7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 17, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 2
Globalement 2.5
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Really!?! Major disappointment!

Was expecting mature, intimidating, dangerous mafia guys but instead got 2 man childs acting like they've just discovered sex for the first time (with all the cringey, awkward, overly horny crap that comes with it). Don't even get me started on the seriously messed up relationship of the 3rd couple. VegasPete stole the show with their chemistry despite their all kinds of wrong relationship. KinnPorsche on the other hand was seriously laughable and utterly unbelievable. Kinn saves Porsche from being RAPED while he's drugged and then a few minutes later RAPES the drugged out Porsche himself... and yet Porsche some how falls for him? Are you kidding me?! Not to mention he befriends Vegas the guy that drugged and tried to rape him in the first place. Also the mafia plot went out the window like 4 episodes in because they are by far the most ridiculous, unintimidating, laughable mafia i have ever seen.

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12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 12, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Two years ago, this would be ground-breaking

Like many people, I have been waiting for this series to air for way too long. I have been through all the airing dates, the delays, the rumoured cancellations, the teasers, the trailers, everything. Even though, it’s been a few days since KinnPorsche finished airing, I wanted to write this review, because I waited way too long to watch this series. I will try to make it as less tiring as possible.

I haven’t read the book, so my thoughts are solely based on what I watched, how I experienced it and my expectations. So excluding the first two episodes that were worse that my physics teacher in high school, below are my thoughts for the rest of the series.

Directing & Cinematography
With a few exceptions, I would say that there were quite a few visually pleasing scenes and for the most part the directing was very well done. I liked the lighting they used and the framing.

Fight scenes
The fight scenes were a huge problem for me. Some were good enough to entertain me and others were ridiculous. Besides the sounds that sounded fake most of the times, but well they were much better that some other Thai series I have watched, there were other problems.
One of those problems was the camera movements. I get why some directors like shaking the camera to create tension, even though I don’t agree, but you need to know how to do that. Showing me a wall when there is a fight scene is not the right way to do it! Making me dizzy and confused about what is happening is also a huge miss. Plus, when the fighting scenes are not well choreographed, don’t use full shots! How am I supposed to get into the fight scenes, when I see people standing there pretending to fight the air, because the protagonist must win, even though they could have easily killed him like nine times?

For me, "Why Don’t You Stay" by Jeff Satur was definitely the highlight of the original soundtrack. No lies, I am basically obsessed with this song. The instrumental and the opening song were also quite nice to hear.

Product Placement
It’s a Thai series, I don’t know why I expected something better…

So, here lies the biggest problem. I haven’t read the book, so after watching the trailer, I had certain expectations. I was waiting for a plot driven series with a sprinkle of same-sex relationships. What I got was romance with a sprinkle of nonsensical wattpad-like plot.
Ok, let’s be honest, the plot makes no sense. Like at all. Porsche is acting like a three-year-old, being irresponsible af and the mafia is being way too cool about it. There are way too many things that don’t make sense, but I will not mention them, because of spoilers.

Oh God, I hated it. To be honest, it is a hit or miss, I personally didn’t like it at all, with that fish scene being quite disturbing (still hoping that those fish were fake). Imagine my shock, when I was expecting to watch a serious mafia-based plot and the first four episodes -at least- had so many comedic scenes that felt like they were there just to make the episodes longer.

Before talking about the actual acting, where the hell did they even find so many good looking people? WHERE? All of them were like they walked out from a fashion show or something; Vegas and Tay (Kinn’s friend) obviously forgot to change their model-like clothes.

And now to the acting. I would dare say that it was much better than I expected, especially taking into consideration that many of the actors don’t have that much experience. I enjoyed the majority of their performances and most importantly I didn’t feel like they forced themselves to act. People that have been watching BLs for a while, know what I mean.
With the exception of some scenes that felt a bit cringe (mostly the ‘’I am speaking another language’’ ones), I was very satisfied with the acting. The chemistry between the actors was also very good and to be honest, I feel like all the cancellations and delays helped them get more acquainted with each other and this is the result.

Romance & Intimate scenes
Like I previously mentioned, I liked the chemistry between the characters and I think they did a pretty good job, making their relationships seem real. At some point though, the main couple became a bit boring to watch and I would like to see more of the other couples, especially the relationship between Vegas and Pete that felt like it started way later that it should have. Even the relationship between Kinn’s friends was much more interesting and I am mad we didn’t get more of them.
KinnPorsche offered some very steamy scenes that you have probably not seen before in a popular BL series. And once again, everything felt quite natural to watch which is a huge plus!

