I am a BL lover...errm....okay, more like an ADDICT....🤭
This profile will primarily focus on my ratings, reviews, and thoughts on BL/Gay-themed content from Asia, mostly politically incorrect, and straight from the heart. Hope you come along for the ride, and enjoy while at it. 😇
BL needle score: Other than the rating, this will be a dedicated score to indicate the BL-ness of the show 🥰
My Watch-Scale:
9 - 10 - Must Watch: Go watch it without anymore dillydallying
8 - 8.5 - Great watch: Yes, you should watch it as soon as you have the opportunity
7 - 7.5 - Good Watch: Yes, you may watch it when you have some time
6 - 6.5 - Timepass Watch: Umm, you may watch it if you have nothing better to watch
5.5 - 4.5 - Avoidable Watch: Nah, it is unlikely that you will enjoy this
4 and below - Don't Watch: Go away, don't waste your time