Why i love this drama? bcuz i think that the lead character is really interesting, being too emotional, coward, and crybaby at first onto a doctor that excels on saving people with a limited equipment and to be able to calmly choose life even his important ones.
there are some ironic situations that will pierce your heart on some eps and make you scream whyyyy?? but that is something that likely happen in real life.
so i would really recommend it if you like life-saving stories or if you like to see how much a character could grow after he encounter many field experiences.
the actings are not mind blowing but not bad either. and i think the music fits the story especially the instrument.
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They, as you can guess by the name, go out to disaster/accident sites and save as many lives as they can. They are always short on supplies and have to improvise a lot in a chaotic and stressful environment.
Quite similar to Code Blue in that sense, comparing to other medical dramas where the setting is mostly at the hospital.
I really liked the story. The cases are always different and it's realistic in a sense that not all patients survive. Some scenes can be a bit slow but when they arrive at the site you have barely time to blink.
I also like that it's not predictable on what's going to happen. Is the person going to survive?? What choices will the characters make?? You will just have to watch and see.
The thing I would have wanted more of would be more accident per episode, especially at the end. Not that it was boring at the end but they had build it up really well and I would of liked to see a bit more before they went to the last site at the last episode, but other than that, it was great.
The acting is really good and really believable. The cast know exactly what their doing to make their character justice.
Yakumo Hibiki, the main character, has a really smooth character development from being a newbie and only being in the way of DMAT to being the one controlling everything.
The music is great, even though there isn't one that really stood out, it really helped to enhance the scenes to the max.
A series will always lose a bit of it's shine after the first watch in my opinion, but since this one is a, that I like to call, one case/episode drama (Which most police/medical dramas are), it has a higher
re-watch value rather than a story that build every episode before coming to the conclusion drama where the magic is in not knowing until the end.
It's one of the better Jdramas that I've seen and I could definitely see myself watch this again in the future.
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A well shot, well-acted, great story
I really think this drama deserves a review since not many people have watched it. This was my first Japanese medical drama, which I rather enjoyed. Basically, this is a medical drama, but not the usual one where the characters are literally stuck in the hospital almost all of the drama. The story is about the "Disaster Medical Assistance Team", trained doctors and surgeons sent to accident/disaster sites.Story:
The story was mainly interesting but there is a feeling of needing more. More accidents, more disasters. It is an episodic series, with almost one accident/disaster in each episode. Because there is a need for more, I have found some teeny tiny scenes useless where nothing was happening in those scenes.
I applaud Dr. Hibiki's character growth. At first, he was this wimpy coward doctor, who was afraid of doing surgeries and irritates you by his slow response and slow-motion movement in disaster sites. But as the series goes on, he starts using the good brain he has and functions more effectively as a surgeon and a member of the DMAT.
Hibiki's unrealistic obsession with his sister Haruko, who was in a coma through the series, is too much. He does not have a life without her, basically always being with her, never going home, and always sleeping in her hospital room. It is understandable that he feels guilty over not helping her but how does that translate into trauma and refusing to treat patients. It is not like he made a mistake while operating or has killed someone, so instead, it should have been that he is afraid of not treating patients/victims and causing them to be like his sister.
Compared to the other Japanese manga adaptations I have watched, this one is on the Good Acting list. Even the guest actors did a good job.
I did not actually remember any of the songs that were in the series. The only song I liked and remembered is the ending theme song. I went over the first episode while writing the review, and noticed that the music is mostly played in scenes where you are more excited/curious to notice them, but they did add feeling to the scenes.
I really have to add this category because I wanted to talk about the bad transition between scenes. When the scene ends, what they do is suddenly cut the music and the picture is just plain black. Many times I thought my laptop just ran out of battery. I don't know if they did indeed notice this problem later on in the drama, or I just got used to it, but it gets better later on.
Also, I think they did spend more money on cinematography because it did look really good compared to other Japanese dramas.
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
To face such dangerous scenes with superb medical care and understanding is what makes this show! I have not seen a show like this wonderful series before. The story is very well written and created by an amazing cast of actors and actresses; it's been nice to see a few (comedy actors) come out of their shells to create this fantastic story!The story itself is one of genuine, heartfelt honesty to the dangers and bittersweet realities of the world, medical, hospital, general society, and even natural disasters. Tissues are a necessity when you watch this show, but there is also a lot of happiness and silly moments.
The first two I kept thinking that Okura Tadayoshi may not be the right main actor for this show, but as I continued watching I was repeatedly proven wrong! Okura Tadayoshi is one of the most superb actors in any medical series I have ever seen! I would like to see him in more medical series or movies to be honest!
I don't want to say this show is a hidden gem, but it's true that I haven't seen or heard a lot of talk for this show; however, I sincerely hope that changes quickly because it is an amazingly perfect show!
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