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Il y a 7 heures
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0


Al principio no me convencía mucho pero estoy agradecido de que le di una oportunidad.

Recurre al típico cliché del chabón súper hiper mega green flag que lleva enamorado hace 10 del mismo tipo q apenas lo conoce y le hablo una vez, pero lo sabe usar bastante bien. La trama y dinámica que tienen los personajes es muy buena y da para mucho. Los actores son unos capos se roban totalmente el show. Hay mucho fluff y el angst justo y necesario. Reí, llore, todo.

Mi única queja es que la pareja secundaria merecía más tiempo en pantalla pero dejando eso atrás, muy buena serie. Incluso me atrevo a llamarla de lo mejor que tiene la gmmtv

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 25, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Не можешь сказать - пой или поставь любимую песню.

Лакорн о жизни старшей школы в Таиланде, о поисках молодежи себя в этой жизни. Однозначно в любимые. На первый взгляд кажется простой сюжет, снова о школьной жизни и жизни внутри, но это не так. Сюжет реально уже избит, но как нам его тут подали - это очень ново. у всех в этой школе есть цели и в отличии от других сюжетов, здесь все идут к цели по доброму. Как играют все актеры. Эта мощная передача эмоций, понимание без слов. В последнее время я много читала отзывов и они меня сильно раздражали, так как людям нужен был кекс по полной и поцелуи, чтобы прям до копчика. Если вы один из них (кто сейчас читает мой отзыв), то сразу скажу - не пишите свое фи, тут сюжет который с вами говорит, а то что вы ищете. Здесь отличная химия взглядов, взаимодействие, дружба, поддержка. Разговор, если не словами, то музыкой. А музыка, как мы знаем, она от всего. Есть музыка которая может убить или ранить, здесь та разговорная музыка - которой вы можете общаться. Родители. Родители, мы своего рода тоже ученики в жизни и здесь это тоже прекрасно показано. Как стать гаванью покоя своему ребенку. Будет, будет ложка дегтя здесь. В лице "педагога". Почему кавычки? Потому, что нам через "педагога" показывают тех "имеющих статус" взрослых, которые должны быть примером, приоритетом в мнении - а по сути - это токсичное существо, которое и счастья не видел и счастье и успех других вызывает лишь зависть и обиду.
я, впервые за долгое время испытываю грусть от завершения просмотра. Мне ужасно не хочется расставаться ни с одним героем этого лакорна. Родители попадают в топ лучших моего списка. Всем приятного просмотра и пусть этот заряд позитива и добра, сохранится с вами на долгое время. Всем кто работал над проектом, я говорю спасибо и БРАВО. ОНИ ЛУЧШИЕ.
Lakorn is about high school life in Thailand, about the youth's search for themselves in this life. Definitely a favorite. At first glance, it seems like a simple plot, again about school life and life inside, but it's not. The plot is really already beaten up, but how it was served to us here is very new. everyone in this school has goals and unlike other stories, everyone here goes to the goal in a kind way. How all the actors play. This powerful transfer of emotions, understanding without words. I've been reading a lot of reviews lately and they annoyed me a lot, because people needed a cupcake in full and kisses to get straight to the coccyx. If you are one of them (who is reading my review now), then I will say right away - do not write your fi, there is a plot that speaks to you, but what you are looking for. There is a great chemistry of views, interaction, friendship, support. Conversation, if not with words, then with music. And music, as we know, is from everything. There is music that can kill or hurt, here is the conversational music that you can communicate with. Parents. Parents, we are also kind of students in life, and this is also perfectly shown here. How to become a haven of peace for your child. There will be, there will be a fly in the ointment here. In the person of a "teacher". Why quotation marks? Because we are shown through a "teacher" those "having the status" of adults who should be an example, a priority in opinion - and in fact - this is a toxic being who has not seen happiness and the happiness and success of others causes only envy and resentment.
I, for the first time in a long time, feel sad at the end of the viewing. I really don't want to part with any of the heroes of this lacorn. Parents get into the top of the best of my list. Have a nice viewing to everyone and let this charge of positivity and kindness remain with you for a long time. To everyone who worked on the project, I say thank you and BRAVO. THEY'RE THE BEST.

