
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 8 heures
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
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  • Date d'inscription: août 6, 2020
4 Minutes
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 7 jours
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

Hot Scenes you don't want to miss...?

Oh, I have to say can't forget that Bible (Great) and Jes (Tyme) are the mains in this. ?

Now on to it. I really liked this for the most part, the acting was great, the sex scenes were oh so nice ?, lets not forget the chemistry going on with them. It was nice to see how Great and Tyme were with each other, how Great seem to be flustered and caught off-guard by Tyme's presence, even how Tyme seemed to be off-guard around Great a bit to. They had a lovely connection, it was impossible not to get sucked in them. It was so cute how Great was around Tyme. they bith did a great job, you saw it all with thier acting.

Lets not forget Tonkla and Korn, Talk about a messed up love yet at the same time a strong love. In parts I didn't like Korn much, though Tonjka wasn't much better times, even though he was in a crisis still not good to do. In the end they were with each other...

I liked the concept of this one, being able to see 4 minutes in to the future in order to change the out come. It seem to even change Great in a good way. I also liked how Tyme believed him and not thinking he was crazy, he was willing to help Great find out what was happening to him.

I do have to say that I got confused in this... I don't want to say to much, I just want to say the closer it got to the end eps I just got confused. Even though I did, I did like the whole series. I just can't rate it as high as I would have liked to because I just had to many questions at the end.

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Love Storm
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 22 jours
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

First Story or the 2nd, or both... That is the question.

Now I don't mind having two couples in one show, but they way they did 2 stories in one show, was just plan weird. I didn't like how when it got to the 2nd couple/story it shows use parts we have already seen, now I get why they showed it so we knew where it starts from, but they could have just shown us both couples staring point in one Episode, then gone from there, this way we wouldn't of had to see the same thing twice. Anyway...

First thing first, if you are looking for cute and fluffy series that will make you melt, this is not the one you want to watch. Don't get me wrong it's not like it's all bad thru-out the series or anything, it doesn't, you get to the cuteness and all, but it's not the kind that is all softhearted fluff from the get-go like the cute fluffy ones are. You get all that at the end.

First Part: Payu and Rain

I wasn't sure how I felt about them at first, Payu kinda ticked me off most of the time the way he was. In time I did get why he was meaning an ass, he liked Rain from the get-go and was just teasing him, though some things still kind of ticked me off, but in the end I thought they turned out well and Payu got way cute with Rain as they got closer to one another and became boyfriends.

Rain was and air head in ways, pretty dense in others and not so smart in others. He is a mix of all kinds, but he was cute in his own ways. I liked how he changed (because of Payu) thou-out the series, by getting more responsible about his schoolwork, thinking about how he really feels about Payu then getting more confident in his relationship and needs, I like in the end how he could play Payu in his hands, though knew how to play in Payu hands when needed. I also like how Payu showed Rain his kink (Sub) side, and thou all this and more, Payu is patient with him. He is a good Dom for his little Sub.

Second Part: Prapai (Pai) and Sky

This one is darker(?) in a way then the first story. Well, it deals with the dark side of what can happen with the wrong person. (Sky's past).

I didn't really like how Pai was at all in the beginning. First he pretty much blackmails (even though he had nothing) Sky to sleep with him and from that he got addicted (pretty much) to Sky and wanted more, not caring Sky didn't. Pai just because more of an asshole. All he wanted was another round of fun, so he won't leave Sky alone. Poor baby had a hell of a time because of Pai. Sky fought him so hard even though he is starting wanting what Pai was giving, just was to scared to really go for it, I felt so bad for Sky, I cried with him even for him.

I do have to say that as the story took hold, Pai became better. He saw Sky as more than just something for a jump time and when he started liking Sky, he tried even harder to get Sky to open up. He really tried, even though Sky did not make it easy. Pai didn't give up, which I am thankful for, shows he did really care for Sky. I thought it was sweet him taking care of Sky when Sky was sick, even though a few times he almost lost control, in the end he didn't.