All in all, KinnPorsche was an entertaining-enough series, thus the rating, that should not be taken seriously. I enjoyed it much more, when I accepted that this is not the serious mafia-based series that I was expecting (since they had advertised it as such) and the mafia-plot was basically the background that just didn’t have to make much sense.

The thing is, that five years ago, when the BL series that got produced every year could be counted in one hand, people didn’t have high expectations. This would be phenomenal back then. Why? Good budget, good actors, fun to watch.
Nowadays, there are so many BL series and people have the option to choose what to watch, picking what they think as best from a variety of dramas. At this point, the majority has started looking for well-written stories and not just for a portrayal of a same-sex relationship on screen. This series is definitely something relatively new, but certainly not ground-breaking.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
50 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 20, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 18
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Empty and Disappointed

If you're going to make a mafia show, be brave and give us a mafia show. Vegas is the only character I'd come back for a second series for, but because I genuinely like Apo as a person, I decided to finish this series with the mindset of it being a standard BL series. I initially dropped it at ep.10.

/Finale EDIT~
The series actually gave me a little of what I wanted/expected in the last 2 episodes and it has been left with an intriguing plot twist that paves the way for a sequel, which is interesting. They must have been planning/hoping for a season 2 from the start. I felt like I had seen the end of Act 1 rather than an end to the series. This show LOVES plot twists and I wanted that from a 'mafia' theme, but it's very frustrating when the writers can't maintain a rhythm to execute it well.
Overall, if I had gone into this series thinking that it's just another Thai BL (or better yet, no expectations at all) I probably would have enjoyed this more, rating it more around 7. The noncon and repeated loss of plot would still have kept the rating down. As other reviewers have said, this show is wildly popular because of it's 18+ content and the intense idolisation of the cast and the new Kings of BL couples, MileApo who say they don't do fanservice but they very clearly do, Mile more so because it sells and it's working.
I'm exposing myself here as I do feel very emotionally drawn to Apo. I see a lot of myself in him and I can't help but want to cheer him on, so if there's a season 2 or whatever comes next, I'm likely to be back for him. Bible who plays Vegas, is another honourable mention. Only then I'll remember my lesson and leave my brain off. //

I started watching shortly after ep.2 aired and I'm legitimately devasted at how this has turned out and no, it's not because of the violent content. The trailer promised us everything we wanted from this show and I was hooked from the first episode. Heaven knows the BL genre has a routine. A system that works and after a while, it gets stale, frustrating and needlessly melodramatic.
KinnPorsche started off sexy, tense, violent, dangerous, everything you'd expect from a show classified as a 'Mafia BL' but each week as I've waited, the story gets less and less of what it promised and is just falling into the same old BL routine. The route that works. Drama for dramas sake.

I loved episode one. It was everything I thought the show would be. Two humanly broken characters trying to survive their world while colliding into each others.
/Finale EDIT~ I got that flavour back in ep. 13 & 14. If they can keep the plot on that level for whatever sequel is in the works, a lot more people wouldn't be left feeling so angry about this series.//

I can forgive the drunken kiss in ep.3. I'm an adult. I've gone to parties and been drunk. If you live your life, this will probably happen at some point. Understandable human screw ups and Kinn was shown to feel bad about it. Cool. I like that.

But then the first red flag happens in ep4 when a drugged up Porsche gets r*ped by Kinn. It doesn't matter that he was 'seducing' him or Kinn was holding back or that the piano music made it seem really romantic. It was r*pe. There could have been alternate scenes to this situation that would have given just as much sexual tension without involving this very toxic trope in LGBT+ media. But I was willing to wait it out and see how this was dealt with.
The next episode is spent torturing Porsche further while he deals with ptsd and Kinn feeling bad about it but not actually doing anything, and just rubbing salt into the wounds because he was 'distancing himself'. Then it's all forgiven because Porsche realises he's in love with Kinn and has put it behind him by the time Kinn manages to say something, at the end of episode 6 after their happy little vacation in a forest.
Am I surprised? No. Not shocked in the slightest. This happens a lot in BLs because when it's two hot guys, it's just rough sex. They're tough enough not to make a big deal out of it right?
Followed by lots of romantic fluff and the ever eye rolling 'return of the ex/third party' arc. Again. More drama for dramas sake because Tawan was only there to annoy you, as most third party arcs usually are, and Kinn didn't involve Porsche in his plans because we don't know what Kinn is going to do from one moment to the next.

