
  • Dernière connexion: il y a 4 minutes
  • Lieu: Dream Theatre
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Rôles: VIP
  • Date d'inscription: juin 20, 2022
  • Awards Received: Flower Award1
Love in Blood
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
avril 12, 2024
Complété 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Hint - It's only an hour & 20 minutes LOL

Rated= 2~ 9/50 ~ 1.8
Robbed and Held Hostage by a Vampire in the Cavern Tunnels.

Do you know those really random and bizarre dreams you have after a late night curry that has you waking up at 3am in a haze wondering what happened? That's what this movie feels like.
It goes off with a bang. No warning. No introduction. No reasoning. Just bam. Demon wife. Random General clearly in love and fought for her hand but she hates him and wants the prince. Cue the shortest quest for a cure I've ever seen ending in an anti climatic big reveal that's not really reveal if you any kind of foresight. And then it just kind of ends.

I guess it's meant to follow one of those folklore style stories that always seems to have a randomly depressing ending but hey, it was Friday night and I wasn't doing anything LOL But hey, it made me laugh so sure. 10/10 LOL

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Zombie Detective
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
avril 1, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5

Don't think about it

Rated= 7~ 31.5/50 ~ 6.3
RPG Scene // Mage collecting flowers in the Flower Meadow. Swords lying somewhere.

The whole premise of this is pretty goofy in a comic book way but I like that. I watched this show a few times last year before netflix took it down.
The first several episodes were pretty entertaining in a fun sort of way then it tried to get into the bigger part of the plot and it floundered a bit. I was a little disappointed in the ML's back story because it was set up to be a bit more exciting. He was too brutal of a fighter to be what he was. I was expecting something more political, even underground, which is what the plot tried to do eventually, and I kind of wish it was but that's when I learn that this is a 'don't think about it' kind of show because that's how it ends. It has a pretty ridiculous ending, a complete ending for the actual plot used but one that left me feeling a little, meh, you could have done more with that. It was also left open a little in the case of a season 2 and trying to force a romance between the leads.

I did not care for the brother's scenes. I skipped him. His pitches were meant to be seen as humour filling in the gaps but it didn't appeal to me.

As for the villains, one seems sort of legitimate and the other was melodrama. Both at least had a part to play in the ML's past so there's that.
The side characters were the usual random, cartoonish side characters I'm used to by now so they are what they are. I don't really have much of an opinion on them.
The other ML was also just sad to watch honestly and the FL was the usual ditzy but will get the job done sort of lead.

I remember only rewatching the first half of the show for fun because I just enjoyed the idea of a zombie trying to exist in the real world without getting caught. I was more entertained by the lead up to the actual plot than the actual plot.

I also really enjoyed the visuals. The opening scene with the yellow and red looked awesome, with the Moonlight sonata playing, and I wish they had kept that gritty, comic look through out to go with the mad scientist but they eventually drop it as they try to get more emotional.

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Fatal Journey
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
mars 31, 2024
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

For the Fans

Rated= 6 ~ 27/50 ~ 5.4
RPG Scene // Fairies playing tricks in a Crumbling Castle. Battle Axe lodged in a stone.

I went in knowing this was going to be more for fans of the show but I was about 45 minutes in when I realised that this whole film, 1hr 20 mins, is going to take place in a tomb LOL Damn, I was so excited hearing the Untamed theme song play as they marched off on their horses LOL.

Consider this film being more like 2 cut episodes of the Untamed rather than a stand alone movie. It pretty much just gives a little bit more insight into why Huasung does what he does in the Untamed series. I imagine most people get the point anyway but this just gives a little extra information, with a ton of computer game cgi. The brothers were close and the elder brother wasn't such a tough guy, he genuinely cared about people, which is why he kept sparing Yao. And we all know that Hua trusted Yao, so the hurt runs deep.

Alas, again, I was robbed of the Ghosts. The film opened with some promises of giving me what I didn't get in the Untamed and then just resorted to this cgi fight.

Since it's depicted as an extra episode, I would have loved to have had it end with some sort of throw back to the original series like Hua meeting Mo or lingering outside the Mo Manor while the sacrifice ritual begins, or even how he came up with his revenge plot to start with, but it just sort of ends with Hua realising he was tricked by Yao. Revisiting the sets might have been difficult but I would have liked something like that.
Overall, it's really just something for the fans to enjoy esp with they loved the Nie brothers.