I love how both Payu and Pai ran to their loves in their times of need, Pai making it in time and Payu for doing what he did. I do have to say I would have loved to see Pai beat Gun a whole hell of a lot more, but I get why Payu stopped him, can't take care of your love if you are locked up, Right?

Furthermore, I do wish we got to know what really happened to then, saying Chani (?, I believe that is his name) took care of it, ok that's nice but how? What did you actually do to them? I can think what I want, but don't mean I'm right....

Peat (Sky) did a great job with his character in this series. Not to say the others were bad, they all did a good job, there were some not so good, but nothing to complain about, I just think Peat did I excellent job in his roll.

Oh, before I go, I have to comment on the sex scenes. Wow! This is one that showed the whole scene, and boy did they get into it at times. *fans self* Most of the time you see a bit, but then they turn away or something so you don't see it all. HOT! Yes I am a Perv, so what, :-p LOL

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A Boss and a Babe
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 27 jours
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Sweet Lighthearted Fun, You got the Fluff all in it, plus you got the Comedy.

You want a good fun show to watch, that you don't need your brain when wating, this is the one to watch. THere wasn't to much in the story part, but that's not a bog deal with this one. A Boss and a Babe is just a fun down to earth fluff drama less funny show all rounded into 12 Eps. If you are looking for one that is more serious then this is not one you want to watch at that point, just come back to it when you want a sweet romance that will have you laughing from the sillyness.

I have to say, for a charcter like Cher I was surprised I didn't find him annoying, most of the time when they come up with a charter like this they don't do a good job, I tend to not like that charter. Those Cher I could see myself hanging out with and having a good time.

All in all, you want something that is fun and not serious that will give you good laughs along the way and have you falling for charters this is one you need to watch.

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Why R U?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 8, 2024
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

It’s a pretty good one to watch, even with the flaws it has….

I can’t say this is one of my faves, but it’s a pretty good one to watch, even with the flaws it has….

Zee (Fighter) and Saint (Tutor) made it worth the watch, oh lets not forget Tommy (Zon). I just love Zee, and no not just because he is hot, he is a great actor, the way he shows just the right amount of smile, the look in his eyes shows so much he doesn’t always have to talk… all around his facial expressions are just great, he doesn’t over do them and knows what is needed at the time.
Saint did very well with his acting as well, first time seeing him, and he is a very good actor, he worked well with Zee, after seeing him in this, I will check out more of his films now that I have seem him act. ?
Tommy did good as well, can’t complain, I have to say his charter in the show was just so cute. ? With his overreactions at times was just sooo… I donno the right word, but they were natural when he did them, he did a great job acting in this. He was just so cute, can’t say anything bad about him. ?

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Love Class Season 2
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 16, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

It got better....

I wasn't sure if I was going to keep watching this, it just made me confused to really want to keep watching, but I thought about it and got around to watching the rest... I have to say it got better as I was watching it. I was still a bit confused here and there, but I did start to get the idea of what was going on with the past.

I do have to say I wish they told us why Kim An upped and just left Lee Hyun hanging like that for 2 years. NOt saying anything but I can't tutor you anymore? What? Why can't you? You just ran away for no reason... you could have talked to him over the phone or hung out from time to time, even if you weren't in school.

Also why Kim Ah's brother did what he did. When they talked on the rooftop that did not tell us anything really as to why he was a complete dick to Kim Ah by doing what he did. It makes no sence. What you jealous that Kim Ah had someone other then you, so you wanted to stop it and make Kim Ah has a crap life by doing that to him?

If it wasn't for this I would have liked it a bit more, it just didn't fit well with me there at the end not knowing... It still was a cute series for what it was. Plus listening to Kim Ah talk was nice.

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Dap Saengrawi
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 3, 2024
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Movie missed the mark on many aspects, but still a good watch.