If hot guys having sex, every where and anywhere is what you're looking for, cool. I'm a member of the LGBT+ community and every now and then eye candy is fine. But I honestly had higher hopes for this one. It really isn't as revolutionary as everyone says it is. A new standard in filming and sex scenes for the BL genre, absolutely, but revolutionary? Absolutely not.

----Further thoughts on story & characters----

The actors seem like really sweet people who are just trying to make the world a better place and they did the best they could with the script given to them. And personally, is one of the biggest reasons why I think this show is doing so well. They are talented, likeable people, and everyone has the hots for them. It's always a winning combination.

*Kinn could have been a phenomenal character. He is deep and complicated but we never see why. Only that he doesn't trust anyone because of an ex and is currently obsessed with Porsche. He's super rich and acts like every seme ever. He exists to be rich and sexy with a big **** and that's it. He's completely colourless despite always wearing red and some pretty nice suave suits. He just mopes about in his pyjamas drinking and being jealous in the first few episodes. We only see inside Kinn's head when it comes to Porsche and even then, it's glimpses. Kinn is as much an emotional fort to the audience as he is to the rest of the characters. What Kinn says is controlled by the writers. With the exception of the forest episode where he suddenly transforms into a love sick puppy, what he says and what he doesn't say is purely for drama and emotional tension which is lazy writing and infuriating for me as the viewer. He is also shown to be able to fight pretty well but that was only convenient once to ramp up the sexual tension between him and Porsche. You would also imagine a character like this to be exceptionally intelligent but this is never explored either. No intense out manoeuvring or mind games despite all the chess analogy. Oh yeah, and he forgets about Pete because convenience for plot, and having sex with Porsche is more important.
No real mafia business transactions beside once beating up an old man for vague reasons and to slightly injure Porsche to further his romance.

I honestly still don't know what the family does other than a very brief overview where even Porsche doesn't really care and falls asleep, so we see and understand very little about the family dealings. There was an Italian branch but they appear, disappear and then reappear to be slaughtered. No other purpose than to serve as a shoot out.

This is not a Mafia BL. It's a BL with a slight mafia theme.

You can do anything when you look as good as Apo Nattawin. Can't lie. He is a stunning looking human being. Every shot, he's glowing, captured from every angle as the camera lingers over his sculpted features and abs and just teasing full frontal as the camera pans down some shower shots. Apo is the main visual in this show and the camera crew knew it. Unfortunately, his character Porsche, is frustrating and stupid. A little more depth than Kinn as the show is mainly his POV but the writers failed him. Hard. He started off strong, a sexy cool guy, a martial artist who took down armed men in minutes, an underground boxer driven by money problems, and escapes Kinn's kidnapping. A character who has raised his little brother from childhood with little help from a gambling addicted uncle who just seems to make things worse. He is understandably reluctant to join the mafia as gangs have ruled his life since his parents death.
Once he's with Kinn, this is all forgotten. He's bumbling, childish and annoying. Only every now and then do the writers remember he has skills and it's still never put to use. I was expecting a man fighting to protect his little brother, tooth and nail in a cold mafia world, with conflicting difficult emotions about his job, his role and his burgeoning love for his boss. Nope. We get a useless fool getting drunk, starting fights and needing to be saved from them, and suddenly, and almost randomly, in love with Kinn. Then he spends the rest of the show mostly in his underwear, doing something in water and having sex with Kinn.
Apo's body is more important than Porsche's story.
/Finale EDIT~
I cannot emphasise that last line enough. Apo may have seen this as a challenge as an actor but as the viewer, he might as well be made to do poster or calendar at this point. We've seen everything besides his genitals that are carefully hidden behind Kinn's arm and clever camera angles. Nudity is natural when the plot makes sense. This is just pure fan service //

Kinn and Porsche are obviously the main focus of the show. Their name is the title. But it really is just about Kinn and Porsche's romance and that's it. Everything else is an add on or a serves as a background. Two other couples are squeezed in for variety but neither really make sense.

