If you are looking for pure laughs and great acting from a young cast, definitely check this one out.
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Kim Woo Bin's character was the funniest in my opinion. The character's personality and behaviour, interaction with others was fun to see and enjoy. As I said before, he was flawless. his scenes with his father was hilarious. Not to be missed. And his character at the end fighting scene had to be watch again and again That scene was too hilarious. This was a good film production for all the actors.
The story made me remember my teens and 20th year. To do that meant that this movie succeeded in it's goals. I loved it a lot. There were munites that the story lagged, but that was few and far between. Nothing worth mentioning much
I also loved the ending because it depicts exactly how most twenty-year olds end up. You don't know where you're going next but the point is that it's time to try anything and try getting your life on a good track - whether you succeed or not.
The music was okay, not really memorable. But I would definitely rewatch for the Woo Bin , Junho, Haneul eye candy and the story of course, and the acting most definitely. There's loads of talent in this movie. I'd recommend this movie to any one who needs a laugh, needs encouragement, or battling unhappy feelings. Kim Woo Bin makes this movie so worth it. .
Update: The music actually sticks with you, especially as it's in English. I woke up singing "When I was younger..." And it won;t leave my head.
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The acting and casting is probably THE best part of this movie. Woo bin, Ha Neul and Jun Ho on screen for a good 90 minutes. Eye candy, eye candy everywhere XD Their characters were hilarious and the bromance was exceptional. Loved it!
Don't remember much about the music, but I listened to the OST afterwards and daebak! Glad that Junho got to sing a track!
Might rewatch if I'm feeling down. It really brings up your mood and leaves you with a smile at the end. When Ha Neul grabs that huge rock, I was cracking up.
Love the poster and the bromance overall. I wish guys were this friendly and cool with other guys in the West, it's really a charm.
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The movie actually touches on a lot of internal struggles that young people face when they reach this age of "adulthood", especially for young men. And while it follows some tropes and themes of a typical Korean drama, super intense scenes do not drag out and are actually amazingly well balanced with humour that you don't often expect.
If you're a fan of ????, then you will most likely enjoy this film as well.
Also: there's a fair amount of sexual references, penis-jokes and other random sexual humour that I didn't actually expect, but was well done and was really quite entertaining.
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I thought this would be really funny but I only found one or two scenes funny. Instead of laughing, I was pissed off while watching this because of all the terrible treatment of women that was excused as funny with no consequences. I don't blame the characters because they probably didn't know much better, and it is a realistic portrayal of men, so I don't think they should be changed to be perfect gentlemen. But the way the movie treated it was so bad. Imagine a guy gets you drunk just for sex and his friends were watching you in a closet. That is so fking scary. Some women may be strong enough to just slap him and forget about it, but not all women are that strong. With all the violence towards women in this world, it's hard for a woman to see that they just wanted to learn how to have sex and not think that they were about to do something terrible to her. And there were so many other instances like that that just get dismissed. They did portray him as a jerk when he did all of that, but that's not enough. At the same time I don't want this to become some serious depressing movie by portraying the reality of that kind of treatment of women because this is supposed to be a lighthearted funny movie so idk. Also, I don't mean to say this was a bad movie because it had good quality and acting and all of that. And if so many other people found it funny and enjoyed it, then it must be good. This was just one small aspect of the movie. I'm just so sick of seeing movies with that aspect. Cet avis était-il utile?

At times the humour and references can't be translated and truly conveyed to a non-Korean audience, and would need an explanation. Other than that, the humour is pretty slapstick and a little bit fratboy-ish at times. Some scenes with physical comedy were really funny, others were slightly gross.
I'm guessing Kang Haneul and Kim Woo Bin signed on for this movie before they became really famous and their popularity skyrocketed. There are also a few other actors and actresses in this movie you're bound to recognize.
Overall a pretty light comical watch.
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The acting was great, I was pleasantly surprised. And I had no idea Lee Jun Ho was such a good actor too.
I found myself bored a few times during the movie, and I kind of got confused with some characters on who was who, and who was dating who. Nonetheless, I found myself laughing like a dork, and hiding behind my pillow at times during the movie.
All in all, I would recommend this drama if you want to laugh. And I would totally watch again.
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***SHOUT OUT to Kim Woo Bin --- major eye candy --- his character was my favorite. His temper tantrum for continued allowance with his parents was really funny!
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Distressed Sailor Daikon
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The movie revolves around three fresh-out-of-high school friends trying to figure out what to do with their lives. As if that wasn't overwhelming enough, our characters go through other hindrances and hardships such as heartbreak, financial problems, etc
The acting is great however no one in particular stands out, the humor in this is awesome, and there's a bit of action and drama so no part of the movie seems to drag on.
I related the most with Kang Doo Woo. I've only realized that I want to make comics but given my family's situation...well you get the idea. Through this character, the movie is able to tackle, what I feel, is one of the biggest stress-causing and heart-wrenching decision: Can you spend the rest of your life doing what you love?
I guess that's another thing that appealed to me in this movie. It's very likely that I am to face 60% of what the characters faced and I got to see how they dealt with it. Even though it's just a movie, it's comforting to see that it's okay for your 4 year plan to change and that everything works out in the end (it's magical).
Overall, I liked this movie and I recommend you watch it after a long, tiring day.
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Just coming of age movie...
For me, the jokes in this movie weren't something that made me burst out laughing. But I knew it would be like that before I even started watching it. Such jokes just rarely make me laugh.I decided to watch this movie because of the actors. They are really good. And I really love Woo Bin's acting in his dramas.
Even though I wasn't laughing, I enjoyed it. Just simple coming-of-age/slice of life movie with some inappropriate lines sometimes. In this movie you can notice a lot of typical things for Korean comedies produced at that time.
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