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Immersif et poignant mais si vous vous attendez à de la romance passez votre chemin !
Par où commencer... Déjà si vous venez pour une énième romance à l'eau de rose avec des moments intimes passez votre chemin. Ce n'est clairement pas ce genre de série. C'est plutôt le genre de série qui va vous faire vous poser des questions et va vous pousser à l'introspection.Dès le départ, je me suis demandé si je regardais une pièce de théâtre filmée ou une série, et ça a duré tout au long de celle ci.
Déjà le casting.... OMG. cette alchimie que les 3 protagonistes ont entre eux, c'est la première fois que je ressentais ça dans une série. Les jeux d'acteurs sont tellement bon qu'on a l'impression d'être intégré à l'histoire, et pas juste en temps que spectateurs. Je me suis senti connectée à tous les personnages mais plus particulièrement à Wang.
Les émotions dégagées sont fortes, intenses parfois même écrasante et criante de vérité. Cette série porte des émotions tellement fortes que j'ai pleuré pendant tout le dernier épisodes.
L'histoire en elle même y est pour beaucoup. mais aussi les décors, la colorimétrie....Les messages caché à travers les décors comme le pont, ou encore le paravent dans la chambre de In, ou les couleurs utilisé ... aide à s'immerger complètement dans l'histoire. ça nous permet de voir le sens caché des choses. Comme le fait de se mettre des barrières, celui de vouloir se reconnecté au monde après un moment difficile et éprouvant.
J'aurais souhaité une autre fin, même des années plus tard. Mais celle-ci était poignante aussi et nous laisse avec des messages qui poussent à la réflexion voire même à l'introspection.
Enfin bref, j'ai adoré cette série. J'ai plutôt tendance à regarder des romances toute mignonne. Cette série m'a donné une bonne claque pour me reconnecter à la réalité. Et le tout sans aucune scène de baiser ni plus. Je la recommande mais pas si vous vivez un moment difficile. ça pourrait vous découragez... ou peut être au contraire vous donnez envie de vous en sortir?... A vous de décider !!
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J'espère que ma critique sera compréhensible...
J'ai trouvé que la symbolique de longitude et de lattitude était sympa, le fait que le fils soit mené à rencontrer le premier amour de son père décédé, et que sa mère assiste à ça, sachant qu'elle savait que son mari aimait son meilleur ami, homme pour qui son mari était fou amoureux et s'est tué un jour par désespoir... Tout ça, est très complexe, c'est ça qui est passionnant ; on assiste à chacun des trois points de vue ; celui du fils, qui tombe amoureux de Inn, le meilleur ami de sa mère, mais qui est différent de lui au niveau du tempérament car il est plutôt lâche et n'ose pas affirmer ses propres choix ; on voit l'inquiétude de la mère pour son fils, et son égoïsme car elle préfère garder son fils auprès d'elle alors qu'elle se rend compte qu'il est amoureux de son meilleur ami, et on voit que le fils fini par prendre sur lui pour ne pas la blesser... Pour moi, la mère est toxique, elle ne pense qu'à elle et son bien-être personnel ; ça me fend le coeur de voir ça, et pourtant, je suis maman moi-même... Je n'aime pas trop son caractère ; elle est trop possessive, égoïste et trop bavarde, mais c'est vrai qu'en tant que maman, c'est toujours dur de savoir que son fils va la quitter...Une histoire où tout le monde souffre au final... Mais c'est beau, et ça fait réfléchir un peu pour les trois cas.
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intense, heartbreaking, beautiful
Overall: this series had me on the edge of my seat every single episode. Never have I been so invested in characters discussing lines. It's in a league of its own. Watched on Gagaoolala.Content Warnings: homophobia, grief about past death, alcoholism, past bullying discussed, age gap (this does not bother me in this instance)
What I Liked
- acting, you could cut tension with a knife at times
- metaphors (bridges, lines, etc)
- layers upon layers with figuring out what all happened, we actually did not learn exactly what all happened in the past and I'm okay with that
- Wang calling his mom out about her way of addressing her friend in episode 1, overall I loved Wang's character and how he was not afraid to be himself or fight for what he thought was right
- cinematography and overall production value
Room For Improvement
- how are there only 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in that huge house?
