1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 29, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Suivre ou confronter sa destinée ?

Et si vous aviez la possibilité de connaître l’identité de votre âme sœur ? Ce n’est pas un concept inédit, mais c’est une idée peu exploitée à l’écran, car plus malléable dans les livres. D’ailleurs, l’histoire originale en est un. Les grandes lignes m’ont rappelé Color Rush, où certaines personnes vivent avec une cécité qui limite leur capacité à voir les couleurs. Jusqu’au jour où ils rencontrent leurs « âmes sœurs » et découvrent alors un monde en couleurs. Je peux également mentionner Until We Meet Again qui explore plus franchement cette idée avec le fil rouge du destin, une légende chinoise.

Qu’on croit ou non aux âmes sœurs, son concept est charmant. La Pluie offre une perspective intéressante des âmes sœurs en remettant en question son idéologie. Faut-il de se plier à son destin ou de le remettre en cause ? Est-ce que la rencontre avec la personne qui nous correspond parfaitement est plus importante que nos propres souhaits ? D’ailleurs, il suffit de s’intéresser au divorce des parents de Saengtai et Thiai.

De plus, la relation entre Phat et Saengtai ne repose pas seulement sur le fait qu’ils sont des âmes sœurs. Ce n’est qu’un élément qui ne devient pas l’unique cause de leur relation. Ce n’est pas qu’une question d’attirance inexplicable ou d’un besoin obsessionnel de se lier physiquement à l’autre. Le sexe est secondaire dans leur relation. Pour comparer, de nombreuses histoires surnaturelles et fantastiques mettent en avant le sexe comme un point clé dans la quête de l’âme sœur. Cela aboutissant souvent à des scènes de sexe dans tous les chapitres parce que les personnages ne savent pas se tenir. Or, ce n’est pas le cas ici.

En parlant de sexe, l’intimité des personnages est parfaite. Ce sont de belles scènes qui sont à la fois sexy et élégantes. Elles ont du charme et sont joliment mises en scène. J’ai adoré The Sign (et Billy torse nu, oui), mais les scènes intimes étaient seulement là pour satisfaire les fans. Dans La Pluie, elles ont un tout autre rôle. La tension gronde sans cesse, mais chacun respecte les désirs de l’autre. Saengtai n’est pas prêt, Phat le sait et il l’accepte. Cependant, Saengtai n’est pas non plus une biche chétive et ose faire plaisir à son partenaire en toute conscience. C’est une relation saine et respectueuse avec, en plus, des baisers magnifiques.

À première vue, la perte soudaine de l’audition est présentée comme une fatalité. Pourtant, je n’ai pas eu l’impression qu’il s’agissait d’un réel problème. Dans les mots, ça l’est, mais pas dans les faits. Ainsi, elle n’avait que pour intérêt de pouvoir échanger par télépathie. D’ailleurs, la mise en scène avec les particules apportait un réel charme à l’image créant ainsi une distinction claire. En revanche, la série connaît une faiblesse entre les épisodes 8 à 11. J’ignore le scénario de l’œuvre originale, cependant, c’est comme s’il n’y avait plus eu de bonnes idées (ou de temps) pour créer la relation annoncée entre Thian et Lomfon. Ce qui a donné un curieux désordre précipité. L’orage aurait dû arriver bien plus tôt sur ce point. Cependant, certaines actions et réactions des personnages ont donné plus de renfort aux scènes.

La relation entre frères était amusante et attachante. Les deux frères se disputent, mais reviennent toujours et savent qu’ils peuvent compter sur l’un et l’autre. L’idée d’une deuxième saison est séduisante, particulièrement si elle ose changer son fusil d’épaule quant à Thian et Lomfon. Peut-être qu’elle pourrait aussi apporter des réponses aux quelques questions laissées en suspens. Et même si ce n’est pas le cas, ça ne me gênera pas, car ce n’est pas non plus ce qui m’a empêché d’apprécier mon moment.