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The Untamed
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
mars 30, 2024
50 épisodes vus sur 50
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

True to the Hype

Rated= 8.5~ 42.5/50 ~ 8.5
RPG Scene // Playing with Mermaids in Sky City. Excalibur has human form.

Untamed and it's corresponding animes were all over the internet in 2019 and I deliberately ignored it. I don't usually trust anything with that much hype because it's usually fans of the actors just getting really excited. I've also never watched a wuxia before and wasn't sure what to expect.
Having said that, I got bored one day and decided to watch it. I was pleasantly surprised.

Plot Pacing - Possibly one of the best ways to open a series I think I've ever seen. I was instantly hooked. The pacing for the first 30 episodes is perfect as we find out what actually happened to get the starting scene, which from a visual story telling pov, I really loved that. When we get back to the current time line, it does however slow and takes on a shorter chapter pacing to reach the end. The big finale fight is more of a reveal than a fight. These last 20 episodes are the reason I marked this down a little. After the onslaught that is the first 30 eps, I honestly got a little bored from 34 - 42. There were also a few things I feel weren't explained very well or were just left out entirely. It never mentions what exactly the true plot was and what was being searched for.

Ending - Surprisingly didn't mind the ending as much as I'm pretty tolerable of open ended endings especially since this is a BL in China. I summarized that it was Wei Wuxian who returned to Lan Zahn. Lan did enough running after him and also feel he's too noble and loyal to run off into the sunset. His 'ice' melted and gushed like the waterfall behind him in those last scenes. He had gotten the resolution he wanted, and his emotions were set free. I like to think even physically, he got to love his lover finally, and knew his love was returned, and so was contented to allow Wuxian to go be himself while he sorts the mess out. The conversation that happens at the mid way point to me is almost like 'the after glow' conversation where both know they are parting ways for a while, represented by the parting of the water.
I also clocked that each of the clans is represented by an element, with the Lan clan being air and the Jiang clan being water, however the guys represent each other's element. Lan Zahn is water, or in his case, ice, trapped emotion, whereas Wuxian is like air, and he's tied down with rules, so the ending scene taking place at the top of the Cloud Recess's waterfall, where air and water meet is very poetic to me. The emotions now run free and the wind has willingly come home.
When I came to that conclusion, I find myself really loving the ending.

Visually, absolutely stunning. I have never watched a chinese fantasy before but I've always been aware that a lot of effort goes into the set and costuming and I wasn't disappointed. It is a beautiful visually. The make up department for the enemies did well, however I did find the lava people a little corny. That whole set up felt a bit like power rangers. I do wish they had used more ghosts as that one ghost scene was awesome and I really loved her entrance.
There is some homo-erotic imagery in the last episodes to slip through the censors that can also be read as a physical relationship 'behind the scenes' of the characters or can just be left as they are. I honestly kind of liked that. I feel like chemistry between the actors is a very a subjective thing and I didn't feel like there was a lot of 'heat' between the leads but there was definitely a deep bond feeling between them which, like the ending, allows the viewer to create their own opinion about what's happening without the censors.

I do wish Wei Wuxian had been a little bit more vengeful though, I cant lie. There were times when he could have legitimately been more brutal and it would have been justified as a viewer, but, at least for the show, his 'big bad, evil dark lord' turned out to be all rumour which did leave feeling a little cheated. Another reason I've marked this down. I do genuinely wish they had gone deeper into the plot morality of what is right and wrong. The scene opens with this broken man being painted as an absolute monster and I was genuinely expecting a brutal anti-hero character and it turned out to just be people talking crap. I was a little disappointed with that.

Overall, still did really enjoy it and is definitely on my rewatch list.

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Don't Say No
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
juin 22, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Rated= 7 ~ 27/50 ~ 5.4
RPG Scene // Mages resting in a Crumbling Castle. Battle Axe not needed

A pretty cute BL I binge watched one Sunday.

It's pretty standard material but I like that the show started with the start of the relationship rather than the progression, so it was more about about trying to navigate how to be with each other, as opposed to wanting to be with each other.
The drama was up and down, every other episode but I've come to expect that so it doesn't take a lot of thinking, just let it unravel and it's sorted out by the next episode.

