Both of the kdrama’s characters have the ability to forsee death but in different concepts, In black she is able to see a black cloud by someone and can see how they die, in aftermath he can see who dies if they have red eyes and can see who’s a murderer if they have blue eyes. They both use their abilities to stop crime and murders, they are both also fantasy and romance genres

These two dramas are pretty different but they have 5 similarities
the similarities I got from the gifted was all from the couple punn and Claire
1) both the main boy and main girls have superpowers
2) both boys are kinda two different people
3) in both dramas a man is the villain
4) both dramas nobody else but those Pacific people know about the supernatural powers
5).both dramas the boy and girl are a couple before the end of the drama
the similarities I got from the gifted was all from the couple punn and Claire
1) both the main boy and main girls have superpowers
2) both boys are kinda two different people
3) in both dramas a man is the villain
4) both dramas nobody else but those Pacific people know about the supernatural powers
5).both dramas the boy and girl are a couple before the end of the drama