Kinn's little brother, Kim and Porsche's little brother, Chay, starts out with an actual plot on Kim's behalf and has just developed into cringe. Jeff is the second visual in this show but he's not as sexualised as Apo since there's no sex so they're just focusing on his 'silent cool guy' persona, leaving him as a blank wall. Kim is clearly, and seems like the only, mafia brains in this whole show but there's so much time spent on Kinn and Porsche that we don't really see a lot of what he's up to or why.
Chay is sweet and innocent and to be fair, seems almost too pure for someone who has had the upbringing he's had. If Porsche worked that hard to protect Chay from the cruelty surrounding him, we never see the depths of this in Porsche's behaviour.
As adorable as Chay is made out to be, he is flat and one dimensional serving as nothing more than the brother of the protagonist and a chess piece for Kim's detective work. Much like Kim, there just wasn't enough spacing for their plot for me to be satisfied with it. It just seems like a rush to develop a romance and create more drama from it.

Then finally, there's Vegas and Pete. Stockholm syndrome. There's meant to be a relationship out of this one but I honestly couldn't see it. A very toxic and abusive one, yes. But the loving, romantic one that fans are hoping for. In the next 3 episodes? Really? I feel bad for the BDSM community because this is not how it works and I'll be really annoyed if we're using the word 'love' at the end of this.
/Finale EDIT~ I actually appreciate how this one developed. Unfortunately, they were using the word love after this, however, it was portrayed more for what it was, 'trauma bonding' but being confused as love. This twisted dynamic was almost what I had been expecting from Kinn and Porsche but the plot was still very rushed and again, left open for a season two. I would actually be interested to see more of this one, if it was done right. //

The rest of the characters exist to fill out the bodies. We know nothing about them other than they are the cardboard cut outs of the giddy, goofy friends but are still the best bodyguards there, or are the love experts for Kinn and Porsche because that's the only thing that matters here.
Porsche has two school friends who are so rarely seen, it's like the writers remembered them at the last minute and had to add them in during post.
The ep 9 & 10 plot twists were barely plot twists because we rarely seen the characters involved. I can't feel anything for a character who had no development, no interactions other than be bullies to Porsche, with 3 second cameos every other episode.
/Finale EDIT~ the characters in question are never spoken of again, further exposing how little the writers cared about them. //

Kinn's older brother Tankhun is another example of this is just another BL that just happens to have a mafia background. He's the camp character. Every BL has to have one for some reason because heaven forbid a gay show is taken seriously. There's no development for him either. He's supposed to be a damaged character which is why Kinn is the heir and not him but instead of letting us feel any pity for his pain, he's reduced to the whacky comic relief character with an outlandish wardrobe. I can almost let the cartoon sense of humour throughout the show pass but Tankhun is just too much and almost insulting 10 episodes in.

The cinematographer is the real hero of this show. They know what they're doing. They know how to capture the most beautiful shots, make use of lighting, colour psychology, framing, let everyone know there was a bigger budget than usual for the show with nice cars and expensive hotel rooms. There is a never ending source of beauty happening around the characters. There's no rating for them but if there was, I'd give them a 9.

This is meant to be 14 episodes and the pacing is like it were to be much longer. I would be guessing 50 if I hadn't previously known. I would be more accepting if that were the case but it's not. This show is all sparkle and no taste and in the end that's all it's going to be. All that budget, those gorgeous trailers/art films released before airing. It's all hype and it's a major let down.

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En cours 14/14
39 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 5, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 0
Globalement 1.5
Histoire 1.5
Acting/Cast 1.5
Musique 1.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Sad, Disappointing and Toxic

Abusive, Toxic relationships, romanticizing of sexual abuse, torture and rape. The story line is pretty much non existent. It just seemed like scenes put together with a minuscule story at best. I am heartbroken because I had such high hopes for this show. A lot of people seemed to think this is a watershed moment for Thai BL but for me this is sad and disappointing and it has continued the toxic tropes that we have come to expect of most Thai BL shows. I really wish this was better. I really wanted to like this.
Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

Bad Boys Trying to Look Good

There is an axiom about individuals being drawn to ‘bad boy’ imagery and this is the classic case of that. The story became so convoluted and twisted in its outcome that when I finished the series, I did not care. It was all so contrived. This series tried too hard to make these characters ‘likeable’. They are not. They are rotten to the core, looking at life rather cynically and fatalistically. They would lie, cheat, steal, murder, and torture, to gain power, control, and wealth. They are despots guised as human, smiling as they look at life cheaply. I did not understand nor appreciate this series. It left me feeling confused by all its hype.
You can read my full review of this series at

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Cet avis était-il utile?
En cours 12/14
33 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 26, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 4
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

All that glitters is not gold ?

