Thrilling and sensitive take on justice
I generally don't watch dramas classified as thrillers, as they tend to be overly dramatic, focus on cliffhangers and twists, while character development and the overall message takes a back seat. Not here. Via a man's quest for justice (and shall we say, atonement?) it asks viewers more questions than it provides answer for. What is justice when people who carry out justice are just humans like the rest of us? If they're also human, how can justice be black and white? Who decides what is just or unjust? Is it ok to pursue justice at all cost, even at the expense of violating the law itself? Akizumi is not THAT gray of a hero, but he's definitely much more interesting than your typical protagonist.My favorite part of the drama is the portrayal of two (three?) parallel father/daughter relationship, and the characters are so much more relatable because they don't exist in a law enforcement/legal vacuum. Their lives outside of it are fairly fleshed out (interesting, except for Akizumi's) as well as their relationship with their loved ones.
The cast is amazing from everyone in the law office to the prosecutor/law enforcement side, with perhaps the exception of Datehara, and I do wish he didn't act in such an exagerrated way. Judge Seko's arc is also very fleshed out and adds another layer to the themes (women's struggles in fields predominantly occupied by men).
I also LOVE how there's no romance which would have really diluted the story. Very much appreciated. The music in general and theme song Hanataba (milet) is very suiting and still haunts me.
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¿Qué es la justicia en realidad?
Antihero que gira en torno a Akizumi (Hasegawa Hiroki) nuestro protagonista en el que, desde una primera impresión tiene un sentido de la justicia algo retorcido, de hecho el primer episodio, que es la carta de presentación del drama, no simpaticé del todo con el personaje y estaba igual de confundida como Akamine (Kitamura Takumi) en los primeros episodios sobre que diantres era el fin de su Sensei, peeeero con el paso de los episodios, tanto Akamine como nosotros vamos entendiendo poco a poco porque Akizumi actúa así y su sentido de la justicia.Es una serie que en la que todos los casos tienen una conexión en la que nos lleva a un final explosivo, por lo que puede ser algo sin relevancia en realidad no lo es, así como los personajes, no hay ninguno desaprovechado, la química entre Akizumi y Akamine, esos diálogos que tenían especialmente al principio y al final de la serie, es algo muy disfrutable de ver así como la actuación de Nomura Mansai como Datehara, que robaba cámara en cada escena que tenía, vaya, qué buen actor es.
Lo que le pongo en contra son algunos plotwist, siento que algunos de los finales estaban muuuuy cantados (por decirlo de alguna manera) pero fuera de eso me gustó mucho, el OST que proporcionó milet para Antihero es bonito y sí tiene conexión con lo que presenta la serie que cumple con enganchar al espectador; aunque la melodía del drama en sí me parece algo tétrica y fácil de olvidar, sacadas de una película de terror.
Akizumi puede ser incluso detestable al principio pero adictivo de ver después (me gustaba su acento a la hora de expresarse jeje).
Antihero es una crítica al sistema de justicia actual japonés, ¿qué es lo éticamente correcto?
Esta serie la pueden ver en netflix.
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We had a very histrionic villain who was very well constructed by the established Nomura Mansai II, who knew how to lead his character well without making him caricatured, showed that he is an actor with good resources. The protagonists had secure and forceful performances in my opinion.The drama wanted to show that one crime can never justify another under any circumstances, no one can be penalized for something they did not, they should only be blamed for mistakes made and proven. Furthermore, even under pressure, one should never sacrifice the life of another. And the hardest part: acting in a beneficial way will never erase the crime you committed and nor will it mitigate it.
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