- the OST was beautiful but it was really the only song played the same way over and over again
- should have removed the commercial breaks
- the blurring of the alcohol (this was likely done for Thai TV but wish they had unblurred it on gagaoolala)
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180 Degree - Right In The Feelings
This LGBTQIA+ series is all I ever visually dreamed of, not in a "how handsome the actors are" or in a "the romance is so explicit" but rather the entire CINEMATOGRAPHY was ON POINT. So good, that I´d even forget my doubts about some part of the story. It´s a heavenly gift for everyone who not only watches the series for the plot but also for the techniques of filming and editing. It’s BREATHTAKING!(TW: age gap, loss)
Story >> 8.0 >> 9.0
As I said before, I still have a few doubts about the plot. Nothing extremely bothersome tho. All in all, I loved the portrayal of this kind of “unspoken” story and all the time they took to emphasize on the characters conflicts and true, growing emotions.
Acting/ Cast >> 9.5
The relatability was archived by extremely good acting and an incredible production team. I hope I can expect more of this top-notch acting in the future because it felt unreal. Especially Nike´s performance was drawing my attention.
Music >> 8.5
I really hope that other thai LGBQTIA+ series could make use of soundtracks and background music like this series does. Not that there was any specific soundtrack that I liked, but they just all fit the mood well and did not bother me in the slightest, which is rare.
Rewatch Value >> 8.0 >> 7.5
It is so beautiful to watch, not even question if I´d rewatch this. I definitely will sooner or later!
100% RECOMMENDED if you are okay with the main characters' significant age gap.
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I am completely empty
This series was a blow to my emotions that I will never recover from. It's not just a depiction of a complicated story but a painful moment realization.Wang, who has been searching for the remnants of his father's memory his entire life is suddenly drawn to a house in the middle of nowhere. An oasis... a cave? a cage where the man holding the key to the mystery lies impatient.
An unstoppable force meets the immovable object. As a young man full of resolve and fire, crashes into a man that only knows fear and regret masked as prudence.
With a Strindberg-esque theater in it's core, this show brings blade-sharp monologues and dialogues with amazing rythm and ruthlessness. It plays into the inevitability of family and the unfortunate blooming of a love that grows like weeds in concrete.
The cinematography is beautiful, the use of lines and colors to depict meaning is raw and subtle at the same time. Its impossible to pinpoint the "good moments" because it's all so meticulously planned that everyone I tried to get a quote written down I ended up with a transcription of the entire scene.
It's not necessarily sad. I don't cry at "sad". It was just too much. The situation, the emotions, the dialogues are multidimensional and overwhelming.
Pond offered a gut wrenching performance that was always topped with a smile that passes through you.
F*ck, how this shit tore me apart.
If you do not find theater entertaining, if you like explicit, easy, quiet shows definitely skip this one. This is not your typical BL, for the ones coming towards it only because of that label. It is BL, but it became so much more.
This is not a "fun" ride. It's a story of a bird trying to convince another to leave the cage. The door is not locked, the air is much nicer up there... but how could you convince a bird with no wings to fly?
Id rather stay in the labyrinth than join Icarus in the sea.
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Mommy and Daddy issues at its most disturbing....
This is not a romance but a drama in its true meaning, set in a beautiful setting, filled with dialog, gazes, and a whole lot of yelling.This drama is extremely messed up, and beautifully made, telling a story I am not sure I wanted to know about in a way that had me feeling conflicted feelings about how extremely messed up everything in this drama was. As every single one of the people in here was crying for help in one way or another, making me hope all three would go their separate ways, get help and move on with their lives... And while I truly appreciated the production of this the dialog itself seemed to never really end in one way it was sooo not my cup of coffee, it felt more or less unbearable, while at the same time I appreciated how uncomfortable it made me feel...
There are a lot of intense gazes and dare I say flirting between the male leads, however the creators make sure the audience does not forget for one moment how messed up those gases really are, Though both male leads are adults capable of making their own choices etc...
