0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 4, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Cela aurait pu être un bon drama

Je ne m'attendais pas à quelque chose d'aussi léger (léger au prime abord).
C'est au départ adorablement mignon, Cher est probablement l'un des personnages les plus choux de thaï drama, et les yeux de Book m'ont aspirée pour ne plus me laisser repartir, ah quand il te regarde naïvement avec ces yeux plus grands que le monde... je comprends que Gun/Force soit à ses genoux. D'ailleurs le "Boss" est totalement à sa merci (comme à peu près tous les personnages de la série), je pensais qu'il serait plus dominant mais pas une seule seconde.

Le souci est que ça reste léger et mignon, alors qu'un certain nombre d'intrigues sont amorcées, qui pourraient constituer un scénario. Et voilà le problème principal de A Boss and a Babe. Aucune et je dis bien aucune des intrigues n'est menée à son terme ou alors c'est réglé en 1 minute. Le drama n'a ainsi aucune colonne vertébrale, alors qu'on devine qu'un traitement approprié des différents possibles rebondissements auraient pu constituer un scénario solide. La série ne repose que sur ForceBook et leur complicité, qui est par ailleurs indiscutable.
Hors les intrigues sont bien plus sombres que le rose bonbon qui recouvre le drama et méritaient un traitement approprié. On peut citer, pêle-mêle, viol, violence familiale, non-assistance à personne en danger, suicide, vol, addictions, autodestruction, dépression, solitude, homophobie, problème de management... Tout ces sujets sont abordés... et puis mis sous le tapis, comme s'ils n'avaient jamais existé. Non seulement est-ce regrettable d'un point de vue scénaristique mais également inexcusable au vu de sujets aussi durs et violents.

Je donne néanmoins une note de 7 car les acteurs sont bons, la photographie aussi, et l'OST aussi "cute" que la série. Le couple principal est par ailleurs adorable. N'empêche que vu le traitement des problématiques abordées, le drama aurait pu durer 8 ou 10 épisodes...

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BL Compilations
33 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 3, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

unexpectedly dark for a lighthearted romcom

Overall: I was okay with this as a 'turn your brain off' romcom, but then there was an extremely dark plot line (also zero consequences for a trash character?!?) and the plot ran around in circles (definitely could have been 8 episodes instead of 12). I'm rating this more harshly because GMMTV has the money and experience to make an excellent series. Unfortunately, I was left disappointed with this one. Aired on GMMTV's YouTube channel.

Content Warnings: past rape for 3 years involving a child/step parent, past suicide, mental health struggles, non con/dub con touching, homophobia, fight/beaten up, non con picture taking/posting, unwanted public outing

What I Liked
- good friendship dynamics (and that they raised the difficulty of the boss/employee romantic dynamic)
- Yacht with his blue hair
- the established couple is adorable (but they didn't get enough screen time nor a plot)
- addressing mental health struggles (except that Cher should not have talked about Jack without Jack's prior approval and they also made it seem like everyone was happy that Jack stopped taking medication when in reality as I understand it medication is something to be taken as a management strategy, it's not a long term cure)
- a supportive ex
- neutral, comedy sound effects

Room For Improvement
- this was oddly very dark, I think they still could have had some serious parts (focusing on the mental health struggles as an example), but it almost felt disrespectful to have the rest be a light romcom, I'm not sure how to explain this but I didn't like the combo of extremely serious plot with silly plot
- lack of consequences for a trash character and instant forgiveness for the mom
- Thup, there are things that even if your loved one says you should keep secret that you don't keep secret and tell the authorities/school personnel and what was going on was one of those things. Thup wasn't a young child, he should have been around 12 to 15 when this was happening and then afterwards to let rumors circulate about Cher, he did not seek justice for his sibling and he had the gall to blame Cher....ugh
- paper thin plot that went around in circles
- cliche poor communication with fully grown adults, Cher's totally stupid "plan" in episode 11
- consent problems: there were some things they did really well but there was also poor consent including Cher ignoring Gun's physical boundaries in the beginning, Gun locking Cher in his car, "if you don't let me touch you I'll kiss you instead"
- I realize they were going for comedy, but many jokes didn't make me laugh
- Gun letting Cher be jealous for his own entertainment instead of clearing up the miscommunication
- nonsense things (we won't get into the hr headache this would be in reality), Cher is never shown to be doing anything with his ASMR channel, we barely see him gaming
- the cringey title

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Cet avis était-il utile?
32 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

It was so-so, except it had Force in it which is better than so-so.

