
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 15 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 9 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: décembre 16, 2020

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Hello Folks !! I am Suzy 

Sucker for crime-thrillers, swoon over rom-coms, relax with slice of life, amused by wuxias, in the end, enjoy my life watching dramas :)

Favorite dramas 

The Untamed

My first ever Cdrama. This drama holds a special place in my heart !! Watched it countless times but I'll never be able to move on from this drama.

Beyond Evil

I always crave psychological thrillers and this one is just a perfect drama for that. From powerful writing to acting. One of the iconic dramas ever is made.


My first ever Kdrama. I love the drama, the ost, the plot. It's a very special drama to me. They are the cutest couple ever

Some Day or One Day

This drama made me go through an emotional rollercoaster resulting in one of the most meaningful endings. One of the gems in the drama world !!

My rating system

10  -  Perfection, it is

9.5  - Must watch, go for it

9 - It deserves a definite try

8 -8.5 -  enjoyable with flaws 

below 8 - wasn't my cup of tea

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127d 20h 53m
3,398 épisodes, 218 séries
1d 1h 49m
films 13

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