Perfect Match (2025) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.4/10 par 2,402 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 9,461
Critiques: 71 utilisateurs
Classé #806
Popularité #1938
Téléspectateurs 2,402

Sous le règne de Renzong, empereur de la dynastie des Song du Nord, Madame Li s'installe dans la ville prospère de Kaifeng pour y ouvrir une maison de thé, mais aussi trouver l'homme idéal pour chacune de ses ravissantes filles. Dépaysée, la famille Li rencontre de nombreux obstacles que les filles de Madame Li réussissent toujours à surmonter à force d'intelligence, d'esprit et de ténacité. (Source : Netflix) Modifier la traduction

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  • Pays: China
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 36
  • Diffusé: janv. 25, 2025 - févr. 11, 2025
  • Diffusé Sur: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Hunan TV Mango TV
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Score: 8.4 (scored by 2,402 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #806
  • Popularité: #1938
  • Classification du contenu: Not Yet Rated

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63 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 10 jours
36 épisodes vus sur 36
Complété 38
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

To the Marriage of True Minds....and the Comedy of Wits

The tone of Perfect Match is a mix of comedy with heartwarming moments. Its use of exaggerated humor is typical of satire that aims to make a statement about social problems. From the first day of its release, the labels of "misogynistic" male leads and words such as "sociopath" as in one review were tagged on Perfect Match. The negative comments were to the extreme that either these viewers misunderstood the satirical tone of the drama or were too quick to judge without watching more than a few episodes. Be aware that there are negative reviews that were posted after only 4 episodes were released and deceptively marked as 36 episodes watched. Allow me to clear up some incorrect information in the reviews:

None of the ML cheated on their wives
None of the ML deliberately did anything to hurt his wife or any of the sisters.

Perfect Match tells the story of a widow, Madam Li, who desires perfect matches for her five daughters. The overall tone of the drama makes it interesting so even if one couple might not be as great for you, the drama will still hold your interest. Each couple has its time as the main couple in the drama. The drama has great pacing as it moves its focus from one daugther to the next.

The drama begins with the sisters and Madam Li moving into Bianjing. The second sister, Fuhui is already married at the start of the drama. Her match appears as an immature character, Fan Lianghan, who she describes as too soft-hearted to the point he gives away his money to women who cry to him about their woes. At first, he appears to be ridiculously immature, but his character gains some maturity in a manner he retains his role as comic relief while showing some maturity and rare times :) After the first few episodes, I came to find him adorable, to be honest. I like him!

The focus of the first 10 episodes is on the third sister Kang Ning and her perfect match Chai An. This match is my favorite! Both Chai An and Kang Ning are brilliant strategists and it was entertaining to see them outsmart each other. I was disappointed when I saw less of them after ep 10 when the other stories became the focus. However, I was happy to see them in each sister's story.

Others prefer the next couple. The eldest daughter, Shouhua, is matched with a top-ranking scholar, Du Yang Xi. I didn't enjoy the eldest sister's CP much because the chemistry was bland. However, some have stated it was their favorite, so it is a matter of preference. Du Yang Xi's backstory was interesting, and the introduction of Shen Huishao as magistrate in the court scenes made for a nice transition into the fourth sister's CP.

By the 20th episode, the drama switches its focus to the fourth sister, Haode, and her perfect match, Shen Huishao. Her character growth is interesting as she becomes educated in the laws to help her husband solve cases. But what makes it even more interesting, is the way Haode melts the barriers Shen Huishao set up against falling in love and taking a wife.

The drama's next focus is the youngest and 5th daughter, Leshan, around ep 28. Her "perfect match" is Yang Xian. I have mixed feelings about her story. With her personality, it was not surprising to see Leshan fight back against the bullies in the Yang family. I admire her spirit and courage but her aggressive behavior toward Yang Xian made me uncomfortable in the early part of their story. I knew it was temporary as this drama tends to exaggerate for humor. But it was too much and I didn't find it funny after a while. I found myself feeling bad for Yang Xian. I appreciated her intelligence in standing up to the Yang family for both herself and her husband. It was for this reason, Yang Xian fell in love with her more every day. But even more lovely, was watching Madam Li give Yang Xian the motherly love he lacked in his own home.

Perfect Match is entertaining. I enjoyed the lively family dynamics of Madam Li and her daughters. Their devotion and love for each other is heartwarming. Each of the sisters has unique strengths and characteristics. Madam Li as the mother is depicted as an ambitious mother exaggeratedly at times but at other times there is no doubt that her deepest desire is not for the wealth and status she wants for her daughters but rather for their happiness. The perfect match for her daughters would be a man who would cherish them.

But Perfect Match is not only about the marriages of Madam Li's five daughters. There is an underlying theme of gender and societal expectations. It portrays the treatment of women in the Song Dynasty. Madame Li as a widow lost property and status when her husband died. The court cases address some of the prejudices against women at the time. Each daughter's story depicts the challenges of defying predestined futures. The romance endures misunderstandings and conflicting circumstances. The use of humor and the battle of wits makes this drama a warm bundle of charm.