I did appreciate the attempts at communicating each other's desires for one another, allowing a natural progression of sexuality within the relationship rather than just jumping each other's bones immediately.

I did find Fiat slightly annoying as a character, a babyish kind of character, pouting and seemingly unable to do regular activities because he's so rich and never had to, or because Leo indulges him. This dynamic is a matter of preference, not really my thing but I can see how indulging in a rich guy pampering your every whim is a bit of desire for many people and can be enjoyed as such.
Both actors are fairly easy on the eyes and seem to work well with each other. Fiat has very beautiful eyes and Leo makes me think he would do well in as a prince in a costume drama. The chemistry between them seemed pretty good and not too forced.

The plot was predictable with the usual melodrama for me but I admittedly enjoyed Fiat's sass to every 3rd party attempt at his man. I do like a bit of sass and it did make me smirk slightly.

Fiat's mother was a strange case but they handled the delicate scenes with child Fiat well. I did feel more for the character after that and makes his own behaviour slightly more understandable.

I would have liked to have seen more of the lesbian friends because they seemed like an adorable couple but as with most friends in BL's they were left to the side to explain the obvious to the viewers.
I also would have loved to have seen more of a punishment for one curly haired character at the end. What he did to Fiat was not ok and there was only a hint of justice at the end. I would have liked to have seen the police cart this slimeball off in handcuffs because that's what he truly deserved.

Visually, they couldn't get enough of the 'really wealthy family' backgrounds. I think we seen a few different mansions in this series and the rest of the time is around the university. The emotional scenes were little overdone and at times somewhat cheesy but sweet nonetheless.

I really didnt care for the sub couple, even skipping them at times but again, that's a matter of preference and I did find them a little awkward with each other. As characters, they didn't seem to fit too well together either and it did seem like a very random, why are you together? kind of couple.

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Abandonné 20/40
Till the End of the Moon
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
avril 12, 2024
20 épisodes vus sur 40
Abandonné 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey plus Karma and a Marvel amount of CGI

Rated= 5 ~ 24.5/50 ~ 4.9
RPG Scene // Zombies wandering through Mountain Pass. Swing the short sword.

I initially dropped this at episode 2 after reading the reviews. I felt like this was going be a 'bully him until he snaps and then we'll congratulate ourselves on being right' sort of thing but reconsidered and started watching again. At episode 20, I've dropped it for good.
I think it's best to decide for yourself if you like something or not and if you, like me, decide that it's not your sort of thing, it wasn't time wasted. You tried something new and made a decision on it. That's just life.

This whole plot really could have been something. It's main focus was on karma. Every action, every laugh and tear caused, will come back to you. There are 4 timelines to this story. The original that we open with, the 'past life', the 'ancient past life' and the altered timeline.
When reading the reviews, it would seem a lot of people didn't like the first time line of the Ancient past life arc, which we see second, between eps11. and 18.
Going back to what I just typed about trying things out for yourself, this was my favourite part of the 20 eps I watch LOL I wish that had been a series by it's self, I loved that concept and I actually really loved the set and designs. It felt like a fantasy fever dream and the drama kid in me is ok with that. It's also the basis of the entire plot. The whole story starts with what happens in this arc so it was meant to be there. It's the foundations of everyone else's karma. The past is paid for and the future is written with every choice we make, even if we're think we're doing a good thing.
Unfortunately when we came back, I could already sense that the writing would start to dissolve. When I start to feel that way, I watch the last episode and decide if it's worth it and have ultimately decided that it's not.
I probably would loved this kind of show as a teenager but I'm now well into my adulthood and this sort just doesn't entertain me anymore.

So I join the ranks of the more critical reviews where I feel like, there was a masterpiece in here somewhere, the general idea, the costumes, the superhero movie cgi fight scenes, but the execution was dissolving into something quite childish and some sort of lack of understanding of how to properly communicate with people. Emotional maturity will teach you that nothing ever good comes from lie. There is no such thing as a good lie. When I got to the 'he keeps his distance because he likes you, lets seduce him' story line in 19, I can feel the annoyance coming in the following episodes as though I was going to start schooling my teenage nieces. When I skipped to the end, I can see that that attitude doesn't change and when you are world weary, regardless of age, that isn't entertaining.