En bref, La Pluie, en plus d'être un phénomène ravissant, raconte une histoire d’amour qui remet en question l’idéologie des âmes sœurs sans pour autant dénigrer quiconque. Parce qu’en réalité, le destin est avant tout une croyance à laquelle on décide de croire ou pas. Libre a chacun de nous de suivre ou de défier notre destinée.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 15, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

que merda kkkk

de verdade la pluie comecou MUITO BOM o plot d almas gemeas era incrivel eu amo esse tipo de plot e isso me deixou mt animada p assistir, eu tava super animada contava os dias p os eps... mas foi comecando a desandar o protagonista (saengtai) era INSUPORTÁVEL!! quando chegou no plot do lomfon foi o momento que mais ODIEI, cara??? é um bl sobre >almas gemeas< e eles vao la e metem um triângulo amoroso??? kkkkkkk sem comentários ai juntaram esse plot c o prota insuportável n consegui tankar mal via a hora de acabar pprt. Tinha TUDO p ser o melhor bl do ano era um plot muito bom e atores interessantes os primeiros eps foram perfeitos mas tiveram que estragar e colocaram coisa que Nem tinha na novel... desnecessário demais to muito desapontada com esse bl realmente nao consigo da uma nota boa muitas coisas me incomodaram e me irritaram muito enqnt assistia

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Cet avis était-il utile?
84 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 19, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 4
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

La Pluie is a show for the mature bl audience

Let me just say this upfront because there seems to be some confusion in the reviews here: the most important thing to understand about this show is that it is not, in fact, a soulmate romance, but rather a direct subversion and dismantling of the soulmates trope. La Pluie is a brilliant little show with tight writing and clearly laid out themes, and most viewers who are disappointed with it seem to be reacting more to what they wanted the show to be rather than what is actually is.

This is a show about the importance of choice and putting in the work in your relationships. It’s a rebuke of romantic fantasies that fate and destiny will take care of your love life. It is directly in conversation with the romance genre and the way it can warp our perspectives on love. There are no villains in this story - just good people trying their best and sometimes making mistakes anyway. It emphasizes that we need to communicate and treat our partners with respect. And it says that while some kind of fate may be at work to give us opportunities in life, what we choose to do with those opportunities is what actually matters.

The show is excellent - writing, story, pacing, directing, editing are all confident with no real wobbles. There are some less experienced players in the cast but the acting is all around up to the demands of the script. Pee and Suar in particular are very impressive and really rise to the occasion when the time comes for their characters to light up the screen. The romantic pairs also have fantastic chemistry and the show makes the intimacy scenes an important part of the relationship development - there is no fan service or fluff in this show.

This show is really meant for a mature audience that wants to think more deeply about its themes, and that can handle emotionally mature characters who tend to resolve things via quiet conversation rather than high drama. It’s not the typical fluffy bl that a lot of the audience prefers, so I’m not surprised that it didn’t resonate for everyone. But if these themes are of interest to you, and if you are someone who likes to see couples actually be in relationship with each other and work through their issues, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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Pinoy Ares
46 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 17, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


T'was actually good until they decided to rain on their own parade - and when it rained, it poured.

Started out well. It wasnt perfect but lets say it was light and enjoyable and it was a breath of fresh air compared to the second-rate concurrently aired Thai BL (oh no I will not confirm or deny that I'm talking about Step by Step). The fantasy premise was intriguing and new.

The cast were all perfectly good looking. - i fell in like with Pee, its as if he was plucked from a Korean show and like he is always glowing, I already love Title in My Only 12% and im glad he finally got a starring role (also the main reason why i watched the show). Suar - i just love Suar, he is so lovable as Tian! I loved him im Youre My Sky but here he was even more adorable. Copter is gorgeous! I was also hoping to see more of Dream and although it was too short, her budding romance with Nara looked promising. ! I also appreaciate the fact that to some extent almost no one is made intetntionally annoying.

The pacing is alright, I was actually surprised when the main pairing happened quite quickly in the first few episodes without too much fuzz.

It was a perfect cap off to a busy week. I even considered it a must watch that I even subscribed to Iqiyi after watching the first episode just to see the episode earlier.

Leading to the 7th episode, I get the sense that the series was written a little blandly, and true enough that's when the series turned 180 degrees and decided to check all the tropes. Episode 8 and 9 were acceptable, and then the dreaded obligatory breakup episode 10 and 11 were things turned to crap.

