The two series are thrillers which explore their main characters' psyches. Both shows have protagonists who start to reflect the evil, malignant behavior of the characters surrounding them. They both become increasingly violent and volatile. Additionally, in the past, both main characters have experienced much suffering at the hands of others.
The "villains" / "antagonists" in both shows hold a special interest in/for the protagonist (which they verbally announce), and believe the protagonist to be similar to them in some way or another. The shows both equally focus on the duality between their respective protagonists and antagonists.
Both Strangers from Hell and Evilive have wealth, or the lack thereof, as one of their central themes. In Strangers from Hell, Jong Woo's poverty prevents him from relocating from his current, rather hellish, housing situation. Meanwhile, in Evilive, Dong Soo's lack of money has led him to be trampled over again and again.
Strangers from Hell and Evilive mainly differ in terms of plot, as well as direction. Strangers from Hell is more "artsy," offering stellar cinematography and enough ambiguity & analysis material to leave the viewer guessing even after having completed the show. On the other hand, Evilive is more straightforward. Regardless, the acting in both series is top-notch. Viewers who enjoyed one show will likely appreciated the other.
Side-note, I noticed both series frequently utilize red lighting in order to symbolize evil, or a shift towards evil.
The "villains" / "antagonists" in both shows hold a special interest in/for the protagonist (which they verbally announce), and believe the protagonist to be similar to them in some way or another. The shows both equally focus on the duality between their respective protagonists and antagonists.
Both Strangers from Hell and Evilive have wealth, or the lack thereof, as one of their central themes. In Strangers from Hell, Jong Woo's poverty prevents him from relocating from his current, rather hellish, housing situation. Meanwhile, in Evilive, Dong Soo's lack of money has led him to be trampled over again and again.
Strangers from Hell and Evilive mainly differ in terms of plot, as well as direction. Strangers from Hell is more "artsy," offering stellar cinematography and enough ambiguity & analysis material to leave the viewer guessing even after having completed the show. On the other hand, Evilive is more straightforward. Regardless, the acting in both series is top-notch. Viewers who enjoyed one show will likely appreciated the other.
Side-note, I noticed both series frequently utilize red lighting in order to symbolize evil, or a shift towards evil.

They both have characters standing on the line between good and evil. In Evilive one ML is a lawyer and The Worst of Evil has a cop. They both meet get involved with organised crime gangsters get connected to their ruthless leaders. Evilive is set in the aughts while TWOE is set in the 90s. They are both violent as well.