It's definitely has it's audience as with everything but I feel like I've long outgrown this kind of show.

Leaving on a brighter note, I actually really enjoyed the music in this one. I'm in shock. I genuinely loved the background sad music that was happening. There's a genuine ache to the pieces I was hearing along with just enjoying the emotion in the instrumentals. So silver lining perhaps? To my surprise I found some chinese songs to add my playlist. So you see?
Nothing is ever futile.

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Abandonné 19/48
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
avril 16, 2024
19 épisodes vus sur 48
Abandonné 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Game Of Thrones-ing the Past with the Food Network

Rated= 4 ~ 17/50 ~ 3.4
RPG Scene // Troll hunting me through a Haunted House. About to beat me to death with my own club.

I prefer to go into show blind as I find it better to reach my own conclusion and/or opinion on a show.
I normally like detective style shows but this is one of those ones that I dropped simply because I didn't like the characters.

This show uses some pretty heavy material for it's mysteries which if you are anything like me, will put the anxiety through the roof as your watching. This show was not good for my heart in that aspect. So if you are sensitive to very violent source material, be warned here. When I meet material as dark as this, I need to have something to counteract that kind of information. I need deeply heroic people and compassionate people. I am fully aware this stuff happens in life and the people responsible get to walk. I do not find it entertaining to watch it in a show. I am a viewer who doesn't need step by step reality in my shows.

Having said that, the characters fail me in this. The leads are the only truly likeable people, at the start. Everyone else is a truly an evil person. There are no excuses here. It's a kill or be killed kind of reality. I get it. The past sucked.

Our 3 main leads are a stoic and solemn guy with a violent past, the effeminate baby girl genius guy with a sad past and the hard nosed palace eunuch that you're not sure whether or not to trust, and I couldn't be bothered to find out his past.
I can understand this set up in the beginning but they were still the same by episode 20. I knew nothing more about them other than Stoic guy is kind, everyone hates the eunuch and the effeminate ML is as annoying as all hell.
I don't do tsunderes. I don't find them cute or endearing or even funny. They just annoy me. 20 episodes in and our ML is supposed to be exceptionally intelligent. He is the 'sleuth' in the main title and yet he will pout and stomp is his feet like a baby, rush into a situation on emotion and will straight up tell the Emperor to go away because no one is above the law and I just don't want to. I'm sick, I'm getting married, I'm dead. Seriously? This is our Genuis ML? The Emperor could have you and your friends gutted on the spot. Is a bit of tact too much to ask for from our supposedly competent genius? Am I supposed to cheer this on?
The surrounding characters aren't very fleshed out by episode 20 either. We've got the super genius adopted sister who remains in the background eating sweets until she's useful and two foreign characters that are just kind of there. They fell into the plot randomly and now there's a romance trying to be pushed between foreign girl and the ML.

Also, the food p@rn. I really don't care for. Am I supposed to feel something? Was this to counteract the absolute devastation of the mysteries? It does nothing for me.

First time in my life, I also found the cinematography annoying as well but perhaps that's just the mood I had when watching. Someone really loved getting picture-esque shots between doors and at side angles with lots of props in view. After a while, this started to give me a slight headache as I tilt my head with the camera. Yes, the surroundings are beautiful but every other angle doesnt need to be up and down and side to side.

Overall, I can see the appeal if detective shows are your thing. Not alot of action. It's all sleuth or at least until 20 but it is an exhausting show to watch. From the annoying lead, the camera angles, the dark material and deep web of lies and deceit in the royal court, there was just too much going on for me to be able to enjoy it properly.

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My Wife is a Thief
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
juin 11, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The Cop and His Semi Competent Thief?

Rated= 7.5 ~ 21.5/50 ~ 4.3
RPG Scene // Mages passing over Mountain Pass. Only a basic sword. Newbies.

At one point as a viewer, do we say, ok, this character is a little too good. Are we too used to leads who can just do everything?

