
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 2 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Winden
  • Contribution Points: 731 LV5
  • Anniversaire: May 07
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: octobre 31, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award2
Hello, Me! korean drama review
Hello, Me!
46 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Anushka
avril 8, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

'Finding Happiness Again'

The New Beginning.
Not having some great story, relatively some or to be honest many plot holes doesn't mean that drama wasn't good, there's nothing like perfection. Having some cons is a good thing from my perspective. So now let's talk about drama. Fluffy, comedy, sweet, light with mild romance (Don't expect too much even romance is in main genres) ... it's the full package fluff drama but it also gives some messages which make us think about ourselves our life and the decision we made.

The story wasn't perfect but the execution was done well, kind of predictable still a fun and interesting journey. Really like the character development wasn't just about only one character but about every... the journey of learning something and it was for everyone that at the end you can see not phenomenal but at least a good change indeed!

Talking about the cast and acting... for me everyone was perfect for their respective roles and characters really liked Bahn Ha-Ni's both version the younger and the present one it's always great to see two different sides of the same character though I can't say they both are same haha.. the ML was definitely chocolate boy, adorable, liked the chemistry between them but still I won't say we get much romance here.

So overall it was a good show indeed won't say very good, coz I didn't get answers for some of my questions and had some plot holes but it's really good and light show indeed!

“We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Those regrets just become part of who we are, along with everything else. To spend time trying to change that, well, it's like chasing clouds.”

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