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Xiao Zhan
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 4, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Undeniable Friendship

I'm looking for a cute naughty romantic series with comedy and these series really serves me better.... all the casts and crew , theme , songs, story are really heartwarming.... really the part where both of the parents of the both main characters support them in their relationship is so much cute... and the story of friendship with love , trust , believe, likeness, supporting is of a great meaning.... though all of them are different in every side but they share the common feeling of friendship which made their friendship strong....
please support MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT the series
and all the casts....

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 25, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10








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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 17, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

muy pocas veces una serie logra ser mi lugar de comfort

dios, de verdad que no tengo palabras para explicar lo mucho que amé esta serie. es una de las pocas veces en las que de verdad no tengo nada para criticar. nada me molestó, no hubo ninguna escena incómoda ni poco realista. solamente una historia de amor adolescente de la cual nacen ramas que tocan temas serios y profundos como la pérdida de un ser querido, la homofobia, la presión de tener que satisfacer siempre a los demás, el vínculo familiar que se logra con los amigos, una relación sana de padres e hijos, dar todo de uno mismo e igual enfrentar el fracaso, entre otras.

la puntuación máxima que me deja darle al ost es un 10, pero se merece un 100, sin dudas. todas las canciones las agregué a mi playlist, todos tienen voces hermosas y lograron tenerme cantando todas las canciones durante todo el día mientras hago mis cosas.

si hay algo que me encanta de esta nueva generación de bls es el hecho de que se está dejando la toxicidad que tanto se había normalizado de lado. my school president debe ser la historia más sana y adorable de todas las series bls que existen. es como un heartstopper tailandés 🥲

la química entre gemini y fourth lo hizo todo tan llevadero, estoy entusiasmada por ver más proyectos de ellos juntitos. recién empiezan en la industria pero su actuación es impecable, tienen un futuro súper prometedor lleno de éxito!

es increíble cómo me logró atrapar desde el primer episodio — nada de dramas innecesarios ni de negar los sentimientos como por 10 capítulos. el apoyo de tinn hacía gun me hacía sentir mariposas en el estómago, se los juro. la historia no se hizo pesada para nada, es liviana, divertida pero también tiene sus momentos serios. me encanta la manera en la que muestra lo que es la adolescencia y todas las situaciones que ella conlleva. por eso, también es una gran serie para volver a ver las veces que uno quiera.

my school president fue mi "lugar" de comfort y seguramente volveré a ella cuando empiece a extrañar al presidente escolar más enamorado del mundo (spoiler: ya lo hago). de verdad, no hay nada más lindo que una serie bien hecha, con grandes actores, un buen soundtrack, protagonistas con química, y una historia capaz de brindarles paz mental a la gente que la mira.

la recomiendo mil veces si estás buscando algo tierno, liviano y de muuuy buena calidad! ⁠♡

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misaki izuru
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 18, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Que bonito

Una serie muy fácil de ver por lo entretenida que es, tiene mucha comedia y personajes muy dulces y un poco inmaduros (lo cual suma realismo), con un romance que se desarrolla lentamente (demasiado para mí gusto) y avecees un poquito cliché PERO con muchos matices, contando la historia de un joven que atraviesa miles de dificultades para cumplir su sueño.
Las personalidades son coherentes y tienen un buen desarrollo, en especial para los últimos capítulos dónde demuestran que no solo su fuerte es la comedia y logran reflejar súper bien el sentimiento ante una derrota, las frustraciones y sensaciones que te permiten empatizar con todos y emocionarte un montón.
Criticas_ Las parejas secundarias aportaron muy poco para mí gusto, se me hizo un poco larga la espera para el beso y me pareció demasiado tirado de los pelos la "regla única", pero está serie te hace amar a los personajes y disfrutarla un montonazo, me saco mil sonrisas y la recomiendo mucho!

