Yes, the movie definitely changed some things from the anime. But what movie doesn't? Especially for anime, some things would look a little weird without changing it while doing the live action. And this way, you're not watching the exact same thing. I found both the anime and the movie very entertaining, and i recommend both.
The acting in this was also really great! The actor who played Light was very impressive, I could see where he was coming from, and what type of personality he had easily. L was played really good too! I'm team L all the way, and never once was on Light's side!
So if your considering whether to watch it or not,here is what i suggest: if you are an avid anime fan keep an open mind that there are changes to the movie. If you've never seen the anime, i suggest watching that first. That way the movie won't spoil you with what will happen. Or vice versa. Whichever you prefer. Hoped this helped!
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Arang and the Magistrate
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Second, I absolutely loved the actors in this. They were all so amazing and into their parts, that you will feel the love for the good characters, and hate the bad ones.
However, I did have some problems with this drama. Although i gave it a rating of 9, I thought some parts in this drama were a little boring. Honestly, I think they could've made this a 16 episode drama. If you feel the same way though, I advise you to not skip over parts anyway because they could explain whats going on.
You wont regret watching this! :)
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I thought it was a great movie that was able to portray Puyi's life and the background of China's history perfectly! I recommend to anyone who is interested in learning more about China, and especially if you are taking a class on China's history. Even if you're just interested in watching a good movie, this is for you! It is able to hit your emotions without over dramatizing things and just keeping it real! Also, you get to see inside the Forbidden City which is absolutely stunning! This is actually the first film ever that was given permission to film inside of the city, so take advantage of this and watch it!
The only complaint i would have with it, is there were a couple unnecessary scenes in my opinion, but I guess others may enjoy them as well. Also, I haven't read them, but I recommend reading the book Twilight in the Forbidden City which has additional information.
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First things first: the synopsis to this isn't quite right. 2 guys do fall in love with her, but one becomes a complete ayouknowwhat.(sorry if this feels like a spoiler.)Second, if you have heart problems, don't watch this. It will make you furious and cry alot. If you like dramas about revenge, this is perfect to watch.
Third, this is one of the best dramas I've ever watched, and i don't say that often. It has everything in it, melodrama, romance, comedy, suspense, and awesomeness!
You will not regret watching it, the first episode might make you have doubts, but stick with it!
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Good Points: 1) A very unique drama. Usually in these plots with chaebol sons and illegal doings it would seem like a melodrama. I love how everything was funny instead though! Once you get to like episode 14 there is a slight turn to where you actually worry but it turns funny again :)
2)In alot of dramas the second leads stories are boring. But i loved ice cream and miss wrestler in this, sometime more than the main leads!
3) The main leads a kick ass with a bad ass past! And I'm talking about the woman! Its nice seeing someone who's not a damsel in distress in a Korean drama for once!
Bad Points: 1) I have to admit, I was bored in alot of parts. I don't know what it was but i just felt like they should just get to the point on some things.
2) This could've been a 16 episode drama. I mean, i think if they did that, it wouldn't have bad point number one (and I'd give this a 10!) But still, any drama addict should have this on their list!
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Ok, I can definitely say this is not for everyone, but for some reason, i really liked it. Why? I'm not really sure because the plot isn't that great, but i was really impressed with how its different from the norm. If you don't believe me watch the last episode! (SPOILER DONT READ NEXT LINE) I was also really happy and surprised with who she ended up with, until episode 10, I was kinda expecting the opposite. Maybe some don't like how the end turned out but the last episode was my favorite!So do I recommend it? If you only like the type of dramas that are realistic and melodramatic then no. I think this is the best type to watch between other intense dramas to take a break, or maybe if you really like nail art like me ;) (has nothing to do with the drama but there is some cool designs in there)
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Because its hilarious! It had me laughing every 5 minutes, with yang guo and her cheap sister. When you feel the need to watch something light, romantic, and funny as hell watch this!
P.S., go to gooddrama.net to watch it, it was hard for me to find a website to watch it, so here ya go! :D
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Story: Episode 1 and 5 had the same director, while 2,3, and 4 were all different. They each showed what happened in their own way, meaning things are slightly switched up each episode. It kind've bugged me for some reason, but if it didn't i would have gave a 10! While mostly its horror, there is also tragedy, mystery, suspense, and revenge. Be patient and all the pieces will come together at the end.
Acting: For once I'm watching a show without idols, and I kind've like it. Each and every character was played right and it truly felt like their real personality.
Music: Quite a bit of classical music, and even metal in episode 4 (didnt know korea had heavy metal!) and looooots of creepy sounds/music which makes it even more intense!
Rewatch: I really wouldnt think i would have a reason to rewatch a scary movie when i know what will happen, but this is an exception. Rewatching will probably help on picking up alot of things you didnt before. And plus rewatching this with friends and making fun of some parts would be fun!
Overall, If you love horror and like a good story behind it, watch this! If you get to the end of it and don't chicken out, you will be very satisfied!
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Anyway, it was great! The last episode was a little boring, but it was nice to watch for people who really love the show and don't want it to end. In my opinion, almost anyone could enjoy this show. It's interesting, and never got boring for me until the last episode! Also, I don't know if this was realistic on how South Korea runs in court, but it was interesting to me to see how it worked!
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I will warn you though: this is a romantic comedy more than anything else. If you're looking for action, this isn't really it. While there is alot on the last 2 episodes, everything before that is mainly Romantic Comedy. Also, the end is a bit bittersweet and sad which was a surprise for me.
P.S., Cha song joo was awesome in this! I loved her so much that I don't even hate her character in Me Too Flower anymore!(those who have seen will understand ;) )
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I feel like this had a really strong beginning that just changed course a little midway, like the writers changed their minds on some things. My advice is to not look into the plot too seriously and just enjoy the cute faces and comedy! Ha ni was adorable along with pretty much everyone else (except b*tchy second lead girl) and i just feel sad for everyone that worked on this drama when this got cut short... honestly I find it alot better than some dramas that just kept dragging! Anyway if your iffy about if you should watch it or not I say give it a try and see if you'll like it or not!
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So if you really like the cute fluffy dramas with pretty much no worries, I advise this one. It might deserve a little more than the rating i gave it, but this wasn't really my cup of tea. The humor in it to me wasn't that funny, but its really relaxing to watch in between melodramas.
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A Tale of Two Sisters
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I must be a masochist because I always love watching these depressing dark movies. There were some parts so horrible and dark I didnt even want to watch, but then I had to see the fucker die lol. I'd recommend to anyone who loves the suspense/thriller genre, but theres not much more to the movie. I thought the villain was too horrible for no reason, like he had no soul. For awhile I was trying to figure out if there was a certain message they were trying to put forward, which there wasnt really until the end. One of them is revenge may be nice while planning, but in the end it doesnt make you happy. There is another one but it would be a spoiler so you will have to see yourself!
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