
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 4 heures
  • Genre: Homme
  • Lieu: Under The Water
  • Contribution Points: 10 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: novembre 12, 2022


Under The Water


Under The Water
Angels Fall Sometimes chinese drama review
Angels Fall Sometimes
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Nothinggggh
mars 20, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Globalement 10
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0

If You're Going To Watch This, Be Prepared, And Even Better, Have Tissues With You.

The story takes a very simple approach, About two strangers met, Fell in love and living peacefully. Everything is going well in life, Career-wise you are finally living your dream, And the girl you love is with you and you are living happily. Everything is going well but for how long?
This is not a normal romantic story, They also knew that they can't be together till the end, But if there still time left they will live it to their fullest.

Now let's talk about its elements
1. Beautiful and well written storyline, there are no scenes that don't make sense, they are not dragging the story or making it fast paced, everything is at a good pace.
2. Everyone's acting is great, Especially the four leads.
The first lead Lin Yi and Li Landi gave the emotional side of the drama and did it very well, The Second lead Sun Tian Yu and Lee Xin Ran holding the funny and chaotic side of the drama which is balancing the episode, And I'm glad because I can't stay emotional for the entire 45-50 minutes of an episode.
3.I would also like to appreciate the fact that they didn't used disease for a small part that has happened to male lead, It seems that they want to give us knowledge about the disease. Even the doctor is not an actor he is a real doctor who has experience with ALS.
4.The best thing I like about this drama is its OST, And how good it is, It's just the actor's acting and music which is enough to make that scene beautiful.,..

The Drama Ended Very Well And You Can Say It Ended Beautifully....
The 2 years of wait and it didn't disappoint at all.
If you are in doubt whether you should give time to watch it or not, then definitely watch it and yes, take care of your emotions now, you will need it as the story progresses.

I have given 10 star to its rewatch value but it is not so, Because I can't resist shedding in tears every time rewatching it, And I don't want to get emotional again and again...
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