First of all, both Pat and Sengtai's actions leading to the break-up scene were both very out of character, and I strongly feel that they were unnecessarily added just to make it more dramatic.

Second, I'd argue that there are still so many things to explore regarding their relationship and the phenomenon that they were in - I wanted to know more about them being soul mates - what was so special about Tai's family, and all the characters who were given this gift. That alone could be a throve of stories to explore. The makers are marketing it as an almost fantasy series so why didn't they sell us that mystery. And oh my, do I need to emphasize my jaw-dropping annoyance in one scene where one shout literally rid them of their connection to their soulmates.

I couldn't buy the soul-mate thing of Tai's parents. I just cant see the chemistry between them, and to be honest, the reason for their separation doesn't feel huge enough to break an enchanted love.

I am also sad that they ruined Lomfon.

Lastly, the last episode was so uneventful and uninspiring that I almost didn't finish it. I can't even fathom why they spent quite a long time with the new couple - what's the connection to the overall plot. They got more screen time than Patt in the finale, they even have their own flashback scene. And when the leads finally meet again, did you also notice how blank Patt's face is?

Against everything I hated, I also loved a lot of things. Overall its an uneventful 7 for me. Will I re-watch - not a chance.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
44 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 16, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 4
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

A master class in bad writing

This series had so much potential - a talented cast, good cinematography, scenic locations, and everyone involved was giving it their all. This is all wasted on a terribly written story. It's as if they were about to start filming and realized they forgot to get a script, so they sent an intern to go grab the first thing they could find on Wattpad.

The story leans heavily on the implausible-misunderstanding-caused-by-showing-up-at-just-the-right-second-to-misinterpret-something-causing-them-to-drop-the-token-of-affection-they-were-bringing-and-walking-away-sadly trope. If they were to show up one second sooner or one second later there wouldn't have been a misunderstanding. This happens many times, in every case a simple conversation would have cleared it up, and characters never learn from it and make the same mistake over and over.

Everyone behaves wildly out of character to suit plot points. Tai becomes a lying cheater, and the gentle veterinarian exhibits horrific violence. The discussion forum didn't seem to have a problem with this, presumably because Lomfon deserved to be savagely beaten for being a confused teenager. That there were absolutely no consequences to the violence is astonishing and disturbing, and Lomfon neither presses charges nor has even so much as a scuff mark after being the target of what can only be described as attempted murder. Again, lazy writing.

Lomfon, who is so emotionally constipated that he can't tell Tien how he feels, suddenly bursts into a long monologue, while Tien has just stormed off from seeing Lomfon's film, which explicitly and unmistakably showed him how Lomfon feels about him, yet he says he doesn't understand what Lomfon was trying to say with his film. Seriously?

People in general don't act like people. Patts doesn't seem at all surprised to see Tai in Chiang Mai and stands there expressionless for the entirety of Tai's long soliloquy.

There is an enormous number of extraneous characters that materialize out of nowhere, have no effect on anything, then are never seen again. In the finale, the friend who gives advice to Lomfon claims to be a close friend to both him and Tien, but we've never seen him before, or at least I can't remember him. He and most of these characters pontificate about love and life with the profundity of a motivational poster.

In the last episode, in a long and completely pointless sequence, Tai runs out of gas in front of a nice man's house. The man tells him it's very difficult to find gas in the area and that he should spend the night. His girlfriend shows up then they have a long conversation where the couple tell Tai the story of their love. In which THEY HAVE A FLASHBACK. Almost the whole flashback is a random character giving a long expository dump to a friend. The next morning Tai drives off, presumably having filled the tank with his overflowing love. None of this has the slightest effect on the story.

Perhaps most confounding of all, you can just sever your soulmate connection, which negates the entire story, the plot of which is based on destiny - without that, this is just a pile of stupid coincidences, like Tai's grandmother living next door to Patts since his childhood, and he and Tai even communicate by notes and kind acts to each other, but never meet. Really? Tai shows up at the precise moment to misunderstand Patts being kissed by his ex, but never ran into his actual soulmate for 20 years despite his living next door?