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Nuni Duman
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 23, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

HEALTHY Relationships

Where to start... First of all, the relationship was very HEALTHY, and if there is one thing I love about BL Dramas, it's that both main characters in the relationship are on the same page, and there will be no toxicity involved in the end.

The story felt pretty generic in the first episode, but I got fooled when I saw episode 2 where they switched POV from Bandleader "Gun" to the School President "Tinn". With that, we not only get to see Gun's side but also Tinn's, and later a bit of the supporting characters who also had some interesting things going on. They weren't in the focus as much, but that was fine in my opinion since they were still a big part of the story.

I don't want to spoil too much about the story. I will just say that the buildup to the next "arc" was perfectly implemented.

Gun and Tinn have very different personalities, but somehow they made them so damn compatible with each other. It's also very interesting how I first thought, "Oh, I know what kind of guy he is" - because I was so wrong. Especially about Tinn. I thought Tinn was some strict asshole, but holy shit, no. He's shy and a gay mess.

Side Characters/Ships:
With them being a band, I was initially worried they would write the rest as NPCs, just there for the music, since that's a common thing in dramas/TV shows with a music genre. But nope. Every character mattered because with one of them missing, they wouldn't be THE Band.

"Win" is the hot-headed friend who says aloud what he thinks before thinking, but he always means well and apologizes when he's wrong.

"Sound" - I didn't like him at first. He appeared like 2/3 episodes later, and my first impression was that he was some prick. But that's what the series wanted you to think of him because, in a sense, he is that. But he's also a very thoughtful boy who just wants the best for the band and has a love for music. He just takes it a bit more seriously than the other boys. He and Win are very different, but just like Gun and Tinn, even though they are so different, they are indeed a perfect match.

"Por" is somebody who, I have to admit, I didn't really feel for until like episode 8. Like, he wasn't bad or anything, he was funny, but he just got really "loud" later on for specific reasons. But I thought when he got good screen time, they did the right thing. His highlight moment was great.

"Tiw," unlike the other supporting characters, is not a band member but a member of the student council team and also the best friend of Tinn. And wow, let me tell you, he is just the BEST matchmaker ever! Sometimes I felt like he was speaking for the audience, and I loved that. Tiw and Por are also a "ship," but it happens very late, which I found very sad, to be honest. But I guess that was because Por didn't get that much attention until later. But it was alright.

"Yo" is nice and also got a little bit of a storyline, which I found very cute.

"Phat" is probably the only one with little to no story, but that's literally so basic for the drummer of a band. But then again, I felt like it was fine. He did his part in the main story and was an overall great character.

Overall, we have a great number of characters with different kinds of personalities and interests, which I always find

Other than that, we also have the parents who I find very interesting. Gun's and Tinn's mothers are so different from each other, but both work so well. I really, really loved them. They are truly wonderful parents.

That's something I loved the most here, actually. You can tell how well the actors work with each other.

Incredible. Not saying much. I don't understand the language, but I always have a smile on my face. Wonderful.

Oh, and the intro is also very nice!

Rewatch Value:
This has rewatch value - something I might actually rewatch in a year or so.

Well, I wasn't much of a fan of the silly sounds they popped in here and there. I know that's just how they produced it, but when I watched the first episode, I needed some time getting used to it, haha

The BL drama has a healthy relationship between the main characters, Gun and Tinn, and the story is initially generic but becomes more interesting as it switches perspectives and builds up to the next arc. The characters, including the supporting ones, are well-developed and their dynamics within the band are explored. The parents of Gun and Tinn are also interesting and well-portrayed. The acting is great, and the music is incredible, even though I don't understand the language. The intro is nice, and the series has rewatch value. The only dislike is the occasional use of silly sounds, but overall, it's an enjoyable drama.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 25, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Que dorama incrível!!!
My school president é um bl fofo, leve, bonito e divertido. É tão descontraído que num piscar de olhos eu já estava no último ep.
A história é muito fofa e reconfortante, nada muito complexo, mas ainda sim muito linda. Ela mostra a adolescência de um jeito divertido, aborda as dificuldades e importância entre as amizades, os sentimentos durante um amor, o amor familiar e a luta pra seguir atrás dos seus sonhos, mas abordado de modo de um jovem vivenciando tudo. Mesmo sendo uma série mais leve, ainda sim abordou assuntos muito importantes e de um jeito ideal!