" Is there something wrong with falling for the man my father once loved" - Well I may be a bit conservative here but kind of yes... Sorry kiddo there are a lot of things that you can inherit from your dad, but the man he loved is just not one of them...
However that was not nearly as disturbing as the way the mother in this drama talked about both her dead ex husband and son...
Giving us honest and raw emotion, loss, regret, screaming silence and I guess a story rarely seen on screen...
So there was a lot of disturbing dialog, even more disturbing silence... Honestly I think the silence in this drama spoke the loudest and was actually the most brutal part of it all...
I do not really know where I am going with this since I do not want to spoil the plot but if you are looking for any type of romance then run for the hills and watch more or less anything else, But if you want to feel really uncomfortable, watch some dialog driven drama, emotional stuff and secrets being dragged out by force... in a mess of mommy and daddy issues at their worst. This is definitely a must watch!
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Breathtaking to Heartbreaking
Acting : 100 %Plot :100 %
Though the plot may seem controversial, I have high hopes for this!!!!!!!
I totally love the story plot and the actors. I fell in love with Pond❤ . I love his acting, looks and his voice and the way of delivering his lines totally got me😍
edit: Damnnnn!!!!!!
Ep 6 is just a conversation between two persons for the whole episode and I loved it. How can writers
come up with something as intriguing as this!!!!
I reall felt bad for the mother in this episode, until ep 5 it showed the selfish aspects of her. But in ep 6 we can clearly see how lonely she is!!!
As the way I see it, everyone seems to be lonely but she just couldn't bear it
The acting and cast is on top notch💜
Its very frustrating to wait a whole week for next episode🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Edit: 02/10/2022
I never cried this hard for an LGBTQ+ show 💔 .
Its heart breaking and I totally understand and accept the climax. Thats how my actual first love ended.. Not because we don't love each other but because our loved ones/society can't accept it💔🥹🥹🥹
Some people won't change no matter what☹️
I am trying to move on, but this gave me heartbreak again💔
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180 Degree of a 52-hertz call
This is not your typical BL drama, so i already advice here that if you don't enjoy that theatre type of dialogues or heavy philosophical introspective tones, don't watch it cause this is not a high-teen type of drama at all; and i loved every second of it.What to say about this one? It was unique, heartwrenching with a slow burn that left me with a "void-like" feeling inside of my soul; and yet i enjoyed that feeling.
The story is simple and yet so complex in it's undertones. A boy searches for the pieces of his late father while traveling with his overprotective and overpowering mother and finds a lonely man that is broken by his own decisions and self-imposed guilt.
These are not beautifully rose painted characters. These are just three flawed human beings, each feeling that their own view of what is right or wrong is unjustified by the views of the other; each feeling that they have the rights over their own choices and that they were right on making them.
The world belongs to nobody and yet each of them holds their own "world" in their hands as if they are made of glass, unwilling to part with it or to let anyone with a different view go inside or to let anyone that is unwilling to stay, leave.
180 Degree longitude passes through while a 52-hertz call is made on each side, never able of actually meeting.
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Lesson on maladaptive coping mechanisms.
I don’t think I've ever watched a drama where all the main characters needed therapy more than these three. Pathological avoidance, codependency, constant need for external validation, running away from the pain and sadness - building it up inside you until it reaches breaking point. "It's just tolerance, not acceptance" - delivered in the drama in context of sexuality, but it also quite well described the way the characters were dealing with loss. Tolerating the existence of the tragic past, not fully accepting what really happened. Escaping from anything that might force them to face reality.Daddy issues, yes - you read it well. Surprisingly, no matter how strange the relationship might have felt, I could not stop myself from being pulled in and wishing it would have a happy ending. It seemed like the only way out of hell for both In and Wang (the mom can stay in hell as far as I know).
Many people told me this drama feels more like a play, and I have to agree. Not beating around the bush - I’m not much of a theater fan. Everything is amplified and exaggerated on stage, there is not much space for subtlety as it has to reach each and every audience member. 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us somehow managed to keep the unique feel of plays while also being more detailed and approachable about it, making me fall for the charm it possesses.