This was much better than the disastrous Enchante, but it's still subpar in all but one regard which I'll return to.

The first half or so of the series was quite good - the characters were interesting, complex, and consistent, and there were several promising plot threads set up...

... all of which were left totally unresolved. Not one single plot point went anywhere. Tian's death, Thoop's conviction, Gun's problems with Time, none of it. Time never even showed up in the story again after the first few episodes, which is a pity because Drake was rather good in a darker role. Even Gun's mother instantly dropped her resistance for no apparent reason.

Instead, the story, such as it was, devolved into the usual GMM ridiculous and implausible drama, wherin Cher's best friend gives Cher completely, astonishingly stupid advice and Cher inexplicably follows it, even thought it's wildly out of his character.

Then the writers did the laziest thing imaginable and gave us a one-year time skip. If someone left you without explanation and then showed up a year later and got on his knee and asked you to be his boyfriend would you a) be overjoyed and immediately accept, or b) Tell him to go jump off a cliff? Can you imagine the emotional suffering and grieving Gun must have gone through? No normal human being would be OK with that. Think about how long a year is and how much changes in that time. Force would have to move on, probably need counseling, and would have had his trust shattered. For years after he'd had PTSD and fear Cher had left him if he was ever late or his phone battery died.

On the positive side, Force is so hot that it hurts a little to look at him. Besides being beautiful, with ridiculous eyelashes and a sexy voice, he has possibly the best body of any BL actor. He does a great job as Gun, playing him consistently and making him enthralling. He plays a quiet and introverted person, and yet he outshines the bubbly Cher by a mile. Book is not bad by any means, but his acting doesn't have a lot of depth. He can be cute and quirky quite well, but I never believed he had romantic feelings for Gun. Whenever they were touching, Book was always leaning away, as if a bit repelled by the proximity. Compare that to Fourth & Gemini in My School President where there's almost no actual sexual intimacy but they portrayed people totally into each other just by looks, leaning into each other, and touching each other almost illicitly. It's really not that hard. To be fair, that might be the directing - it's a well-worn trope that the uke only reluctantly gives in to the unnatural lusts of the seme in exchange for being taken care of.

Maybe being friends in real life is a negative - if you grew up with someone, it would have that sibling-esque quality that makes the thought of being with them kind of icky.

Anyway, Force has so much charisma and is so compelling that he really should be in something much better than this series - if he were paired with someone as good as he is it would be explosive. Imagine Force and Fourth, or Force and Gawin (actually, that might be TOO hot and kill off the audience).

This series was a bit of a guilty pleasure, just because I couldn't get enough of Force, and Book was cute. But it's not good, and it was carried solely by one person.

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9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 20, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Surface Level Emotions and Inconsistencies Abound

Are Gun and Cher cute? Yes. Do we have friendship shenanigans that make for an enjoyable time? Sure. The show tries to tackle important and serious topics? Absolutely.

HOWEVER, the relationships in the show always felt skin deep. We had moments that felt deep, but they were immediately followed by whole episodes that ignored or otherwise disregarded those moments. The deep moments felt like they had no effect on the rest of the show. Characters randomly fall ill but then get better with no hidden meanings or consequences. Characters declared bold and intense intentions that are seldom followed through. Grave consequences are threatened but never enforced because of some very minor possible solutions Cher or Gun come up with? Gun and Cher regularly discuss how they will stay together forever, and yet they almost break up (or do break up) just about every episode after they officially start dating.

Depression is brought up but then waved aside like it's an illness you can simply get over. Child abuse and rape begin like a major plot point but are settled off screen and with no payoff for the viewer. Social class divisions are a problem but it never feels serious. Homophobia is treated like a simple office gossip problem. Loss of dreams/innocence rage amongst our game players but everything is always solved with basic apologies.

Overall the show gets points for being cute and having some fun characters, but it loses points all over for an ill executed plot with a lackluster script riddled with inconsistencies and base level emotional depth.

