1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 18, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Une première partie dynamique et entraînante (à revoir sans hésitation)

Cette première partie n'est pas loin du petit coup de coeur. À savoir que je n'ai pas lu le webtoon (qui semble être différent sur pas mal de points), de ce fait mon avis ne concerne que le drama.

Bien que la première partie ne soit que de six épisodes, le drama trouve son rythme et donne assez de matière et d'espace à tous les personnages (qui sont nombreux). On évolue avec eux. On s'attache à l'un, on déteste l'autre... Tous les profils y sont et la production a fait en sorte que tout fonctionne. Le casse-cou, la pleurnicheuse (bien gonflante celle-là), les têtes brûlées, les maladroits qui sont plus dangereux que les créatures, les leaders ou encore ceux qui hésitent et suivent finalement le mouvement etc.

Alors évidemment, inutile de vouloir prendre ce drama au pied de la lettre. Il possède beaucoup d'aspects irréalistes avec pour unique but, celui de divertir et il y arrive parfaitement. Entre comédie et scènes d'action, chaque fin d'épisode nous pousse vers le suivant, si bien qu'il est difficile de s'arrêter en cours de route. Certains moments sont glauques et ça mérite d'être mentionné pour celles et ceux qui sont sensibles sur ce point.

Les CGI sont spectaculaires. C'est rare qu'un drama donne autant sur ce point, et pourtant on ne pourra nier sa réussite ici. Les créatures sont importantes et elles sont respectées jusque dans leur création, traitement et mouvement. Elles en deviennent effrayantes et fascinantes avec des couleurs uniques et des bruits glaçants.
S'il y a bien une chose à retenir c'est leur esthétique. En revanche, Duty After School ne traite pas vraiment leur présence. Elles sont là, stagnent pendant des mois et attaquent soudainement la Terre. Fin de l'histoire. Si elles sont une menaces bien réelle pour la première partie, on en découvre peu à leur sujet et lorsque c'est le cas, c'est écarté.

En bref, si vous aimez le genre dystopique avec en plus des créatures extraterrestres, vous allez sûrement vous y perdre avec délice.
Si la partie 02 n'avait pas tout ruiné, aucun doute que Duty After School aurait été un des meilleurs dramas de 2023.

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Abandonné 2/6
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 20, 2023
2 épisodes vus sur 6
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Peut-on faire pire?

C'est mauvais. Serais-je huée sous les projecteurs?
C'est un navet. Serais-je lynchée sur la place publique?
Je n'ai pas pour habitude de noter et de donne une critique d'un drama dont seuls 2 épisodes ont (péniblement) été visionnés. Mais, 2 heures reste suffisantes pour se faire une bonne idée de la qualité ou non. Un film dure 2 heures environ.
J'ai lu quelque part que notre âge (canonique) devait probablement nous empêcher d'apprécier ce truc, mais lorsque je l'ai proposé à mon ado de 16 ans, esseulé après presque 2 mois de vacances à tourner en rond, il a eu tout de même le culot de me dire " heu, non merci, ton truc a l'air débile....". Mon ado est-il devenu plus mature? Ou ai-je régressé?
Bref, citons rapidement le pourquoi de mon 1 assumé :