I found myself at times wondering why the FL Rong, who is supposed to be this famous, elite thief, seems pretty average throughout the show. At first I thought, ok, this is just plot device now because that's what creates drama. Then I realised that the ML is very competent at his job and is often one step ahead of the FL. So I considered, hey, maybe she just can't be better than the ML because masculinity and all that. And then I realised, you know what? Perhaps I'm asking too much here. She's not bad. She knows what she's doing. She can fight her way out of situations. Heck the opening scene, she's taking on a several squads of police to escape. And escapes/out runs the ML 3 times. So I wonder am I being a little harsh? Thieves get caught. Ninjas and assassins eventually meet their doom because that's the nature of their job. And when you have 2 separate groups of people, lead by very intelligent and ambitious men, constantly on your tail, you're going to run into some problems.

I think it's one of those things that is really up to the viewer. For me personally, I think it's a little of everything I've mentioned. She has to be good enough for you to believe she's the best, but not too good in order to create problems and tension throughout the plot. This is not meant to be a super intelligent cat and mouse show ( which would have been awesome) but it's not. It's just a fun and fluffy show about a police detective from a ruined family, the ML, at first on the trail of the famous silver willow thief, our FL.

The set up is that our ML's father was accused of embellishment of funds for flood relief, and I assume executed, and the family has since been disgraced. It is mentioned later that the Emperor showed leniency which is why the rest of the family weren't hanging from the walls as well. They were reduced to the status of commoner although have kept their house and a few servants. Our ML is under the constant watch of his career rival who leads the Ministry of Justice, who from start, is ready and willing to have any reason to get him sacked out of sheer spite.

Our FL is a waifish little rogue belonging to a secret sect who's original purpose is never mentioned or I missed it.
The story begins with the ML getting an edict of an engagement to a Lady Su, the daughter of the Duke who over saw his father's trial. Yeaah. He's delighted. He immediately goes to the Duke's house in order to break the engagement only to be led to our FL by some sort of golden bug, who covers for the real Lady Su, hiding in the wardrobe.

As the marriage was ordered by the Emperor and the leads had seen each other, this is what leads to their forced marriage. Our FL is told to steal a jade pendent and once everything had settled, the Duke, who is the secret sect's benefactor, would see to a divorce. And thus the plot begins of unravelling what actually happened to the ML's father and the event that disgraced the family.

Overall, it's really nothing complicated. It's pretty A to B. Trauma and underhanded deeds went down, ruined a family, and is slowly resolved throughout the plot.
We never find out who the FL parents are. We're just told she was orphaned and begging on the streets before being caught in the flood and hauled out our drowning ML.

It's a pretty average but enjoyable drama of resolving a scandal while falling in love. I didn't feel overly tense or waiting to see the FL identity uncovered. It just slowly happens.

One annoyance I will mention was the maid. How embarrassing for two adults who are being pressured into making as many babies as possible only to have a maid walking, merrily, in and out of their room at will. I guess that was the writer's attempt at humour but I just found it annoying and silly.

On the bright side, when the leads eventually kiss, it is an actual lip pulling kiss, or at least for the ML because that's what I seen. So there's that. The FL wasn't too annoying. She was quite passive aggressive at times which, again, I guess was meant to be funny but it just seemed childish because she was forced to marry some random guy who offended her at first sight.
The ML seemed genuinely decent though and I did feel sorry for him at times.

I didn't find the sets or music too stand outish. The sets and clothing were pretty much what you see in these period shows and the music wasn't anything I'd listen to again.

Overall, I found it an enjoyable and short watch, if you're just looking for something cute to fill the time.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 19/63
Cendres d'Amour
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
mai 26, 2024
19 épisodes vus sur 63
Abandonné 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Xianxia and I aren't going to be friends

Rated= 4 ~ 15/50 ~ 3
RPG Scene // Trolls wading through the Murky Swamp. My club is splitting.

I promised myself that if I can't make it through to the end, I'm crossing off Xianxia's in the future, unless Cheng Yi is involved. I only made it to the end of L&R through bias alone ? It's a genre I feel the culture clash in, really hard, and when you already have a belief system in place and notions of what a 'deity/immortal/God' is, it can be very difficult to watch a very human, politically motivated soap opera happen with divinities as the characters. And that's just the concept standing by it's self.

This follows the trend of every Xianxia, I've tried to watch before it. Visually, gorgeous. Everyone is fantastically dolled up in plastic head gear and fabulous costuming and I usually enjoy the lore. This time round there was a lot of emphasis on the elements and how that creates the true form of the Immortal and the elemental power they can wield. That's a fun idea. It also ties back to the title and the 'water and fire dont mix' mantra. Jinme is a frost flower, water, Xu Feng is a Phoenix, fire, and Run yu is a Water dragon. She is engaged to Run yu, water with water, but is supposed to fall in love with Xu Feng. The fire will burn her.

