Stupidement regardable et bêtement mignon !
Je voulais quelque chose de stupide (dans le bon sens) sans avoir besoin de réfléchir. Une histoire où le scénario n'est pas une surprise avec des personnages sympathiques. En soit, une série simple, rapide et mignonne. Cela faisait un moment que Wedding Plan revenait dans mes recommandations, mais le fait que ce soit une œuvre de MAME ne m'emballait pas vraiment. Je n'apprécie pas la plupart de ses projets pour diverses raisons. Mais les quelques extraits ont fini par me convaincre de lui donner sa chance. Ah ! Le pouvoir des FMV.Comme dit ci-dessus, l'histoire est simple. Un organisateur de mariage (Namnuea) se retrouve en charge d'un nouveau couple Yiwa/Sailom. Complètement désintéressés de leur propre mariage, Namnuea doit presque se battre avec les mariés en devenir pour obtenir quelques avis sur les propositions qu'il soumet, le rapprochant ainsi de Sailom. Au fur et à mesure, Namnuea tombe de plus en plus amoureux du futur marié. L'amour, ça ne s'organise pas, et peu importe notre vie bien rangée, ça échappe très facilement à notre contrôle.
Le jeu d'acteur est correct et engageant pour avoir envie d'aller jusqu'au bout. Ça manque de naturel de temps en temps, mais ce n'est pas horrible.
Pour un premier rôle, Pak Naphat Leelahatorn (Namnuea) s'en tire bien. Il est vrai que son manque d'expérience se distingue par moments de celui de son partenaire, mais il sait jouer et parvient à donner de la matière à son personnage. On n'est pas au niveau de Ben Bunyapol Likhitamnuayporn dans Step by Step (j'ai toujours un clou qui traîne pour lui). Namnuea est un bon garçon sympathique avec lequel il est facile de s'entendre. À moins que vous ne preniez les traits de Sailom...
Face à lui, Sunny Tittistul Wannarathapat (Sailom) qui était charmant. Levi's doit pleurer devant ce gars en jean. J'ai trouvé Sailom intéressant avec un charme certain. Il n'est pas ultra charismatique et écrasant, au contraire. Un charme doux et séducteur. Sans s'en apercevoir, on se laisse rapidement séduire. Quelques clichés ici et là, mais rien qui ne soit ouvertement ridicule comme on a pu le voir par le passé.
Les baisers sont agréables. Ce n'est pas un brasier, mais je n'en attendais pas tant de toute façon. C'est joli et surtout, ça apporte une touche sexy et utile à l'histoire. De plus, l'alchimie du couple fonctionne, et ça me donne envie de les revoir ensemble dans un futur projet.
Leur relation débute de façon chaotique puis elle s'améliore, tandis qu'on voit Namnuea être rongé par la culpabilité. Si le spectateur et les principaux concernés ont conscience qu'il s'agit d'un mariage d'apparence, ce n'est pas le cas de Namnuea. On sent que Sailom veut lui dire la vérité, mais d'une certaine façon, il ne veut pas rompre sa promesse faite à Yiwa. Il se retrouve alors partagé entre son amour grandissant et sa meilleure amie. Parce que d'une certaine façon, il la protège, mais il se protège aussi. L'intérêt de l'histoire, ce n'est pas la confrontation parentale, mais le secret qu'ils veulent garder - gay pour l'un, lesbienne pour l'autre. De ce fait, Sailom ne pouvait pas en parler à Namnuea dans les premiers épisodes. Il n'y aurait eu aucun intérêt au drame si cela avait été le cas. Quoiqu'il en soit, si la relation débute sur une vérité dissimulée, elle finit par se savoir dans une conversation claire et honnête.
J'aime la fin. Ils sont heureux et n'ont pas forcément besoin de plus. J'ai trouvé le final amusant et original. En temps normal, on nous sert la recette parfaite. Ici, c'est une fin engageante, mais qui ne sort pas tout droit d'un conte de fées.
