
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 1 jour
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
  • Contribution Points: 47 LV1
  • Anniversaire: October 31
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: octobre 28, 2020
  • Awards Received: Flower Award1


Somewhere Over The Rainbow


Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Yuri Dano Kan Dano
59 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
déc. 31, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 4
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Save yourself from watching this

This show officially wins the title of most fucked up and disgusting television show I've seen in 2020. I'm completely disgusted by this drama. Kairi is fucking disgusting and such a pervert (& like manipulative to the core). She literally kept a pair of undergarments from when Yuri was a child and she calls it her treasure. Besides, when she met Yuri after years of not seeing or speaking to her, she literally stuck her head between her boobs. It's also implied that Kairi likes women because of being abused by men as a child during her idol years. Besides, Kairi truly has never heard of consent or personal space. I'm honestly baffled by this show and the topics it choose to focus on (yes shaving or not shaving your pubic hairs was a major plotline in this drama). I truly hate how this show discussed sexuality (it truly made it sound like you have to be crazy/mentally unstable if you're not straight which is bullshit). Basically every character is unlikable and so many things happen in this drama that are just too disgusting. The "relationship" also makes zero sense. One of the most problematic dramas I've ever seen. I watched this drama so that you don't have to watch this because it's that bad. Please don't watch this, save yourself. I wish I could erase this shit show from my mind. It's that repulsive. We deserve better f/f relationships than this ...

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Cut to Heart
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
mai 30, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I'm not sure how I feel about this but it was one hell of a ride

On Dal is truly one of the purest, fluffiest, sweetest, cutest, funniest, awkward, most adorable male leads ever. I truly fell in love with this character. He's truly the softest General out there. Nothing but love for this man.

I was like I'm getting this nasty feeling that cutesy San is gonna die before he can make up with his sister and then he did and I was like BITCH WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I'm quite sad that San died, I really liked him.

OMG OMG OMG THAT CONCUBINE IS EVERYTHING. She is truly the most pure, sweetest person out there. I think she hss become my favourite character (yes I even love her more than Dal, Wol, and Jin who are some of my faves and babes too). I truly want to marry that concubine, SHE IS JUST SO DARN PRECIOUS! Nothing but love for this lady. She truly stole the show and is one of River Where The Moon Rises most underrated characters.

I also love the my ship came true. I was like omggg Go Geon and Mo Young would work so well together, like my two scheming babies and when they officially became a thing I died.

I however DO NOT LIKE how Jin and Poong Gae had the slowest of slow slowburn romance. I wish they became an official thing way sooner since by the end of episode 17 THEY'RE STILL NOT FUCKING TOGETHER WHILE EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER KNOWS THEY LIKE EACH OTHER!

I also really liked Ga Jin in the beginning but kind of started to dislike her halfway through the series. I didn't like some of the decisions made when she, On Dal and their friends returned from their battle victory and where reinstated. She kind of not only neglected her supposedly best friend but also the person she loved most which was On Dal. I don't really hate her, but I'm not overly supporting her like I used to do in the beginning. I do have to say I fucking love how much of a badass she is and how amazing it is to see her fighting. I never expected Kim So Hyun to be this good at action scenes but man she really out did herself with this drama. I'm truly impressed by her performance since she acted really well despite the fact that she filmed this drama twice.

I kind of REALLY hate where the plot of river where the moon rises went and is going. Just like my friend said: dem rating is really, truly dropping. I initially would have given this a 9 out of 10, then it went from a 9 to a 8, and now I'm feeling it's more of a 7 than a 8. But the positive news is that I do officially stan the actor that replaced jisoo, which is na in woo. DUDE LITERALLY FILMED THIS FOR 5 WEEKS AND IT HAS 20 EPISODES WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY FILMING A MOVIE TOO. He shot for this kdrama between 20 up to 40 scenes a day and even went on to a film's set when he was done with filming his scenes for River where the moon rises. Baby truly got no sleep, but performed so fucking well. He even met the director of the drama and had like an outfit fitting one evening and the next day he started filming right away without even really having time to learn the script BUT HE ACTS AND PORTRAYS THE ROLE SOOO FREAKING WELL. I hated his character in Mr. Queen since he's the typical second male lead of historical dramas THAT I DESPISE but here he is such a awkward funny idiot uwu person, like the complete opposite of his Mr. Queen character. I honestly think that this character didn't really fit Jisoo if I look at his other roles and acting credits. This On Dal is such a sweet pea funny awkward mushroom of a person. I dunno if they fully changed it so it would match Na In Woo better, but honestly I love this version of that historical figure and can't really imagining Jisoo pulling this character off like Na In Woo did and this is coming from a former Jisoo stanner who I do not hate but also don't fully support anymore. It is still truly amazing how well Na In Woo acted since my jaw has officially dropped like 50 times by now. I 100% understand why the director was like I NEEEED TO WORK WITH THIS MAIN AGAIN because honestly who wouldn't after this performance and dedication? There were a lot of adlibs added too but honestly you don't even know which ones aren't and which are but I repeat he played the character sooo well. I'm also amazed at the chemistry between him and Kim So Hyun, and I have nothing but praise and love for the cast/actors, director, producers and anyone else since it's really amazing what they managed to make and with how they had to reshoot so much. Despite me not loving where this plot is going and went I do truly think that everyone BUT THE WRITER deserves the praise for how well this turned out. I'm just really impressed with the end result and how much work everyone put into it so that it could still be airing on our screens. Besides, some of the actors, including the second male lead, even refused to receive payments for the reshoots which is really admirable too. But enough gushing about everyone else, let's get back to my thoughts and feelings about the plot.

Why did they just assasinate both Ga Jin's character, which has been going on for so long, but also the cute younger brother's character??? I'm seriously wondering why they chose to do that? I also FUCKING HATE, LOATHE, DISLIKE the whole fucking 4 years later...... I will never like how writers of kdramas keep doing that many years later. I do not like it when this happens in my precious kdramas.

Omggg Jin and Poong Gae are finally together and they're even married now. The 4 year gap was at least good for something.

I was like I don't like where anyone's story is going. I don't like where On Dal's and Ga Jin's story went, the same goes for the younger brother turned king, and general go geon and the store owners story. I DON'T LIKE WHERE IT IS GOING!!!! Only Poong Gae and Jin were the light in the dark.

