, so I wasn't expecting to love this drama as much as I did. It was amazing from start to finish, and I'm glad my friends convinced me to watch this.

By reading the synopsis of the drama, I was slightly skeptical of what was going to happen, but it was great. I also really liked the fact that Do Min Joon tried to keep this identity as scarce as possible, only revealing it when needed, and that worked perfectly with the story. Although it took me a couple of weeks to finish it as I had also anime to watch and school to attend, the plot and what was going on always remained with me until I watched the next episode. Each episode is something new and exciting, and is also very memorable.

In my opinion, the acting choices were almost perfect. Kim Soo Hyun's character of Do Min Joon is described as near perfection, and that's exactly correct. I fell in love with Min Joon the second he said his first words. He's flawless and I wouldn't change a thing about him. Kim Soo Hyun's acting of Min Joon has even pushed me to want to take a degree in Psychology. I also loved Jeon Ji Hyeon, Park Hae Jin and Shin Sung Rok's acting. It was amazing, and I loved their acting (although I really hated Sung Rock's character of Jae Kyeong most of the time). And of course, I loved Ahn Jae Hyun's acting of Song Yi's younger brother - Yoon Jae. However, there were two acting choices I wasn't all that pleased with. The first one was Yoo In Na's acting of Se Mi. I've seen her roles in previous dramas, and I've loved her in those, but in My Love From the Stars, I didn't like it as much. And it didn't help that I didn't like her character either. The other acting choice I wasn't happy with was Kim Hyun Soo who played both Song Yi's younger self and Seo Yi Hwa (the girl from 400 years ago). She got extremely annoying, repetitive, and I just couldn't stand her.

The music is general is amazing. It reminds me so much of Secret Garden, and their soundtracks were splendid. Even though this is usually the most popular soundtrack, My Destiny by LYn is definitely my favourite. It's such a great listen, and it brings lots of feels - both sad and happy.

I would definitely watch this again. If I could, I would put it above doing anything else, but as life is, I can't exactly do that. I have many things to do and watching My Love From the Stars isn't a priority anymore (as I have finished it).

In conclusion, besides two unhappy acting choices, this drama is simply awesome and I would recommend this to anyone who wants to watch a good drama. I could even recommend this to my friends who don't watch Asian dramas. I understand fully why my friends love this, as I also love it with a passion.

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High Society
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 29, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
This drama was so good at first, but then it just got worse. There were too many family problems and issues and not enough time for the main characters to properly develop. The only thing that actually made the drama worth watching was Chang Soo and Ji Yi's relationship, but once Chang Soo's mother started getting involved, that gradually started getting annoying as well. Park Hyung Sik's hair, handsome face and acting skills are the only reason anyone should watch this drama properly.

When I first read the summary of the story, it sounded very interesting and felt like a nice change from most chaebol dramas. However, the drama did not stick to the summary for very long. Yoon Ha quit hiding her background and her part-time job before we had even reached the half way point of the drama. Anyway, the story was alright at some points, especially when Yoon Ha joined the Taejin company. If the writers didn't focus so much on the parents and siblings of Yoon Ha and Chang Soo and their issues, High Society could have been a really good drama for anyone to watch.

Oh God, this cast was awful in lots of areas. Park Hyung Sik was the only actor that did a good job throughout the drama, and I can't be biased on his part because this drama was the first time I'd heard of him. Not only is he extremely good looking, his acting skills are superb. During the scene where he was crying for Ji Yi and saying that he didn't like her, he loved her, that felt extremely genuine and I couldn't help tearing up myself. Plus, his hair is extremely fluffy and I love it. Anyway, Uee and Im Ji Yeon did do well in some parts of the drama, but they also failed a lot as well. Uee's acting felt fake during the first half of the drama, but when she broke up with Joon Gi and turned extremely badass, I started to really like her acting skills then. For Ji Yeon, it was the exact opposite. She was good during the first half, but turned fake during the latter half. And lastly, Sung Joon. I wasn't expecting much from him because he didn't do very well in his role of Yoon Tae Joo in Hyde, Jekyll, Me, but his acting hasn't improved whatsoever. He is very handsome, but that's the only thing going for him.

The music was pretty much the only decent thing in this drama. I especially love Hyung Sik's recent release of You're My Love for the High Society soundtrack. It was only played during the last two episodes, but it fitted in really well with the scenes that were being acted out, and since I had listened to it so many times before actually watching Episodes 15 and 16, I was mouthing along with the words. It's not Hyung Sik's usual sort of music, but it was still very beautiful and touching.

There is not much chance in hell that I would watch High Society again. I would only go back for Park Hyung Sik and the music, but that's not enough to convince me to go through a whole 16 hours of pointless chaebol stupidity and annoyance.

Overall, there is a lot of stuff that could do with improving in this drama. Firstly, the writers would pretty much need to rewrite the whole story to include less family problems and more of the actual character development. The director and staff would need to pick an almost entirely new set of actors to play the parts as most of them did not play their parts well enough. And lastly, they just need to make the entire drama more enjoyable. High Society was so hyped because of the amazing cast, but pretty much everyone was let down by the lack of drama.

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