Likewise, her mother also shared a similar fate. She was a Lotus, in love with Jin Me's father, the Water deity, and had a tragic affair with the Heavenly Emperor, who is fire.

The costuming and the lore. That's what I love about the Xianxia genre. It's incredibility creative and I enjoy that. But that's where the love ends. Just like the characters, the Xianxia genre and I are different elements. I don't know which one, but we clash a lot.

This is not a case of 'go watch disney' kind of mentally. Without drama, there wouldn't be a story. That's the point of fiction, to be entertained, to be inspired, to find something within the story to hold dear to your heart as you travel through your own trials in life. But when the drama doesn't make sense or is clashing with your own outlook in life, you're not going to like the story for it has nothing to offer you.

One of my favourite characters, is the anti-hero. I like watching the underdog win. In this story, it's very clear from the start who the underdog is, so I'm going to adopt him very quickly and cheer for him, and that is our second ML, Runyu, played by the very elegant Luo Yun Xi, who I must say, I've only seen him in Till the End of the Moon, which I also dropped, and I've already got a little soft spot for him.

(I really hope he's not getting the Cheng Yi treatment and just forced to play the abused Prince all the time)

So when the plot eventually arrives around episode 8, I know that things are going to get really messy.

Our FL is our standard, so innocent but is really just the usual village idiot that these genres seem to like having. Massive LOL to her guardians, who are told she is to have a love trial and protect her from pain and they basically bubble wrap her so she has no emotional intelligence to protect her from foretold pain. The seal is meant to stop her from feeling romantic love not stop her from using her brain. She clearly has one, as she's bargaining for spiritual energy to help her friend, who sacrificed herself to save her. Understandable. She's not unfeeling, just blinded to romantic love. And she has to stay in the flower realm for 10 thousand years so that she doesn't experience her love trial. So of course that's not happening.
As the plot unravels, we see that Jinme is going to have a similar situation to her mother, only this time, has not one clue how to navigate it because she's been emotionally and spiritually suppressed by magically seals and her Guardians. Ahh, yes, the Immortal's Wisdom at play here.....huh?

Our ML is our typical self righteous, golden child who is pretty aloof at first but somehow falls in love with Jin me like he's never seen another woman before. Was it her talking about putting on weight on her chest? The feeding you kiss? Trying to eat his testicles when they first met? Was he seduced as opposed to love? A lot of sexual build up with these two, but no emotional. We as the viewer know that he's feeling something very intense. Jin me is completely oblivious but I was going with it. Let it unravel.

Back to Runyu, it is shown that he is also feeling something but the big thing for me here is that he's distant despite his affection. And it's a gentle affection, like a crush almost but he has an emotional wall up because he's engaged. I understand by ep 19 that he's clearly been neglected and abused and the Heavenly Empress is trying to find a reason to execute him because he's a threat to the throne. And I'm guessing 'her' throne, not the ML.
Why are we using the word 'deity' for a very, very human situation? I clash with this narrative.

My interpretation here is that, this promise of a wife, has been what he's held onto and has been embarrassed repeatedly that this promised wife wasn't even born yet. So when he discovers that it's the girl he's been crushing on, he is naturally over the moon that he finally won't be alone. It was a cold move the way he made sure to secure that promise but I understood it. That's not drama for dramas sake. That was a clever move. I applauded. Not even a few episodes later, in comes the ML with his manipulation because he's 'in love' and it's meant to be justified.

I know where this is going and the other low rated reviews just confirm it.

I'm going to be on Run yu's side no matter how far he falls later because I understand him. When he finally breaks, it will be him I will be crying for and not the so called 'good guys' who pushed him to that point. And this is where I realise that me and Xianxia aren't going to be friends, because here we are again. The relationship between the audience and the characters is what creates the support for a show and the emotional drive of the audience. I can't support an eternally dense FL who is that way because it's supposed to be cute and it drives the narrative. Or a ML who so far, is just determined to get what he wants. I have no other reason to feel empathic for him. I haven't been shown any, other than he's randomly obsessed with the FL for some reason. Much like his father.
Nor an Uncle who is also determined to get the ML the girl he wants. While ignoring the feelings of his other nephew simply because he said so. That's also very painful favouritism to the golden child that everyone loves. To hell with Run yu right?