That's how awful and frustrating the writing is.

I loved the cast. Title is much improved, Pee is as good as ever, Suar is charming, and Copter is the MVP with a fantastic performance as the repressed Lomfon. I hope to see them in something better than this series.

I can't recommend this. I gave it a 5 because the cast was great, but unfortunately there was only enough material for three episodes and the rest is a jumbled mess that will cause you to dislike all the characters. Except, apparently, Patts, who is consistently called a big green flag - I guess becoming so enraged by jealousy as to try to beat someone to death isn't the red flag I thought it was.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 4, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 1.5
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Almas... Só?!

Uma série que tinha tudo para ser boa.

Primeiramente o desenvolvimento do casal principal foi rápida demais, a meio da série eu poderia dizer só uma coisa. Ela estava ok, pensei que veria só momentos fofos dos dois, mas não foi isso que aconteceu. E inaceitavelmente, colocaram drama demais.

Sobre as almas gémeas, eu só sei que poderiam ter explorado esse tópico um pouco mais. Por vezes os capítulos nos atiram informação desnecessária e só no próximo é que esclarecem minimamente. Algumas informações são sempre colocadas na mesa, mas o prato vem sempre vazio, e só no fim ou quase no fim da série é que colocam comida no prato. Falando mais precisamente sobre o drama entre o filho... ou melhor... o drama que o filho coloca sobre o divorcio dos pais.

O casal secundários ficou para lá em segundo plano. Eu posso dizer que nem me lembrava da existência dessa série se não fosse o Tien, aquele que eu mais gostei de ver.

E porque as almas gémeas têm que ser sempre namorados? Bem uma série que eu nunca verei... não recomendo de todo. Só para pessoas que querem ver coisas fofas durante alguns capítulos e depois encharcarem-se em drama, que até dá dó.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
20 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 10, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Let the Rain Make a River So I Can Go Drown In It

I LOVE a good soulmate trope, but THIS? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. It was set up for success: interesting enough plot, good and known actors, under a big production company…what happened?!

When I started watching La Pluie, my interest was peaked as it follows people in a universe where, when it rains, they can only hear their soulmate no matter if they are close to them or not. I was really interested in the worldbuilding of this universe, but as it took a more surrealist approach, I let it never being explained slide.

To break down this broken narrative, let me divide it into sections:

Chapter I: Plot
We follow Saengtai (Tai), a writer, and Phat, a veterinarian, as their love life unfolds after they meet each other in a café one day. This was a very interesting set up with them starting to like each other but both being unaware of their role as each other’s soulmate. It was a nice aspect for the viewer to have a leg-up on information. And it remained interesting to watch their dynamic unfold, with Tai soon finding out Phat *is* his soulmate, and him facing the complication of navigating this. But, why would that be a complication, you may be asking. Well, that brings us to my biggest problem…the characters! (yes, many of them!)

Chapter II: Characters
Saengtai is our main character. He is one of four sons to a divorced couple. After his parents split, it tore his world apart and it caused him to not believe in the whole “soulmates” thing; resulting in him always ignoring Phat whenever it rained for ~2 years straight. Ummm. Rude. This wasn’t the best opening to Tai’s character, as I have always seen him as selfish for this matter. He held on so strongly to the anger he had for his mother, and he was never understanding of their decision for their happiness. Maybe this is my own experience as a child of divorce coming out, but he was very extreme in his irrational grudge regarding the divorce. And, in terms of him as a soulmate to Phat, I thought he was the same level of poor character.

Phat is a sad result of the third-act break-up trope. Phat was great — he was a walking green flag, even. He was communicative, sweet, sometimes shy but also upfront about his feelings. He was protective and sensitive. You could see he really cared for Tai and wanted their relationship to go far. He dealt with Nara (his ex) decently (wish he didn’t let her kiss him, but it’s ok). And then episode 10 hit, and everything (I mean EVERYTHING) went downhill (just like Tai on that countryside trip).