I'M AAAAAAAANNOYED fucking A N N O Y E D!  I'm stuck with it for another 40 minutes, kill me now pls. And I know I will be more annoyed since they'll do like A FUCKING SECOND AMNESIA PLOT, which I wish I could laugh about like my friends but I can't.

I only have 40 minutes left and then I can put it behind me for forever, which is really sad because it started out so strong. Poong Gae abd Jin are truly carrying the whole show on their backs. If anything happens to Poong Gae I will fucking rage.

25 MINUTES LEFT :"( And I'm not crying because I don't want it to end. I WANT IT TO END.


OMG LOL I'M DYING DUDE GOT PIERCED BY 6 OR 8 ARROWS AND WILL IN THE END HAVE AMNESIA AND STILL SURVIVE. What is this kind of unrealistic unnecessary sorcery. Still better than him actually dying, that would have made me really made. This is at least too ridiculous that I'm not angry.


IT IS NOT OKAY HOW THEY SUDDENLY RECTIFY SOME OF THEIR MISTAKES. They made the show epic, then butchered it and butchered it some more, and now suddenly they put some epic moments towards the end again. STOP FOCUSING ME PLS I BEG YOU. I do have to say that monk is fucking funny and underrated as hell.

In the end it's still a 7 because the beginning was so good, like really good and I liked how they managed to redeem Go Geon & younger bro in the end. I will, however, not recommend this, sadly.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
My Name
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
oct. 20, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

How the majority of MDL feels about Squid Game is how I feel about My Name

I loooove watching a mediocre drama where you'll know everything before the first episodes ends. By episode 1 you just know where the story is gonna go but it's also supposed to be an epic thriller action revenge story. I'M LIKE WHEEEEREE IS THE MYSTERY? And don't even get me started on all the plotholes (even my highway has less holes than this drama).

So much makes no sense, just no sense at all. Ahn Bo Hyun's character was initially very suspicious of Jiwoo. He was like wooaw she sus, I don't trust her and literally one second later he was threw everything out of the window. Pildo truly went like YEEEEET I trust her now because she got hurt. Somehow he magically didn't hear another character revealing her identity but he was like BIBBIDI BOBBIDO BOO u got hurt so now I trust you.

AND OMG I'M TURNING AGAINST NETFLIX MADE KDRAMAS (while I used to be a hoe for them). All because of once again a fucking useless stupid sex scene. Like this ain't it sis. Why is Netflix suddenly like let's make our kdramas more like western shows? But it even gets worse since the DUDE LITERALLY DIES A FEW MINUTES LATER. Why ... oh.... why...?? I literally fastforwarded when I was like they're about to do it. I normally don't care about movies or shows including sex scenes BUT IT MAKES ZEEEEERO SENSE HERE so I was like I'm not wasting my time on this shit. My friend told me that the creators decided to put this scene in it as a way to show Jiwoo's humanity. But there were literally a bazillion better ways to show that. Besides, they alreasy showed her humanity so much. Jiwoo is in a gang but has never killed someone until one dude from her past past, who she bested in a competition which troubled his fragile masculinity so he tried to rape her by drugging her, and she only shot him because he was about to expose her. The very same scene where Jiwoo killed the dude, did she became haunted by what she did. She literally was in shock about killing him. Furthermore, she also saved a girl from a drug overdose and protected her, only fought people and kicked the shit out of them if they started it or didn't let her peacefully pass, etcetera. She could have hurt so many innocent people but she never did. Besides, she was already determined to not kill her surrogate daddy before they (Pildo & Jiwoo) were like oeeehh lalala. So to me it was very unnecessary. I've also seen other action shit that was western and was like let's show a killer's humanity without having unnecessary sex scenes. Even a kdrama about a hitman showed that hitman's humanity without whipping any dicks out.

Besides, Pildo also died so fucking funny. I literally got tears in my eyes from laughing. He was like van I'll be by your side, which already had me like lol no you won't, and I KID YOU NOT ONE SECOND LATER AFTER HE SAID THAT A FUCKING MOTORCYCLE CAME UP TO THEIR CAR and just shot him in the head #HEADSHOT. I mean how predictable was this?

I also have to repeat how there was no mystery element in this show. If I already know where this shit is gonna go before the first episode ends, you have a serious issue with predictability.

However, in the beginning of the show I did like some things. I initially liked her beating up all the guys and winning against every odds (I mean unrealistic but I still loved it. I mean John Wick is also a tad bit unrealistic, but I still love that and she is basically sort of a female John Wick) but even the amazing fighting choreography got boring after a while since that was basically the only good thing that was left. It couldn't save the show.

Also, the most badass bitch crime lord is like YOOOOOHOOO I'M HERE YOU CAN KILL ME! He literally made it so easy for her to kill him and we're supposed to believe he is an epic ruthless crime lord that has been able to escape the law for 16+ years. But he is literally brought down by a 23 or 24 year old girl who was on his side for the first five episodes or so. I understand somewhere deep deeeep deep down that Pildo's death caused her fit of rageeeee. What I do not understand (not even deep down) is that she literally walked into surrogate daddy's crime den a few minutes after Pildo's death WITH ZERO PREPARATION. She was all by herself and just fucking slaughtered everyone the came in her path -__- Jiwoo also has a lot of wounds that haven't really healed but none of these wounds were a hindrance to her beating the shit out of everyone.

I'm still not over how easy surrogate dad made it for Jiwoo to kill him. The crime edge lord wasn't even trying to make her his successor or like him. He was just like ..... I have a death wish without really having a death wish but I still make everything super easy for her and the worst thing is.... that the crime lord was literally the second person she killed.

I'm still mad about the sex scene man. Like Nevertheless didn't do the deed like Squid Game or My Name. In Nevertheless it was like very much a sex scene that could have been in riverdale or shit. To me it just screams Netflix' influence on my name.

Also, Han Soo Hee is good at action scenes & one emotional scene when she finally found out the obvious was really good. But girl literally burns her gang tattoo of and literally was like dead inside WHICH IS FUCKING UNREALISTIC! There was no indication of pain (as in tears in her eyes, wiggling or any facial indication, or pain sounds) just an empty look. I mean only if you have that rare disease of feeling no pain would you be able to do it because even though you're numb because of emotions IF I FUCKING STAB MYSELF IT STILL HURTS AND BURNING IS EVEN WORSE. Even more unrealistic is how the wound also didn't get infected or gave her a fever (veeeeery like truly a representation of real life). I dunno if that's bad acting or bad direction but me don't likey.