Plus haut, j'ai mentionné que je n'appréciais pas particulièrement les histoires de MAME pour diverses raisons. En réalité, c'est souvent la notion inexistante de consentement dans ses œuvres qui est un problème pour moi. Il est agréable de constater que ce n'est pas le cas de Wedding Plan.
De plus, le format de 7 épisodes est idéal pour une telle histoire. On évite les intrigues interminables ou les scènes inutiles.
En bref, Wedding Plan n'est pas un incontournable du BL. Cela dit, il se défend suffisamment pour tirer quelques sourires et rires sur une note légère et sans prétention. Une petite romance idéale entre deux drames plus conséquents.
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wish Lom had a different "plan"
Overall: if Lom had just been honest at the beginning (ep 1 or 2), then I could have enjoyed their cute moments. This is based on a book written by MAME which I haven't read and I will review the series on its own merits. MAME also wrote the screenplays for Don't Say No, Love By Chance 2 and TharnType specials. 7 episodes 45 minutes each aired uncut on iQIYI (had steamy scenes starting at the end of ep 4) and cut on YouTube (the steamy parts cut out/shortened). There will be a special episode.Content Warnings: non con kissing/touching, manhandling, body shaming, manipulation, slaps, homophobia
What I Liked
- cameos/characters from Love In The Air characters (episode 3 of part 4 was great)
- m/m steamy scenes are done well (need the uncut version to see them)
- MAME cameo/reference of signing the guestbook
- the line of "you look perfect now, don't listen to others" (though he's the one who brought Nuea to the gym so...)
- GL couple (but strange that an established couple avoided kissing in the beginning)
- Nuea's family/friends
- Nuea stood up for himself with that farm dude
- production value (especially the color/light)
Room For Improvement:
- Sailom had a terrible "plan", if he had been honest in the beginning then I would have rated this series significantly higher, but all I saw was Sailom lying and hurting Nuea and he knew he was hurting Nuea, it would have been a 2 minute conversation or a text message but Sailom couldn't find the time??? other characters even told Sailom his plan/method was bad
- Yiwa and Sailom had a bad plan as well, how would that work in the long term, what a disservice to their significant others
- Yiwa had to take all the blame and Sailom got everyone's sympathy and lied to his mom, this really rubbed me the wrong way
- the non con kiss
- too many "comedy" sound effects including the gulp noise
- why make them speak English during the wedding vows when they didn't speak English in their series, also the English subtitles were wrong
- unnecessary long water skiing scenes (2 in the first 3 episodes)
- not a good kiss for an established f/f couple
- fictional drunk character who is so drunk he needs help walking but then a few minutes later is an active participant during sex
- nonsense things: Sailom was a sound sleeper, wasn't the wedding supposed to have a huge guest list, looked like 50 guests
- the moms yelling/fighting
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Stupid Plan
*sigh* I don't know why I was hoping this would be a decent drama given that MAME is the writer. I will give her credit that she is good at creating stories that are surface level attractive, that being said, don't try to go any deeper or you'll be sorely disappointed. Wedding Plan is no exception. It's filled with attractive actors/actresses, decent music, lovely camerawork/visuals, and beautiful sets and costuming, but the characters themselves are lacking as is the plot. A good portion of the story hinges on unnecessary drama and while the initial concept isn't bad, it quickly comes crashing down.The story centers around Namnuea, a wedding planner, and his client, groom Sailom. Nuea is supposed to be planning Lom's wedding to Yiwa, but there's a catch; neither Lom nor Yiwa is straight. The "plan" is for the two of them to get married so that Yiwa can be with her girlfriend, Marine, and get away from her conservative family. She and Lom have been friends for over a decade so he agrees to this arrangement. But having seen Nuea at a friend's wedding, Lom falls in love at first sight and decides to pursue him. Now I had zero issues with Yiwa and Lom's plan. I can certainly sympathize with their situation and how they didn't see another way out. They both had conservative families who wouldn't accept their sexuality and were forced to do something extreme to escape and gain their freedom. That was all fine and dandy. Lom's plan, however, was incredibly