Every time my friend says she would like to recommend a bl I ask her one question: Is it Taiwanese or Thai? If it’s the former I will definitely watch it but it’s the latter I will be hesitant to because for me Thai bl is usually just cute boys being cute. 😅

Note: First time writing a review I will probably mess this one up. 😂

When recommending KP, my friend convinced me it’s not typical Thai bl, it’s way different and it will blow my mind( surely did but not in the good way though). When I saw the trailer and boooy I was hooked couldn’t wait to start watching it. The trailer promised mafia stuff what could possibly go wrong with that? Later found out, the series is titled KP for a reason, yeah everything is about Kinn and Porsche. They get at most 80% screen time. You don’t get a chance to know the other characters better so much that when they are killed off you don’t know whether to feel sad or say good riddance, coz you just don’t care about them. Don’t get me started on the pacing. I keep asking myself why so many unnecessary scenes take too long.

If you are expecting one solid story that makes sense nah you won’t get that. But if you are looking for hot men doing it there is surely a lot of action 🔥 you would like. 😉

Porsche: I’m sorry but he is just stupid. He claims he is a heavy drinker but gets stupidly drunk after few drinks and makes himself susceptible to rape( except when it’s Kinn his love interest doing they make it seem it’s anything but that). He is so kind and forgiving, he will forgive way before you even apologize 😅. No matter how many lies Kinn tells him, calls him a slut, Kinn just need to hug and kiss him and all is well. IMO there is nothing more to Porsche than being Kinn trophy bf.

Kinn: The son of the main family which is supposedly the main mafia family. Except for a few occasions I don’t see him doing any mafia stuffs. His cousin Vegas keeps complaining that he can’t measure up to him but I keep asking myself measure up to what exactly????IMO Vegas mafia character is way more believable than him. He sometimes also make the most nonsensical decisions and don’t tell his boyfriend what’s he doing and later blames the bf for not trusting him 🤦🏽‍♀️.

VegasPete: The more I watch the more I prefer this couple to the main one. Their love story is nonsensical to me but it’s more interesting. There is at least tension but with the main couple everything is so easy. The main couple’s conflicts like I said earlier on they are resolved way to easily with just a kiss.

Porchay: awww what a sweet child. That’s what he is. Typical teenager head over heels for a stranger. Even when he later on founds out that this stranger lied to him, got close to him just to investigate his family his only concern is whether or not this stranger ever loved him.

Kim: Kinn’s brother also Porchay love interest. This one na detective of the main family, his investigation makes up just 1% screen time. You would think someone doing sth that actually matters to the plot would get more screen time but noooo.

Anyhow: With all this complaints I should have dropped it by now but I won’t. Such strange loyalty but I always finish what I’ve started. Besides I have fan fic to run to for canon compliant stuff so I can get more character study and whatnot. Fan fic has a way of making these bland characters seem more interesting.

Won’t be fair to not add things I liked.
I think the actors did their best. As compared to other Thai bl I have seen they are more talented and their chemistry is amazing.
I also like how on screen they do seem comfortable with each other during intimate scenes.
The sex scenes are hot. 🔥
The music is fine too.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 14, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I sat down on Sunday (10) and binged watched this series where I was able to complete it on Tuesday (12). And what can I say? I felt underwhelmed. I felt this the first time I saw the trailer and wasn't as excited as most of the people were. But I still decided to give it a try.

I honestly liked the first half of this series. I sat down and watched eight episodes at once, cause those seve episodes piqued my interest and kept me entertained. After that, I honestly don't know. Maybe it's due to the fact that this series is character driven and not storyline driven. So, after Kinn and Porsche got together, basically the other half is them falling out with each other and coming back together. Which got a bit tedious for me.

The characters of Kim and Chay really did nothing for me as a couple. Whatever was going on with them- just did not interest me. For Vegas and Pete...while they both need to see a psychiatrist and I may not like some parts of thier relationship, they were one of the two reasons why I continued with this series. The other reason is the character of Tankhun. Loved him to death! As for the other characters, it was neither here or there for me, especially the dads.

There were some parts of the story that made me scratch my head, some parts that made me scream at them beacuse they were idiots and some parts that were just too predictable. As such, I am giving the story a 6.

Not gonna lie- the cast acting was amazing. They actually did well with this script. And for that reason, I'm giving them a 9 (mostly due to he characters of Tankhun, Vegas and Pete).