However, a plus was like the father-daughter relationship she had with her dad's killer until he was like I don't want her to kill me (I'm a ruthless man, I killed my best brother, hurt other people like I'm smoking my cigarette #veryunbothered) but I will make it very easy for her to kill me. He did not even feel remorse for killing her dad or lying to her about him being the killer. He even whined about how unfair it was that everybody he cared about betrayed him wheeeeheeeee sad face sad face. EVEN SOMEONE ELSE ON HIS TEAM WAS LIKE DAFUQ BITCH. She was like you're letting her go so that she can come to you but you're not really gonna do anything to stop her but you don't want to die either?????????? Besides, his right hand man literally wanted her dead from the moment she joined the gang because he knew the truth and was like this can only end in disaster. So yeah surrogate daddy's character makes no sense at all. He's really wishy washy. At one time he even wanted her to go into hiding but later on he's like I'm not gonna let her kill me BUT YOU GUYS CAN'T KILL HER EITHER. He also got her out of jail. I'm just confused and mad. SK has better stuff to offer than this. There are so many better revenge stories out there.

Also, Ahn Bo Hyun really needs to pick different projects. He never ends up happy. In Itaewon Class his character was just miserable, in her private live he was the second male lead and didn't end up with the girl, and if Yumi's Cells ends like the webtoon he'll be alone once again, and here he died. Dude needs some chill (or his characters at least do).

Go watch strangers from hell or something else because my name ain't worthy of any trophy.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
nov. 23, 2022
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I wish this was great, I wanted it to be great but alas ....

I was soooooo excited for this drama the moment I saw a preview on Netflix. I thought it was going to be a romance between a psychopath serial killer and a girl that was super intrigued by this killer (sort of like a fan). That was not what I got. I mean the romance part did show up like halfway through the series but it wasn't the romance I wanted or was expecting. I lowkey prefer what I thought was the concept of the show than the actual show.

A lot of the characters were so stupid. The stupidity of the cop in the wheel chair annoys me. Also the serial killer that evaded the police for 1+ year became the dumbest fucker in the end.

I also felt that a thorough explanation of certain events was lacking. A lot of interesting questions were raised or the show introduced a new concept, but none of them were properly developed. It truly felt like a lot of the characters' backstories were lacking and underdeveloped. Pivotal moments in the lives of characters weren't developed or shown even though they were essential to the character. It felt very lacking. As if they tried to do too much at once without giving each storyline or backstory the proper attention they needed and deserved.

I did really love the diversity of the show though. I loved how one of the main characters had asperger, while another badass girlie was part of the LGBTQ+ community, and that the cop in the wheel chair wasn't helpless despite her two brain cells. She wasn't helpless because she was in a wheel chair (more like she was helpless because girlie didn't use common sense).

Also why was there so much unnecessary nudity or like sexual imagery? The drama was very oversexualised in certain moments that just felt very cheap.

Lastly, I gotta give Kim Young Kwang all the kudos. His acting was superb! He was really good and basically the shining star of this show. I mean they truly made him look like the serial killer for who the hell knows why? He screamed 80's serial killer the way they made him look, while he looked the complete opposite when he killed someone for the very first time. His acting was amazing (also those abs). Anything else relating to this character was bad. He did the best he could. Everyone else just fucked up.

Oh I also have to say that I was again hella gay for Kim Yong Ji. She slayed again (despite how her character was written).

THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD!!!!!! But it wasn't...... sad me.... there goes one of my most anticipated dramas .... it goes into the trashcan that says dumpsterfire ......

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Mon colocataire est un gumiho
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
nov. 22, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

♡♡Lee Dam Has Stolen My Heart♡♡

I've decided I'm gonna watch youth of may before I'll see my Roommate is a Gumiho so I get that amazing fun pick me up after depression anxiety. ....And now I'm cry laughing because of my Roommate is a Gumiho.

I'm in love with our female lead though.

"You already know so much about me but I would like my body fat to be private"
This woman!! Omg I fucking love her!! There's like a hot Gumiho in the show but who am I drooling over? A disaster of a human being aka the sloth out of all sloths and the biggest mood ever. Plus she loves history (she's just perfect).

Lee Dam being like:
Falling in love with a human? Meh
Falling in love with a gumiho? Nah
Falling in love with food every meal time? HELL YESSS

We all deserve a 999 year old Gumiho that takes care of us when we're on our periods like this girl does.

OMG GUMIHO IS A BABY!! He literally turned into her (shapeshift illusion) so that she doesn't have to worry about a group assignment because of period cramps. What a precious soul.

Mr. Gumiho: It would be weird to say you're like my daughter. So let's go with niece
Me initially: :")
Me after a few seconds: Mr. Gumiho YOU LIKE HER!! SHE'S NOT YOUR NIECE!! U DUMB OR SOMETHING? Has your brain shrunk over time?

I'm also sooo in love with the girl though. She's toooo fucking funny when it comes to people showing interest in her or flirting with her. A dude was like if you don't have an umbrella we could share one **bitch pulls out a gigantic sized umbrella** She, Lee Dam, also has the best friends ever.

OMG I FUCKING LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW!! HE CALLED HER HIS NIECE YESTERDAY AND GIRL CAME WITH THE BIGGEST COMEBACK THE NEXT DAY. Lee Dam be like give me your credit card uncle :") or I'm not calling you sir anymore but uncle instead since I'm like your niece. I love her so fucking much. Now Mr. Gumiho is all flustered.

Omg she keeps going with it, lol. Feel free to give me pocket money as well uncle since I'm like a niece to you :") Then I'll be going uncle, lol. She's so savage, I loooove it!!

Girl eats a very late night snack dude is like umm... you shouldn't eat that now. She be like eating food after 3:00 is basically breakfast and my mum always told me to eat a hearty breakfast. I'm dying, I'm deceased!!

Lee Dam is also the embodiment of every student. She goes to school in sweats and barely looking human.

I have officially cried tears for mr. Gumiho and the best girl ever. They really got to me :'( So now I'm crying. A 10/10 is definitely happening right now. My 100th drama of the year will be a 10/10.

Gumiho and my love are finally together. They literally only hugged and I cried like a baby.

Their first, well technically their second kiss, was hooooooot!!