stupid and was the one that caused all the issues, because he starts to pursue Nuea without telling him about his and Yiwa's arrangement. And Nuea has pretty much fallen for him at first sight so Nuea is put into the situation of trying to hide his feelings initially and then once Lom starts actively pursuing him, fight those feelings. It's incredibly unfair to him because a brief conversation with Lom explaining things would have cleared everything up. But then this drama would be 3 or 4 episodes instead of 7. So instead, this situation gets dragged out with Nuea feeling more and more guilty and anxious as Lom continues to pursue him, almost forcing himself on him at times, until Nuea finally gives into his feelings. I truly feel bad for Nuea because Lom forced him into a corner, physically and morally. Nuea doesn't know that Lom isn't actually taken, so naturally, he feels incredibly guilty that he has, in his mind, cheated with the groom. He runs home, Lom follows and they eventually get everything worked out. The wedding moves ahead as planned until on their wedding day when it turns out Yiwa has eloped with Marine and left the country. Not only does this give her and Marine the freedom to be together and get married, but it also allows Lom to slowly bring his relationship with Nuea out into the open. I also didn't have an issue with Yiwa's plan here because while I know some people think it's unfair that she shouldered all the blame and Lom got away scot-free, that was her intention. So the fact that she planned it that way and that's what she wanted, I was fine with it. Honestly, typing this out, it sounds more interesting than it actually was.
Besides the stupidity of Lom's plan, there are a myriad of other issues here. There are plenty of unnecessary scenes that affect the pacing and make it drag. A prime example was all the wakeboarding scenes towards the beginning. Did it look cool? Yes. Was it necessary? No. Those scenes could have been significantly cut down and absolutely nothing would have been lost. The repetitive scenes of Nuea moping and his boss and co-workers trying to eke out of him what was going on could also have been cut. And that after credit scene with Lom and Nuea as children was equally unnecessary. I was afraid they were going to pull something like that where they actually met as children when Lom commented he thought he'd been there as a kid, but was hoping they wouldn't do it because it's just so cliche. Unfortunately, they did and aside from being sort of cute, it served absolutely no purpose. There were more, but I'll stick with those couple. Similarly a lot of the dialogue was repetitive and did nothing to move the plot along. And while the moms could be entertaining, particularly with the music that played whenever they entered, the fight between them at the wedding went on far longer than was necessary. And speaking of the wedding, weren't there supposed to be like 600 people? I mean, I understand logistically with filming that simply wasn't possible, but it didn't look like there were even 100 people there and there were ways they could have been consistent without actually having 600 people on set. And while I don't find fault with Lom and Yiwa's plan to get married in and of itself, the logistics of it did not seem well thought out for the long run. What exactly were they going to do when their mothers wanted grandkids? How did they plan to keep their lives separate while also being married to each other? Living in the same building made things easier, but if one of their mothers decided to drop by unannounced as happened with Yiwa's mother, that had the potential to cause issues. Frankly, I think the strain of carrying on such a farce would have eventually led to trouble in their respective relationships. Their plan would have solved one problem, but caused numerous others. As a final note here, I also didn't appreciate the way they tried to use repetitive shots of a half naked Lom as a way to distract from the lack of plot. I hate when dramas do that, it's so cheap, and while the man is attractive, I'd rather have a cohesive and entertaining plot. But that's just me.
I did enjoy getting to see Payu, Rain, Prapai and Sky of Love in the Air again. While I thought Prapai and Sky speaking English at their wedding was odd, it was still a sweet moment and Payu's proposal to Rain was beautifully done. Their appearance in particular made it believable that time had passed since the drama which I appreciated, but they were also still very much themselves.
Besides the plot and writing being less than great, the characters, similarly, were nothing special.