The music was also one of the best features of this series as well. As such, I give a 9.

Rewatch Valu-5/10
Personally, I see myself watching this is a very far, far, far away future. Not right now, though. So, I will give that a 5.

Overall, I give this series a 7.5. I really wanted to loke it the way most people here did. But, unfortunately, it just did not happen for me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 10, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 2
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Inconsistent plot, acting and storytelling BUT definitely Sexy!

Completed: 7/10/2022

"KinnPorsche" is such a hyped up mafia BL drama that I figured I would check it out to see what it's all about. I then realize this is not really a mafia drama, but a mafia slice-of-life drama with a good-looking cast and many sexy scenes. I was expecting an action-packed mafia drama with a side of romance. But it turns out to be a romance drama with a side of mafia action.

What I Like:

1. Sexy scenes - Not going to lie, if you are 18+ and enjoy sexy scenes, this is the drama for you. The scenes are shot beautifully and well-acted. You can feel the emotions and the sexual tension. The scenes are both sexual and sensual, and they definitely could make you blush. Kinn and Porsche's kisses are a treat and they really put in the effort.

2. Good-looking cast - Yes, this drama is full of good-looking guys. Isn't this one of the biggest attractions? Of course, we all have our preferences, but for me, Porsche and Kim are my kinda of handsome.

3. Production - I am not sure if this is considered a big budget production in Thailand, but I enjoy all the scenes in the Main family house. Beautiful rooms with sweeping views of the city, gorgeously decorated interiors with high end furniture/props/chandeliers, etc . Oh, can't forget the gardens, fountains, koi ponds and the swimming pool (both indoors and the one with city view). Great cinematography, nice tailored suits for all bodyguards and the leads. Some of the action scenes are well done and don't seem too fake.

What I don't like or have mixed feelings:

1. Plot - There is no central plot to the drama. It's very character-drive the majority of the time, and it seems like a slice-of-life drama about bodyguards. It's not until towards the last couple episodes that a certain family plot becomes more prominent. There isn't enough about the mafia, and the focus is on relationships/romance. Some scenes and episodes are great and interesting, others are cringey and give me that "What the heck did I just watch" feeling.

2. Comedy - The comedic moments in this drama are too over-the-top for my taste. I am sure many love it, but I don't think they fit the general feel of the drama. I can take small doses here and there, sprinkled throughout the drama. But when the comedy is concentrated on a certain episode, that's too much for me to take. Thus, I feel this drama is very inconsistent.

3. Romance - Yes, I like the sexual and sensual scenes. But on the other hand, some of the scenes are too cringey. Two adult men are acting like teenage girls in love for the very first time. I thought these guys are in their late 20s, or early 30s, and have already been in different relationships before. All the romantic relationships in this drama are quite toxic and unhealthy. These guys are walking red flags. Relationships full of lies, mistrust, dishonesty and not always consentual.

4. Inconsistent acting - I feel that all the actors are best with the more emotional scenes. I particularly enjoy Porsche and Vegas' acting. Kinn's acting doesn't always hit the mark. I do not particularly like Porchay (I know it's an unpopular opinion). I find him too awkward and I don't know why Kim would be interested in a little kid like him.

5. Illogical plots holes- Let's just say there's no way we should still see Vegas after the final credits. All wounds heal ridiculously fast. No one needs to wear any bulletproof vest because even though you're showered with bullets, you won't die.

I will recommend this Thai BL drama if you want something with a mafia theme, sexy scenes, high production value and a good-looking cast. But don't expect an amazing drama with a good script and perfect execution. I enjoyed it for its entertainment value and WTH moments that make me laugh, thus a rating of 8.0. There are better Thai BL dramas out there, e.g. "A Tale of a Thousand Stars", "Not Me", and "I told Sunset About You".

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Cet avis était-il utile?
En cours 13/14
27 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 3, 2022
13 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Expectation hurts

I will try to be honest here. I am a fan of BL drama with a good story and acting. I don't care whether the casts are hot or not. If you have the same taste as me, I am pretty sure you won't enjoy this drama. It is such a waste. The casts are hot. Some of them (not all) are great actors. But the plot is weak, the chemistry is lacking and this drama is just a show of how hot the actors are. That's all. ITSAY and ATOTS are my all time favorite Thai BLs. But this one (KP) is not for me. I feel most Thai BL drama these days do not represent the life of LGBT community but they are merely fictions which are not more than giving fan service. I expected this series a lot and that is why I probably feel empty and disappointed. If you are not like me and if you like to watch hot guys being hot, then you may enjoy this series. I feel really sorry.