Perfect Match has a happy ending. However, the final episode would have been better if they had not added more problems to Leshan and Yang Xian's reunion that dragged into episode 36. I hoped they would have given us a more of the couples' married life. I especially wanted to see more of Chai An and Kang Ning. I wanted much more than just flashbacks of each couple. But even with my disappointments, I will rewatch Perfect Match. It is still a 10 for me because I came to love the characters and found myself rewatching episodes while I waited for more to air. The plot was interesting and the family dynamic and tone of the drama is unique. The overall feel to Perfect Match will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy. I will miss watching these characters daily.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Regina de Sá
33 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 11 jours
36 épisodes vus sur 36
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

PM: a jewel produced through the lens of art and aesthetics.

Shakespeare wouldn't feel embarrassed signing this brilliant series. Really Perfect!

Many have tried to reduce and drag PM into a small, unfounded discussion about misogyny, when what is really in scene are the dichotomies of human nature, light and darkness. What is most curious about this criticism is that it is an unequivocally matriarchal story in which men, naturally arrogant and oppressive as a reflection of the education and culture of the time, when they get married, they become docile husbands to their wives, all of whom are very strong-willed women. This transformation does not harm the dignity of men, but balances the forces between man and woman.

The series manages to bring together all human virtues, innocence, honor, compassion, generosity, in counterpoint with villainy, misunderstandings, family intrigues, compromising pasts, murders, revenge. I identify, in PM, traces of Shakespeare's comedies and tragedies. But if you ask me how similar these works are, the answer is simple. Shakespeare's work builds plots exploring virtues, human flaws, intrigues and surprising twists, whose stage is the intra-family and palace life, of society in all its shades. Perfect Match has the same atmosphere.

The plot has the merit of, from a single thread (the Li family), weaving an intricate network that begins at home and expands to other layers of society, until reaching the powerful.

The series is a light and very fun comedy, with a dynamic rhythm that unfolds in many twists. Like all comedy, it also has its space for tears, whether in lyrical scenes that address the sensitive side of human beings, or in scenes that bring out the painful side of life.

The PM scenes are constructed with theatrical logic, in small spaces and intimate actions, such as the garden, the rooms, the meals, even palatial and noble environments, is framed in a small spatial perspective, giving the feeling of proximity that we have in the theater. I also highlight the theatrical way of acting of three burlesque characters in particular: Madam Li (Ni Hong Jie), Le Shan (Huangyang Tian Tian) and Fan Liang Han (Huang Cheng Chi), with their facial and body expressions, vocalization, reactions, gestures, temperaments, performed with exaggeration, exacerbation, are theatrical concepts that enrich the characters' dynamics and color the narrative. The scene cuts resemble the curtain closing. This combination takes us into the scene, as a local spectator.

I could not fail to mention the first daughter Shou Hua in the context of the non-negotiable defense of woman's dignity. This character does not seem to be understood in her human greatness, and this incomprehension has made her the target of many unfair criticisms, since what some viewers consider to be resentment, grudge, inability to love is, in fact, the non-negotiable defense of woman's dgnity. Shou Hua has a monastic aura and deserves to be understood as a woman who asserts her dignity at a time when women were nullified and according to the law of the time, they were worth less than men. The ironic detail of this criticism made against Shou Hua is that precisely the women who accuse the series of misogeny are the ones who most criticize this character who gives stature and dignity to women. In my opinion, she is the best-crafted and most beautiful character in the series. It is very rare for series to portray women with this depth and delicacy.

The family is the microorganism that constitutes society, PM shows these entrails with mastery. PM is a precious mosaic of microstories that involve a sophisticated cocktail of successes and mistakes inherent to life that gain dimension and life of their own in the expansion of family ties. These microstories have no other theme than virtues and human miseries. In this complex cocktail, everything related to human behavior is on the screen.

In addition to PM having visual beauty, with photography that offers aesthetic pleasure, its narrative interweaves the best of Chinese literature (present not only in quotations from works, but in the deep and delicate universe of Chinese Poetry, recited throughout the series), painting, philosophy. This artistic conception amplifies the beauty of PM's messages.

PM portrays the daily lives of ordinary people, like us. The seesaw of the characters' human flaws and virtues oscillates, and this gives grace and life to the plot, but at the same time, it leaves open the possibility of everyone redeeming themselves.

Why should we be such strict judges? We all deserve this chance.

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  • Drama: Perfect Match
  • Pays: Chine
  • Épisodes: 36
  • Diffusé: janv. 25, 2025 - févr. 11, 2025
  • Diffusé On: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Hunan TV, Mango TV
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Pas encore classifié


  • Score: 8.4 (marqué par 2,402 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #806
  • Popularité: #1938
  • Téléspectateurs: 9,461

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