Saiai (2021) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.2/10 par 1,697 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 4,285
Critiques: 11 utilisateurs
Classé #1392
Popularité #3633
Téléspectateurs 1,697

En 2006, dans la petite ville de province où vivait Sanada Rio, une personne a disparu. Plus tard, Rio décida de faire des études pharmaceutiques dans une université de Tokyo. Aujourd'hui, à tout juste trente ans, Rio est nommée présidente de la société Sanada Wellness, filiale du groupe dont sa mère est à la tête, et est ainsi propulsée à la une des journaux dû à son jeune âge. Cependant, Rio va se retrouver témoin dans une série de meurtres qui semble liée à l'incident qui a eu lieu durant sa jeunesse en 2006. Principale suspecte, Rio est protégée par ses trois avocats pendant qu'un enquêteur, qui était son premier amour, cherche à tout prix la vérité derrière cette affaire. Modifier la traduction

  • Français
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  • Русский
  • Türkçe
  • Pays: Japan
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 10
  • Diffusé: oct. 15, 2021 - déc. 17, 2021
  • Diffusé Sur: Vendredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: TBS
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Score: 8.2 (scored by 1,697 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1392
  • Popularité: #3633
  • Classification du contenu: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 24, 2023
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

amnésie, trauma de l’enfance, amours adolescentes et retrouvailles

J’ai beaucoup aimé ce drama, assez classique dans sa forme (histoire de pertes de mémoire, de trauma dans l’enfance, d’amours adolescentes et de retrouvailles) mais plutôt bien écrit dans l’enchaînement des évènements, et la recherche du ou des coupables. Les personnages se tiennent, sont cohérents et ont une évolution assez logique. Par moment le scénariste cède à la tentation de vouloir nous orienter sur de fausses pistes mais on reprend vite la bonne direction. J’ai particulièrement aimé la façon dont les caractères des personnages sont écrits en évitant le cliché du « tout noir/tout blanc » et ils se trompent parfois, peuvent corriger le tir, restant en cela proche de la réalité de l’imperfection humaine ! la romance est agréable, et n’occupe pas plus de place qu’il ne faut, l’enquête apporte son lot de suspense de coups de théâtres… La fin est vraiment parfaite à mes yeux, éminemment japonaise, douce-amère, toute en points de suspension, avec la tristesse d’un départ, mais la joie d’un accomplissement…. Elle me satisfait vraiment, mais quand même, aux yeux de la logique cartésienne, elle devrait être différente. On comprend que tout n’a été qu’enchaînement de circonstances malheureuses qui ont entraîné un destin vers le drame, et j’ai été heureuse que ça définisse pas dans la tragédie que je craignais, connaissant la propension qu’ont les Japonais à se suicider !
Pour finir, j’ai passé un excellent moment, et je le recommanderaient !!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
33 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 20, 2021
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 7
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The truth disappears with love

This headline, "the truth disappears with love", is the series' catchphrase and after watching all 10 episodes, it encapsulates the whole theme of the drama.

TLDR: Saiai is an original suspense love story work made by producer Arai Junko and helmed by director Tsukahara Ayuko. Well-acted, with a tight pacing, enagaging story, and gorgeous music, this proved to be another masterpiece from the Arai/Tsukahara combi.

The story is original but draws the familiar themes of suspense/mystery and forbidden love. What would happen if after 15 years, you reunite with your first love, not as simple colleagues or friends but as a detective and a person under suspicion of murder? The premise is tempting and would catch the eye of lovers of drama. Add in the mystery/suspense part - of the unsolved case 15 years back and more unresolved murders in the present - and you have a neat, interesting package. The pacing of the story is tight, with revelations and clues unfolding in each episode, but the strongest episodes are those of the first half and the last. The 6th and 7th episodes are more subdued and might seem draggy since they deal more with character relationships. Despite this, the plot continued to develop and move forward. There were also some characters that I wished we have seen more on the screen, but I'm glad that at least they were used quite well in the story.

