
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 8 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu:
  • Contribution Points: 224 LV3
  • Anniversaire: December 16
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: octobre 18, 2012
  • Awards Received: Flower Award1
voting list
Female Actors Who Kiss Poorly On Screen

Real, heartfelt, passionate kissing contributes greatly to amazing chemistry. Unfortunately some actresses are known for shying away from realistic…

13 people 6 comments
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Arthouse Films for the Film Lover's Soul

A ranked list of Asia's finest arthouse films, according to me. If you look for more than just your run of the mill movie, if you're dazzled…

15 titles 12 loves
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Hot Sex & Love!

I love sexy movies. I love when love is expressed both physically and emotionally. The films on this list are ones in which the love story is…

11 titles 14 loves 2 comments
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Romance Done The Way I Like It - Drama Edition

Romance dramas done the way I like it. How do I like it? Hot & passionate! Not all the dramas on this list will meet this criterion, but…

17 titles 3 loves 2 comments
voting list
Female Actors Who Are Great On-Screen Kissers

Cast your vote for female actors who aren't afraid of creating amazing on-screen intimacy & chemistry with their co-stars! They deliver…

13 people 2 comments
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Writer Black List

A list of writers who's work I don't tend to enjoy.

4 people
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Grown Folks Are Talking

Dramas about grown people dealing with grown people problems - sex, divorce, single parenthood, baby mama drama, infidelity, blackmail, societal…

8 titles 1 love
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Kiss Me Like You Mean It!

Bad, awkward kissing can ruin an otherwise great drama for me. Physical intimacy by kissing, hugging, cuddling or making love is natural and…

14 titles 2 loves
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Watched this year.

30 titles
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Ranked in order of most to least blacklisted. It'll take something short of a miracle for me to watch anything with the top 11 on this list.…

23 people 6 loves 7 comments
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Good Romance - Movie Version (Ranked)

Romance with emotional depth and meaning. Some will be scorching hot whilst others just tug at the heart. What they all have in common is that…

18 titles
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Favorite Actors

In no particular order.

16 people
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Bizarre, Surrealistic, Whimsical, Weird

This may be in terms of storytelling/narrative (tone), the mood of the cinematography (atmosphere) or both. In these films there's usually an…

15 titles
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Not all 10s are Masterpieces, but all Masterpieces are 10s.10s that are Masterpieces marry superior technical detail with narrative quality…

15 titles 2 loves 2 comments
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Man Candy: The Acting May Hit or Miss, But Who Gives A Sh--

Good acting optional.

14 people 1 love
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Lady Loves (great acting not guaranteed)

Sadly I've yet to discover an Asian female performer that completely blows my socks off with her acting. Nevertheless there are those actresses…

13 people
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Badass Male Leads

We all love bad boys, don't we? Those take charge alpha males who make us tingle with desire as much as they drive us crazy with their arrogance.…

13 titles 1 love
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I Hate 2nds

Well, it's no secret that love triangles, 2nd leads and me don't gel. With few exceptions I've hardly seen a drama where they (2nds) truly served…

11 titles 1 love
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Man Candy: The Guys with Looks AND Talent

These guys convince me with their acting skills & seduce me with their good or unique looks! Ranked in order of best acting, according to me.…

10 people 1 comment
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Nice Guy Heroes

So we all love those moody bad boys who can get our undies in a twist, but when it comes to men who are just downright sweet and sensitive to…

10 titles
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Japanese Actors Who Slay Me

In no particular order. I like watching these guys on screen, esp since they're super easy on the eyes. Acting wise they make a good first impression,…

8 people
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Female Leads I Dig

These leading females inspired and entertained me with their spunk, their flaws, their humour, their vulnerability and their enormous capacity…

8 titles
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Most Hated Drama Characters

These dramas feature characters for whom I developed a deep hatred. In order of list: Cha Seok Hoon / Yoo Se Young (male/female) - Temptation…

7 titles
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Favourite Japanese Dramas

Obviously I have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to Japanese shows, and I'm pretty sure there are even more great dramas (even better…

6 titles
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Feel Good Dramas & Films

These dramas and movies keep a buoyant, upbeat vibe from start to finish. They're full of laughs and sweet romantic moments. Best of all, you're…

6 titles
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Watched this year.

5 titles
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Smart Guys, HOT Guys

I love smart men! If they're smart AND hot ... I've hit pay dirt, drama style! ;-)

5 titles
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Favorite Dramas
5 titles
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Heartwarming Father/Son Relationships

A list of dramas and movies where the development of a father/son relationship is the central focus of the plot.

4 titles
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You Cheating Sonafabitches!

Different characters and setting ... all with pretty much the same plot. :/

4 titles
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Favorite Movies
4 titles
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Movies Narrated In Pansori

Pansori is a form of Korean folk opera that tells stories through narrative song.  It's a very entrancing experience listening to a story unfold…

2 titles
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Directors I Love: Nagisa Oshima

To be added: Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence

2 titles
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Directors I Love: Mikio Naruse

To be added: Floating Clouds

2 titles