OMG GIRL IS SO SENSIBLE!! She's deeply in love with him but currently it's very dangerous for them to be together but she isn't planning on risking it all. She's not betting her life on their relationship. FINALLY A GIRL WHO DOESN'T THROW HERSELF AWAY FOR A GUY

I DON'T KNOW WHO TO SHIP HER WITH ANYMORE. **not even one minute later** Okay, I sorted my thoughts out. Mr gumiho and our girl should be together. The second male lead kinda deserves better than her even though he initially was trash. Honestly they both deserve better.


There's also a female gumiho who just turned human 4 years ago and she has the vocabulary of a 4 year old even though she's 700+ years old. So now the male best friend of our girl thinks they slept together as in they had sex while female gumiho meant that they fell asleep in the same hotel room :")

An annoying mountain god put a red string of fate between the love of my life and the second male lead and never in my life have I wanted use SCISSORS so badly. I wanna go SNIP SNIP!! Can you believe a second ago I almost wavered and now I'm amnoyed as fuck :(

Mr Gumiho and ex gumiho girl have the best friendship ever. They're always bickering with each other or throwing jabs at one another. They're just too funny. I'm loving it so much

WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :")  Our girl's best male friend now thinks he deflowered ex miss Gumiho will she in fact meant that she has never experienced someone throwing up on her. I can't even.

Female ex gumiho: You were really heavy, now my back hurts.
**him imagining all kinds of dirty stuff**
What she actually meant: I had to carry yo heavy ass because you were so drunk so now my back hurts.

I totally get why they (the male best friend & the ex gumiho) got a C on their communication assignment.

Him: I'll take responsibility
Her: meh not needed, it was consensual
Him: it was?
Her: we did it together
Someone please bury me now because I've died from laughing too hard. I'm crying as well :") this is too funny.

Her: from my experience it wasn't bad (still talking about the assignment). Him thinking he got some skills :") NOW THEY'RE DATING BECAUSE YOU'LL GET AN A FOR THAT COURSE THEN. I'm dying..... I can't handle this!! It's too funny!!


I'm really tired of that red thread of fate, I REALLY WANT TO BREAK IT. My friend was like: GET THE SWORDDD, which in turn had me like: I WILL! I'M READY TO MURDER THAT FUCKING DEITY THAT PUT THE STRING THERE!!! THAT MOTHERFUCKING... I usually love Go kyung pyo BUT OMG HE TRULY CHOSE THE WORST CAMEOS OF 2021. This year he's only playing fucking annoying characters. In her he's like meddling with my precious baby and making their lives harder because he wants to hurry gumiho and make him human. But mr gumiho has issues, very sensible issues. He can't use the girl he likes to turn human since it can becone life threatening, but he can't use so else because he is in a relationship. In my opinion, it actually makes sense for once because you have to kiss someone to get the bead out but also keep someone close & I mean that's a bit difficult if you're in a relationship. And one of those people is a bit of a grandpa (and does not fit with his personality) & for the girl it's her first relationship.

I'm boiling. The red bitch of faith is still happening. IT IS SOOOO ANNOYING.

You (my friend) got positive news (as in NCT's upcoming world tour) while all I got was a break up. I'M SO DONE WITH BREAK UP SHIT. I get why it happened BUT ME DON'T LIKEY.

You know those people in animal suits to promote stuff, like those mascot ones. My girl sees a fox one when she is drunk and just broke up and now she's beating/slapping the dude in the fox costume :")

LOL, SHE JUMPED ON MR GUMIHO BECAUSE SHE WANTS THE BEAD SO SHE CAN TURN HIM HUMAN and he was like nooooooope not hurting you and poofed himself out. This is toooo funny. OMG I CAN'T HELP BUT LOVE HER!Now she's harassing him at every moment to give her the bead. I just fucking love her!! And he keeps running off. She literally even hid under his desk and was like I GOT YOU. Can I marry her please?

Now she is even acting out a fake injury just to get him close so she can take his phone & car keys as hostage, lol. And he just poofed away again, whahaha.

Now ex gumiho is giving her energy to mr gumiho because he was staggering due to all the poofing and they're both so disgusted by having to hold hands to give and absorb energy.

Ex gumiho gave our girl tips on how to make mr gumiho cave in and what does our girl do, use her advise against her C: Since the ex gumiho likes the male best friend but she's too stubborn to realise it. And the two best friends acted all super close and lovey dovey to make the foxes jealous :") while the foxes thought they were really dating, the two friends literally had to sanitise their hands after touching.

His bead is almost entirely blue and I have a feeling what will turn it blue. Kdramas really turn me into a sappy person because I honestly wouldn't mind if this was actually the case. I kind of would love it. But those 3 words in English and 1 word in Korean could turn his bead blue. Saranghae, it has to be the good old classic I love you.

Their kisses are soooo fucking hot. I ship the characters sooo much.

I only have 2 hours left :(((

They really were like we are not gonna make it vague that they slept to together. We're gonna really state it without turning into Nevertheless, My name, or now we're breaking up. This was like a case of what's wrong with secretary Kim steaminess. BUT IT IS SO CUTE because both babies are soooo fucking awkward with each other the next day. Both of them are blushing like red tomatoes. One is 999 years old but he a shy maiden. I am still not over it. Their chemistry is just on fire. They're both freaking out about it and thinking about it non stop. They are sooo hilarious.

Our girl's female best friend is like you call him sir and bow to him how much more should I teach you. Dam running away from her and me being like you've got no idea how skilled and now experienced our girl already is hehehe ;) 

I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She's already puking of the idea of calling mr gumiho honey, babe, sweetie and OMG SAAAAAME. I really think oppa is okay but the rest makes me shudder. She's still sooo awkward with calling him oppa. SHE'S A MOOD, I FUCKING LOVE HER. I think he knows she is trying to say oppa and just loving to tease her, but then he was so sweet and started talking casually first because he's A CUTIE PIE. THEY ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!


I love kdrama catfights and this one was extraordinary.



Lol, ex gumiho and male bff still haven't cleared up the we did not have sex part.

**insert sad emojis**  #Crying. Male best friend and ex gumiho finally cleared the air and she told him she liked him **a few seconds later** NOOOOOO WHY DO THEY HAVE TO DO MY BABIES DIRTY?? THEY WERE KISSING AND SUDDENLY HIS OLDER BROTHER APPEARED

I was wrong, it didn't change when he said those 3 words AND NOW HE'S DISAPPEARING. I'm crying. Now I don't want to watch the last episode. Now I'm sad... Me don't likey. These MOTHERFUCKERS HAD TO DO ME THIS DIRTY. I'm not watching it until tomorrow. I can't do it now.

