
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 19 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: United States
  • Contribution Points: 22 LV1
  • Anniversaire: August 01
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: décembre 28, 2016


United States


United States
BTS World Tour Love Yourself in Seoul
13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 27, 2019
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
When I went to go see this film, I didn't know what to expect from it. I thought it might be a Burn The Stage type of documentary. It's not, but that's not a bad thing. This is 100% a concert film. You get to see BTS performing a bunch of songs from their Love Yourself series (and even a few others). The solos were one of my absolute favorite parts (especially seeing Yoongi dancing around to Seesaw in a sparkly red suit!) I personally really enjoyed this because I wasn't one of the lucky ones who were able to go to their concert, and while this wasn't the exact same, it's about as close as one can get. Overall it was really great and so much fun, I highly recommend it to all Armys. ^^

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12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 1, 2019
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
As someone who watched the anime earlier this year, I really enjoyed the drama version. This series is fairly similar to the anime, a good amount of the battles and everything ring pretty true. One major difference is which battles they show. The drama doesn't get to all of the gambling matches that the anime does, but I have high hopes that they'll be featured in season two. The actors are really great, and in my opinion, fit their characters pretty well. Their acting is a bit over dramatic, but what can you really expect when you have such insane characters? Plus the way they behave can be quite funny at times, so much so that I found myself laughing uncontrollably XD Overall this drama is pretty good, and very entertaining. I highly recommend it!

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Bring The Soul: The Movie
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 10, 2019
Complété 4
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I absolutely loved seeing this movie, and it was such an experience too. It's always nice to see behind the scenes footage of BTS, as it helps to remind all of us that they're real people who have bad days, get sick, and have silly arguments with each other about nothing. One of the most impactful scenes to me, was when we got to see Jungkook's personal struggle with his foot injury, and how he couldn't properly perform. It broke me seeing him blame himself for something he had no control over. But the best part of that, was seeing how hard the other members tried to cheer him up (it was honestly the most wholesome thing ever!). If you love BTS, and want a peek at a few months of their Love Yourself tour life, you should definitely watch this.

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The Boy Next Door
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 6, 2017
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
This show is so freaking hilarious!!! I was laughing literally the entire time I was watching it. They get into the most ridiculous and wtf situations, and everyone hilariously misunderstands. The actors pull it all off fairly well, they have VERY good chemistry :) It is a fairly short series, but totally worth watching if you want to laugh at two hot guys for about an hour. XD
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Burn The Stage: The Movie
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 1, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I was one of the lucky ARMYs to see it in the theater, my friend got us tickets as a surprise. It was an amazing movie and experience.

I really loved this film, mainly because you get to see so many behind the scenes (lol) type of stuff when they're on tour. I found it to be really fascinating. They show pre-show prep, after concert celebrations, how they spend their free time on tour (song writing, relaxing, shopping, etc.), and you get to see the hardships of all of it (injuries, fatigue, emotional exhaustion). It really feels like you're there with them through it all.

You also don't necessarily need to watch the YouTube Red series to follow or understand anything going on. My friend, who isn't much of an ARMY and hasn't seen hardly anything about BTS other than MVs, really liked the movie.

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What the Duck: The Series
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 27, 2019
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
This was definitely one of the better Thai BL series that came out in 2018 (I'm looking at you 'Cause You're My Boy). It was overall pretty enjoyable, but it did have some issues that I hope get fixed in season 2.

I enjoyed, for the most part, Pop and Oat's relationship, they were pretty cute together and seem to have a great bond. I think the actors playing them started off a bit rocky and awkward with any "romantic" scenes, but they got SO much better as the season went on, they even had some of my favorite scenes! I also really appreciate how Oat learned that sexually harassing people is awful, usually those types of things will just be brushed aside. And their kiss was just so sweet and soft!!!

The plot line with Mo could've been done a lot better than it was. She just kinda accepted certain things that happened instead of trying to really have a discussion with Pop until it was too late. I also really hate that she judged him for wearing makeup/moisturizer or whatever it was, it was a stupid thing to pick on him about.

I loved the chemistry between the actors who played Pree and Bo, even when they were arguing and crying it felt so real, that's definitely not easy to accomplish, so I commend them for that (also, their acting was just fantastic in general). I just wish that their story could've been better, because it just got downright ridiculous at times. My biggest hope for season 2 is that both characters, especially Bo, grow and get better. I really want this couple to succeed!

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My Little Monster
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 18, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I was really happy to see how good this was. It's so much better than a lot of other movie adaptations of manga/anime out there. The acting is 100% what made this movie such a stand out. Suda Masaki absolutely nailed his role as Haru, I honestly can't imagine anyone else playing him now XD The story did feel a tad rushed at points, but that's bound to happen when you're trying to fit such a lengthy story into 100 minutes. I thought that overall they really managed to capture the feel of the story pretty well. This movie is honestly such a blast to watch, if you like this kind of story, I recommend that you give it a shot. ^^

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Night Flight
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 15, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
This movie gives a hard look into what life can be like as a gay male living in South Korea. It doesn't paint the world in sparkles and make everything look perfect and pretty. It depicts the harsh truth that people are awful, they do terrible things to innocent people, and no one stops them.
It's very emotional, and left me very emotional during and after the movie ended. I won't spoil anything, but the ending isn't extremely sad like lots of BL movies tend to be. It's definitely worth watching, I highly recommend it.
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Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 13, 2021
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Not Perfect, But Still Fun and Worth the Watch

As someone who has not only seen the anime, but has also read the manga, I feel safe saying that while this wasn't a perfect adaptation of it's source material (and there should definitely be a sequel to finish off the story), it's still funny, heartwarming, and has a great message about not judging someone purely because of their looks. I actually cried a bit when Kae was being fat shamed, but my sadness melted away when the boys defended her. It's rare to see something go for that message, especially in Asian dramas. This movie is definitely not for everyone (if the fujoshi elements weren't a turn off for people, the music number in the beginning will be lol), but for those few like me, I totally recommend giving this a go.

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