- Des protagonistes d'une superficialité affligeante.... Tous ces lycéens sonnent creux, n'ont aucun fond (tout comme comme la forme d'ailleurs). Cela passe son temps à montrer un irrespect culotté aux adultes (un comble dans un pays où le respect du professeur et des soldats devraient pourtant être souligné), à se battre pour des broutilles (après tout, c'est tellement plus classe des mômes qui pètent et se battent pour tout et n'importer quoi), à se maquiller sans aucune pudeur (super l'image des lycéennes qui ne pensent qu'a se re-poudrer le nez, je me demande où sont les féministes?), à fumer et à vociférer des grossièretés (laissez moi croire please qu'il y a encore des jeunes de 17 ans qui savent aligner des mots sans passer par la case trop méga cool des gros mots toutes les 2 minutes), et j'en passe...
Bref, des morveux classiques qui si j'ai bien compris vont sauver le monde....cela fait peur tout de même. Alors pour ceux qui me sortent la carte du "ah mais, ce sont des ados, rien de plus normal!" , je les invite à regarder "71 into the fire". Alors, certes le film "71 into the fire" nous conte une histoire différente dans un contexte particulier, mais il faut avouer que si la jeunesse coréenne montrée dans ce drama devait vivre la même chose que les 71 étudiants du film, je pense que l'issue serait bien différente...
- Des adultes d'une niaiserie affligeante...Mais quel pays n'a donc pas honte de voir ses soldats ridiculisés au plus au point? Apparement, les coréens s'en tapent comme d'une guigne... Allô? un truc louche tombe du ciel dans un camp militaire, et pam des soldats grouillants maladroitement autour du truc extraterrestre, et vlà un officier (joué pourtant par un acteur que j'apprécie en temps normal (Kim Won Hae, que fait-tu là, nan mais sérieux??? Passer de "Chief Kim" à cela, ça fait mal quand même), faisant son apparition, vociférant, et cherchant à tirer sur le truc louche sans attendre les ordres des supérieurs, sans en référer à des scientifiques, sans prendre aucune précaution. Et je ne vous raconte pas la dégaine des soldats tout au long du drama, on devine qu'aucun des acteurs n'a dû prendre des cours de posture afin de nous faire croire un minimum que l'on se trouvait devant de vrais soldats, jsais pas, un peu comme dans " Glory of Special Forces"....
- Les parents pas du tout inquiet pour leur môme..... Ils doivent vivre dans un monde de bisounours....
- Et le scénario? Ne vous attendez pas à un "Three Body", on en est à des années lumières. Ici le non sens et l'illogisme ont pris le pas et cela en est tellement risible qu'on ne rit même plus.
- Le jeu des acteurs????? Heu................... allez on va dire qu'ils sont encore jeunes....Ah mince, non, Choi Moon Hee 26 ans, Kim Ki Hae 23 ans, Lee Yeon 28 ans... je n'ai rien dit. Même les vétérans n'ont pas su jouer....
- L'OST? Des notes juste pour dire " oh c'est trop cool comme drama", si ce n'est pas de la m*, cela reste tout de même dénuée d'émotion.

Je vais oublier que les K-dramas sont tombés bien bas, et penser que c'est une erreur de parcours. Ah mince, au bout de deux fois, ce n'est plus une erreur de parcours, non?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
54 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 1, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A drama I came to watch with zero expectations

I love drama plots with zombies and aliens. But after reading the synopsis and seeing the cast I didn’t expected a lot from this drama. I thought that maybe this is another drama trying to ride the big wave of zombie drama success.

Maybe it is because I came with zero expectations but this drama is just too good. It didn’t had that amount of hype like All of us are dead but according to me this is better than All of us are dead . It is a bit different as it is an Alien invasion sort of a drama than to a zombie drama.

This drama felt more realistic to me than most of the other zombie/alien apocalypse dramas out there. It has quite a good amount of characters in it. Which could have gone wrong. But each character is unique and is given quite a fair screen time. This drama shows us all emotions of greed, fear, happy, grateful,sad, hopeful, kindness. The cast did an amazing job in portraying their characters well. And left us with an amazing first half of the drama. I binge watched the whole part in a single sitting. And will do so for the second part too.

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11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 4, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

A realistic portrayal of teenagers in an apocalypse

I love that Duty After School has no specific main characters and it focuses on each students as a team. Some may find them annoying and dumb, but I love how they're realistic and relatable. They're still kids who are whiny, reckless and clueless about the sudden situation they got into. All they know is that they joined the military training to gain extra points for their college entrance exams. At first, they treated it like a camping with fun and games. They're even joking and mocking the soldiers instead of being scared. They don't have access to the internet and communication outside that adds to their ignorant behavior. Then they realize how serious the training is and the other students wanted to leave, but it took a dark turn when the real situation hit them and the rest of the students no longer have the choice to leave.

Before and during their training, I already love their class harmony and how real the characters feels like being immature and carefree teenagers. There's a lot of funny scenes that made me laugh and there's more intense scenes that made me hooked. After the first alien attack that they encountered, they are forced to face their new reality and grow too fast. There are times when they couldn't rely on the adults and have to be independent while working together. Despite everyone's differences from personality/mindset/ability and when conflict arises, they still keep hold onto their bond and trust each other. It's so heartwarming and admirable to watch all the students helping each other, growing closer and doing what they can despite being thrown into chaos. I became attached to these students who learned to be strong while gradually building their teamwork during the apocalypse.

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Nicholas louie
19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 17, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Trying too hard

Aside from good CGI and props, there is nothing praiseworthy for this drama. The cast did their best with the bad hand they were dealt.