The next day my friend was like WHEN ARE YOU GONNA WATCH IT & I was like after school. I'm gonna watch it while I eat diner. I dunno if that's the smartest move but that's what were doing. My angel friend was like I hope you dont choke while earing, which initially had me like same. Or my pizza becomes even saltier because of all my tears. Lucky, my dog, would be really happy about it because then he thinks he is allowed to eat it. I don't know if you know but my woof woof has a thing for cheese. I mean Cheese is love. Cheese is life.

Then dinner time flew by and I still hadn't seen the last episode. I'm just really really really procrastinating watching it. I was like hey I could watch Youth of May instead this... OH WAIT THAT'S FUCKING SAD AS WELL. And now Viki isn't working **almost 2 hours later** hey it works again.

Me to my friend around 23:15 Well.... I had to do my sisters bunnies... So I still have not seen the last episode (cue to the 20 minutes or so later when I did start watching it).

I'm gonna need some tissues. I'm not even 1 minute into it and I'm already crying.


He's making every moment with her count

Mr gumiho is crying so now I am crying.

HE IS BACK!!! BUT LOL HE HAS BECOME A FOODIE NOW HE'S HUMAN. They're both having food orgasms now, lol.

Our girl being horrified at his cooking he be like: I managed not to panic when I set the kitchen on fire and put the fire out :")

Mr no longer a Gumiho was like I'm bored HOW CAN YOU STUDY WHEN SOMEONE JUST CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD. He truly learned the sass from her.


Best friends are bickering again. Their love hate friendship is tooo funny.

OMG NOW FEMALE BEST FRIEND OF OUR GIRL AND DUDE THAT CALLED HER 40 GOT THE RED BITCH OF FATE NOW :") But it's actually a red thread of the dude's sweater. They're too funny.

Ex mr gumiho: you were supposed to carry the bead, not fall in love with its owner
Our girl: you were suposed to steal my energy not my heart.


Wow ex female gumiho used her bead which holds one wish to make her boyfriend not to to the military :")


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A Korean Odyssey
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
juil. 10, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A Korean Waste of Space

I was really loving this but by episode 8 or so I started to notice the dramas flaw.

Honestly I just ship the heck out of PK and our cutest zombie girl. Their interactions sincerely added 50 years to my life. They are just so darn cute.

I also have to admit that while at first I thought the Devil King's tantrums were funny, they kind of have become really repetitive. I mean c'mon can't you think of something better to do with this epic character?

Somehow this kdrama went from a 9 to a 7, and ultimately a 6.

I was also starting to ship the heck out of Son O-Gong and Seon Mi but honestly that bracelet is stopping me from fully shipping them. In all honesty, if Seon Mi really loved him she would have removed the bracelet by now since it's only hurting the person she loves. But does she remove it? NO! And there's honestly no reason for her to keep it on Son O-Gong. Like if you want to be in a healthy relationship you need to remove that bracelet and you need to trust him. I get that she still needs him but he probably would still help her because he obviously loves her too and he still has the deal with her which they made years ago. I'm really getting annoyed, well I'm actually fucking pissed off, that the bracelet is still there. For fuck's sake it is currently hurting him even more as in he literally threw up blood because of that fucking bracelet but she still didn't take it off him. I mean how is all of this healthy and how can this ever result in a supportive, trusthwortgy, healthy and swoon worthy relationship if she never takes the braces off him? I really REALLY fucking hate this. I DON'T GET IT, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. SERIOUSLY TELL ME WHY

Also, this didn't really need to have 20 episodes of seventy minutes long. 

However, I do like the mix of the past and the present & I especially loved the episode when they went into a film set in the time when Korea was occupied by Japan. I sincerely need more dramas about that time period.

The side characters also made this show. I truly loved PK, Richie, Ms Ma, Seon Mi's employee, the fancy CEO and maid to Son O-Gong, and the octopus. I also really liked Son O-Gong, he was pretty epic too.

I'm fucking mad about the ending that my babies PK and Richie got. They deserved so much better!

To be honest, this show could have been so much better and really good, amazing if it had better writers. I'm not really a fan of the Hong Sisters. I don't think they're that great. The concept and idea were really cool but the execution of the story itself really lacked. Once again better writers could have solved this and saved this kdrama that never fulfilled its potential.

The ending was just straight up bad. I honestly regret waisting my time on this kdrama.

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Light on Me
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
oct. 20, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Light On Me wasn't light on me

Daon reminds me toooo much of our King Namjoon that I'm getting sincerely weirded out. His character is so far likable but too much of a people pleaser that he hurts them too. I still don't like him because toooooo much Namjoon vibes I'm getting from him that I'm feeling very embarrassed.

Shin Woo is so far every closeted rude but shy gay boy who is mean to his crush because he likes him AND I'M SO FUCKING DONE WITH THIS HORRIBLE TROPE. This honestly has to be my least favourite queer trope ever (well this and the almost no queer couple can be happy without cheating. There's almost aaalways cheating involved in queer representations in films or TV shows and I mean c'mon WHY?) Sohee is however the worst character by far. And our protagonist is just very robot like, which doesn't make me that attached to him. I honestly like gamer boy the most and I actually wish he would have ended up with robot (but no they had to go for let's be fucking obvious...... #facepalm. They literally chose the least unsurprising love interest ever).

I thought this was supposed to be cute and fun but if I'm not getting weired out by fake Namjoon I'm getting irritated by Shin Woo. I'm already at episode 6 but it's honestly my least favourite Korean BL so far, which is sad since I was really looking forward to this one.

My dog Lucky is watching me like STOP WATCHING YOUR KDRAMA AND TAKE ME ON A WALK NOOOOW. And I'm so tempted to do that and never pick this drama up again.

Update I did walk my dog and picked it up again. I really should make better life choices, but alas.

A dumb girl that's friends with sohee was like: omg what is this... 2 guys hanging out on the weekend... what is this sorcery?
Me: BITCH WHAT THE FUCK! YOU'RE LITERALLY HANGING OUT WITH 2 GIRLS AS WELL. And I'm like HELLO 2 friends can hang out in the weekend and guys can have friends too. Seriously script writer what the fuck is this?