Ep 10 in short: Phat found out Tai lied to him about where he was, so he went to confront him. After seeing Tai with Lomfon (more on him later), Phat goes absolutely insane and starts plumbing him (Lomfon, a literal college student). I, honestly, stared at my paused screen for a good five minutes because I was so taken by surprise. When I say this came out of left field, I’m saying it came out of left field from another country. After this, Phat and Tai fight (Tai was very rational in this conversation), and then part ways…until Phat shows up to Tai’s place drunk and they fight some more and THEN they break up. *sigh* WHY WHY WHY?? Last Saturday, I closed my laptop with only “what happened?” running through my head.

We don’t get any scenes of them directly interacting in ep 11, and I was praying that Phat would show me *some* reason to find him the tiniest bit redeemable, but I was left disappointed. Sure, Phat was sad, but he was sad because they broke up, not specifically because of how insanely abusive he acted. I have no clue what drugs the writers were on for this last bit of the drama, but I hope they never experiment again.

The aforementioned character of Lomfon is the classmate of Tai’s brother, Saengthian. Initially, the two hated each other, but after some school group projects, they both began to develop feelings. Lomfon hung out with Tai because for some weird reason, he can also hear Tai in the rain (soulmates??) and he wanted to figure out why. He kisses him, and then Phat finds them, chaos ensues. BUTTT Saengthian also shows up with Phat, so he sees his crush kiss his brother…hard thing to get over. In the end, Saengthian iconically delivers this line: “Because I like you, a**hole.”

And this brings me to another issue: Random plot points

Chapter III: Randomness
There were some things I found a bit odd that were just thrown in the watchers face and we are supposed to accept it:
• In ep 9, Tai and Phat were revealed to have been childhood neighbors who helped each other through hard times by passing notes to each other. You’re telling me they NEVER saw the other walk outside of the house? Not even a glimpse?!
• When was Lomfon able to hear Tai and Phat? He mentioned that it was after their visit to the countryside, but he expressed interest in Tai long before that. Was that out of a crush??
• Tai saved Lomfon from getting hit by a car the day his parents divorced…okay…
• Tai and Phat can no longer hear each other in the rain all because Tai screamed, “This f*cking destiny, I don’t want it anymore!” Like…okay, why was it that easy…

Chapter IV: Conclusion
The fantasy element is okay-ish. It is nothing that special, and it rained so. much. to a laughable amount and I began to question if it is really like that in Thailand YEAR-ROUND. The script is honestly mediocre, and the pacing sometimes fell a bit flat. I liked the second leads at times more than Phat and Tai. The cinematography also isn’t that special, but the few countryside eps were pretty.

Overall, I am so sad by how this series is ending, and the bad taste it will leave in my mouth. I already know it’s going to end with the two couples getting together and that’s honestly so messed up. It’s giving Love in the Air…detour!

Love in the Air follows two couples: first is Rain and Payu and the second half of the series is on Sky and Prapai. Both couples are toxic in their own way, but would you guess it, they all end up with each other. Writers need to acknowledge that, for a realistic and more impactful ending (and in this sense/context, a positive one), it is perfectly fine for a character to not end up in a relationship they were building them towards if something drastically changes. For LITA, I would have wholeheartedly understood if Sky told Prapai that he was not ready for a relationship after being mentally and physically harmed by his ex again. For La Pluie, I would understand if Saengthian says he doesn’t want to be with Lomfon if he’s not confident in his own feelings. Or Tai if he is uncomfortable with how cruel Phat acted without even trying to understand him (Phat became a traffic light with a broken yellow light). People change, so relationships and hopes do as well, and it is fine for a character to divert their desires based on their needs.

It hurts me to say, but I honestly would not recommend this series to others. Go watch Until We Meet Again for a soulmate trope, Be My Favorite for another fantasy, or You’re My Sky for more of Suar’s (Saengthian) acting <3

EDIT: i finished. i have thoughts.
• Saengthian and Lomfon- whatever, they can end up together. But it would be very weird knowing my partner had a crush on my sibling first.
• I don't like how Tai apologized to Phat and he didn't even apologize back. Tai was saying he was being selfish...NO. You just had good boundaries, babes.
• LOVE LOVE LOVE Nara and Dream <3
• I was going to actually bump my review up to 5 stars (a result of too much coffee and sleep deprivation), and then the ending with Saengthian getting a soulmate happened and I was like...wait...what are you thinking?? I have no clue if they plan to do a spin off, but I honest to god hope not.