I'm going to cheer for the character trying to keep his or her head above the water and for some reason, in Xianxia's that's always the so called 'Villain'. I've danced this dance before, I can already sense how the writing is going to go and I know I'm going to hate it because that's not what I'm looking for in a story.

I don't even want to say this is for a 'younger audience' even though it's a knee jerk reaction to do so because it 'feels' immature, and that's not fair to the younger generation. Life makes the person regardless of age.
The narrative is to support the main couple but all I see is sexual tension and that's not love.
I see the potential for an emotional bond with Run yu because that's where my emotional connection is. I don't care about the leads because I have no reason to and at episode 20, that's a bad sign. To know that the writing is just going to make a villain out of him, then I'm going to be a villain too and hate everyone with him, and be left disappointed with him.

Jin me's father, mother and the Wind deity is what you are looking for. That is real love, loyalty and friendship. Unless it changes later lol

Damn, this is long ?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Bad Buddy
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
Il y a 27 jours
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The Kiss and Everything Else

Rated = 6 ~ 25/50 ~ 5
RPG Scene // A flurry of fairies surrounding me on mountain pass and dazzling me with their twinkling lights, that I drop my battle axe down the ravine. Damn.

If there is one thing I can praise this show on is the kiss scene. They took the time to build up the feels and then let it explode into a really passionate kiss. I appreciate that and I actually rewatched it a few times. So points.

This is unfortunately one of those shows for me where it starts off fine, then gets super tense for that kiss scene, and then just kind of trails off eventually to basically being back to where they started from.
I found, for the most part, one half of the pair annoying. I don't like the 'jock, always in your face' type characters because he's basically just annoying his crush until he relents. I dont find that endearing.
The friends were the usual, barely thinking characters we usually get unless there's drama to be created.
I can understand the parents at war with each other but the Uni as well, I felt like were always pitting the two faculties together which, honestly for me, felt a little dumb. Why would a social setting do that and then complain when fights break out? Wha?
By ep 9 I was skipping because I just wanted it to end.
The ending, I can deal with. I guess it's somewhat realistic but at the same time, also feels a bit stupid. Perhaps it was more just simply how it was written that feels a bit of silly.

Ultimately, the Kiss was great, 10/10, I gave a whole extra point for it but I'm unlikely to rewatch the show.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 24/40
De Retour du Gouffre
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
mai 28, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 40
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I'm actually about to cry.

Rated= 1~ 20/50 ~ 4
RPG Scene // Ogre about to R.I.P me in Haunted House. It ate my short sword.

We all have emotional boundaries when we're watching shows and this one crossed mine.

I was LOVING this. It was sitting at a solid 8.5 rating. I was sitting thinking I had found another favourite for my list. A FL I could support. Humour that landed on me. A plot I was invested in. Gone in a 30 second scene.

My no.1 rule for writers is when you use violence against animals and children, you do it tastefully.

This 12 rated show can't show us a proper kiss but is perfectly happy to show us a baby getting his eyes gouged out. A BABY, screaming and crying, while a man puts his fingers through his eyes. Telling us is one thing. Actually showing us it, is another.
But heaven forbid you show us an actual proper kiss between two lovers.

No. Just No.

You suck and don't deserve anymore attention.

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Abandonné 16/40
The Blood of Youth
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
avril 9, 2024
16 épisodes vus sur 40
Abandonné 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

If someone bullies you, it's because they like you

Rated= 5~ 24/50 ~ 4.8
RPG Scene // Zombies shambling and falling off Mountain Pass. Dont even need my sword. They walked off themselves.

I tried to like this, I really did but I just couldn't do it. I initially loved it with Wuxin and Xiao but then he left and it started to get really boring with lots of very irritating characters, very fast. And at least by ep 16, they're trying to force a romance with Xiao and the female character trope I absolutely loathe. Pouty princess with a big weapon. She beats you up because she loves you. Just no. That's not a couple destined to be. I don't do tsunderes and I can't imagine a man like Xiao liking it either. I just wanted Wuxin to come back so I googled and was disappointed so I've decided to drop.

