
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 6 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Indonesia
  • Contribution Points: 42 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: juin 13, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award3 Flower Award14

Komentator isenk


Komentator isenk

Great Escape Season 2 chinese drama review
Great Escape Season 2
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Komentator isenk
août 17, 2022
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Bored from watching drama, need escaping for a moment to collect my opinion about the drama I've just recently watch & put it into review. I decided to watch something else except drama. That's how I came to this game show.

Quite interesting to see how smart, quick thinking & logic of our actor/ess involve in this game show. So funny too to see who brave and timid among them. Although watch this make me also think is this real, are they reaction real not only act to make the game show interesting or is the quick thinking and logic also real not the script...? Well we only can guess and keep trusting that the whole thing we watched at least real.

I also quite impress with all other guess actor or NPC that involve. They can keep they face flat or have no reaction no matter what our member reaction. Like the first ep where Zhang Yu Jian still with no expression face apart from all the scream our member make.

Quite unique actually when they can combine the game with psychological issue in the society. Like when Kids force to study or bullying... And really interesting to see how they interconnected the scene from previous game.

Overall this actually quite bored game show. I don't know maybe just because the interaction between member not as good like Monkey90 wrote or just the game overall, must compare with season 1.
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