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 22, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

its so so romcom

acting's okay but storyline makes everything look so bad. in the beginning loved it thought its gonna be good but its goes to nowhere at some point i got so bored that i start fast forwarding it and gave up in between. Everything happens so fast which doesn't feel real at all. if u r watching this don't expect much. i wish thia bl series give more thought on story. everytime storyline makes it hard to like the series. and continuation of scene are poor some scene doesn’t feel related.
i wish maker focus more on story and scene time.
just my opinion don't mind if u dont agree

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Had So Much Potential

I placed spoilers at the end of this review.

For the positive side, the series had some cute moments and can be enjoyable at times. I also like the supportive dynamic of Cher’s friend group. Now for the negative side. The story concept was nothing new which is not a bad thing if it was well executed. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The whole script came across as a ruff first draft that someone forgot to proofread. It also had some very poor/weird director choices. The pacing with the main leads’ relationship was too quick. Everything felt rushed from the very beginning of episode 1. All the storylines were haphazardly introduced and incomplete. Most of them received half-baked resolutions or were completely forgotten. This also had a weird mixture of comedy and drama. The comedy sections fell flat and the drama sections turned very dark at times. See the spoiler alert at the end of this review if you want more information. The actors were good considering what they had to work with. I admit this was hard to gage because of the poorly developed script and bad director choices.

Random Note:

There is a big disconnect between the marketing and the content of this series. The official trailer, description, and opening credits suggests this is a light and fluffy romcom. It’s not uncommon for a comedy to have a little drama, but not the type they introduced. I also think the series poster makes no sense.

It had cute opening credits.

I see a lot of acting potential with Force and Book. They just need better managers to fight for them. Unfortunately, this is the second BL series they were in that had a poorly developed script.

******Potential Spoiler Alert******

There was no lead up to how the main leads formed their relationship which happened in a matter of minutes in episode one.

I appreciated they tried to introduce some important subject matters, but it did not do it tactfully. The subject matters were mostly treated as a story gimmick or after thought.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 19, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

This series is for people who likes More Comedy, More Fluff and Less Drama.

[ I added more in the end after I finished the series ]
What I love about this series are
1. Force and Book’s chemistry
2. Cher’s character
3. Comedic Romance
4. Conversations about LGBT

1. Force and Book’s chemistry
I watched A Boss and A Babe accidentally without knowing what story I was watching.
Just after I finished Episode 1, Force and Book’s chemistry interests me. I don’t know what is the definition of good or bad chemistry. I felt like “ Oh, their chemistry is really something, Very interesting. “ Now, I know how to describe it in words. Their chemistry feels natural and comfortable which is my favorite type of on-screen chemistry. Though I like watching Rom-Coms, I never liked unrealistic and cringey romantic atmosphere.

Their romantic scenes never feel cringey. As someone who likes to break the romantic atmosphere with jokes, I can relate to Cher a lot.

After that, I searched and searched, and found out that Force and Book knew each other since kindergarten?!!! They are friends for years. That’s why their chemistry is so good and goes with the flow.

2. Cher’s character
I saw a lot of comments about Cher being annoying. He’s indeed talkative and foul-mouthed ( as he said it himself ), but he’s not annoying.
He’s the kind of person who would turn a stressful workplace into full of laughter.

The main reason why I love Cher’s character is that from the first episode to the latest episode ( Ep 7 ), I never felt power struggle or power imbalance between Cher and Gun.
I don’t usually like to watch age gap romance or office romance because I can feel the power imbalance between the main leads. In many straight dramas, the male lead is in the superior position most of the time and the female lead is so clumsy and shy for no reason, which I hate.

For Cher, he always treated Gun equally.
He never hesitates to speak his mind.
He doesn’t give a shit whether someone is an authority or not. He says what he wants to say. No filter.
Gun : I don’t like skinship.
Cher : But you touched my face first.

Aoi : Oh, your mother’s name is Phon? Haha!!
Cher : Hey, We stopped making fun of other people’s parents’ names long ago. Do people still do it these days?
Oh, I forgot.
You’re from the old days.

Cher : Boss, why are you late for work today?
*His colleagues panicking*

Some people says Cher is clueless.
But I don’t think so.
I think he’s aware of the authority and hierarchy. He doesn’t care and he wants to say what he wants, that’s all.
As someone who doesn’t like the authority figures or hierarchy, Cher’s character entertains me a lot.