I'm losing all the braincells that I didn't even have while watching this.

Suddenly shin woo is soooo nice that I'm almost throwing up. At this point I'm just hate watching it and ridiculing it. I don't know if it's my mood or if I actually don't like the show but here we go.

FUCK YASS! Le bae Shiwoon (aka hungry gamer boy) called sohee out on her shit. She was being all jealous over robot hanging out with Daon while robot was just a temporary member and my dude was like ... you're not a regular member either so why do you keep coming here. I died. Best moment of the show so far.

This may sound really harsh but somehow that teachers face keeps bothering me. It lowkey looks like a creepy plastic doll. I'm so sorry that your face gives me the creeps and that I actually said it out loud. Not your fault that I'm brutally honest and hate watching this show.

What kind of game is I love you? I honestly prefer any of Squid Game's games over this awkward thing. I would rather actually die than have to go through that embarrassment. *shudders*

It's really weird how I'm at episode 9 and robot has only ever like Daon so far but he actually ends up with shinwoo. I honestly don't like storylines like that.

So Hee is so toxic and such a freaking hypocrite.

........ so he literally says watch where you're going because that's the first thing robot said to shinwoo.... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

I'm still not over ken barbie teacher. His looks still lowkey terrify me but at least I am not constantly reminded of fake Namjoon anymore whenever I look at daon.

So Hee just gets worse and worse with every episode. I don't know why but every female character in this show is horribly written and there aren't even that many of them.

Fucking Sohee... liking someone for three years doesn't make you entitled to that person. They have to like you as well. But lol SHIWOON IS A BAE! He didn't even freak out when she called him gay and he called her a petulant child. Hahahaha LOVE YOU BABE FOR CALLING HER OUT ON HER SHIT AGAIN. He's truly the best boy in this show and the most mature.

Of course shinwoo the silent mysterious cold but deep down super sweet guy feed stray cats. C'mon what's up with all these horrific stereotypes and cliches?

Bitch literally spread the news that daon is dating robot..... WHY? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS STILL ACCEPTABLE? TEEEELL ME WHY...

We shall see if I manage to finish this tomorrow because my mind can't handle more of this today.

Lol robot and shinwoo literally went from 0 to 100 real quick. I mean where's their development? Somewhere off in space?

The best moments are sincerely when shiwoon is scolding sohee. I'm living for those scenes.

Hehehehehehehe sohee getting some well deserved karma. Seriously why are all the girls written so badly? Probably because the overall writing is shite as well. Whoops, too harsh?

Honestly nobody has that much chemistry with each other. Why am I still watching this? I'm questioning my sanity now.

Sohee is so selfish, only thinks of herself. She literally hurted someone she liked for 3 years just because she got jealous and he wants to stop being friends. One day later she literally shows up unannounced and has the audacity to be like I haven't slept or eaten properly since yesterday. GIRL GET A FUCKING REALITY CHECK, THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!

..... .... ..... bitch got.... forgiven..... I'm so done with my life right now.

I lowkey looked up the ending already and I'm not a fan.

So taekhyung aka robot literally goes for shinwoo because he's available and ready to be out while daon isn't but he still likes daon. WHY??

I also feel like that a lot of watchers of this show are hard on daon. He is not ready to come out yet and that's okay but robot isn't self conscious about liking a guy at all, which is also okay. Like shiwoon said it is all up to you if you want to come out. It's also up to you if you want to date someone in the closet if you're already out or if you don't want to. But just dating someone else because you're both out and available while still looking another guy isn't okay, which is what robot is ultimately doing in my opinion.

I don't like this, I don't like this. I don't like how they now want to pair up sohee with shiwoon. Also, robot is so wishy washy on his feelings. Suddenly he's like let's reciprocate shinwoo's feelings because why not. **remembers an episode or so ago when he was still moping and simping for daon but ok then**

It's not even that I ship the ML with Daon. I literally ship nobody in this (well maybe me with the ending since that means the end for my suffering).

Okay.... I do like how out and proud they are and very mushy gushy to each other. Just the road towards this ain't it in my opinion.

Light on me literally should have ended with everybody single af.

The outro is 100% the best part of this series.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Kieta Hatsukoi
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
janv. 26, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I Just Want To Put Aoki In My Pocket

I'm just casually crying about the cutest LGBTQ+ Japanese show. They're really hitting all the nails.

The main guy is such a cutie relatable awkward cupcake. He's such a mood and him freaking out about all kinds of stuff and being super dramatic is just so funny. He's really that anxious little puppy that overthinks everything.

When both him and his best female friend thought they liked the same person, she reacted soo amazing. She literally was like LET'S GUSH ABOUT OUR MUTUAL CRUSH. She didn't even bat her eye when his crush was a guy.

His male best friend initially was like I didn't know you were like that and the moment he said that he was like at this moment he knew he fucked up. But baby Aoki was like yeah isn't it kind of weird that I like a guy, which had the male best friend like OMG NOOOO IT IS TOTALLY OKAY. He was just surprised but supported him immediately.

Besides, the love interest is the most precious thoughtful person ever.

Also, Aoki was getting tutored by like a University student that was like an aid to his class. They were getting along very well until the tutor saw Aoki holding hands with Ida, his boyfriend/love interest. So he then was like OMG AOKI MUST LIKE ME BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO IS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX/GENDER MUST BE INTO EVERYONE OF THE SAME GENDER. He suddenly acted different and was saying all kinds of bullshit such as I'm not like that, which already had all of Aoki's friends and his boyfriend hella mad. But that tutor went even further when he saw Aoki giving directions to an older man to his hotel, for which the old man wanted to compensate him, which had the tutor like AOKI DON'T SELL YOUR BODY LIKE THAT. Precious awkward munchkin was like BITCH WTF and gave him crap for his retarded thinking which ultimately made the tutor realise how wrong he was thus he apologised.

I really like how supportive this show is and cancelling all those toxic stereotypes of queer people

The ending was just so full circle and darn cute. I just fucking loved this so much.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
févr. 11, 2021
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Pop out cuteness!