I read the description of the movie and thought this could be good, thinking it would be a thriller kind of movie and it got better when I saw that Zee and NuNew are in it, so what can go wrong, boy was I wrong.
I won’t just be assuming things are going to be something just by reading the description anymore without looking at the tags, so I guess that’s what I get for not reading the tags they have for this and thinking it’s going to be a thriller but whatever, I still thought it would be good, but even that thought fell short as I was watching it.
I liked the idea of the story, that’s what made me want to watch it, plus the hotties I would get to see. ? Anyway… I just wish the story didn’t fall short of what it could have been… It’s like they tried to make a short movie into a long movie without making it long, but not actually doing it. They needed to made the movie longer so that it would allow for a more substantial background story and character development.
It all happened in a blind of an eye it seems like, so they really needed to make this longer, or made a series so more could have been done, shown an told. I had questions (well mostly just one) why I was watching this, The main one got answer at the end of the movie, but a few of them wasn’t… so if it was longer then they could have answer them plus more.
I liked the music thru out the movie, I though it was pleasing and suited the movie and the situations well.
It’s Zee and NuNew what more can I say? They others were good as well. Lol
I did like the movie, it is good enough to watch once, though I wouldn’t say it’s something you would want to re-watch much, if at all (well for the story that is, but to see the hotties yea I can see that). ;D

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Still 2gether
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 3, 2024
5 épisodes vus sur 5
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Short, but worth it.

This is short with only 5 Eps, but so wroth the watch (more so if you have already watched 2gether) I am so glad I watched this one... they really did better with how they made Tine and Wat act more like a couple!! Yeah! Though more not so much, but there were some on there.

To bad the two parts that could have been good *kissing scenes* didn't last long, for one reason or another...

I love the song at the end the one Tine sings to Wat, it was so sweet and I thought kind of funny cos Tine wrote a better song then Wat did for him. lol Though that's my thoughts anyway...

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2gether The Series
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 3, 2024
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 2.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I couldn't give this one to high of a rating even though I liked it...

1st thing first... the chemistry between Wat and Tine was pretty good, you could see their thoughts (in a way) from their longing stares, the shy looks they gave, they were successful in giving so many feelings by just looking. The story was a simple story, lighthearted, funny and romantic. The story was moving smoothly, didn't feel too rushed like some can.

The acting was good for the most part they all did a good job. There were a few mess-ups but nothing really to write about, besides others have that I saw. :)

Now for the negative things about why I didn't rate this to high.

The whole best friends coming in acting like she can just come in and push Tine away and get Wat for herself, that WHOLE thing DID NOT need to be there AT ALL! There was no point in it at all. They just wanted something else in there for a problem that they had to over come, which they didn't have to because it should not have been to be there.

I know not all BLs need to have the hot scenes in order to be good and all, but come on, what couple NEVER kisses, cuddies, holds hands or anything couple like? All Wat ever did was pat his head? Come on, that is nothing! There were scenes where it would have been good for them to kiss. Their relationship just seem like they were really good friends who loved each other. It could have been so much better if they made it out like a couple and not just friends.

The music, I guess it fit, I just didn't really like most of the songs in here, but that's just me.

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Unintentional Love Story
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 26, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Short but sweet.

This was sweet in how they did it. It fit the webtoon alot, though it did leave some things out, It's been awhile since I read it so I can't say for sure what, I just know some things were... Now that I Think about it Dong Hee and Ho Tae had more happen in the webtoon, that's all I'm going to say on that, don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read the webtoon, though if they come out with a 2nd season it may end up in there.... Just have to wait and see.

I do have to say what I didn't like is that it was to short, they should have done more episodes, so it wouldn't have seem like it all happened in a blink of an eye. I know they can't put everything in when adapting from a manga to a series, but you can atleast make it so everything doesn't happen all at once then it's over. Drag it out a bit, the webtoon didn't have to go this fast if I remember right.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not meaning to say it was a basd series, it is good enought to recommend someone to watch if they want something short and sweet.... Just as long as you don't want something that is one you will want to watch again. I would say this is not one I would want to re-watch, I would just read the webtoon again more then re-watch this.

