I think the film will not be for everyone, after all the style of East Asia is quite different. The film is about love in various forms (true, extremely obsessed, devoted, about friendship) and is very raw, cruel, erotic (but deliberately for the sake of expressing lust, not aimlessly, the whole work is a hundred times deeper than just sex). Excellent design, traditional Korean music, beautiful, which helped to understand individual scenes and characters' feelings, processing. The actors had to undergo demanding training in fencing, fighting, riding horses or playing the traditional Korean musical instrument geomungo. The story and the hardships of the main characters ate deep not only into my soul, but to the core of my bones. I thought I couldn't come across anything that strong for me here at GT. And lo and behold, a film that was unforgettable for me, sad and, in the end, scary, and on other world servers with a high rating, it hit me so hard. I'll get back to him soon ... (well it already happened, I lasted one day)
Tento korejský odvážný a intenzivní sageuk, byl pro mě nesmírně hlubokým, ale také nervy drásajícím zážitkem. V některých částech filmu jsem ani nedýchal. Král Goryeo, víceméně velmi krutý, protože tak to v historii muselo být, aby se udržel u moci, z dynastie Koryo (po ní získala Korea své pojmenování) je homosexuál, za manželku má princeznu ze sousední říše Jü-an (Yuan) a zamiloval se do Honga, mladého velitele královské stráže Kunryongwe. Stráž je králi na život a na smrt slepě oddána, a tak i Hong se sexuálně naprosto podrobuje a podvoluje svému Králi. Jenže následník trůnu, potomek, dědic, stále není na cestě, neboť královna je bez manželského sexu, kterého její choť se ženou není schopen. Proto Král nařizuje svému věrnému milenci a příteli (i když ten nechce), aby chodil královnu v noci oplodňovat. Tím celé klubko příběhu vlastně začíná.
Film si myslím, že nebude pro každého, přeci jenom styl východní Asie je dost odlišný. Snímek je o lásce různých podob (pravé, extrémně posedlé, oddané, o přátelství) a je velmi syrový, krutý, erotický (ale schválně kvůli vyjádření chtíče, ne bezcílně, celé dílo je stonásobně hlubší, než jen sex). Vynikající výprava, hudba tradiční korejská, krásná, která pomohla pochopit jednotlivé scény a pocity postav, zpracování. Herci museli podstoupit náročný výcvik šermu, bojů, jízdy na koních či hraní na tradiční korejský hudební nástroj geomungo. Příběh a útrapy hlavních hrdinů se mi zažraly hluboko nejen do duše, ale až do morku kostí. Myslel jsem, že tady na GT už nemohu narazit pro mě na něco tak silného. A ejhle, film pro mě nezapomenutelný, smutný a v závěru až děsivý a na ostatních světových serverech s vysokým ohodnocením mě tak zasáhl. Brzy se k němu vrátím ... (no už se stalo, vydržel jsem to jeden den)
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Me surpreendeu
Comecei a assistir o filme pelo Jo In Sung, do qual me tornei fã após assistir That winter the wind blows, sem ter nenhum conhecimento prévio sobre a trama e, my God, fui totalmente surpeendida! As atuações são excelentes e me fizeram nunca mais ver os protagonistas da forma fofa e inocente com que eu via antes.É uma história intensa e cheia de emoções extremas, que faz com que a gente termine de de assistir de boca aberta. É, no fim das contas, uma história sobre um amor que se torna obsessão.
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Draken Sano Shipper
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The most overrated piece of garbage. I mean none of the characters are anything to link or relatable and the acting is literally just the worst.
I'm sure these actors must have gotten better now but this is just like the worst thing acting wise which is why whatever skin ship there was and I feel like people are liking it merely because it's Korean and with gay characters. I mean some people have acted in it who are popular now so people think this is good I guess I don't know.
Personally, just watch the Lee Joon gi movie, The King and the Clown, that one is just perfect!!! Ten star rating perfect.
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I thought the story was very interesting. A King grooming young men to serve him while he falls in love with one of those young men which ultimately leads to his downfall and both of their deaths. This is the first thing I've watched with the main cast and Joo Jin Mo was fantastic as the King. He offereed his favorite general and lover to his Queen so that she would produce an heir and this sets in motion the tragic Shakespearean aftermath that follows.
Hong Lim, the King's favorite beds the Queen at the King's request. He does so reluctantly at first but then he starts to have feeling for the Queen, be its lust or love (bad idea). The Queen being touched by a man for the first time experiences that euphoria you get from sex and intimacy which she wasn't getting from her husband falls for Hong Lim. Everyone behaves poorly and the King's jealously is his ultimate undoing.
Overall, a good movie. I gave 7/10. It was almost an 8 but while I thought the first 80 minutes were well done, the last half of the movie was a bit too sloppy.
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This movie was such a roller coaster
I love how intense the sex scences is.such a roller coaster i had butterflies in my stomach the whole time especially when hong rim kissed the queen it was such a sincere response... what i didn't understand was why did hong rim have sex with the king if he didn't love him. Was hong rim just following the kings orders to have sex with him? I did not fully understand the ending and i want to know what happened to the queen. now im left with empty feeling i hope a sequel will be released . overall I didn't expect to like this movie as much as i doCet avis était-il utile?
Bom esse filme realmente não é feito para quem tem o coração fraco e nem para menores. Porém achei interessante assistir. Enredo interessante roteiro bem feito e atuações que te deixa de queixo caído. Tudo acontece num ritmo muito bom que te faz ficar concentrado na tela o tempo todo.Achei tudo muito bem construído as cenas de lutas era muito bem feitas, realmente teve bastante derramamento de sangue nesse filme. As cenas de sexo tão polêmicas que as pessoas falam , acho que foi muito bem feitas e não achei apelador igual muitos falam.
Achei tão fofo o amor acontecer no meio de tantos problemas entre a rainha e o chefe Lim , adorei os personagens deles. Também gostei muito da rainha determinada, inteligente fazia o que podia com o que tinha para defender o que acreditava.
Confesso que esperava um final melhor mesmo sabendo que não tinha como acabar bem mais eu torci pelo casal até o ultimo segundo.
Em fim recomendo esse drama sei que não é para muitos porem acho que a trama realmente merece ser assistida.
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