I liked it and had fun while watching but I have to admit that I've watched better web dramas than this one. I also have seen this concept before and I feel like it was better developed in those shows. Besides, there were quite some inconsistencies within the show. One day the kids wore their high school uniform to school, while other days they didn't. Also, somehow every character lives alone while still being in high school & almost every parental is absent from the screen. I also think that Ina my girl deserved better. However, the FL's best friend was a mood and she was the best aspect of this drama in my opinion. She also did what I wanted to do which was giving the ML a haircut, lol. It's funny though that the only adult we see is the woman with short red hair who is like a multi talent since she isn't only the art teacher and the hairdresser but also the photographer. Lol, we stan a multi talented woman. Oh and even my fake tears are more real than FL's cry sessions in this drama. And the bubble tea love in this one was just everything. Overall cute though but that ending is so not an ending. Hello season 2 where you at?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
juin 16, 2024
7 épisodes vus sur 7
Complété 1
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

How to delete this from my brain?

Hierarchy: A nonsensical combination of Gossip Girl and Elite that ultimately tries too hard and absolutely delivers nothing.

There's still hope that there won't be a second season, cause honestly let's invest that money into actual good well written kdramas. Let some of the actual good actors shine in a piece that will do them justice instead of making them return to this. This is truly a case like madame web HOW DID THIS GET FUNDED? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? I now have personal beef with the people that gave this the green light. Studio Dragon do better! Also, my two year old nephew can even tell a more cohesive story than the writer(s) of this actual drama. AND IT'S THEIR JOB!

My negative nelly truly came out but this show really pissed me off. And I was actually enjoying it for the first two episodes despite being unrealistic as hell. I can only throw so much of my brain out of the window while watching something as nonsensical and unrealistic as this. By the end of episode 5, I was still watching the show because at that point I was oddly curious at how kuch more ridiculousness they could add. How much worse could it get? The answer was soooooooo much worse.

Plus, they dressed up an 18-year-old high schooler as a 30+ rich house wife that has to deal with a cheating husband and a horrible mother in law..... make it make sense please

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Late Night Cafe
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
mai 28, 2021
1 épisodes vus sur 1
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Cafe Midnight is FINALLY here

After waiting a hundred years for this to become available anywhere, and it suddenly (& finally) got released on Viki. I, of course, had to watch this right away, which I did and I have to say this didn't disappoint at all.

It was such a fascinating and short story to watch even thothough it was a bit confusing at times. I still don't know what that ending meant but hopefully I will find it in the second season. If not then I will be a teeny tiny bit disappointed but it will in no way affect my enjoyment of this show, which I really really liked.

This was overall really entertaining and nice to watch. I honestly can't wait to continue on with this companion series. I totally did not watch the sequels in one night too. *I totally did*

I quite like how every season will be set at the same cafe with the owner but will follow a new, different story every season. I think that's quite unique and I really liked the different time lines that were possible in the cage.

Also, apparently that love story between the teo war people was also a movie somehow? Call me confused now. Haha, despite some focusing elements I still really liked it. I'm also such a sucker for stories set at a cafe or bar.

Lastly, I liked how much the main character grew in these two short little episodes. I'm quite surprised and amazed at how much character development they were able to put in such a short time period.

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Long Time No See
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
févr. 16, 2021
5 épisodes vus sur 5
Complété 2
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

One of the most underrated Korean boy love dramas

I kindly suggest y'all to watch this on vimeo instead of torrent sites since in times like these we should support our independent movie makers and studios. Companies like these are so far one of the very few people who create Korean LGBTQ+ content, so they deserve our support even more. This mini drama was overall really sweet despite its grim storyline. I also wasn't expecting those intimate scenes since kdramas are generally PG13 and even if there's a "sex scene" it's heavily implied or fades to black, so I quite liked this and how it was done like your average American sex scenes in movies or shows (aka where you still see nothing but it doesn't fade to black etcetera). I quite appreciated the more mature themes in this drama and I thought it was done very tastefully. Also Chi-Soo is actually such a sweet puppy and I really felt bad for him. I really liked how he finally got the family he so deserved. Wild Dog's sister was also the real MVP and I loved how supportive she was of her brother and his sexuality. The acting, production, cinematography, sets, costumes etcetera were really nice too. I definitely think it's an underrated drama and it's really something you should watch if you either liked where your eyes linger or if you want a more mature boy love drama without any harmful representation. Besides, the two leads had great chemistry.

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Move to Heaven
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
juin 16, 2021
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A trip down to cry me a whole frigging river

I WAS FUCKING JOKING ABOUT THE DAD DYING AND THEN IT HAPPENED. Fucking move to heaven. I was like it's gonna be this sad depressive drama where the ml dad dies and then it happened. I'm like ..... I WAS SARCASTIC! Now me is crying. I'm not ready for another tear fest.

If Loyde, my friend who never binge watches kdramas, is already at episode 5 then it really must be good. I'm almost done with 3 and it's sooo good.

Also, that neighbour best friend is too hilarious, right away imagining uncle is up to fifty shade BDSM kink stuff while it's the opposite. She truly should be a fanfic writer with that naughty naughty mind. She naughty naughty.

It's surprisingly funny and sad in a beautiful way at the same time. I truly get why the actor who plays the uncle is like this is my favourite drama I've ever done.


I love how they're atm the most unlikely three musketeers.

Noooo that's too sad that samchon has a traumatic past too.

The story about the kindergarten teacher is breaking my heart.


That friend is such a nancy drew, lol.

I'm at episode 5 now too and OMG I RECOGNIZED THAT DOCTOR FROM EP 5, HE WAS IN RECORD OF YOUTH and then he died ..... this is why we can't have nice things. Of course he had to die. Thank you move to heaven for making me even more sadder with your beautiful storytelling.

I hate how the best friend's mother really hates our precious pumkin.

I'm dying, I was like IT'S THE GUY for some reason. And somehow it truly was. This show has so much diversity and social commentary. This story has me soft, uwu, sad, emo at the same time. #crying. I hate homophobic parents, I hate homophobic society. They had no right to play with my emotions in this episode. They really destroyed me with this story. Fucking episode 5 man.

Pumkin sad because unlike his clients his dad didn't leave something like a message or present behind is making me sob.

SNSD Soo young's character was so sweet and truly the opposite of her character in run on.

Episode 7 is the saddest so far. Makes it even sadder that the character is played by one of my faves. This episode destroyed me.

Pumpkin playing poker with a couple of gangsters who just kidnapped him and slaying the game was too funny.

I don't know how they did it but episode 8 is even sadder than the one before.

JOKE IS ON US EPISODE 9 IS EVEN MORE SADDER. Also, soo-young is back again, yay. She's truly a beautiful person that character.

