
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 13 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Liverpool, England
  • Contribution Points: 1 LV1
  • Anniversaire: October 07
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: mai 12, 2020

Snowy the Shawol

Liverpool, England

Snowy the Shawol

Liverpool, England
Do You Like Brahms?
24 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 21, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 6
Globalement 2.5
Histoire 4.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Awkward, frustrating, dull

This is the first kdrama I have had to drop, though I did force myself to get as far as episode 9, and then realised I simply didn't care what happened to any of the characters, and life is too short to wade through the remaining episodes.

First the positive - the ML is adorable, particularly when he smiles, which is sadly rare in this drama. I think it was only those dimples that kept me going as long as I did.

The FL is very pretty, I have real hair envy but oh my goodness, her character is so insipid, I found her totally frustrating. On the rare occasion she did or said anything remotely assertive, she even got that wrong.

The worst part of all is the awkwardness, oh the awkwardness. I am shy and socially awkward myself, but the FL takes it to another level. Watching her made me feel like a raving extrovert for the first time on my life. I actually found myself cringing inside multiple times each episode, witnessing her awkwardness. There was also zero chemistry between the leads.

In a nutshell, I found this show painfully slow, cringeworthily awkward and none of the relationships felt authentic, and I just couldn’t connect with any of the characters.

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 5, 2021
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

I want more!

Ok, full disclosure, I could watch Seo In Guk sit and read the entire uk telephone directory and find it enjoyable. However, this film was fun not just because of him, but because of all the other characters. His crew were all wonderfully individual characters, the main baddie was great in his role, I could almost feel my lip curling up in disgust whenever he and his minions appeared. This film made me laugh at times, wince at others, cheer the next minute., and there even a few "oh nooooooo" moments in there.

Honestly, i think Drill Bit and his crew has at least a sequel in them, if not an entire drama! This film was way too short and kept my interest until the end, which came way too soon.

And yes of course Seo In Guk was perfect in his tousle haired role as the smooth tough guy with a heart. I mean, honestly, who else could get away with turning up to illegally drill into an oil pipe in a Prada jacket. So cool, the man can do anything and pull it off.

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When the Weather Is Fine
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

Slow paced, beautiful, haunting

I only gave this a chance because I saw it was centred round a bookshop, and as a book lover, with a weakness for anything about books, libraries and bookshops. I saw so many reviews saying "slooooow" and "boring" that I wasn't expecting much.

Well yes, it is slow paced, very slow placed but for not a minute of the 16 episodes did I feel bored or not want to carry on watching. In fact, I now want to live in The Goodnight Bookshop, the coziest, quietest book shop I have ever seen, with just the soothing sound of Eun Seob pouring the coffee.

I really enjoyed the slice of countryside life, the beauty of the passing seasons and how the seasons are marked, both on the land and in people's lives. And the scenery and cinematography, just stunning, The backstories for all the important characters come to light very slowly but that's as it should be. It adds depth and richness to a story of simple, ordinary people. It is Eun Seob's character that ties the whole drama together, despite him not saying a great deal, his eyes say all that needs to be said.

If you are in the mood for edge of your seat, thrill a minute, laugh a minute, this isn't it, but if you are looking for something quiet, slow, real, life affirming, give this story of loss, betrayal, secrets, sadness, forgiveness and the happiness to be found in small things, a chance. I think this is a drama that will appeal to those of a particular taste, and I am definitely one of them.

TW: murder, suicide attempt, domestic violence

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It's Okay, That's Love
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.5

Ok but not as good as I wish

I enjoyed It's Ok That's Love, but didnt love it as much as I wanted to. This is mainly because I didn't really warm to the FL - I just didn't find her at all likeable, and found her flippancy really irritating, she just seemed incredibly imnature given her profession. I did, however, warm to her more nearer the end. I loved the ML and all the supporting cast, and the relationships between them. The ML in particular was incredible, particularly in the latter episodes, and I thought DO was also really exceptional and really tugged at my heartstrings..

Will add to this review, just wanted to get my first thoughts down.

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Reply 1988
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 14, 2020
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
It took me a while to watch this because despite all the rave reviews, it just didn't appeal to me. When I finally grudgingly gave it a go, within about 2 episodes I was laughing, crying, and totally immersed in the lives of these families in Seoul. The more I watched, the more invested I became.

Honestly, this drama is every bit as good as the reviews say it is, if not better. Every single actor from the youngest to oldest, totally shone. I laughed more than I can remember laughing for a long time, and I had tears running down my face at other times. There was not a single moment of boredom, even in the quieter scenes, because it is so well written, produced and acted. And the ost just adds the cherry on top. I can even forgive that my own choice of ship for Doek Sun lost out!

The most devastating part for me was the end because I loved every single character so much I felt I was losing friends.

I can't recommend this highly enough, and am actually half way through watching it again, and its making me laugh and cry just as much.

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My Love from the Star
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 16, 2020
21 épisodes vus sur 21
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Totally unexpectedly, I loved every monent

I dont even know why I started to watch this but I'm so glad I did. The ml and fl are so perfect for their roles, the fl in particular plays a character so multi layered and complex, it was quite easy at the start to dislike her but as her character grew I realised what a fantastic acting job the fl was doing. Every actor plays their role to perfection. The "baddy" I found really chilling but oh, how I loved his ring!

There were some moments when I laughed so hard I started coughing, but I also cried - I don't cry overly easy but don't mind admitting that I sobbed mire than a few times in the last few episodes. I did wonder how they could possibly end this story but thankfully, for me the ending was as perfect as everything else in this drama.

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BTS: Bon Voyage
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

First port of call for new Army

Army are well supplied with an incredible amount of content and it can be confusing to know where to srart. IIf ever a new Army asks what to watch to get to know BTS, my first response is always the Bon Voyage series and of course Run BTS.

I think it's important to watch this series in order, start with this first one as it gives you an idea of where the guys started, even though this is 3 years on from debut. I think it was this series that really made me fall in love with BTS, as they are so real, relatabke, funny and just totally adorable. I laughed and cried through this whole series.

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Oh My Venus
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 15, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 2.5
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Just didn't work for me

I am obviously in a tiny minority here, as everyone else seems to rate this really highly. How I managed to watch all 16 episodes I have no idea, but I just know I'll never get that time back sadly.

I liked some of the supporting cast, Henry in particular is OTT but adorable, and the fighter, and the guy that looked after ML in particular. However, I just didn't rate the ML and FL at all, and found them seriously lacking in chemistry. ML had just about 1.5 facial expressions, and I found FL irritating at best, cringey at worst,

I don't know what else to say other than I'm glad that's over!

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