Well, hello there stranger and welcome
My name is Jennifer and I was born in the glorious year of 1996 and I'm from Sweden.
Swedish is my native language but and can speak English and understand a bit of Japanese but not very much. More than in another language though ^^
I began watching anime when I was 10 and got stuck there since...
Back then I was using the site animecrazy and after a while, I got interested in it's sistersite dramacrazy and when I was 13 I decided to check it out.
The first drama I watched was Kurosagi starring Yamapi :D

And after that I fell in love with Jdrama and been stuck with it since then :D
Actors/Actresses I like (In no special order)
The obvious one Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi

He was the actor that introduced me to the wonderful world of JDrama and I will always have a soft spot on him. So far I have watched 11 dramas and specials and two movies and counting. My favourites with him are...
Code blue

Code Blue is one of my favourite Jdramas and also one of the first I watched
Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata

A very beautiful Jdrama with lot of emotion
Kimura Takuya

If you watch alot of Jdrama you will evetually come across this guy and you will fall in love
A have seen alot of his dramas and counting and I can't say my favourite there are too many outstanding ones to choose from so I'll leave it at that ^^
And I love his voice so much and his work with SMAP... so sad that they will disband T-T
Yonekura Ryoko

I have seen her in a few dramas such as Monster Parent, Koshonin and 35 sai no koukousei and she is great in all of them but her role as Daimon Michiko in Doctor X made her one of my favourites

I just love characters that takes no shit from anyone XD
Kitagawa Keiko

Kitagawa Keiko has quickly become on of my favourites and I like alot of the dramas she's been starring in Ie Uru Onna, Tantei no Tantei and Hero are a few
Other actors I like are Oguri Shun, Abe Hiroshi, Ikuta Toma, Toda Erika, Karina, Amami Yuki and many more...
... Also I have to give cred to this guy

Endo Kenichi
who somehow always are in the dramas I watch... I mean he is everywhere, not that it's a bad thing, it just means that he is that good of an actor and I think he deserved a bit of praise since he does such a good job. Well done!! :D
Now I have only watched Jdramas for all these years but I've decided that I'm going to give Kdramas a
chance and I guess we'll see how that goes...
See you later, I'm out!!