The cast delivered in their roles, playing each character wonderfully, I'm so satisfied with each actor's performance. There were two in the supporting team who were quite shaky at first, but gave more nuanced performances as the episodes went on. What I also like about the characters is that they're all so capable in their jobs, from our main three to the supporting cast. It's so inspiring and so amazing to see.

Our main three actors were impressive. Yoshitaka Yuriko gave so much life to Sanada Rio, I often find myself taking too many screenshots of her expressions in each episode because she's just so captivating to watch as the character. She mentioned in an interview before the final episode that she felt that Rio's living somewhere out there, and I fully agree. Like what I have mentioned in the comments below, Sanada Rio's character may be someone that can draw annoyance due to how people always protect her, but the writing and Yuriko's charm and performance made her someone you would want to protect, someone lovable.

Matsushita Kouhei's Miyazaki Daiki is so freaking cool. I noticed that Kouhei always gives off a different vibe for each of his roles and it's no different to what he did for Daiki. What I like is that his performance and the writing made Daiki not just that "cool and capable detective", he's also very much human, he's someone who truly cares for his beloved people. He is very capable in his job, but he also has his flaws, and he is - at the core - just someone who lives to help other people, especially Rio and Yuu.

Iura Arata's Kase Kenichiro is a big cinnamon roll, he's probably my favorite character in the series. Kase Kenichiro is a strong, reasurring presence in the Sanada family's lives, and he's there for Rio every step of the way. Iura Arata's acting solidifed Kase's warmth and sharpened the edges that the character also possesses. Kase on paper is Sanada Wellness' watchdog with all the teeth and warmth,Kase on the screen is all that, magnified even more with the presence that Iura Arata gave him.

The music is so beautiful!! It actually really helped in the whole experience, especially in the first episode. Speaking of the first episode, the first two minutes of the pilot ep is a very good hook, and the accompanying music elevated it. The soundtrack was able to give off the feel of "15 years ago in Shirakawa-go", and "today, in Tokyo", and served as good backgrounds to key moments so kudos to Yokoyama Masaru! Aside from their use, the absence of music in some key scenes (!!) is also very tasteful. In these particular scenes, it leads viewers in on the suspense, waiting with baited breath along with the characters on the screen.
(Here's the whole OST on Spotify btw! :

After watching the last episode, you'd want to watch the first episode all over again to catch all the clues and hints that you missed. The character relationships and plot progression would be better appreciated if you binged it, so yes a rewatch is in order haha. The series is very binge-worthy, the pacing of the episodes and the bite-sized clues and hints in each one makes each episode interesting.


All in all, Saiai - literally "beloved" or "dearest" - was a satisfying drama from start to finish. I was a bit apprehensive of their pacing in the last two episodes in terms of the big reveal, but I'm very glad that they wrapped everything up nicely. There were just two plot threads that I think were not fully explained, but overall, it was a very good last episode. The theme of the drama was also drawn out very well, I can't think of a better title than Saiai, and indeed, the catchphrase "the truth disappears with love" holds true.

What a ride. Saiai is now under my 2021 favorites and my all-time favorites list, and it's all thanks to each part of the series from the production, to the story, acting, music, and rewatch value. Despite my love for this series, I won't erase the truth - and that is that it is a satisfying, well-produced drama that deserves to be watched. So if you haven't yet, this is your sign to watch it now.

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N no Tame ni
Junai Dissonance
Unmet: Aru Nogekai no Nikki
Itoshi Uso: Yasashi Yami


  • Drama: Saiai
  • Pays: Japon
  • Épisodes: 10
  • Diffusé: oct. 15, 2021 - déc. 17, 2021
  • Diffusé On: Vendredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: TBS
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Classification du contenu: 15+ - Adolescents de 15 ans ou plus


  • Score: 8.2 (marqué par 1,697 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1392
  • Popularité: #3633
  • Téléspectateurs: 4,285

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