A bland, stereotypical high school drama with the class clown, the bully, the nerd, the pretty clique girls, the good class monitor, the fat nerd who is best friends with the wimpy kid protagonist, and the gorgeous love interest who is inexplicably interested in the protagonist.

The drama skips over every major emotionally impactful scene, never leaving them out long enough to dry and develop the characters. Every character is a watered-down version of their stereotypes, but all share stunted flight & fight reflexes. No one has leadership qualities, no one has useful survival skills, and no one has a proper incentive to move the plot forward. Every high-stakes scenario is a result of a moronic mistake, the story is entirely driven by reactionary decisions.

A paper thin plot line, a bunch of lacklustre characters, zero opportunity given for development and for us to emphasize, cliche dumb sacrifices everywhere, the list of flaws go on.

To those who dare to compare this drama to All of Us Are Dead, all of you are dead.

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19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 2, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

High Octane Drama

I have been looking forward to Duty After School for quite a while and it's quite the adrenaline rush that I was seeking!

Managed to binge the first 6 episodes over 2 days. The first episode took time to build the story and get to the aliens but once they started to come, they just kept coming! The series is more of a thriller than a horror but it did make my heart race in one particular episode and I almost didn't want to look. This is for those who are a bit weak (like me) when it comes to scary movies and shows.

The characters are interesting and developed slowly but not in great detail which might disconnect viewers. The focus is on one particular class in one particular school. And at times I thought, is this the only class that survived? They could have used a few more extras to represent a proper school.

Story is interesting and exciting though there are some moments where I felt common sense was lacking. Like trying to retrieve a key from behind a cupboard when they could have tried to use some kind of stick to extend their reach but didn't. Moments like those felt quite frustrating. But on the positive note, some characters show growth and others show weakness which is especially important in a real crisis. No character can be strong all the time so plus points for that realistic take.

The CGI is pretty good. The aliens are visually beautiful, almost flower-like. Reminded me a bit of Stranger Things. And the added aspect that they are intelligent besides not understanding much about them is what adds to the fear-factor. It was a good touch.

There is plenty of blood and gore though it is not too gruesome. And mild comedy and other light moments to balance out the series.

All the episodes end on a crucial point which is the perfect recipe for a binge watch. I just dislike splitting up shows for no good reason. It makes less sense that as this series is just 4 episodes short. For this reason, I can't give it a rating higher than 9 as I don't know if I'll enjoy the ending. But taking it's flaws into consideration, I'll give it a 9.

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12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 4, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

My favorite drama of 2023

Actually I started this drama without reading synapsis. I just started it because i was bored and i thought some drama about school life but after watching 1st episode i completed this in single sitting. I really this drama. TBH This is best drama i watched these days. i can't wait for remaining story 😭.

1st of all the cast is perfect i didn't expect much from them but after watching this I feel like they are perfect. No one can do better than them.

From starting episodes i felt character development. The school bullies, the one who fight for grades, the nerds , even clam ones too fight for others . Protected others. That 2nd ranker might say some things like he only care for merits but still he cared about others when they didn't come to base .

I felt soo bad about Lee chun ho's death . He literally don't deserve it. Everyone in this deserve to have a happy ending 😭😭.

I want to see the story from parents POV because some of parents are in super rich, politicians, military man, and much more higher position . How would they feel about their kids fighting with some anonymous aliens?

I guess they will fight with big spheres in part 2

Can't wait for further story 🥺🤯

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 14, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


I really loved the drama, everything was perfect and I felt the same feeling when I saw my first drama years ago. It had been years since I had felt this feeling, the euphoria, happiness and tension that filled me happy for hours and hours!

Me and my mother finished the drama in a matter of days and until now we are outraged by the “death” of Lieutenant Lee-

My head is full of more and more theories and I believe he will come back-

whoever created the plot really has a brilliant mind, and whoever chose the cast deserves an award!!! i knew some of the other dramas but i admit i fell in love with others and i plan to watch the others dramas!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 26, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5
I really was trying to like this.!!!! But you killed off someone in the very beginning for no reason. Who I along with everyone thought he would have been one of the main characters ,you kept the bully until the end I felt the whole thing was forced and then in the end you have 1 lose his mind and kill everyone !!!!!SMH. I did not get the story line and using test scores as a reward….. What happened to all the other adults. Lots of holes… I really tried I skipped a lot of parts and scenes
Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 9, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Too many plot holes and messy part 1 ending