-Lom, while not necessarily toxic, was at best an idiot and at worst a total ass. My biggest problem with him was his decision to remain silent and all the damage he did by doing so. By pursuing Nuea while still planning a wedding with Yiwa, he put Nuea in a moral dilemma which was incredibly cruel and unfair to him. I still do not fully understand why he didn't tell Nuea from the get go. I could understand potentially being afraid of coming out to someone when he'd kept it such a secret, but considering the fact that he made it very clear that he wanted Nuea, I don't understand his reticence in telling him what was going on. It was ironic that he was friends with Love in the Air's Prapai because he reminded me of him to some degree with his stalking of Nuea, manipulation, and deception. On the flip side, he could also be incredibly caring and sweet. I did believe he loved Nuea, I just didn't care for the way he went about it.
-Nuea was supposed to be this very put together wedding planner who excelled at his job and yet his lack of professionalism when dealing with Lom didn't give me that impression. I work in customer service, I understand clients getting under your skin and irritating the crap out of you. However, I have never lost my composure with them and gone off on any of them, no matter how tempting. Nuea had to have faced challenging clients before, so the fact that he lost his cool so easily seemed weird to me. And while I can't justify his actions with Lom, I can understand them. I felt his struggle regarding his feelings for Lom were relatable and human. He actively tries to resist, he even reminds Lom that he's getting married, but he does eventually cave. It's not right, but again, I could understand how he reached that point because resisting someone who's pursuing you that hard has to be incredibly difficult. He could have done more to separate himself from the situation and I do feel like he put himself in the path of temptation, but I appreciated he realized his mistake and owned up to it and then worked to make sure it wouldn't happen again until Lom finally explained everything to him.
-Yiwa and Marine were our girl couple and while I found them to be kind of sweet, I didn't find them to be particularly interesting which was disappointing because I felt they could have been utilized much better. Despite the fact that their relationship was given some background, they still felt fairly shallow and a lot of their interactions felt repetitive. Marine came across as sweet and empathetic, however, she was also a bit bland. She lacked energy and she seemed very hesitant when Yiwa initiated any kind of physical intimacy which was odd since they were supposed to have been together for 2ish years. Yiwa was the more outgoing and bubbly of the two. I liked her personality and I liked her friendship with Lom. They definitely gave a brother/sister vibe. I also appreciated the conundrum she was facing with wanting to try to balance her familial obligations while remaining true to herself. I thought it was incredibly gracious and brave of her to take the brunt of the backlash regarding her and Lom's failed wedding. And I was glad that she and Marine got their happily ever after.
-I liked Nuea's family. They were all so incredibly supportive of him and their protectiveness of him was equal parts amusing and endearing depending on the situation.
The acting was tolerable but nothing special. Sunny and Pak weren't consistent with their chemistry. Sometimes I felt it, other times it was lacking. Both felt pretty green which was understandable considering their lack of experience. Pak seemed more versatile, his expressions and actions were more varied. Sunny's acting lacked that extra nuance. Aya and Kate really seemed to struggle with their chemistry. Kate in particular just seemed uncomfortable when they were kissing and it made it hard to believe they were an established couple. Individually I found Aya more interesting to watch. There was a sameness to her expressions, but she brought more energy. Kate lacked that energy and seemed a little too reserved and perfect. I felt like she could have done more with the character, but given this was her first acting role, she wasn't awful.
The production value is excellent. The camerawork, the lighting, the sets, etc. were all high quality and very well done. I loved the costumes. I particularly liked how each character had their own distinct style that was maintained throughout the drama. The music was also pretty good, but not particularly memorable.
I ultimately found myself disappointed in Wedding Plan. I wasn't expecting anything spectacular, but I hoped it would at least be a fun and fluffy diversion. Instead we got MAME's trademark of a lack in communication causing more issues than were necessary which lead to more drama/angst and less fluff. So, if you're looking for an actual plot and decent characters, I would skip this one, you won't be missing much. But if your cup of tea is some steamy scenes and attractive, shirtless men, you might enjoy this.
