Line Walker (2014) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.2/10 par 879 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 2,235
Critiques: 3 utilisateurs
Classé #1512
Popularité #5634
Téléspectateurs 879

Cheuk Hoi est inspecteur en chef au sein de l'unité du Bureau des renseignements criminels de la police de Hong Kong. Il est en charge de cinq agents infiltrés, et n'hésite pas à recourrir à des mesures plus ou moins légales afin de rétablir l'identité de ses subordonnés qui ont disparu et que le service de police considère désormais comme des criminels. Lorsque son ami et collègue To Hang est retrouvé mort dans des circonstances mystérieuses, il réalise qu'une taupe se trouve au sein des forces de l'ordre et travaille pour le compte des triades... (La source: Nautiljon) Modifier la traduction

  • Français
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  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • Pays: Hong Kong
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 31
  • Diffusé: août 25, 2014 - oct. 3, 2014
  • Diffusé Sur: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: TVB Jade
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Score: 8.2 (scored by 879 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1512
  • Popularité: #5634
  • Classification du contenu: Not Yet Rated

Où regarder Line Walker

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Line Walker (2014) photo
Line Walker (2014) photo
Line Walker (2014) photo
Line Walker (2014) photo


11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 11, 2014
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 2
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
Story: The drama starts off with the handler of 5 particular undercover cops to be mysteriously murdered who had their details wiped off the system to protect their identities as there are 'black cops' in the police force. Just before his death he was able to pass on the message to another with the mission to search for the 5 UCs and protect them. This drama portrays the life of being an undercover through all their sacrifices and hardships that they must endure for the sake of their work.

Acting/Cast: If you were a crazy fan of CHARRAY... you would love this - their chemistry is amazing! Honestly, I never followed TVB dramas in their earlier days so the first time I saw them was in My Sister of Eternal Flower and that drama was a total flop for me. But this... this was amazing! They were amazing... I now understand why everyone was crazy about them! Adding Oscar into the picture, I actually really enjoyed the friendship of the 3 of them together - it felt really natural. The more lovey-dovey couple would be Sammy and Sharon. I loved watching Sammy in this - he was so cool especially when he was not lovesick. What really bugged me was when the drama focused on their relationship a little too much - they really had no chemistry but IMO it was probably due to Sharon, her acting really has not improved much and she seems too stiff and unnatural in their scenes together (thinks back to The Ultimate Addiction - shudders!) Another that surprised me was Benz! I am so used to seeing him in more simple and comedic roles and his character here was great - he does that evil smile really well that you really can't tell what he's thinking... you are kinda left thinking is he good or is he bad? We actually don't know until the VERY end. Michael and Elena also deserves a mention - as they are veterans they were pretty much perfect in their roles.

Music: Again, I'm not too familiar with HK music, but I really liked the choices in songs for this, as well as the background music. Everything was really fitting.

Rewatch Value: Hmm.. there really is no point rewatching this as all the suspense is gone now since I know what happens. There will no longer be the feeling of wanting to know whats gonna happen next.. no more guessing who the undercovers could be.. no more guessing who is good and who is bad... no more of that.. BUT I will definitely sit through this again especially for the charray moments!

Overall: This drama was brilliantly written with a solid plot which was played out nicely. I loved how they consistently kept the suspense throughout with a handful of comedic and dramatic moments thrown in here and there. Props to Charmaine and Raymond! If you love this genre of dramas, I highly recommend this one! It will definitely keep you on edge, but be sure to have a tissue box nearby as they will be needed - nah not really.. but it definitely goes darker and heavier towards the later episodes. I believe this was one of the best - maybe even the best TVB drama I have seen.. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 19, 2015
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
As a fan of Hong Kong dramas and especially police/action/mystery dramas, I had to watch this. I watched all episodes on my television as I subscribed to channel 857 which lets me play all the episodes anytime I want and as many times I want.
This drama was good with its suspense, comedy and action scenes but there were REALLY over-dramatic moments that make me go like whaaaat? But, these over-dramatic moments will probably make you laugh. There are also really sad and touching moments when certain characters you love, die. T_T
I have to say there are really good actors/actresses in this show like Raymond Lam (Hottie Alert), Charmaine Sheh (A very famous actress a few years ago), Michael Miu (Another hottie but an old hottie LOL) and others.
The actors and actresses really acted very well other than the over-dramatic moments which made me facepalm. The music in this whole show is repetitive and boring in my opinion.
I don't think I am going to rewatch it again as the thing about this show is the suspense and thrills but since I watched it the first time, I know what is happening, it is no longer interesting. Plus, I don't want to watch the EXTREMELY sad moments again!
That's all for this rant/review! I don't really know how to properly write a review, sorry D:

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Stealth Walker
In the Storm
E.U. (Emergency Unit)


  • Drama: Line Walker
  • Pays: Hong Kong
  • Épisodes: 31
  • Diffusé: août 25, 2014 - oct. 3, 2014
  • Diffusé On: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: TVB Jade
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Pas encore classifié


  • Score: 8.2 (marqué par 879 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1512
  • Popularité: #5634
  • Téléspectateurs: 2,235

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