Also I love about the character depth.
Cher looks like talkative, easy going, honest and friendly type but he hides his negative emotions with his cheerfulness. He defends others so well but rarely defends himself, and it might be because of his guilt and blaming himself for Tian’s death.

Gun looks like strict, cold and mean boss but he has moral values that he doesn’t want to be a bad person. He’s not arrogant like most bosses you watch on screen.
He has to be strict because he’s the CEO. Jack says Gun was friendlier before. His coldness is just a wall to hide his feelings, his insecurities about being gay and feeling like a freak in this society, and the wall broke down when Cher treats him like a normal human being.

3. Comedic Romance
It says Romantic Comedy but I see more Comedy here, which I love so much.
As someone who’s not romantic but still likes to watch Rom-Com, this is so good for me.
A lot of Rom-Coms that the majority enjoys are just not my taste.

I love the way Cher ruins Gun’s romantic lines with jokes because I can relate to him a lot. ( I want Cher to joke more in the later episodes )

4. Conversations about LGBT
I love that they talked about the topic “ People wants to know who’s the top, who’s the bottom when someone comes out. “
This is so true and toxic that it became normalized.
Why do people push heteronormativity into gay relationships?? It doesn’t make any sense.
Like what are you gonna do with that Top or Bottom information?!! Write a fanfic or Daydream??
Why do they do like
“ Oh, he’s shorter and cuter, he’s the bottom.
He’s taller, calm and collected, he’s the top. “
Tell that to the real gays and they will laugh their ass off because it doesn’t work that way.
Their personalities and how they act in bed are not related.

As far as I see, the episodes get cuter and cuter.
I’ve been stressing out a lot in this year so this series is a comfort show for me.
Force and Book are giving us the healthy and fluffy relationship in March, and they gonna give the toxic and messy relationship in Only Friends at the end of this year.
I’m preparing my mental health for the train wreck.

Overall, I freaking love this series and I’m looking forward to watch the sequel in Our Skyy 2 as well.


Now, this is after I finished the series.

I don’t know what’s the deal with some people. They said that the series got boring without conflict or drama, and then when the drama is going on, they don’t like it anymore. Like, what do you want??

Yes, I admit that there are some plot holes. They should add more scenes of Tian’s stepfather being put into jail, the friendship between Thyme and Gun, the wealth of Gun and his family, etc.
But it’s good that they didn’t drag on Tian’s case for long. Because the show is not about Tian or just Cher only. It’s about the relationship between Cher and Gun.

To people who said Cher is selfish or senseless, you should judge someone after you checked where they came from and learned to see from their perspective.

Cher lost someone he loved and he was blamed for it. Her reputation was ruined because she was pregnant. ( Cases like being pregnant as a teenager is heavily criticized by society, especially in conservative Asian countries )
So, he’s afraid that this will repeat. He’s willing to do anything in order to save Gun’s reputation as he’s an heir to a major hotel group.

Gun would do anything to be by Cher’s side. But what Cher said after Gun’s mom found out about their relationship is sensible.
“ If one day, you fall out of love with me or I fall out of love with you, you will have nothing left. “
Cher can just let Gun cut off his family or money. But he didn’t.
There are other things as important as love and you shouldn’t just ignore them just to be with someone. Life is not all about love life.

Also, even when Cher is improving himself to be good enough for Gun, he’s fine if Gun found someone suitable for him.
Some people might think Cher doesn’t love Gun as much as Gun does, but it’s not.
His thoughts here are not romantic, but they’re realistic and sensible that he won’t force Gun to fall in love with him again.
This is what a Mature Relationship should look like, i.e. I’m fine by my own but I want to be with you, so I choose to be with you.

Honestly, I think Cher should have told Gun that he would come back.
But the stubborn Gun wouldn’t let him. If he told him to stay apart for a few months and Gun didn’t accept it, they would fight and it would lead to an actual breakup.
Cher is like the representation of those children who learned to sneak because of their strict parents, Haha.

Sure, Cher is cruel for leaving Gun for a year and just left a note.
But in relationships, Compatibility is all that matters.
Gun is willing to wait for Cher and Cher is willing to improve himself for Gun. If they’re fine with each other, nothing else matters, Period!

