par Lily Alice, février 21, 2023

The OTT platform Wavve - formed by the collaboration of SK telecom and South Korean broadcasting companies SBS, MBC, and KBS - has recently gained a swarm of new subscribers due to one of the most buzz-worthy currently-airing dramas Taxi Driver Season 2

According to sources, Taxi Driver Season 2, which premiered on February 17, ranked first in attracting new paid subscribers to the OTT platform Wavve on the 18th and 19th of the month, thereby, proving the positive response and increasing interest of viewers. In addition, the previous season Taxi Driver ranked second among the shows in attracting new paid subscribers during the same time period, depicting the craze for the Taxi Driver series. 

An official from Wavve said, "The number of new paid subscribers on the 19th, 2 days after the release of Taxi Driver Season 2, increased more than three times compared to before airing."

Moreover, the drama also started off with strong nationwide ratings. For its premiere episode, it achieved a rating of 12.1%. Similarly, for its second episode, it again garnered a double-digit viewership of 10.3%. 

Taxi Driver Season 2 follows the story of a group of people belonging to the corporation Rainbow Taxi. What looks like an ordinary taxi company from the outside is actually a secret organization that avenges the wronged.

The first season of Taxi Driver, released in 2021, was a hit series of its time. The drama mostly achieved double-digit viewership ratings for season 1. 

Considering the craze and the increasing popularity, it seems that Taxi Driver Season 2 will also most likely become one of the hit dramas of the year. 

When and where to watch the upcoming K-drama Taxi Driver Season 2?

The show airs every Friday and Saturday. Tune in for the action drama on VikiKocowaWavve and ViuTv

Subscribers of Wavve can stream content on the platform from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. 