All in all if you want something that is fast to watch that is sweet, has good music, good acting, besides kissing :) (Yea they didn't do a good job there, though the last one could have been thier best if they didn't get interrupted lol) and has some nice looking men in it, this is one for you.

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Together with Me
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 15, 2024
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Short but not necessarily sweet thoughts on this. ?

There is no spoilers in this really, but if you don't want to know the "Bad guy" I guess you could say, you may not want to read this. Just a heads up. ?

?Together with Me

I finished watching this just the other day, I got to say, I really wanted to just jump in there and beat the ever loving crap out of that two face high and mighty bitch! Who in the hell does she think she is? It's like she thought the world revolved around her, so she is the end all be all, sorry to say honey you are nothing but a two face who doesn't deserve what you think you do. Augh! Oh, not only her but Knock the dumb head believed every word she told him, even though he only knew her a month!(Maybe a month in half by some parts) It's not like they were together that much even too!

I felt so bad for Korn!! Though in the end it all worked out for the best!!! ?

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Happy of the End
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 2 jours
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

Dark, Disturbing, Pain, Sorrow, Healing, Brilliant!

Fluffy this is not. Talk about a roller-coaster of emotions! I have to say I didn't think I would like this one much, just by what I thought it would turn out to be I wasn't thinking much, wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it, but I am so glad I did.

Both had a disturbing and traumatic past yet they as the story unfolds more and more, both of them start to fall in love with one another and by doing so each of them start to heal the other in the process.

No, it wasn't an easy love that they each gave and got, it only started that way, it got better through out the series. Even though it wasn't sweet love like most shows do, it was one of a kind love for them, and in the end it turned sweet enough for them both.

I o have to say that everyone did a really great job acting, I didn't see any faults in this wholes series, and at times there are some, but all of them did a great job.

Even though I wanted to beat the shit out of Maya every time I saw him
Asari Yosuke did an excellent job with acting this character!

All in all, job series, even being a Disturbing one where I was wanting to climb in there and kick some ass! LOL! Haven't seen this yet, well why not start it now?

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This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 4 jours
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Cliche with a side of Cute and Funny.

First impressions: First 2 Eps: Oab is an ass, Plawan is kind of dumb, in a cute way., If it wasn't for his friend JJ I don't think he would have made it to far in his life.

Even after the first few Eps, I still thought Oab was an ass, but he got better, though I still couldn't help but thinking of Gordon Ramsay in Hells Kitchen when ever Orb were yell at Plawan, or even the others. lol

I can't say everything was perfect, there were some places where it could have of had more to it, or could have added a bit more in the whole of the series so it wouldn't have been a bit longer then what it was, so it wouldn't has seem there at the end to be so rushed. I'm not saying a lot, but a bit more, it seem at t he end no time went by and there bang Oab is there..

I think they shouldn't of had Khaosuay in this for as long as they did. She just annoyed the hell out of me, thinking she was going to get Oab just because she came back, so shew tried to make it out like he wasn't going to sell all because of her.... The whole thing should have been over the 2nd eps she came back! I do have to say that I loved it when Plawan kind of told her off in a way, then Oab had to be a dick and agree with her... Ah!

Oh and when Kluea cooked "Stir fried with long beans" there at the end, Oab gave a stupid reason about his dish. You are not keeping the restaurant so why doesn't it matter? I just wanted to slap him then.

OH I loved the with Oab and Plawan, I even loved how Plawan didn't back down and was blunt with Oab lol It was just so funny how he was. I couldn't help but laugh at so many scenes in this series. I can't say I really felt it with JJ and Methas but I liked JJ told him off all the time. LOL

All in all a good series to watch, or even re-watch.

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Wandee Goodday
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 1, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

What's not to love... ?