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21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 9, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Worse than BTS

I thought BTS was the was most overhyped shit coming out of Asia but no Kinnporsche beats it. I don't know they could have simply launched all the sex scenes with some filler cuz the audience that is watching it can't be bothered with the story anyways.

The lack of plot is funny cuz it was the most hyped aspect.
Bl simply means gay sex to the audience and nothing else.

Its time Thai industry starts making gay porn on large scale cuz there will be a lot of customers.
I don't know if the novel writer has a right to call her novel as any part of literature like disgusting wtf goes in your mind to write this shit.

Nothing about this series except the music was satisfying.
Waste of your time if u r not here for the "scenes"

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 9, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A generous 9 cause girl, she really a 8... MAYBE 8.5

What an end to a wild ride. Thailand bls are really evolving from engineering school boys to actual adults and I am so appreciative of that.
Story: I give a 7.5 because it starts off strong with the whole mafia aspect but then the majority of the drama is fan service with no real plot development until the last couple episodes where it's up rushed. Some characters looked like they had their own story but we didn't get a chance to explore that; I assume specials or possibly their own series are in the works.
Acting: is great especially from Apo and Bible- they stole the show whenever they were on screen and I'll be looking out for their dramas in the future for sure, they have a new fan in me. Some other actors, I won't name names, need more acting lessons and them getting little screen time makes sense.
Music: great! Especially the song sung in the final episode from one character to the other- LOVED it.
Overall I would rewatch this, it's serious and yet funny at times (Tong- I'm looking at you!!) with a bunch of angsts that I love.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 10, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A Ravenous Fest Indeed!!!

A Mafia Show where Morality Lines are blurred paired with sensual Eroticism & Volatile Romance.

"This is a mafia series, but it overflows with heart."
- Nattawin. W

KPTS is not for the faint-hearted. Its gritty, sexy, violent , comedic and yet so romantic and layered.
It's not your regular BL and KP makes it clear since its premise.

This review will be mostly about the main slayers of the show. "Kinn & Porsche"


It all starts off on one faithful night when Kinn and Porsche randomly crash into each others world. Little did they know that from this moment on their destiny would be tied together.
It's a chaotic Destiny that eventually become one of the most beautiful mess.
Porsche is someone that had to become the main pillar of his family at such a young age. a brother to feed, debts to be paid and a gambler Uncle......Nothing in life is easy for him.
A soul that craves for affection and freedom....something he never got until....
Kinn, Rich Mafia heir...cold hearted on the outside. He seems to have everything someone could possibly desire; power, money, the good looks, someone who can have anything he wishes for served on a platter.
And yet despite all that there are certain aspects he can't seem to afford : Trust, Love & Freedom.
His Mafia Responsibilities, a burden thrown at him that are synonymous to handcuffs; where death is the only way to escape.

What happens when someone who's very much Authoritative and someone who's a stubborn like no other are forced to be together ?
Chaos and misunderstandings ensures....
But despite all that there is this undeniable attraction that quickly develops
The Heart had other plans and oh WELL !!!
They start to realize they might have more in common that expected.
They slowly start to break e/o walls....Boundaries slowly getting blurred. Yet none of them dared to take the first step in accepting their feelings .
Then one particular moment changed everything. Anger, Curiosity & Confusion arose, pulling the heartstrings.
A turning point in their relationship and then the rest is history..........Off to a journey full of lust, irrevocable Love, sacrifice, Lies , dark secrets ready to be unearthed; where "TRUST" is the cornerstone of it all.

KinnPorsche has a very character centric plot….Its in entirety all about how the characters evolve from how they were initially presented to the viewers.
The Progression will keep you on edge, wanting for more and left with so many questions at the end of each single episodes.
As dark & heavy KPTS can be….the few comedic Relief here and there will leave you hollering.
This show can switch between being so serious to jocular in a matter of moments
The alternating change in the tone leaves you feeling like an emotional mess….Everything that I personally singed up for!!!

One factor that I particular for of is that there is not that deep emphasis of the characters sexuality. Its presents their sexuality as an inherent part of life.


The progression of the characters during theses 14 Eps is absolutely enthralling. No matter which Couple you are the most drawn to you surely won’t crestfallen.

Lets talk about Kinn & Porsche…..