Pinterest plug:

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 29, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Like when you're rained on and left wet or damp and unhappy with that feel.

The premise was interesting and the series had a great start with good themes and some depth.

From the second half, it started losing it's interest on me. The pacing, for one, felt inconsistent. Sometimes it was good and other times, it dragged. Too many unnecessary flashbacks. It's not hard to forget something we just saw five or ten minutes ago or even an episode before for Pete's sake. Needless to say, some information could have worked as just being mentioned without the need for a flashback. I'm beginning to think some of these flashbacks are used to just fill out episodes and give a series more content. Episode 12 turned out to be more enjoyable for me than any of the preceding five episodes, which was a good thing at the very least.

The actor who played Tien did a good job and made this whole thing more interesting. It didn't hurt that I also liked Lomfon. I honestly preferred Lomfon and Tien than Phat and Tai. Phat was great, but Tai... I didn't like how the character was played and wish the actor would have been different.

And then there was the communication issues. I hate it when communication problems become the essence of the whole plot and are dragged on til the end. That it took almost the entirety of the drama for Tai's parents to have a talk with him, and even then, it wasn't anything so mind-blowing and was something he understood in fewer minutes than he spent fuming about. I get that they had to use that to fuel the other plot of him not believing in soulmates, but them hinging on that conflict for nearly the entirety of the series made it even more annoying. Since they were subverting a trope, they could have also done this one and have that conversation happen as soonest possible, but oop! then they'd have nothing to hang on.

Also having a gaping plot hole just for the sake of furthering a plot isn't it. It just seems lazy. Given that that wasn't the usual restaurant Tai went to, and it wasn't one they'd been at before and there was no communication of any meet-up to Tai, how Phat knew the exact restaurant to go to to just happen to see Lom and Tai and have his great misunderstanding, so he could quit his job and move out of Bangkok and Tai would have to take us on a tourism trip to look for him, is a mystery. At least he didn't find him on his first day.

It would have been much better if he was just going there and coincidentally happened to see them, but him showing up there with flowers, (and full intention of making up) makes no sense cause it leaves so many questions. Just lazy.

I wish I could have liked it better, especially since they took the subverting a trope direction, which is not often used in bls, but I just couldn't. The director had a good vision, but it wasn't put together so well. Too many annoying things that would undo any enjoyment I'd had and unfortunately, the main cp weren't enough to pull me in and make me ignore those, so really low attraction and rewatch value.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Mixed feelings

This was an 8/10 for me until the group trip and it got gradually worse from there.

What I liked: The concept, the actors, and the production quality.

What I didn't like:

1. It was a good start, then it got a little stale, and then it got so messy. It is completely unclear to me what the purpose of the soul mates serves to this plot. The parents didn't end up together. Tai had a soul mate for 2 years and then randomly a second one? All Tai had to do was get overwhelmed and scream to sever his connection with everyone? So then the show is like create your own fate! Soul mates don't matter! Then dropping a bomb in the last few seconds of the finale?! The concept is good, but jeez pick a lane.

2. The relationships were undeveloped. Lom spent 99% of the show obsessed with Tai and then at the very end he's like Tien I love you! & when did Tien even fall for him?? Did not see that lol. They barely had any moments that could sell me on their romance. Tai and Patt's was a lot better, but could've had more depth.

3. EVERYTHING WAS LITERALLY TAI'S FAULT???!!! How did everyone just sweep under the rug that he knew people were telling him Lom liked him. He intentionally LIED repeatedly to his BOYFRIEND so he could spend the day with Lom. Let Lom kiss him. & this is all after he yanked Patt back and forth with his uncertainty. Yet Patt was the villain.

4. Patt's meltdown, behavior, actions, etc. were so out of character in episode 10 it's not even funny. I could get the crying and frustration, but not that physically violent behavior and screaming. He was the sweetest, most patient, softest character and then randomly they were like "slam things around and push Tai while you punch Lom" like hello?