You got a good story going on, that's always a plus in my book. Let's not forget the hotness you get from just looking at them then put in great chemistry and you got it going on. There is also great music throughout the series, get to laugh why you watch, who doesn't love to laugh? Oh you also get some serious moments that some people go through in life, but it's not played out like in some series/movies.

As a plus the other couple (his brothers relationship) are a good fit. They were so cute together. Even when they were fighting, though that could be because Cher was just to cute. They were kind of funny in there fights. ?

Gotta love the witty retorts you get to hear from all of them at times as well, one of the reasons you get to laugh in this series.

All in all if you want to watch something fun yet serious at times, that will give you a good laugh throughout the series, with great chemistry and hotness this would be a great one to watch. I would re-watch this one again and again. and I don't say that often. ?

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Until We Meet Again
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 2, 2024
17 épisodes vus sur 17
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

My thoughts on this.

I have to say, it started off slower than I thought it would, which as it went on, I thought was a good thing. I like how they didn’t make it out that right when they meet each other the weren’t “together” with-in like a day; like they do in some things.
This one definitely gave me the feels throughout the whole thing, they both know how to cry when they need to, I’ve seen actors having crying scenes and not really cry, it just makes the whole scene feel less than it should, but these two actors are very good actors I have to say. Plus, they have really good chemistry with each other. Also, it’s not just Pharm & Dean’s actors, this has exceptional acting for them all.

I also want to say, I loved how everyone was shipping Pharm/Deam even the ones who were going for Pharm/Team ? I thought it was a cute thing to have in this, after all there was so much important emotional subjects in this that having that little cheerfulness from everyone was a nice change of pace in the show, to bad they stopped doing it once they got together. I think they should have kept it in a bit even after they were together, just another little thing that could have eased things up a bit throughout.

Oh one more thing before I go, they needed to show Dean wet WAY more often then they did. Damn, talk about hotness! ???

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Together with Me: The Next Chapter
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 15, 2024
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

My thoughts before and after I finished watching.

There is no spoilers in this really, but if you don't want to know the "Bad guy" I guess you could say, you may not want to read this. Just a heads up. ?

?Together with Me: The Next Chapter

I'm still watching this one, though I am almost done, but I wanted to say that I don't remember watching a show where I want to bitch slap so many ppl all the time! Man, what the heck is wrong with them?

Farm: this guy turn into a piece of shit! I felt so bad for him after what happened to him, but it turns up becoming the same piece of shit as that guy! Come on!!!! Why?? What's even worse is he thinks he's not in the wrong! ARGH!!!
After Finished: Still feel the same about him, just wish he lost in the end. He should not have a happy ending. ?

Korn: Really done fucked up, there was NO excuse for what he did, DONE! He's the 2nd one I want to bitch slap (Farm being the first if you haven't guessed. ? ) Thou I do have to say I do feel for him a bit, but still know he did WRONG!

Lerk [Korn's father]: What a real piece of work this so called "Father" is. I wish Korn just slapped him and then walked away from him after telling him your not my dad anymore!!
After Finished: He got a brain, Yay! ?

Yiwha: She was a roller coaster for me, didn't like to much at first, but then in the end liked her, she showed she was a true friend by not stopping till she got the two face in the end.... but then she turns around and does that to Cho! NO, NOPE, NOT! Just need to bitch slap her till she come back to her senses!
After Finished: She didn't do what I though, so not to bad, still was wrong, but in the end she knew. ⭐

Pete: I didn't like him from the start an then I saw why I didn't, he is a REAL PIECE OF SHIT!! Talk about bitch slapping someone, though with him I would do more just because he deserves more! He wants someone that he can NEVER have so he's got to do all that crap. He just needs to fall down a well for a few years!
After Finished: HA! you didn't get your way in the end. Once a piece of crap always a piece of crap! ???

Art: Another one who needs to be slapped, his GF didn't deserves what he did! I am glad it didn't work out for at least one person. :D

The best one out all them is Fai!! Gotta love her!! ?

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