The perversion of Porsche and the humanization of Kinn happens concurrently all along.
One of them is freed from his destined fall and fell deeply in love while the other the other fell in love but his fall from grace began.

You can witness Porsche slowly losing his morality and adapting the the cruel world he was thrown into…slowly turning into a liquidator and master the arts of manipulation.
Kinn becomes Porsche safe space. It’s the first time he can actually fully rely on someone else shoulders; grounding him with a sense of security.
Kinn on the other hand, can finally be his true-self around Porsche. Someone who can show extreme compassion. Understanding, love.
Porsche became his escape from the burden that he constantly carries around. Kinn is someone who care a lot about “his people”. Everything he does is all for his family. A priority that comes before his own desires.

To see and feel how far the both characters evolved since Ep 1 is worth very hour spent.

The acting from Mile and Apo was just Marvellous and top-notch. They embodied Kinn and Porsche all throughout
Mile & Apo made Kinn & Porsche look so convincingly in love with each other with so much sexual tension….You could feel their chemistry right thru your screen. Something very rare you could say in shows nowadays.


KPTS overall is all about morally grey characters. The show tackles an array of very sensitive topics: SA, DubCon Attempted Assault crimes, drugs, tortures and many more

I’ll quote both Mile and Apo’s words in regards to this topic

“KPTS not fashioned to meet the checkbox criteria of morality, nor does it align itself with any concrete stance of right or wrong. Viewers will find that morality really can’t [easily] be defined; The world is grey, in a sense, and they’re just human beings who go through life. The characters often justify any means to reach an end, including inexcusable actions that many viewers will no doubt condemn; in one way or another, the KinnPorsche rogues’ gallery will surely fill to an abundance. The audience nowadays have access to [a lot of information], and so they have the discretion to discern what is right or wrong. If the viewers watch our show with empathy, they of course will [learn] something because in the way we present the characters, it is the harsh reality of life, and we as human beings are not black and white. Everything is gray. It’s a mafia series, after all.”

Viewers needs to keep a very broad perspective while watching KPTS. If you watch it while trying to fit the characters in society’s moral beliefs, it will soon becomes a show really hard to digest.
The show does not condone any of the characters behaviour. It’s a representation of In good there’s evil and In evil there cab be good and viewers has to keep that strongly in mind.


The NC scenes in KPTS is not made with the intent of having sex scenes just for the sake of it. Each and very of the erotic scenes is a direst reflection of the characters feelings for each other. The erotic scenes are shot in such a beautiful an artistic way, that carries and convey a lot of emotions to the viewers.
For instance, with Kinn & Porsche dynamic, it focuses a lot of how actual sexual pleasure derives from the reciprocated feelings they have for one another. They make love because they feel wanted and desired. It is the eroticism of making someone desire you, love you to the point that everything about you affects them on a physical, emotional & spiritual level. The sex is laced with desperation, guilt, affection and anxiety of what the future holds for them. It so raw and real rooted from a space in reality.
Its simply mind-blowing how this was portrayed on screen. ART AT ITS FINEST!!


The cinematography of KPTS is just impressive and mind-altering.
The camera placement; the hight & low angle shot, The movement, the aspect ratio, SFX, lighting, mood, blocking and colour gradings were so meticulously done
Did not expect less from the cinematographer of CMBYN


The Music score was top-tier. Often times many show fail to choose the right sounds and appropriate timings . This sometimes makes scenes comes off a cringeworthy or its completely shatters the mood that was originally intended.
KPTS did and amazing job with it. The sound effects were carefully carried and chosen and never left a scene feeling dull

The OST was beautifully written to coney the perspective of both Kinn & Porsche
Free Fall gives an insight of Porsche’s POV while Phiang Waichai gives that of Kinn’s

WDYS by Jeff Satur conveys the ups and downs of a relationship and beauty of being in a relationship. While in contrast to 5 seasons which narrates about the hardships each and every character had to face when it concerned the matter of the heart


KPTS does have its plot holes here and there but its not something that deters the plot. Its not perfect with many flaws throughout
Could they have done better ? Yes
There are some questions deliberately left unanswered and its lays the foundation for a possible second season
But the beauty of this show outweighs the few downsides it had.
Its a breath of fresh where a show finally portrays that queer characters can be morally grey .

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KinnPorsche (2022) poster



  • Score: 8.0 (marqué par 41,821 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #2018
  • Popularité: #126
  • Téléspectateurs: 68,138

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