This show is still enjoyable, but there are definitely some aspects that make me go huh???

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Cet avis était-il utile?
22 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 23, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Did it raise my expectation?!

I dived into the show with no expectations at all but damn did it raise my expectation? Oh hell! it did. It started pretty good but it fell short towards the end. The whole premises of soulmates and hearing loss disease was so unique and I really liked the overall premises and even enjoyed the episodes. But then it messed up a tiny bit in episode 9 and totally in episode 10 with all the drama rising and the whole Lomfom coming in between. Damn I love Lomfom and more so Saengthian. I felt so bad for Saengthian. I was like come on Lomfom look around how can you not notice a sweety like Saengthian mahn. How can he not see? Confused? He did all that because he was confused. I don't know. I mean it was so clear then it was all over the place. Saengthian deserves better. Anyway they got together in the very end and I won't lie it did make me smile. I had been cheering for them for ten freaking episodes mahn. Then, we have the main couple, Phat and Saengtai, their chemistry surely is off the charts. Damn those stares, kisses and smiles it had me smiling. But the whole writing messed it up with that unnecessary drama and it totally felt like the soulmate thing meant nothing. It broke so easily that it left me pondering on what I had even watched. Moreover it just happens, just like that. For instance that end, the freak was that even hinting to. I don't know anymore.

Overall it's still a series worth trying but honestly only till episode 8.

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BL Compilations
19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 30, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 3
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

unique premise let down by writing

Overall: this could have been a 10/10 with solid writing but the writers wrecked the plot and the four main characters in episode 10 except Tien. 12 episodes 45 minutes each. Note: La Pluie means The Rain in French. Airing on iQIYI .

Content Warnings: punches

What I Liked
- a unique premise
- sweet moments
- couple funny parts
- pretty good consent with stopping in the middle, but realistic offering to do something else (except did not like the "can't hold back" in ep 10)
- how the brothers have opposite personalities and how Tien gave some solid advice, Tien was my favorite character (best line "talking to you is a waste of a good mood")
- Tai's dad
- supportive friends
- NSFW/kissing were decent
- GL (but introduced too late/underdeveloped)

Room For Improvement
- episode 10 ruined most main characters, they all somehow became more immature than Tien
- cliche plot points (the ex girlfriend and Nara had way too much screen time, how characters just happened to be at the right place at the right time and see misleading things and then storm off, etc)
- an exposition dump for most of the world building and then convenient/poorly done world building later on
- though episode 2 was nice from Patts perspective, it re-told too much of episode 1
- sound stuff (music during a serious part was comedy like, no noise at the bar in episode 3, awful gulp noise)
- episode 4 discovery was very anti climactic
- too many flashbacks
- unrealistic things (why is Tai always wearing sweaters in very hot Thailand?, he couldn't have walked very far, it took a whole night for a car to reach them? neighbors never ran into each other?)
- how they characterized the mom as it more of her fault (who was the breadwinner and likely trying to get 4 kids thru school without crippling debt) as the flawed one and the dad didn't have any flaws
- Tai was too immature to be in a relationship, I understand that even adults can be traumatized with their parents divorcing but walking out of a certain something was the nail in the coffin for his character's ability to be in a relationship
- what Lomfon did could be seen as manipulative and embarrassing instead of romantic, which he had talked to Tien beforehand instead of afterwards
- crying without tears
- I took a half point off my review for the nonsense at the end with Lomfon and Tien

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17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 20, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 2.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

forecast looks cloudy

if you are expecting depth, a nuanced storyline, or even chemistry, this is not it.

the attempt to break the soulmate trope was a swing and a miss. this could’ve been introduced differently, but I also saw the potential in their idea, it was just bad writing like usual.

the storyline suffered a lot when the (valid) dramatic reaction to seeing patt kissing his ex just ended up being them confessing again. I also was not a fan of the overtly violent reaction patt had since he literally hit his boyfriend too. that was a game ender for me personally.

I didn’t see any chemistry here, at least not the type that fit the storyline. it’s a shame since I really wanted to like this series.

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La Pluie (2023) poster



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