All that said, I cannot say watching this drama was an enjoyable experience - it’s not a fluff romance you can relax to after work. All the characters are painfully frustrating, but observing their actions, witnessing their regret, being pierced by the hurtful things they say and buried under even more painful silence and unspoken truth… Felt like a solid dose of life lessons. What kind of person do you want to be? One that cannot face their own guilt? One that runs away from what’s important to them, cosplaying it as self-sacrifice? Or one that stays true to themselves, fighting for what feels right, while still trying not to hurt people around them?
For the acting - loved it for the majority of the show. Pond did an amazing job bringing Wang to life - I want to adopt and protect that character with all my heart. The skillful way he was able to present both youthful stubbornness, but also maturity that comes from pain he had to go through. Mam also impressed me, especially in more emotional scenes. While I did like Nike as In, and for most part I had no issue with his performance, there were moments of his line delivery that felt quite robotic, especially when compared to his co-actors.
The production and directing? Loved it. One of the aspects I appreciated the most was how some scenes played a bit longer, truly making it possible for all the emotions to settle in and have a bigger impact. The drama was both choking you with feelings and letting you breathe and take the moment for what it was, without distracting you, skipping right away to the next scene.
Overall, what a surprisingly interesting and intense watch. I feel like a lot of scenes could be dissected and have an essay written about their meaning - they just invite you to make your own judgments, reflect on the characters, their choices and how you might react in a similar situation.
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Weirdly a master piece
This is a master piece, its not a series, its not a movie, its a screen play and a life lesson.SPOILER AHEAD
Wang needed to understand his father without his mother view and he did, he has his father inside of him. He is the most brutally honest person in this whole play, but he does not understand the pain of love and when he understood, he knew that overall his mother loved him.
In, he needed a bridge, he needed to heal and overcome himself. He did but didn't at the same time, the most meaningful thing Wang did for In is giving him the globe. in loves Wang but he can never change his decision to stay hidden, lonely. I believe he thinks he deserves it for being 'different'. When he says in the end that he is a coward and selfish it is true, he knows what he wants and knows what he can live without. He needs to first forgive and love himself before giving love.
Mol, oh God, Mol. This is a complex, annoying, selfish and a narcissist person. Mol never forgot and never forgave. She never changed, since her youth, she controlled and manipulated everything she wanted, until her husband couldn't do it anymore and divorced her, until she hurt someone she had once trusted. She is the kind of person who thinks that if she can't have it then nobody else can.
Overall, Wang had a great character development, In had a little by opening and starting to heal himself., Mol had absolutely none, she stayed the same closed-mind, non-forgiving, talkative person who doesn't care about others but her own pain (don't tell me she showed her son love because she only did hug him after she saw how broken he was, which is also kinda her fault).
I loved the ending, was expecting it, wish it could be an open ending and not a sad one, but well I expected it would be like that since the first episode. I do not recommend binge watch this tho.
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I'm thrilled by their acting and not to forget main leads chemistry will be written in history, like i legit thought that it might be difficult because the gap is alot but the way these two doing their role it's more than outstanding. Show is slow burn and i loving it. cinematography is outstanding as we. The actor who playing Wang seems soooo mature and perfect for this role the way he is narrating his story and The actor playing IN damnnnnnnn ngl he's too hot for his age. this is my first time writing a review so you can imagine how much i loved this show . I hope it get more hype and support because it's genuinely so deserving.Cet avis était-il utile?
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You will probably cry
When I say I hate the series I might mean it a little bitDespite that I still love it a lot.
I feel that some people are actually are going through the same thing as wang with the homophobic or narcissistic mother or a controlling mother.
A mother that makes you feel guilty for alot of things.
Its a very toxic mother. Like ep 8 said.. Just because your a parent doesn't mean you should control everything your child does...
Not only does it give you tears but it gives you a bit of education and gives you a perspective of what some people go through... Thats why i love this series... Although i think this series must be sued for making me cry but in the same breath... They all need a raise. Very good acting, very good plot.
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