A atuação é excelente, todos os atores atuaram tão bem que eles conseguiram transmitir todo os sentimentos que seus personagens queriam transmitir.
O casal principal tem uma química impecável, só de ver eles dividindo um momento fofo juntos já deixava meu coração quentinho, são perfeitos um pro outro. Eles conseguiram demonstrar perfeitamente o amor que os personagens sentem e transmitir o quão linda e pura a relação deles é.

A trilha sonora é esplêndida! inigualável! eu amei todas as musicas de verdade, são tão lindas, me deixaram até emocionada(isso pq eu n me emociono fácil).
Na primeira cena que passou com eles cantando uma música mais sentimental eu já pensei "kkkk mds que brega" pra 20 segundos depois eu estar literalmente chorando, foi uma cena linda demais!! Em nenhum momento passou vergonha alheia.
Não posso deixar de mencionar o conceito da banda no bl que se encaixou perfeitamente e me deixou encantada por eles.

Resumindo, um dos melhores que eu já assisti, recomendo muito, vale a pena demais ter uma experiência tão boa que é assistir um bl tão lindo igual esse. Já entrou pros favoritos!!

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 28, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

An upbeat and bubbly BL series with amazing music!

My School President is a delightful and adorable BL series that embraces the classic enemies-to-lovers trope. It exudes cheerful humor, introduces lovable characters, and showcases remarkable chemistry between the leads.
With the show being one of the highest-rated on the site and receiving widespread praise, I had high expectations going into it. I eagerly anticipated witnessing the relationship between Tinn and Gun unfold alongside the intriguing plot.

In terms of the plot, it follows a familiar enemies-to-lovers template. The two initially start as rival contenders competing for the school presidency, but as their feelings for each other grow, they can no longer contain their emotions and must confront them. The show did an excellent job of portraying the evolving relationship between the two boys. There were moments where I couldn't help but giggle like a schoolgirl whenever they displayed affection towards each other. However, I must mention that there is a lack of physical intimacy, and we only get a kiss between them during the final moments of the show. Considering their young age, it's understandable that they may not be overly affectionate in a more intimate manner.

One aspect that slightly bothered me and led to a slight reduction in my rating was the abundance of dead space in certain scenes. I often found myself skipping through unnecessary scenes that didn't contribute much to the plot, making the series feel longer than it needed to be. I believe everything could have been accomplished in 10 episodes instead of 12.

One of the highlights of the show for me was the music and the accompanying music videos. I was pleasantly surprised by the fantastic music selection. The various music performances throughout the series were incredibly catchy, and I found myself rewatching them multiple times. One of my favorite scenes was in episode 5 when Gun's mother starts singing to him, and each cast member has their own introspective moment, contemplating the next steps. It brought me great joy.

Overall, I adored the two main leads, Gemini and Fourth, and I appreciated the inclusion of the two additional BL couples in the show who also received screen time. It was a nice addition to the series. I would wholeheartedly recommend this upbeat and cheery BL series to anyone in search of a lighthearted watch.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 31, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

Bagus banget sih ini, wajib nonton!