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Where is the wedding??..Typical MAME
At first I thought 7 eps are a bit short. But, after watching this drama I felt 7 episodes are more than enough. There is nothing new in this drama nor any message is delivered.Coming to the acting, leads are good actors(not great). Sometimes I felt nuea's acting a lil cringey. The most cringiest part I felt was the entire yiwa and marine's story. The sotry is really well organized. It delivered what it was supposed to, but not entertaining enough. End of the day the leads have great chemistry.
Things I liked about the entire drama is - It is fast paced, cameos of prapai x sky and payu x rain. Also, mame has a different style telling that the story is MAME's LOL. But I just want to ask sailom and nuea is that, "You have reached the point where everyone accepted both of you, but where is the wedding that you have planned" haha :)
So, if you have nothing new to watch or want something that is not toxic, something that is fast paced, and are a fan of Love in the Air drama, then this is it..Go Watch it!!
P.S. - I watched it for the cameos of LITA couples LOL !!!
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Largely tedious with lazy writing
I'll start with negatives and end on positives.This is poorly written. There are way too many extraneous scenes and endless blocks of dialog that accomplish nothing. If a scene doesn't advance the plot or develop a character, it should be cut. If a scene repeats the same idea over and over, it should be edited down. For example, in the last episode Lom is flirty with Nuea, Nuea rejects him with a comment like "you're getting sneaky". But they did it three times in one (loonnnnnggg) scene. The dialog in general is weak and repetitive, and too much of it is pointless.
The entire plot rests on a completely ridiculous understanding that is so simple to clear up that you want to light things on fire by Ep 5. Then when it's finally cleared up, the main character behaves like it's not cleared up for no apparent reason. It just makes no sense.
The directing is lackluster with a lot of scenes lacking the energy they should have, both comedic and dramatic, although there were some good moments. It also needed a much more disciplined editor.
The acting is just OK. Sunny does a solid job with an uninteresting character, and Pak is about equal playing an even less interesting character. Nuea would have made a good side character, but I just don't think Pak has the charisma for a leading role. He does have intensity, and I can see him being excellent in a villain role. The chemistry was so-so. The actors weren't afraid of inimacy, but their love scenes still had that distance between their bodies that makes most BL sex scenes weird.
A lot of people were greatly put off by Lom & Yiwa's plan, but it's easy to object if you haven't lived in a conservative and unaccepting society with huge familial and social pressures crushing you. What they did made perfect sense, and everyone involved knew the score and consented to it, so why all the judgment? If you're gay a great portion of your life is keeping things secret to avoid minor inconveniences like getting fired, beaten to death, or disowned by your family. There are safe spaces, like your friends, and there are places where you hide who you are, or at least don't volunteer it. People at work mention their wives and children all the time - I can't do that, because even if 90% of people are OK with gay, 10% is still enough to ruin you.
There are some strong points, too. The lakorn mothers were hysterical and the editing around them was brilliant, like the ominous music whenever they appeared. Their fight scene at the wedding was funny, although like so much of this series, it went on too long.
Whoever was in charge of wardrobe should be given a raise, because it was all perfect. Both Lom and Nuea have a personal style and their outfits were beautiful.
The camerawork was good and dynamic - the visuals were beautiful and helped make the series bearable.
Sunny (Lom) has his shirt of a LOT, and has clearly been hitting the gym hard, and that never got tiresome.
I wouldn't recommend either watching this or not watching it. If you enjoy a pile of fluff and are not bothered by ridiculous and frustrating plots, you'll enjoy it. I'm not one of those people, but I still watched it to the end for the positives I mentioned above.
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Mid as F**k
So Wedding Plan isn't the worst Mame's series that she's created (cough couch Tharntype), but because she's the screenwriter AND director, I can see why this still doesn't work for me. One of the many problems I have with this series is the overwhelming amount of miscommunication; it's so bad that if you told me a 10-year-old girl wrote the plot, I'd believe you.Let's Dive In.