Samchon made fried eggs and pumkin be like SAMCHON ARE YOU DYING? That shouldn't have been funny and sad at the same time but it was. Lol, samchon swapping the egg with pumkin since his yolk was broken. Why am I crying so hard over that?

I forgot to mention but omg I so knew best friend didn't like pumkin purely platonic.

WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EPISODE 10 IS ALSO FUCKING SAD.... AGAIN! It's the worst episode based on sadness because now I'm really sobbinggggg. It's all really beautiful sad. I still have 25 minutes left but I'm bawling my eyes out *continues to sob non-stop for the next 25 minutes* I haven't cried this hard since cloy.

Samchon crying about officially becoming pumkins forever guardian had me like same.

I could have done without the ending with the soon to die girl. I DID NOT LIKE THAT.

I'm so sad now. I'm definitely a pile of sad emptiness. My eyes really are all red and puffy.

I'm reading reactions and it's too funny since I'm not the only one who was an emotional mess, on an emotionally rollercoaster kdrama overfeeler for move to heaven. However, most people had the sob fest from episode 8 until the end, like one big sob fest while it was for me already from episode 5 and onwards, lol.

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Youth of May
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
janv. 27, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Youth of May is the cause of my depression and needing therapy

I need help... I'm watching the saddest of saddest of sad kdrama and nothing sad is happening at the moment but I'm so anxious. Oh and I'm literally crying because I know something sad is gonna happen without actually anything sad currently happening, lol. I'M ALREADY CRYING FOR THE ANTICIPATED SADNESS :') Because I'm watching youth of May, which truly should have been called ANXIETY OF MAY. Because that's how I feel. I'm literally ageing years from all the stress.

WHY AM I CRYING??? The leads are just sitting on afucking bench and some flower petals are falling and here I am crying like a baby.

I'm also not minding at all that they played siblings in sweet home & are now lovers. I remember how off putting it was and how I had to get used to the fault in our stars since the actors played/were siblings before they were/played a couple. And here I'm like LALALALA DON'T CARE **still need therapy lalala therapy**

Also I've decided I'm gonna watch youth of may before I'll see my Roommate is a Gumiho so I get that amazing fun pick me up after depression anxiety. I managed not to cry this time though even though I came close, but I held it in.

I was like hey I could watch Youth of May when I was procrastinating watching the finale of My Roommate is a Gumiho because of feelings. But then I had the sudden realisation: OH WAIT THAT'S FUCKING SAD AS WELL

I will finish watching Yputh of May because I hope that it will get better. All I feel now is boredom and it's pretty slow. I literally had to play with lucky to get through this episode. The ending shot of this episode was pretty though.

Somehow I'm kind of liking Youth of May now. It took around 7 or 8 episodes for me to get into it. And now I only have three left and I'm in no way ready for the end. I'm so anxious now.

I'M EVEN MORE ANXIOUS NOW! IT IS REALLY GOOD NOW! BUT WE ALL KNOW GIRL IS GONNA DIE.. AND OMG NOT READY FOR THAT... So I stopped watching again :') So now I'm watching Hometown Cha Cha Cha.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I have a feeling they're gonna do a boy in the striped pyjama shit and kill the youngest son of the biggest asshole villain of the show because he tried to save his best friend and his sister. I'm really afraid they'll mistake him for the sister's little bro. *one eternity later* They didn't. Thank god!!!


Nooooooooooooo...... I think the girl is gonna die now :"(  :(  :"(  :(

She saved her little bro :"(  She's really dead :"(

Whahahaha her husband/boyfriend only survived because of that fucking banner that his asshole dad put up when he had the highest marks in uni.

She really dead :(((  )))): Emma: And they never found her. Only after 40 years *insert me sobbing my heart out*

Very sad. Very very sad. Capital letters SAD. The beginning was not the best, but my heart is destroyed. Even months later I'm still crying about this show.

Lee Do Hyun's character was definitely such a precious puppy, and our girl who deserved so much better had such a pure heart as well. I just can't. I'm utterly heartbroken. Utterly destroyed, heartbroken by this.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Florida Banjeom
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Emma
nov. 10, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The Restaurant You Don't Want To Eat At When It's Raining Or Winter

I literally want to give most of the boys a haircut because damn they are in dire need of it.

The restaurant looks cool but fucking unpractical. WHAT IF IT RAINS? WHAT IF IT IS WINTER? HOW WILL YOU MAKE MONEY THEN?

A lot of people said that Eun Gyu acts as if he hates the main lead but I honestly didn't get that. He mostly acted friendly with him and he was only hesitant to hire him as a part-timer since our main lead has no experience in the food industry.

I'm not sure how I feel about their first kiss though. It would have been more okay if Eun Gyu actually missed the ML instead of the ML kissing him. It wasn't super sketchy since Eun Gyu did make the first move and the ML slowly kissed him.

The best friends picking a fight over the ML isa thing I really didn't like. No person could come between me and my friends & especially if I had been friends with them for 15 years like them. Besides, them fighting over the ML as if he wasn't there was pretty weird as well.

Everything moved and got resolved so quickly. Maybe that's because they had too many side plots and couldn't choose one subject or there were simply not enough episodes.

It's pretty funny how we suddenly went to florida for a missing dad. I don't know why but I'm really cracking up about this. It's so random that it is making me laugh. Omg noooo... it got even more random. Suddenly we're a year later out of nowhere. I'm dying. Who decided this was a great idea? I have actual tears in my eyes. Top notch unplanned comedy.

Wait what... Eun Gyu just got into a relationship and went to look for his dad over in florida with whom he had lost contact but his search literally took a year? And the couple went back as if a year was nothing, just a week or so. BITCH WTF! YOU GUYS HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN TOGETHER FOR A YEAR? WHO IS THIS WRITER? AND HOW CAN I SUE THEM FOR STUPIDITY?

Did he find his dad? Is his dad dead? What even is this storyline... 

The actor who played Eun Gyu was pretty great and I'm curious to see what he will do next.

It's definitely not bad and not a show that I hated but it isn't amazing either. It's fairly decent and I still enjoyed it but it's probably the weakest Korean BL I've seen so far (weakest in plot etcetera). Even though I personally did not like light on me, I do think it is quality wise better than the tasty florida. Despite the tasty florida being worse in plot, acting etcetera I still enjoyed watching it a thousand times more than when I watched light on me.

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