Usually in apocalypse shows we start off with a big group and 2 people die every episode until only the main cast is left. That was a big cliche this show avoided, one of the characters whom I thought would be main was just killed off in the first episode itself. After that a bit unrealistically but everyone seemed to be managing ok, right until the ending that is, where they just killed off the main character. The worst thing about that was that he died doing nothing, he just gave up. He could have just jumped off the building, he probably would've broken bones, but mostly survived. It just seemed like they wanted a cool shot for the part 1 ending and decided to kill him off with everyone screaming and crying for dramatic effects.
Also, they were not even sure that the spheres were attacking a shelter, like they had never seen the shelter or knew how many people were present there but suddenly after hearing a kid's speech they decided it worth risking their lives for.
1. While the students left the school they took 2 trucks, which caused the whole 1 group got abandoned and the other group came to rescue them thingy. But while going back to the shelter after the rescue, they seemed to be managing just fine within a single truck(unless it was a bigger truck, but it didn't seem like it). So why would they divide into 2 trucks to begin with.
2. The teacher lived outside the school even though the whole area was evacuated and was swarming with the spheres.
3. But the biggest plot hole according to me was that all their parents are apparently just chilling in the shelters while the high school kids are dying to protect them. Shouldn't it be the opposite, shouldn't adult civilians be drafted for the military and students protected in the shelters....

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 7, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Best dystopian teen flick

Back when I was a teen, not long ago, dystopian genres were a thing. Practically every book after the "vampire/werewolf" urban fantasies became a dystopian teen flick.
And as a bookwarm I've read alot of them and this, does fall well into it's own identity.
A world that is attacked by alien zombies. A world that lost a big majority of their soldiers so they had to recruit kids. A world were adults hid behind those soldier kids.
Sure it's unbelievable, but that was established pretty early on xD

The plot holes in my opinion started from "recruiting kids", especially since their parents, their fathers, as per korean law are obligated to be redrafted into the military in case of wars. And the drama didn't really address that or the idea that the parents would actually agree to such a thing.
The kids were easily manipulated with the exam points, and there was no real need like saying "the aliens can effect the adult brains" or some excuse like "The Fifth Wave" or "enders game"(?).
I mean the whole existence of "the hunger game" relies on "drafting kids to murder each other for world peace"

So yeah the unbelievability of recruiting kids for the military can be easily excused..

And yes, I'm calling them kids cuz teenagers are still kids. Idk where I heard this a few days ago but kids/teens aren't emotionally or mentally fully developed to process and actively live by adult rules.
So these kids were indeed brats, selfish, self centered, whiny, naggy, brats that bullied others for being different or "less"
Just like any other highschool drama.. but I did really appreciate the kids that not only stood up but also comforted the outcasts. They weren't responsible for them, but they also didn't tolerate sht.
Especially Nara my precious ♡♡♡

Now throughout the story, even te selfish bullies, or the self centered naggers did contribute to the survival of their friends and that was emotionally satisfying. Tho I'd have also loved to punch Bora and Ilha.. or sacrifice them :D

For me Lee Chun Ho, Park Eun Young and Won Bin were the MVP adults. And Nara, class prez, Jangsoo were the MVP kids

I really loved the ost as well. The emotional journey was moving, the survival steps were believable for kids better than All Of Us Are Dead. Also I appreciate the lack of real full focus Main characters as apposed to the cheap love square and selfish jealousy of AOURD kids. And yes I'm only comparing them as they're both teen dystopian survival shows

I laughed when they laughed, I was bored in the early els and couldn't connect with any characters until the teacher, I cried when they laughed and I CREID on the last ep. I do hate the cut into 2 parts tho if we had gotten the normal 2eps per week, it'd have lasted around a month before eps 9-12(?) Were out anyway, instead we got to binge 6eps in less than a week. Unless pt2 isn't in April and SOON, I don't mind it as I do with the other cuts

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Cet avis était-il utile?
23 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 2, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 3
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Devoid of any sense or logic.

This is a fictional show, regardless t it doesn't excuse the lack of logic, sense or general stupidity the show is full of. You can produce a good fictional show without having to be devoid of logic.

I thought 'The Tomorrow War' with Chris Pratt was the dumbest piece of Sci-Fi I have ever had the misfortune of watching, but this show is dumber and worse.

People really are handing out 10s and 9s so easily on MDL, but I can't agree. I think if you are someone who watches shows and cannot disconnect entertainment from logic, you will not enjoy this. Even then, it is incredibly hard to detach when the writing, characters, motives, pace, and story are so poor on top of it all.

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Devoir périscolaire (2023) poster



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