So Wedding Plan is about a wedding coordinator falling for one of his clients even though that client is supposedly getting married. But of course, and just like Mame, the client is secretly in love with the coordinator after one measly little encounter (actually, did they even talk to one another at Sky and Prapai's wedding?).
You can tell from the get-go that Lom and Yiwa's "wedding" seems pretty fake, and then we get that confirmation sometime soon after that. Okay great, Lom and Yiwa are only getting married to please their families and instead are delving into their own relationships outside of the fake one they've created. Good. But why the fuck did we wait until nearly the last episode to notify Nuea of the plan? Here he is having these internal battles with thinking that he's fallen in love with an about-to-be-married man, crying and going through a depressive period when all Lom had to do was open his mouth and tell him it was fake. This plot aggravated me to a point of no return. And then when Lom does tell Nuea, there's simply no repercussions of the whirlwind he's created. He's damaged the relationship between Yiwa and her girlfriend, he's caused Nuea a multitude of sadness and misery that he didn't have to go through, along with the countless other characters that had to reap what he sowed. It's so tiring and so dull to watch that I can't wrap myself around the fact that there are people out there who would rate this a 10 out of 10.
Out first Mame GL couple! Not bad, but not good. Mame has a tendency to make female characters the worst possible people in the entire world, so this was definitely an upgrade. But then she goes and makes Yiwa look like a terrible person for ditching her own wedding, but you know, a female can't always be good. Of course, you go throughout the series feeling absolutely terrible for Marine whose having to put up with this dreadful scheme. If I were Yiwa and I saw how depressive my actions were making the love of my life feel, then I would've cut that shit off immediately. But I wouldn't have gone with the plan in the first place, so *shrugs*. Overall, I thought they were pretty cute. I like that in the end they run off to London to get married. I'll be honest though, the kissing was really cringey to watch. It was like Yiwa was giving it her all and Marine was just there.
Another reason I'm not a huge fan is because of the chemistry between our main leads. It gets to a point where it building and building and I'm enjoying the ride, until it's just ruined by a non-consensual kiss. Not that it wasn't lowkey ruined before that when you think about the fact that a soon-to-be-married man is hardcore flirting with somebody who's not his soon-to-be-wife. But there's a certain point in the series, and I'm not sure at which point, but somewhere in the mix of it, you can feel their chemistry just deteriorate. The only scene between them that I really liked (disregarding the beginning when they meet cause I also liked that) was the bed scene when Lom is crying in Nuea's arms because he loves him that much. I really did like that. And of course, they had no problem in the kissing and NC department, which is one of Mame's only benefits, so I'll give them that.
By the end of the series, it feels like we did a whole 360 to where we began. There wasn't a feeling of a true ending, and so many things went unsaid and undone. Like Lom needs to sit down with his mother and actually tell her about Nuea and not her just accept that he'll find somebody else. Definitely a sit down with Yiwa and her mother. Just so many things. I know there's a special episode, but there's no way I have the patience to even sit through it.
Story: 5.5/10 - Elongated the telling of Nuea for no reason. Difficulty in finding the reason why. The main leads are okay, but they won't be memorable after this review. For most of my watch, I was speeding through -- so.
Acting: 8.5/10 - Good. Pak (Nuea) did the best, Sunny (Lom) ehh, not so much besides that one scene I really liked (and he looks incredible with his shirt off, so I'll raise the score a little). Everyone else was decent.
Music: 6/10 - I don't remember it so that is also good. Not distracting.
Recommendation Value: 4/10 - SO many better BL series out. So many better ones that I can't even count them all. But for a pretty lighthearted watch and some, I'll be honest, great NC scenes, sure, knock yourself out.
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The pit of despair
I will start with the only good thing about this drama, it was only 7 episodes long. That was still 7 episodes too many, but compared to most BL it did finish early, it's just a shame it even started.We have our two ML's, one is mentally challenged and the other one is a more dominant liar, coercing and manipulating the other one. This is the Thai formula for BL, this drama is just another regurgitated mess with an extra slice of toxicity added because it seems, BL fans love toxic filth in their BL drama's.