What’s flawless are Force and Book’s acting ( especially, drama scenes ), their chemistry and Cher’s sense of humor.
The plot is not perfect but I give overall 8.5 for Cher’s sense of humor which I can relate a lot.
Characters like Cher who would crack jokes in romantic moments are rare to find in romance genre so I’m glad that he exists.
I hope Cher and Gun are happy and live their lives best in their universe.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 21, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 2.5
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

ForceBook is NOT a main couple material

Zero expectations and yet, they didn’t come up with any sense of excitement during the whole duration of the show. This drama serves as for me to give another chance for the on-screen chemistry of Force and Book since their first main role was truly a devastating one (pertaining to Enchante.) Yet, they failed me again; no chemistry, bland acting, cliche storylines; overall, a boring one.

I already came to the point that I don’t care what will happen to the story. Even the supporting characters aren’t saving the show. Enchante, despite being a below-average show, is way better than this one. A Boss and a Babe is a total mess since Day 1. I said what I said.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 20, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

A babe with another babe

From the title I thought this might be an office romance kinda drama
But, ya there is office, there is romance but put together I felt there was no office romance as per my expectations of it.

An intern and a boss seemed a little interesting but I did not find the scary, overpowering, strong minded BOSS character here as portrayed by Cher’s colleagues in the earlier episodes. So, as my headline I just saw romance of two babes here
I found Cher very very annoying because of him being talkative and non sensible in the beginning but he slowing grew on me after they showing his vulnerable and mature side. Coming to Gun, I still wonder what made him fall for Cher the romance line nor the chemistry was well built and I couldn’t really make myself fall for CherGun as a couple
A lot of scenes were shot in the office, but when in the world do people work there. I always see them gossiping, giggling, blaming, taking people away, drinking coffee. Like if they are in office at least be realistic give them some work be a little professional

But anyway, overall this is a mediocre series where I had no aftereffects. No reminiscing the leads romance nor fantasizing about any character being real. No surprise if I forget watching something like this after few months
Do I recommend it to anyone? Yes , maybe you’ll find it fun if binge watched with a whole lot of skipping

Thank you.
Yours sincerely ,
Someone whose tired after having a LONGGG day at work

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

remember: turn off brain before watching, & you're in for the SWEETEST effin treat <3

look, the 'plot' was a hot fucking mess, & if i think for more than THREE SECONDS about the fact that (very vague, but nevertheless 'spoilers' ahead:)
they literally tried to redeem this one character that was practically a silent accomplice in a horrible crime against a poor girl, i WILL fucking scream, but if you also DON'T think about that,

the show is adorable enough to hurt your cheeks because fo smiling too much & make your goddamn teeth rot because it's so sweet.
it really is the textbook definition of a comfort show, the chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS, & the entire cast of characters is super lovable & easy to root for.
if you're into mindless fluff-fests & / or are having a bad day, give this one a go & you won't regret it <3

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 3, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 1.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

absolutely not

Is this another mediocre show from GMMTV? Yes
Is the acting by the MLs sub-par? Yes
Are there massive plot holes? Yes
Cinematography, production, direction and script poor? Yes
Support cast inconsequential? Yes
Any redeeming factors to the show? No

painful to watch. I must've been going through a masochistic streak to subject myself to this show.

Mediocre content is not representation.

Avoid at all costs.

Note: Rabid inter-fans please disregard this review and carry on with your idol worship.
Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Will miss Gun and Cher !!

Warning ⚠️ if you want solid plot with no loopholes and logical explanations for events dont watch the series.
But if you want some great chemistry between the leads, non problematic relationship, fluffiest fluff this is the one for you. It made my Friday's stress free, gonna miss GunCher for sure :((
Book and Force have improved tremendously and had chemistry from the EP1, which is pretty rare. Book's Cher may seem annoying at first, but later you realise why he acts this way you can understand where he is coming from. Force though younger irl is believable as the serious boss who is searching for love and who found it in intern Cher. This isnt by far the perfect series, but it made me feel warm and happy to see their chemistry and relationship.
Goodbye GunCher, lets go ForceBook looking forward to more of the crackling chemistry in upcoming works.. <3 <3

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A Boss and a Babe (2023) poster



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  • Classé: #4506
  • Popularité: #510
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