Visually, there's a lot of special effects here. Gives me a final fantasy kind of vibe with a headache inducing amount of characters and back stories.

Xiao's face though. I will be watching out for that actor later because damn. I don't mind looking at him a little longer lol currently watching In Blossom with Wuxin's actor and he's pretty fine too with hair LOL honestly, if they do a spin off with just Xiao and Wuxin, I'd be all in but this is just too much for me to sit through 40 hours of my life.

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Abandonné 12/44
Handsome Siblings
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
mars 30, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 44
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 1.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Painful Writing

Rated = 1~ 10.5/50 ~ 2.1
RPG Scene // Ogre stomping through Murky Swamp. Rusty Dagger as useful as a spoon.

I realise this is from an old novel so I can't really say this had potential knowing that but, yeah, I feel this had potential. My western thought processing clashed terribly with this. I knew I was going to drop this on the second episode.
The pacing is painful. There are a lot of more exciting/creative ways to have summarized the beginnings of the plot. Nope. We're made to walk the story, inch by inch. I sat with my head in my hands realising why it's 40 episodes.

Side note - The father/twin, what did they do to this man's face. He felt like a robot and honestly made to look like one. Was he meant to be structured and porcelain white ? and instead ended up looking a face of flour with 2016 insta eyebrows. But perhaps that's my agitation talking. The actor is good looking. The father clearly was meant to be a heart throb. I did not see it.

Case in point - I absolutely hate love triangles and the big bad is jealous sisters, so either way, this Cassanova was effed from the start because even if he fell for a sister, the other sister would still be scorned. No wonder the poor guy ran away. These women are just delusional psychos and I hate seeing women pitted against each other for silly reasons. If there is a legitimate reason for this hate, I don't have the patience to find out.
I have no pity for pathetic villains. Meanwhile, the other villains were just straight up goofy and stupid.
I hated everyone on this show.
The women are just a misogynistic tragedy to watch and the male characters are just stupid and unreasonable.
I made it to episode 12 simply because of the lead. I was really enjoying his impish wits and heart of gold moments. I love intelligent characters who can think themselves out of a problem, until I caught the scent of putting him in a love triangle with his robot of a brother, who is trying to kill simply because he was told to. What?
I wanted to punch the FL (at least she is by episode 12) She came in with a lot of badass potential and as soon as she's dressed in pink, she's turned into a simpering, floundering brat who was thoroughly enjoying playing the lead's feelings because, hehe, he's jealous. No. Just no.
That's when I knew I wasn't going to make it through this series. I skipped right to the last episode for the conclusion and very thankful that I didn't waste my time.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 9/58
Eternal Love
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Wrenix
juil. 4, 2024
9 épisodes vus sur 58
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

I rolled my eyes back so far I could see my brain dying

Rated= 1 ~ 7/50 ~ 1.4
RPG Scene // The Ogre rampaging through Cave Tunnels. No Weapons. RIP

At my kindest, this at the very least, managed to break several records. I couldn't even make it 10 before I had had enough. My poor brain ?

1- I hate everyone in this bar, except Mo Yaun, who I'm neutral on, by episode 3.
2 - I have no clue where this plot is going but guaranteed, I'm going to hate the Heavenly crew as is the norm. Who's the ML again? The groundwork plot just felt like one big hazing event, my psyche feels concussed.
3 - Xuan Yu. One of my biggest pet peeves. I hate when women are depicted like that. It's an old stereotype of women that really needs to die. Vapid, delusional cowards - the reason. She's prettier than me. *insert fingers into eyes*
4 - Li Jing. Why did they ruin his character? And that was even before Xuan Yu. He tried to r@pe the FL after what, 2 scenes with her, now he's in love?
5 It was episode 5 when I knew I was going to rage quit this series.
6 - I would have thought that Mo Yuan was in love with FL but apparently is going to get side-lined while he lies dead but will probably resurrect for funsies later in the series when the boat has sailed with whoever the heck the ML is. I'm assuming it's the lotus ghost guy played by the same actor.

And I haven't even broken double digits. Usually with Xianxia's it takes to about 7 or 8 to reach the actual plot and I've already had enough of everyone. I really would be wasting my time continuing because I know, I'm going to hate this one with an actual passion.

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