So how did they manage to make it even more toxic? They had a wedding planner getting it on with the groom to the wedding he was planning. I know people will be screaming now " but it was a fake wedding!"
I know that it was a fake wedding, that the bride was a lesbian with a girlfriend, but the wedding planner did not. He flirted, kissed and finally had sex ( Drunk sex obviously, we can not have a Thai BL without some questionable sexual encounter). He never showed any guilt or remorse for what he was doing, the only reason he stopped was because he didn't want to get hurt.
It was meant to be this big love story, that they both fell in love and couldn't stop themselves, the wedding planner saw the groom in McDonald's and found him hot. Most people save that memory up for later and beat one out, but not the wedding planner. He went back to work still thinking about the hot guy in McDonald's, then shockingly in walks the hot guy with his bride to be, they want him to plan their wedding. This should burst anyone's bubble, but no, he takes the job and then the flirting starts between the wedding planner and the groom.
Episode 5 the groom explains that he just wanted some fun before the wedding with the wedding planner, but then he fell in love with him.
How does this make sense?
If you wanted some bum sex before your wedding then why wouldn't you just tell the wedding planner what you want on day one and then get it on?
The falling in love idea also doesn't make sense, why would you fall in love with someone who is happily flirting with you when he knows you are getting married soon? The guy is obviously scum with no morals, sweet talking the bride while flirting with the groom.
When did they fall in love anyway? The groom saw the wedding planner working at another wedding, that was it.
The wedding planner saw the groom eating in McDonalds, then he found out he had a fiance and was getting married.
So when did they fall in love? It must have been while planning the wedding, when the groom was lying and manipulating the wedding planner and the wedding planner was thinking " this hot guy is trying to get it on with me behind his bride's back, what a catch"
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The umpteenth failure for MAME
MAME, after banalizing sexual violence in all her novels (Love By Chance, TharnType, Don't Say No, ...) sets out to romanticize arranged marriages. The idea that a fake marriage between a gay man and a lesbian is an easy way to get rid of a conservative family is false. What will the spouses do at family reunions or when it's time to talk about children? Their partners at heart will be relegated to the shadows. We can deal with this subject, but we can't do it lightly. What legitimacy does MAME, a heterosexual woman, have to deal with a subject that concerns the LGBT community, of which she obviously knows nothing? We're on the verge of cultural appropriation.In addition to the above-mentioned subject, the series has another problem: the characters have zero consistency, and the acting suffers greatly as a result. The female couple are so naive as to verge on indigestion. Nuea is an extraordinary boring. Lom is cowardly and manipulative.
I have no intention of spoiling the ending; all I can say is that it's predictable. Lom's attitude towards Yiwa is not very fair.
When I started watching this series and discovered that MAME was behind it, I almost stopped. I should have.
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A Mame só tinha um plot super simples e mesmo assim criativo pra seguir e não conseguiu sem se perder inteira pelo caminho. Todo o tempo perdido com o Lom mantendo o segredo do motivo do casamento não teve sustento e muito menos lógica, todo o sofrimento do Nuea com o fato de ter se relacionado com um cara noivo, a cena enorme dele chorando com a mãe, foi pro brejo em segundos de uma explicação muito besta que poderia ter vindo bem antes. O casal lésbico não teve nenhum aproveitamento além de dar ações aos personagens principais e pelo amor de deus Marine ABRA A BOCA PRA BEIJAR EU TE IMPLORO. O último ep cheio de enrolção que por mais química que os protagonistas sirvam não foi o suficiente pra me manter entretida. Resumindo fraco. Bem fraco e eu nem falei da cena de sexo com o Lom caído de bêbado mas de repente sóbrio como se nunca tivesse bebido uma única gota de álcool e o adendo totalmente desnecessário deles se conhecerem quando criança.Cet avis était-il utile?