Menceritakan Gun seorang ketua ekskul band sekolah, ekskul ini akan segera di tutup karena konstribusi dan tujuan ekskul yang kurang kuat untuk sekolah. Ketika ekskulnya akan dibubarkan, ketua OSIS bernama Tin memberikan saran kepada kepala sekolah untuk menundanya dan mempertimbangkannya dengan matang, dengan memberikan waktu dan kesempatan bagi ekskul untuk memberikan sesuatu hal yang membanggakan untuk sekolah, akhirnya karena kejadian ini OSIS-pun ikut bertanggung jawab dan membuat Gun dan Tinn sering bersama dalam menghadapi beberapa permasalahan yang akan terjadi. Bagaimana kisahnya? apakah chemistry akan terbentuk? saksikan series-nya. Dari segi alur dan cerita, series ini punya bentuk cerita yang bagus, pengemasan scene yang apik dan dialog ringan yang mudah difahami serta menghibur. Dari segi karakter dan penokohan, menurutku series ini sangat memperkuat setiap tokohnya, series memberikan ruang pada setiap karakter yang ada untuk tampil dan ikut serta mempengaruhi cerita, walaupun dikemas dengan jumlah episode yang tidak banyak alias standard, namun series ini dapat menceritakan dan menjelaskan para tokoh baik untuk mainrole maupun support role dengan porsi yang pas. Dari segi warna, saya sangat menyukainya ; Series ini penuh warna baik itu untuk visual scene, maupun warna suara, setiap mood dan setiap scene dapat digambarkan dengan lagu-lagu mereka yang memang sangat related dengan keadaan ceritanya, lagunya sangat enak di dengar, dan bisa diterima oleh indra pendengaran kita dengan baik. Series ini punya life meaning yang bagus, dan sangat berkesan. Sangat rekomendasi!

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 20, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

Endearing and fun

After all the angst and misery that Young Royals season 3 gave me, I really just wanted some fun and light-heartedness, and this drama HIT THE SPOT.

The main couple is, of course, the best part of the show. The chemistry is fantastic and this is a great example of how to write a healthy relationship that isn't boring. I loved seeing their relationship develop from "enemies" (with gigantic air quotes lol) to friends, and watching how they communicated and supported each other throughout. The side romances were also great and I never once felt like I wanted to skip any scenes.

I was also pleasantly surprised at how well the humor worked. There are a lot of comparisons with this and 2gether, but I found that drama's humor too over-the-top, making the drama feel low-stakes and nonsensical. On the other hand, this show's humor was well-timed and endearing, and most importantly it never interfered with the tone of the show. It was serious when it needed to be, touching and sad when it needed to be, and funny when it could be. It struck a great balance between touching on some serious topics like homophobia and discrimination, while also making sure we got the feel-good friendships and family scenes.

Overall, this was a great watch. I admit that not all the songs were my vibe, but I loved the ending song, Once Upon A Time. Whether or not you like the songs won't really affect how fun of a watch it is. Ultimately, it's not a life-changing drama, but it will, without a doubt, make your weekend better.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 10, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


I love love love this series!!!! I mean not that much though cause I wish there were more kiss scenes cause they are TOO HOOKED WITH EACH OTHER!!!!! I was wondering who is GeminiFourth since they keep on popping on my fyp and now that I watch their series, I can confirm that they have an excellent chemistry. First episode and I AM IN LOVE!!!! The awkwardness is not in the room with us. Their chemistry is pure and innocent maybe because they are playing a high schoolers so their relationship is puppy-like, very goofy especially Fourth. OH MY GOD. I couldn't help but to think of Baekhyun whenever I watch how good Fourth portraying Gun. Gun is very playful and someone that is living carefree yet he becomes very serious when it comes to his band.

To be honest, I have no issue with this series. It reminds of first love in high school feels like, with their friends already knowing that they got together but giving space for them to confessed that they are dating. The feeling confession is not that direct and more like they are filtering their words to tease each other BUT i think that is damn adorable!! MAD IN LOVE with the pureness of their relationship. If I want to complain, just small issue where I think their kiss scene is very limited. That is all. LOL.

Other than that I think I like the series. LOOKING FORWARD TO MORE GEMINI X FOURTH <3

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My School President (2022) poster



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