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Where is the action? On Saint Panda.
Eps 1-3: I started this series because I missed my babies - Sky-Pai / Rain-Phayu, but also because I was attracted to the subject of the story. But, to be honest, I'm disappointed with how the story is going. There is chemistry between Nuea and Lom, but nothing else happens.I don't like the whole "I like you, I'm flirting with you, but I can't tell you how things are" thing. "But I want you, believe me". It's a bullshit. Lom, please leave my baby, Nuea, alone if you can't take the responsibility.
Ep. 4 - I disliked Lom the entire episode, I don't understand him and why he refuses to tell Nuea the truth. I mean, Yiwa agrees. What's the problem then? I liked the phrase "Do you think I would agree? though. Was the only good thing with Lom.
Ep. 5 - My angst at Lom continues. Why is so hard to tell to the person you love the truth? If Yiwa hadn't intervened, Lom wouldn't have solved anything. Again. You idiot.
Ep. 6 - I think you are kidding me. Really? That's the solution, guys? Not to tell the damn truth and take the consequences, but to carry on a masquerade? Does anyone think with a brain in this series? It seems that Yiwa is the only one with a backbone here.
Some of Nuea's reactions and gestures are exactly like Sky's. I don't like it. Each character should be unique in their way. And Yiwa reminds me of Rain sometimes.
And yes, the NC scenes are okay, but LITA was better. In every possible way, from the story to the characters. I just want to finish this very soon.
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Thirst scenes and smiles as far as stream can reach...
"I'v wanted to lick your muscles since the first time I saw you" is pretty much what this drama has to offer... As we enter the story of the at times slightly annoying wedding planer and the groom with a wedding plan to do the planner.... Spending more time showing the audience his upper body muscles than fully clothed or talking making this an entertaining watch but ot a lot more.The story itself is okay, it is not good, not bad, it has some sweet and fun moments, a prolonged misunderstanding making most of the viewers think of the geney in Aladdin begging him to just tell the planner the truth and put him out of his misery... but also done in a very evil yet playful way.
The cast and characters are lovely, all in need of an acting lesson or 10, and while I will admit that I was entertained and found several of the cast a pleasure to watch their mimics where often wrong or felt forced focusing a lot more on making scenes where people lick each other than actually delivering dialog beyond smiles and gazes that is.
And well I guess that is the point here the story and delivery could have been a lot better if the focus was on the delivery of dialog instead of making people thirst. That said some of the dialog was actually pretty good and there where actually moments of meaning here and there...
So if you are in the mood for some sweet moments and misunderstanding with a lot of heat this is a really good choice. But if you are sensitive to bad acting or in need of any type of depth you might as well skip this watch.
P.S. Lom (Sunny) may need some acting lessons or better directing but still gets a 10 from me and th eMCD PPL is off the charts
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Need more work on their acting.
After watching LITA & Wedding Plan, I think I get MAME's work. It's a fiction; hence it doesn't have to make that much sense.Yes the wedding plan that Yiwa suggested doesn't seems irrational, but because I've read several manga with this kind of story line, I'd say it's okay. The story plot through out the series was alright but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have slight higher expectations after seeing LITA.
The first two episodes had several cringes and somewhat slow and boring. I almost felt like dropping it. But hey! it gets better-ish in time. I love how everyone in Namneua's family has his back, and damn they sure have some excellent revenge.
Their NSFW is definitely intense and their chemistry seems okay. The vibe was there, but not as much. The acting on the other hand; hmmmmm. Most Definitely need tons and tons of work; especially Sunny being the main actor; as well as Yiwa & Marine. Really needs working. I like Pak as Namnuea ~ Adorable.
Besides the pretending to have a heartbreak and whatnot, to me the ending was MEH~ I know there is a special episode but for the series alone ~ yeah.
Lastly, have they ever heard of personal space? Do people in love really talk that close? aaaarghhhh~
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